GI Path Lab Flashcards
Biopsy of reflux esophagitis
intraepithelial eosinophils and neutrophils, basal zone hyperplasia, and elongation of lamina propria papillae.
What are the major causes of reflux esophagitis?
(a) the presence of a sliding hiatal hernia is the most common; (b) heavy alcohol use; (c) heavy tobacco use; (d) increased gastric volume; (e) decreased efficacy of LES; (f) pregnancy; (g) CNS depressants; (h) hypothyroidism.
What are the major complications of reflux esophagitis?
The potential complications of severe reflux esophagitis are (a) ulcer; (b) bleeding; (c) development of stricture; (d) development of Barrett esophagus.
Presentation of a patient with adenocarcinoma due to Barrett’s esophagus?
dysphagia, weight loss, bleeding, chest pain, and vomiting.
What do heaped-up margins indicate?
Heaped-up margins around a lesion are usually a sign of tumor invasion into adjacent tissue.
What factors predispose to esophageal squamous cell carcinoma?
The most important factors are smoking and alcohol consumption. Other factors include fungal contamination of food; dietary nitrites; dietary deficiencies (vitamins A, C, and riboflavin); and longstanding esophagitis.
What is the usual location of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas?
20% occur in the upper third, 50% in the middle third, and 30% in the lower third of the esophagus.
Do chronic peptic ulcers undergo malignant transformation?
What are the complications of chronic peptic ulcers?
The complications of peptic ulcer disease are (1) bleeding; (2) perforation; (3) penetration into an adjacent viscus; (4) obstruction from edema or from scarring of the pylorus or duodenum; (5) intractable pain. Malignant transformation does not occur in duodenal ulcers and is extremely rare in gastric ulcers.
What are the causes of bowel infarction?
Bowel infarction results from ischemia of the intestines, caused either by mechanical obstruction to blood flow (eg, arterial thrombosis or embolism from the heart, volvulus, stricture) or by reduced perfusion (eg, cardiac failure, shock).
What other endocrine syndromes may occur with carcinoid tumors?
Because of their neuroendocrine origin, carcinoids may elaborate a variety of hormones, including gastrin, insulin, and ACTH. The corresponding syndromes are Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, insulinoma, and Cushing syndrome, respectively.
What is the 5-year survival rate for early gastric carcinoma?
Ninety to 95%, following surgical resection.
What histologic feature is seen in Crohn disease that is not seen in ulcerative colitis?
Granulomas and transmural inflammation in the resected specimen.
What is the 5-year survival rate for advanced gastric carcinoma?
Less than 5%.
Why are the lesions in ulcerative colitis called pseudopolyps?