GI Medicine Flashcards
Staph. aureus: enterotoxin from food Vomiting shortly after consumption Bacillus cereus: reheated rice Vomiting later, 1-2h hx
Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter Lower abdo pain + diarrhoea
Baby, 3-6 weeks old, projectile vomiting Palpable mass in epigastrium, succession splash
Pyloric Stenosis
Burns, haematemesis
Curling’s Ulcer
Sepsis, IC lesion, organ failure, haematemesis
Cushing’s Ulcer
Gastrin-secreting tumour
Recurrent ulceration, high serum gastrin
Zollinger Ellison
Massive haematemesis, macrocytic anaemia, Hx of alcoholism
Oesophageal Varices
Short hx of change in bowel habit Tenesmus and mucus
Rectal Carcinoma
Reduced food intake, low fibre diet, lack of exercise/mobility, elderly
Simple Constipation
Constipation due to pain
Anal Fissure
Young, constipated, distended abdomen
Hx of broad-spec abx, green diarrhoea
C Diff
Visit to Eastern Europe/Russia
Pale stool, foul flatus, watery diarrhoea
Prev hx. of chronic constipation
Diarrhoea, recently started OCP, diet controlled
Lactose Intolerance
Bloody diarrhoea + intense abdo pain
Ischaemic Colitis
Loose stool, weight loss, hypopigmentation, onycholysis
Worse epigastric pain on meals/EtOH
Chronic Pancreatitis
Rapidly progressive dysphagia, weight loss, hypoproteinaemia
Apple core lesion on barium swallow
Oesophageal Carcinoma
Progressive difficulty with speech/ swallowing
Weak facial muscles, absent jaw jerk
Bulbar Palsy
Weight loss + anorexia + iron deficiency Signet-ring cells, leather bottle stomach
Generalised ulceration of oesophagus
Oesophageal Candidiasis
Infiltration of atypical lymphocytes Thickened folds
MALT lymphoma
Slit-like vascular spaces Proliferating spindle cells Purple, plaque-like lesions
Kaposi’s Sarcoma