GI / liver - physiology / pathophysiology / Nutrition Flashcards
General causes of abdominal pain
Distention of a hollow viscus or organ capsule
Inflammation secondary to a variety of causes
If left untreated any of these causes can result in necrosis of tissue and loss of function
Examples of causes of abdominal pain based on signalment
Old intact male - painful prostate
Intact female with pyometra - uterine rupture and secondary septic peritonitis
Young adult GSD - EPI - predisposed to mesenteric volvulus
Cats - string foreign bodies
Middle-aged, obese female dogs - acute pancreatitis
What is a more sensitive indicator of acute blood loss in dogs, PCV or TP?
TS due to splenic contraction increasing PCV
Most common causes of hemorrhage in dogs with acute conditions of the abdomen?
Splenic rupture (normally secondary to neoplasia)
Severe hemorrhage (from GI ulceration)
Most common causes of hemoabdomen in cats
Nonneoplastic conditions - 54%
Abdominal neoplasia - 46%
Why is BG increased in dogs with extreme hypovolemia?
- Rarely more than 200mg/dL
- Suspected due to the effects of the catecholamines on glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Why can BG be increased in cats?
- Stress
- Diabetes
How low the BG levels are normally with sepsis?
Between the 40-60mg/dL range
Hypoadrenocorticism may also be a cause of hypoglycemia
How many PLT per oil immersion field in normal dogs?
8 to 15 PLT
Each PLT in a monolayer = 15K PLT /uL
If there are >2-3 PLT per field, unlikely the bleeding is strictly from thrombocytopenia
Signs of RBC morphology changes on smear
- Anisocytosis, macrocytosis and polychromatic -> regeneration
- Schistocytes or fragments of RBCs -> suggests DIC
- Heinz bodies -> often seen in systemically ill cats
T/F - The absence of leukocytosis or a L shift rules out an inflammatory or infectious process
False - leukopenia can be due to decreased production or sequestration of WBCs, a viral infection like parvovirus or the use of immunosuppressive drugs.
Assessment of retroperitoneal space in xray
Loss of detail of the kidneys, a “streaky” appearance, or dissension of the retroperitoneal space suggests fluid accumulation, a space-occupying mass or sublumbar lymphadenopathy.
Where is free gas most commonly detected and which xray view is best to detect it
Between the stomach / liver and the diaphragm on the lateral radiography.
A horizontal beam with the patient in left lateral recumbency and focused on the non-dependent area can increase sensitivity for identifying free gas
Causes of large volume of free gas in peritoneum
Pneumocystography of ruptured bladder
Ruptured vagina
Recent abdominal surgery
Ruptured GDV
Extension of pneumomediastinum - most often associated with pneumoretroperitoneum, but pneumoperitoneum can happen in rare occasions
Causes of small free gas in peritoneal space
GI rupture
Infection with gas-forming organism
Gas in GB wall, liver or spleen - most often Clostridia spp.
Xray - measurements to suspect GI obstruction in dogs and cats
- Normal SI diameter - 2-3 x width of a rib, or less than the width of an intercostal space
- All small bowel loops should have same diameter
- Abnormal for one segment to be >50% larger than other portions
- SI should not exceed twice the height of the central portion of L4 vertebral body
- Or should not be > 12mm
What can happen if we give barium and there is a GI perforation?
Severe intraperitoneal inflammation and granuloma formation - problem can be minimized if abdominal surgery w/ peritoneal lavage is done immediately.
Upper GI contrast w/ barium not contraindicated to dx GI perforation, as surgery is the treatment.
Causes of loss of abdominal detail on plain abdominal radiographs
Lack of fat in abdomen (puppies vs very thin animal)
Free abdominal fluid
Large mass
If we suspect free abdominal fluid but cannot be obtained, what else can we do?
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
What can we measure in ff based in different suspicions of conditions?
- Creatinine + K if we suspect urinary tract leakage
- Glucose / lactate - septic abdomen (glucose > 20mg/dL compared to blood, and lactate > 2mmol/L compared to blood, both 100% sensitive and specific for dx of septic abdomen in DOGS)
- Bilirubin - bile peritonitis
Pure transudate
TP <2.5g/dL
Cell count < 500 cells / uL
Common causes of pure transudate in abdomen: hypoalbuminemia and portal venous obstruction
Modified transudate
Serous to serosanguinous
TP 2.5-5g/dL
Cell count 300 - 5500 cells / uL
Causes: passive congestion of liver and viscera and impaired lymphatic drainage - R sided CHF, dirofilariasis, neoplasia and liver dz.
TP > 3g/dL
Cell count > 5000-7000 cells / uL
Predominant type cell is neutrophil
Can be septic or non septic
If septic - intra and extracellular bacteria
Indications of immediate abdominal surgery
Abdominal wall perforation
Septic peritonitis
Persistent abdominal hemorrhage
Intestinal obstruction
Intestinal FB causing pain / obstruction
Free abdominal gas (not associated with previous sx, pneumomediastinum or invasive procedures)
Abdominal abscess
Ischemic bowel
Mesenteric volvulus
Bile peritonitis