GI / liver - physiology / pathophysiology / Nutrition Flashcards


General causes of abdominal pain


Distention of a hollow viscus or organ capsule
Inflammation secondary to a variety of causes

If left untreated any of these causes can result in necrosis of tissue and loss of function

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Examples of causes of abdominal pain based on signalment


Old intact male - painful prostate
Intact female with pyometra - uterine rupture and secondary septic peritonitis
Young adult GSD - EPI - predisposed to mesenteric volvulus
Cats - string foreign bodies
Middle-aged, obese female dogs - acute pancreatitis

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What is a more sensitive indicator of acute blood loss in dogs, PCV or TP?


TS due to splenic contraction increasing PCV

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Most common causes of hemorrhage in dogs with acute conditions of the abdomen?


Splenic rupture (normally secondary to neoplasia)
Severe hemorrhage (from GI ulceration)

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Most common causes of hemoabdomen in cats


Nonneoplastic conditions - 54%
Abdominal neoplasia - 46%

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Why is BG increased in dogs with extreme hypovolemia?

  • Rarely more than 200mg/dL
  • Suspected due to the effects of the catecholamines on glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
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Why can BG be increased in cats?

  • Stress
  • Diabetes
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How low the BG levels are normally with sepsis?


Between the 40-60mg/dL range
Hypoadrenocorticism may also be a cause of hypoglycemia

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How many PLT per oil immersion field in normal dogs?


8 to 15 PLT
Each PLT in a monolayer = 15K PLT /uL
If there are >2-3 PLT per field, unlikely the bleeding is strictly from thrombocytopenia

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Signs of RBC morphology changes on smear

  • Anisocytosis, macrocytosis and polychromatic -> regeneration
  • Schistocytes or fragments of RBCs -> suggests DIC
  • Heinz bodies -> often seen in systemically ill cats
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T/F - The absence of leukocytosis or a L shift rules out an inflammatory or infectious process


False - leukopenia can be due to decreased production or sequestration of WBCs, a viral infection like parvovirus or the use of immunosuppressive drugs.

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Assessment of retroperitoneal space in xray


Loss of detail of the kidneys, a “streaky” appearance, or dissension of the retroperitoneal space suggests fluid accumulation, a space-occupying mass or sublumbar lymphadenopathy.

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Where is free gas most commonly detected and which xray view is best to detect it


Between the stomach / liver and the diaphragm on the lateral radiography.
A horizontal beam with the patient in left lateral recumbency and focused on the non-dependent area can increase sensitivity for identifying free gas

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Causes of large volume of free gas in peritoneum


Pneumocystography of ruptured bladder
Ruptured vagina
Recent abdominal surgery
Ruptured GDV
Extension of pneumomediastinum - most often associated with pneumoretroperitoneum, but pneumoperitoneum can happen in rare occasions

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Causes of small free gas in peritoneal space


GI rupture
Infection with gas-forming organism
Gas in GB wall, liver or spleen - most often Clostridia spp.

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Xray - measurements to suspect GI obstruction in dogs and cats


- Normal SI diameter - 2-3 x width of a rib, or less than the width of an intercostal space
- All small bowel loops should have same diameter
- Abnormal for one segment to be >50% larger than other portions

- SI should not exceed twice the height of the central portion of L4 vertebral body
- Or should not be > 12mm

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What can happen if we give barium and there is a GI perforation?


Severe intraperitoneal inflammation and granuloma formation - problem can be minimized if abdominal surgery w/ peritoneal lavage is done immediately.

Upper GI contrast w/ barium not contraindicated to dx GI perforation, as surgery is the treatment.

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Causes of loss of abdominal detail on plain abdominal radiographs


Lack of fat in abdomen (puppies vs very thin animal)
Free abdominal fluid
Large mass

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If we suspect free abdominal fluid but cannot be obtained, what else can we do?


Diagnostic peritoneal lavage

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What can we measure in ff based in different suspicions of conditions?

  • Creatinine + K if we suspect urinary tract leakage
  • Glucose / lactate - septic abdomen (glucose > 20mg/dL compared to blood, and lactate > 2mmol/L compared to blood, both 100% sensitive and specific for dx of septic abdomen in DOGS)
  • Bilirubin - bile peritonitis
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Pure transudate


TP <2.5g/dL
Cell count < 500 cells / uL
Common causes of pure transudate in abdomen: hypoalbuminemia and portal venous obstruction

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Modified transudate


Serous to serosanguinous
TP 2.5-5g/dL
Cell count 300 - 5500 cells / uL
Causes: passive congestion of liver and viscera and impaired lymphatic drainage - R sided CHF, dirofilariasis, neoplasia and liver dz.

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TP > 3g/dL
Cell count > 5000-7000 cells / uL
Predominant type cell is neutrophil
Can be septic or non septic
If septic - intra and extracellular bacteria

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Indications of immediate abdominal surgery


Abdominal wall perforation
Septic peritonitis
Persistent abdominal hemorrhage
Intestinal obstruction
Intestinal FB causing pain / obstruction
Free abdominal gas (not associated with previous sx, pneumomediastinum or invasive procedures)
Abdominal abscess
Ischemic bowel
Mesenteric volvulus
Bile peritonitis

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How severe can pancreatitis be?
From mild and self-limiting to severe fulminant disease with extensive necrosis, systemic inflammation and/or sepsis, multi organ failure and death
Other complications in moderately severe (MSAP) and severe acute pancreatitis (SAP)?
May include local complications - acute peri pancreatic fluid collection, acute necrotic collection, pancreatic pseudocyst, or walled-off necrosis
Is there a veterinary accepted classification for pancreatitis?
Most cases of acute pancreatitis in humans are due to? And in dogs and cats?
Alcohol exposure or biliary calculi Idiopathic
Pancreatitis pathophysiology
Involves intrapancreatic activation of digestive enzymes with resultant pancreatic auto digestion: - Initial events within the acing cell -> abnormal fusion of normally segregated lysosomes with zymogen granules (inactive forms of pancreatic enzymes) - That leads to premature activation of trypsinogen to trypsin (may involve changes in signal transduction, intracellular pH and increases in intracellular iCa) - Trypsin in then activates other proenzymes - sets a cascade of local and systemic effects that are responsible for the clinical manifestations of AP. - Local ischemia, phospholipase A2 and ROS -> disrupt cell membranes -> pancreatic hemorrhage and necrosis, increased capillary permeability and initiation of arachidonic acid cascade - Elastase can cause increased vascular permeability -> degrades elastin in vessel walls. - Phospholipase A2 degrades surfactant -> promotes development of pulmonary edema, ALI, ARDS. - Trypsin may activate the complement cascade -> influx of inflammatory cells and production of cytokines and more ROS. - Trypsin can activate the kallikrein-Kinin system -> results in vasodilation, hypotension and possible AKI - Trypsin can activate the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways -> microvascular thromboses and DIC. - Local inflammation and increased vascular permeability -> may cause massive fluid losses -> compromises perfusion -> further inflammation -> vicious cycle that ends in SIRS and MODS.
What patients are at increased risk to develop fatal SAP? And which breeds?
Dogs middle age or older Overweight Hx of prior or recurrent GI disturbances Hx of concurrent endocrinopathies (hypothyroidism, Cushing's, DM) Yorkies, Mini Schnauzers and other terrier breeds
What are common clinical findings in cats with AP?
Lethargy, anorexia and dehydration. Vomiting and abdominal pain is less common than in dogs. Icterus and pallor often noted.
Concurrent dz in cats w/ pancreatitis?
Hepatic lipidosis IBD Interstitial nephritis or other kidney dz DM Cholangitis / cholangiohepatitis
What are signs of systemic complications that dogs and cats might present with MSAP?
Dyspnea, bleeding disorders, arrhythmias, oliguria, shock and collapse
T/F - The absence of specific findings in any diagnostic test rules out the possibility of acute pancreatitis
Initial hemogram - potential RBCs changes in AP?
Ht and RBCs might be normal Anemia can be seen, especially in cats Increased Ht reflecting hemoconcentration and dehydration - in humans: associated with more severe disease.
Why can hepatic enzymes and Tbil be increased in AP?
May reflect some ischemic and/or toxic hepatocellular injury or concurrent hepatobiliary disease.
Calcium and pancreatitis
- Hypercalcemia has been reported in some dogs with AP - Mild to moderate hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia are not uncommon - suspected as a result of pancreatic and peri pancreatic fat saponification (multiple mechanisms proposed) - Ionized hypocalcemia appears to be common in cats with AP - associated with poorer outcome.
Are increased activities of serum lipase and amylase useful to dx pancreatitis?
No. Elevations may occur also from extra pancreatic sources (azotemia, glucocorticoid administration). Often WNL in animals with confirmed pancreatitis, particularly cats.
TLI and pancreatitis
Elevations in trypsin-like immunoreactivity - may suggest pancreatitis, but can also occur with azotemia and with GI disease in cats. TLI might be normal in some patients with AP. Might have some clinical utility in cats if combined with imaging, but not considered useful in dogs.
Pancreatic elastase-1 (cPE-1) in pancreatitis
- Elevations demonstrated in dogs with AP. - May be useful for dx of SAP, but not for mild AP. - Further evaluation needed
Species-specific pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (fPLI, cPLI) and pancreatitis
- Data suggests PLI is sensitive and specific for AP in spontaneous cases of AP in both species. - Does not appear to be affected by renal disease or steroids administration. - PLI currently the most useful marker available for dx of AP.
Radiographic signs of pancreatitis
- Increased density and loss of detail in the right cranial abdomen - Displacement of the descending duodenum to the right with widening of the angle between the proximal duodenum and the pylorus - Caudal displacement of transverse colon - Gastric distension and static gas pattern - suggestive of ileum. Cats: nonspecific - decreased peritoneal detail most commonly. Hepatomegaly, mass effect in cranial abdomen and SI dilation have been reported.
US for pancreatitis
- Useful to monitor progression - Pancreas may appear enlarged and hypoechoic - suggestive of edema / necrosis - Pancreatic duct dilation, thromboses and organ infarcts may also be detected. - FNA of pancreatic necrosis done routinely in humans to identify infected pancreatic necrosis.
Is CT sensitive to dx pancreatitis?
- In humans contrast enhanced CT is gold standard - Preliminary data suggests not very sensitive for dx of AP in cats.
Is pancreatic FNA useful to diagnose pancreatitis?
No. Is more valuable to evaluate local complications, infected necrosis and to monitor disease progression than to diagnose AP per se.
Does histopathological findings on pancreas correlate with clinical severity?
Additional dx for pancreatitis
- UA - U culture and susceptibility - Chest xray - Venous / ABG - Lactate and iCa - Coagulation profile - coagulation abnormalities reflecting DIC and thromboses appear to be common in dogs and cats with SAP. - If fluid accumulation (wherever) - fluid analysis, cytology and culture. Serial cytologies might be useful to monitor disease progression. - Recent studies - elevated cPLI and lipase activity in peritoneal fluid may support a diagnosis of AP in dogs.
Human pancreatitis-specific scoring systems?
- Ranson's Criteria - The Glasgow (Imrie) score - Balthazar's CT index - Bedside Index for Severity in AP (BISAP) - Harmless AP Score (HAPS)
Most promising human biomarkers evaluated in pancreatitis
- Trypsinogen activation peptides (TAP) - Carboxypeptidase - C-reactive protein (CRP) - IL 6, IL 8 - Neutrophil elastase CRP currently the best established and most widely available marker for predicting severity.
Markers for pancreatitis in dogs?
Increases in CRP and urinary TAP-to-creatinine ratio have been demonstrated in dogs with spontaneous AP - further evaluation needed.
Treatment of pancreatitis (general guidelines)
- Elimination of any potential underlying cause - Early aggressive intervention against systemic complications - Symptomatic and supportive therapy 1) Resuscitation, fluid therapy and monitoring 2) Pain management 3) Nutrition 4) Additional and supportive therapy 5) +/- antibiotic therapy 6) Surgery?
Have the type and rate of fluid admin been assessed in veterinary medicine for patients with AP?
No. In humans, a study suggested resuscitation with LRS reduced systemic inflammation at 24h when compared with normal saline - no differences in outcomes tho.
Fluids for pancreatitis patients
- Maintenance fluid requirements might be pretty high due to massive ongoing losses (vomiting, third space into peritoneum, GI tract and interstitial) - Assess lytes - K supplementation usually needed. - Concurrent use of a synthetic colloid is often necessary for patients with SAP
Patients with pancreatitis and hypocalcemia, when should calcium be supplemented?
Only if signs of tetany are observed, because of the potential for exacerbation of free radical production and cellular injury
Pancreatitis and pressors
- Patients that are hypotensive despite adequate volume replacement will need pressors. - In experimental feline models of AP - low-dose dopamine (5mcg/kg/min) showed to reduce the degree of pancreatic inflammation by decreasing microvascular permeability - further research.
FFP and pancreatitis
- Usually advocated as a source of alpha2-macroglobulins (important protease inhibitors that help clear activated circulating proteases) - Studies in human - no improvement in morbidity or outcome with the use of plasma. - Retrospective study in dogs - no benefit. - May be indicated to treat coagulopathies, including DIC.
Pain management in pancreatitis
- Aggressive analgesia indicated in all patients, even the ones that do not show pain. - Will help decrease levels of stress hormones, improve ventilation and improve GI motility if ileus is in part due to pain. - Systemic opioids main therapy. - Can be supplemented with low-dose ketamine or lidocaine. - Low-dose lidocaine - promotility effects - can be beneficial if severe ileum. - Epidural and intraperitoneal analgesia can be used in select patients. - NSAIDs - not recommended unless patient is hemodynamically stable, non azotemic and well perfused.
Nutrition and pancreatitis
- Ideally early enteral nutrition - within 24h of hospitalization, especially with MSAP and SAP. - Improves gut mucosal structure and function and decreases bacterial translocation - attenuating stimuli for propagation of SIRS. - Enteral: less complications than parenteral (infection, decreased risk of MODS, decreased mortality rates, less expense, shorter hospitalization) - Jejunostomy tube - bypasses the pancreas - not sure how exocrine pancreatic function is altered (is it beneficial to bypass?), requires general anesthesia - other routes chosen. - Nasogastric / esophagostomy tubes - especially in cats with risk of hepatic lipidosis - If patient has severe ileus or vomiting - tickle feeding - Supplemental total or partial PN should be considered if nutritional requirements cannot be met with enteral nutrition alone. - Ideal composition unknown - recommended supplementation with glutamine. - Cats, especially those with concurrent GI tract dz - Vet B12 supplementation - Avoid overfeeding. - Early enteral nutrition also recommended for mild AP.
Additional therapies in pancreatitis
- Might not influence outcome but help with patient comfort - GI protectants - Thermal support - Physical therapy - Antiemetics and prokinetics useful for patients that vomit and with ileus - Dopaminergic antagonists (metoclopramide) may be less effective or should be avoided. - Intermittent NG decompression can help with severe ileus. - Treatment of concurrent dz (DKA, DM)
Antibiotics and pancreatitis
- Prophylactic not recommended in most cases -> risk of inducing resistant bacterial strains and fungal infections. - In vet medicine incidence of pancreatic / peri pancreatic infection unknown (humans about 30%). - Empiric antibiotic therapy might be reasonable for patients that do not respond to other therapy, or for those that respond but then deteriorate - monitor serial US and FNA of pancreatic areas to look for signs of infection. - Development of infection in urinary tract / respiratory tract can occur.
Is surgery indicated in AP cases?
- Surgery is not indicated in most cases involving sterile pancreatic necrosis - Debridement and/or drainage is indicated in patients with infected necrosis - Surgery also recommended if extra hepatic biliary obstruction is present (EHBO), and those who continue to deteriorate despite aggressive medical therapy.
Outcome in pancreatitis patients?
- Patients that survive might be normal, or continue to have episodic flare-ups. - Those that relapse - monitor for pancreatic pseudocysts, walled-off necrosis or EHBO - Some patients might develop DM, chronic pancreatitis and/or EPI.
What are the 2 main histological types of cholecystitis in dogs and cats?
Neutrophilic and lymphoplasmacytic, follicular cholecystitis
Describe patient signalment for cholecystitis
Any age, breed or sex. Shetland Sheepdogs are predisposed to gallbladder disorders, and mucocele in particular. Cocker Spaniels also. No mention of Terriers¿?
Cholecystitis - clinical signs
Very nonspecific - anorexia, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea.
Cholecystitis - common BW abnormalities
Hematology: inflammatory leukogram - leukocytosis and neutrophilic Biochemistry: Increased ALT, AST, ALP and GGT. If biliary obstruction / cholestasis - increases in cholesterol and bilirubin AUS is recommended based on clinical findings
General causes of cholecystitis in dogs and cats
Infectious - bacteria, parasites Obstruction GB mucocele GB infarction
What are the most common bacteria isolated from dogs and cats with cholecystitis
Typically from enteric origin: E. coli Enterococcus app. Bacteroides spp. Clostridium spp.
Pathogenesis of bacterial cholecystitis
- Underlying cause of bacterial infection in the bile is unknown. - Bacterial colonization of bile may occur via reflux of duodenal bacteria or by hematogenous spread through the portal vasculature. - Presence within the bile of bacteria + increased biliary pressure due to obstructive process leads to infection of bile and cholecystitis.
AUS findings with cholecystitis
- Hyper or hypo echoic thickening of the GB wall - Distention of the GB and/or cystic duct - Echogenic bile - Presence of gas within the lumen or wall of the GB - emphysematous cholecystitis -> gas producing bacteria - E. coli and Clostridium spp.
Necrotizing cholecysttis
3 types: - Type I - areas of necrosis w/o GB rupture - Type II - acute inflammation w/ rupture - Type III - chronic inflammation with adhesions and/or fistulae to adjacent organs. Majority of dogs w/ necrotizing CC have had bacterial infection, although it can occur without infection, secondary to GB mucocele.
GB rupture
- Prompt surgical intervention - Imaging: ff within the GB fossa or generalized through the abdomen, echogenic reaction in the pericholecystic region. Decreased peritoneal detail on abdominal radiographs. - Effusion: bilirubin >2x serum bilirubin - bile peritonitis. - High preoperative mortality, overall long-term survival 61% to 82% for dogs w/ bacterial cholecystitis undergoing surgery.
Medical management of cholecystitis
- Antimicriobial selection based on culture and susceptibility of bile - Empiric - directed at aerobic and anaerobic enteric flora.
Parasitic cholecystitis
- Most common in cats, rarely in dogs - Most common feline parasites - Platynosomum continuum and Amphimerus pseudofelineus - Both similar life cycle: eggs ingested by a land snail -> second intermediate host (fish/arthropod) - cats ingest the second intermediate host. - Adult worms develop in GB or bile ducts - various degrees of illness, from asymptomatic to complete bile duct obstruction. - Tx: praziquantel - Grave prognosis for severe infestations, not reported long-term survival
Timeline of events when there is a GB obstruction
- Any obstruction to bile flow from the GB will lead to cholecystitis - Complete EHBDO -> dilation of GB and cystic duct within 24h, and dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts within 5 to 7 days.
Hepatic changes with chronic GB obstruction
- Hepatocyte necrosis - Cholangitis - Periportal fibrosis
Potential causes of EHBDO
Choleliths and GB obstruction
- Uncommonly associated with cholecystitis in dogs and cats - Can cause cholecystitis by mechanical trauma or duct obstruction. - Can develop secondary to cholecystitis - increased mucus production and decreased GB motility, associated with inflammation, may promote cholelith formation. - Mainly composed of calcium carbonate and bilirubin pigments (vs cholesterol stones in humans). - Radiopaque choleliths - only in 48% of dogs and 83% cats with symptomatic cholecystitis - AUS preferred imaging modality to identify choleliths.
When is surgery indicated with choleliths?
- It might be an incidental finding, but if there is concurrent presence of bile duct dissension and/or clinical signs and clinicopathologic evidence of cholecystitis. - Cholecystectomy is the treatment of choice. - Samples of liver, GB and bile should be obtained for histopathology, cytology and culture (anaerobic and aerobic).
Prognosis for cholecystectomy associated with choleliths in dogs and cats
- Depends on the absence or presence of concurrent disease, bacterial infection and/or GB rupture. - Reported long-term survival after surgery: 78% cats, 41% for dogs.
Pathophysiology of GB mucocele
- Accumulation of thick, mucin-laden bile within the GB and bile ducts, leading to different degrees of obstruction to bile flow. - Progressive dissension of the GB can lead to ischemic necrosis of the walk and resultant GB rupture. - It is thought to be the result from a combination of increased mucin production and decreased GB motility.
Signalment and genetic components of GB mucocele
- Middle age to older (median age of 9 to 11 years) dogs, but younger as 3 years old have been reported. - Shetland Sheepdogs, Cocker Spaniels and Miniature Schnauzers appears to be at increased risk. - Shetland Sheepdogs and other breeds -> insertion mutation on the ABCB4 gene (encodes for a protein that translocates phosphatidylcholine from hepatocyte to biliary canal) has been associated with mucocele formation.
Conditions associated /increased risk for GB mucocele
- Dyslipidemias - Glucocorticoids excess - Cushing's dogs significantly increased risk.
Biochemistry changes associated with GB mucocele
- Increased ALT, AST, GGT and ALP - Hypercholesterolemia - Hyperbilirubinemia
AUS and GB mucocele
- Echogenic, non mobile material fills the distended GB in either a stellate (kiwi) or finely striated pattern, often with a hypo echoic rim along the wall. - Non pathologic bile sludge - moves when changing patient's position - not with a mucocele. - Fluid in GB fossa, generalized or echogenic reaction in the pericholecystic region suggests possible GB rupture.
Is bacterial infection common in patients with GB mucocele?
No. It has been reported in <10% of the cases, with the exception of positive aerobic cultures in 6/9 cases in one study.
Preferred treatment for GB mucocele
- Cholecystectomy. - Cholecystotomy not recommended - underlying cause of mucocele formation is not removed and there might be areas of GB wall necrosis, even in the absence of GB rupture. - Common bile duct must be catheterized to be sure it is patent. - Excised GB has to be sent to histopathology, anaerobic and anaerobic culture.Liver biopsies are recommended to assess underlying disease.
Medical management of GB mucocele
- It can be considered in asymptomatic dogs - Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) - choleresis, immunomodulatory properties, may decrease mucin secretion and may improve GB motility. 10-15mg/kg PO q12-24h. - S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) - hepatoprotective effects - glutathione precursor and antioxidant, and may have choleretic effects. Given on an empty stomach for better absorption, 20-40mg/kg PO q24h. - Antibiotics - aimed at enteric flora to treat potential cholangitis, although bacterial infection is uncommon. - Medical management assumes a risk of necrotizing cholecystitis and GB rupture, should only be undertaken under close monitoring and client communication.
Prognosis of GB mucocele
- Guarded - With medical management - unknown - With surgery - high perioperative mortality of 20% to 40%. - Dogs surviving the immediate postoperative period appear to have good long-term survival. - Septic bile peritonitis worse prognosis than sterile bile peritonitis.
GB infarction
- Uncommon condition - described in a small group of 12 dogs. - Can mimic cholecystitis and result in GB rupture - Diagnosis confirmed on histopathology post surgery. - Clinical signs and clinicopathological changes same as cholecystitis / GB obst. / rupture. - GB rupture present in 50% of the cases - Bacterial infection documented in 25% of cases - enteric organisms (E. coli and Clostridium). Postoperative survival rate of 67% - Thrombi identified in artery supplying the GB, evidence of distant thrombosis of the spleen - suspected hyper coagulable state - one dog was treated for Cushing's and another one for hypothyroidism.
What is the function of the interstitial cells of Cajal
they act as electrical pacemaker of the smooth muscle cells in the GI. They generate the slow wave activity in the GI.
Difference between spike potentials in the smooth muscle compared to nerve fibers
i. Due to calcium-sodium channels as opposed to the sodium channels of nerves ii. Slower to open-close, accounting for the longer duration of its action potential
List Factors resulting in depolarization of the membrane of GI smooth muscle cells
1. Stretching of the muscle 2. Stimulation by Ach or the parasympathetic nerves that secrete Ach. 3. Stimulation by various GI hormones
List Factors resulting in hyperpolarization of the membrane of GI smooth muscle cells
1. NE and epinephrine 2. Stimulation of the sympathetic nerves that secrete these catecholamines
What are the two plexuses of the enteric nervous system and their functions
1. Myenteric plexus (Auerbach's plexus)- found between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers and is mostly responsible for GI movements * When stimulated causes: a. Increased tonic contraction of the gut wall b. Increased intensity of the rhythmical contractions c. Increased rate of the rhythm of contraction d. Increased rate of velocity of conduction of excitatory waves along the gut wall, causing more rapid movement of the peristaltic waves * Also releases inhibitory substances that inhibit the sphincter muscles that impede the movement of food (pyloric sphincter, ileocecal valve sphincter, lower esophageal sphicter) 2. Submucosal plexus (Meissner plexus)- lies in the submucosa * control Intestinal secretion, absorption, and local contraction of the submucosa muscle.
"The Parasympathetic innervation of the GI tract is Divided into: a. ___________division is via the ________ nerve and provide innervation to the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, and down to the proximal large intestine. b. The _________division is via the _______ nerve and innervates the distal half of the large intestine"
Cranial division --> vagus Sacral division --> pelvic nerve
Give examples of reflexes from the gut to the spinal cord or brainstem and then back to the GI tract.
a. Vagus nerve control of gastric motor and secretory function b. Pain reflexes which inhibit the GI tract c. Reflexes that result in muscle contraction to facilitate defecation
Fill the table for GI hormones/ stimuli for secretion / site of secretion / actions *gastrin * cholecystokinin * secretin * gastric inhibitory peptide * motilin
List mechanisms of increased blood flow in the GI tract
a. Release of vasodilator substances i. Cholecystokinin ii. VIP iii. Gastrin iv. Secretin b. Release of kinins from the gut wall i. Bradykinin ii. Kallidin c. Decreased oxygen concentration i. Secondary to an increased metabolic rate and may result in the release of adenosin, a well-known vasodilator
T/F - The venous and arterial blood flow in the villi is in opposite directions and the arteries and veins are in close approximation. Most of the arterioler oxygen diffuses directly into the venules without reaching the tip of the villus. Conditions that result in diminished blood flow to the gut (hypotension) can result in ischemic death of the villus tip and a greatly diminished GI absorptive capacity.
_______ predominately stimulate the release of hormones that inhibit gastric flow and allow the _______, which normally is slowly digested, to be digested
Fats Fat
______ is released in response to the presence of fats in the chyme. This hormone inhibitis gastric emptyng and is released from the mucosa of the _______ and __________ in response to fat and proteins in the chyme
CCK Duodenum and jejunum
Gastrin, CCK, insulin, and serotonin stimulate motility whereas _____________and __________ inhibit it.
secretin and glucagon
what is the migrating motor complex
Occurs hours after a meal or during the fasting state and recurs approximately every 90 minutes. The migrating complex causes peristaltic waves to “sweep” from the stomach down towards the colon, removing any gastric secretions or chyme
Explain the dual effect of sympathetic stimulation in the GI tract
If acting by itself, stimulation usually causes a very mild increase in secretion. However, if parasympathetic stimulation is causing the release of copious amount of secretions, sympathetic stimulation will decrease secretion secondary to the diminished blood flow to the glands
T/F - Saliva is rich in bicarbonate and potassium and low in sodium and chloride
peptic (or chief) cells secrete ______________
parietal (or oxyntic) cells secrete:
HCl and intrinsic factor
The stomach mucosa has two main types of tubular glands:__________- what do they secrete?
1. gastric (oxyntic) acid-forming glands --> 1. Secrete hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen, intrinsic factor, and mucus 2. Pyloric glands --> 1. Secrete mucus, some pepsinogen, and most importantly, gastrin.
T/F pepsinogen is secreted as an inactive molecule which becomes activated when in the presence of hydrochloric acid
What is the function of the intrinsic factor, where is produced and what happens when is not produced?
1. Secreted by the parietal cells with hydrochloric acid 2. Necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12 in the ileum 3. Failure to secrete intrinsic factor can result in pernicious anemia, failure of RBC maturation in the absence of Vit B12 stimulation of the bone marrow
List 3 factors that stimulate gastric secretion
Ach gastrin histamine
Both the vagus nerve and local reflexes, in addition to causing direct secretion of hydrocholric acid, also cause the release of gastrin. Secreted by ____________ in the pyloric glands
gastrin cells (G cells)
T/F When the actions of histamine are blocked, the effectiveness of gastrin and Ach in stimulating acid secretion is unchanged
FALSE - they are greatly diminished
The gastrin mechanism for secreting hydrochloric acid becomes blocked when the pH falls to below:________. Why?
<3 1. High acidity stimulates release of somatostatine from delta cells, which in turn, depresses gastrin secretion by G cells 2. Acid causes an inhibitory nervous reflex that inhibits gastrin secretion
The cephalic phase of gastric secretion Is mediated by the _______nerve, and accounts for___% of the gastric secretion durnig a meal
Vagus nerve 30%
What is the enterogastric reflex
Inhibits gastric secretion --> Initiated by distention of the small bowel, presence of acid, presence of protein breakdown products, or irritation of the mucosa.
Mention two important hormones that participate in inhibition of gastric secretions
secretin glucose-dependend insulinotropic peptide (GIP) Others --> VIP, somatostatin
List the pancreatic enzymes and their main action
Trypsin and chymotrypsin --> split proteins into peptides Carboxypolypeptidase --> splits peptides into AA components Pancreatic amylase --> hydrolyzes starches, glycogen --> forms disaccharides pancreatic Lipase --> digests fats into fatty acids and monoglycerides Phospholipase --> splits fatty acids from phospholipids cholesterol esterase --> hydrolysis of cholesterol esters
Trypsinogen is activated by the enzyme
pancreatic secretion is stimulated by which hormones:
1. Ach- released from the vagus nerve endings and nerve endings of the enteric nervous system 2. Cholecystokinin- secreted by duodenal and upper jejunal mucosa in response to the presence of food 3. Secretin- secreted by the duodenal and jejunal mucosa in response to acidic chyme
This enzyme is necessary to protect the duodenal mucosa and to provide an appropriate pH for the activity of the digestive enzymes (neutral to slightly alkaline)
List main functions of Bile salts
*Emulsification of fat so lipases release by pancreas can digest fat * Transport and absorption of digested fat end products to and through the intestinal mucosal membrane * Waste product removal --> mainly billirubim and excess cholesterol synthesized by the liver
This enzyme released from I cells mainly in response to fatty foods, causes contraction of the gallbladder and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi, that guards the exit of the bile duct into the duodenum
The precursor of bile salts is __________, which is converted into various bile acids.
Approximately____% of the bile salts are reabsorbed by the intestines and taken up by the hepatic sinusoids from the portal blood.
T/F Brunner glands secrete alkaline mucus in the small intestine
TRUE - they secrete mucus in large amounts in response to secretin, parasympathetic stimulation, and tactile/irritating stiimuli.
What is the function of the crypts of Lieberkuhn?
Secretion of the intestinal digestive juices
The crypts of lieberkuhn and the intestinal villi are covered by an epithelium composed of these two main cell types:
Gobblet cells -->secrete mucus Enterocytes
T/F Hydrolysis is the basic process of digestion
Alpha amylase can be found in
Saliva - not in SA Pancreatic secretions
T/F Disaccharides and small glucose polymers are hydrolyzed to monosaccharides by intestinal epithelial enzymes
TRUE - the disaccharides are: lactose, sucrose, maltose
Disaccharides are combinations of monosaccharides bound to one another by condensation. Explain how they combine
This means that a hydrogen has been removed from one and a hydroxyl ion from the other. These then combine to form water and the two monosaccharides bind where the hydrogen and hydroxyl ion were removed.
Explain the process of hydrolysis for carbohydrates and triglicerides
Carbohydrates --> specific enzymes return the hydrogen and the hydroxyl ions to the polysaccharides and thereby separate the monosaccharides from each other. This is the process of hydrolysis Triglycerides --> the fat-digesting enzymes returning molecules of water to the triglyceride molecule and thereby splitting the fatty acid molecules away from the glycerol. In all 3 instances (including proteins), the process of hydrolysis is necessary for digestion, the only difference being the enzymes necessary to promote the reactions of each type of food
T/F - the pH must be alkalinic for pepsin to work effectively.
FALSE - has to be acidic
T/F - One of the most important functions of pepsin is its ability to digest collagen. Collagen is found in large proportion in meat products and, for the enzymes to digest the cellular proteins, it is first necessary that the collagen fibers be digested
__________is the process of break the fat globules into small sizes so that the water soluble digestive enzymes can act on the globule surface
T/F the purpose of the bile salts and especially the lecithin is to make the fat globules readily fragmentable by agitation of the small bowel. The emulsification process greatly increases the surface area of the fat globules.
T/F Aldosterone greatly enhances the absorption of Na in the intestinal epithelial cells
TRUE - this effect is specially prominent in the colon
T/F calcium absorption is enhanced by --> PTH activated Vit D in the kidneys and the activated Vit D
By which mechanism are glucose and amino acids absorbed in the GI?
By a sodium co-transport mechanism
This cells contribute significantly to mucin production in exocrine glands and can account for as many as 25% of the epithelial cells in the distal main pancreatic duct of some species a. Acinar cells b. Centroacinar cells c. Goblet cells
c. Goblet cells
5. This could be a finding in a patient with acute pancreatitis a. Decreased levels of CCK b. Decreased levels of ACh c. Increased levels of ACh d. M3 receptors deficiency
c. Increased levels of Ach
T/F Carbohydrates are potent stimulators of pancreatic secretion
T/F - Lipids are poor stimulators of pancreatic enzyme secretion
This hormone is released when the duodenal pH is <4.5 in order to stimulate secretion of HCO3 and fluid a. Secretin b. ACh c. Cholecystokinine
Mention 3 mechanisms that protect the pancreas from autodigestion:
Digestive proteins are stored in secretory granules as inactive precursors or zymogens • The secretory granule membrane is impermeable to proteins • Enzyme inhibitors such as pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, co-packaged in the secretory granule, block the activity of trypsin aberrantly activated within the granule
T/F - Salivary duct cells produce a hypertonic fluid rich in NaCl and poor in KHCO3
You received a patient that was referred by his rDVM for surgical removal of a gastrointestinal neoplasia. The rDVM did an abdominal ultrasound but he was unable to determine which intestinal segment was likely to be the origin of this neoplasia. The owners are human physicians and want more details about the future nutritional consequences that this patient will suffer after surgery. Pick the statement that would be false: a. If the neoplasia is in the ileum, is likely that after surgery the patient could develop Cobalamine and bile acids absorption deficiency and he could need supplementation. b. If the neoplasia is in the duodenum and a significant part must be removed, a possible post-operative consequence could be development of megaloblastic anemia c. If a total gastrectomy is necessary, the patient will have severe protein absorption deficiency and his fecal nitrogen excretion will be considerably elevated.
c. If a total gastrectomy is necessary, the patient will have severe protein absorption deficiency and his fecal nitrogen excretion will be considerably elevated (FALSE: Pepsin in the stomach partially digests 10% to 15% of dietary protein Pepsin hydrolysis is not absolutely necessary; patients with either total gastrectomies or pernicious anemia do not have increased fecal nitrogen excretion)
You are suspicious that your patient has a condition know as pernicious anemia, in this condition there is a lack of secretion of _______ and _____. The main etiology associated with this condition is _________. The reason why this patient develop anemia is because there is a lack of ___ that normally is required for _____ absorption in the ileum, which is an essential vitamin for the synthesis of RBCs.
You are suspicious that your patient has a condition know as pernicious anemia, in this condition there is a lack of secretion of _______ and _____(gastric acid and intrinsic factor). The main etiology associated with this condition is _________ (immune-mediated/ abs against parietal cells and IF). The reason why this patient develop anemia is because there is a lack of ___ (IF) that normally is required for _____ (Cobalamin/ vitb12) absorption in the ileum, which is an essential vitamin for the synthesis of RBCs.
These two molecules are released by the duodenal mucosa to complete lipid hydrolysis initiated in the stomach: a. CCK and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) b. ACh and CCK c. Somatostatine and gastrin d. VIP and GIP
a. CCK and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP)
9. The Fat-soluble vitamins are a. B12, A, C b. D, E, B12 c. A, D, E, and K
c. A, D, E, and K
T/F a. Folate deficiency compromises DNA synthesis and cell division, an effect that is most clinically noticeable in the bone marrow, where the turnover of cells is rapid
Mg2+ depletion is typically associated with a. Hyperkalemia b. Hypocalcemia c. Hypokalemia d. Hypercalcemia
b. Hypocalcemia (Mg is necessary for proper secretion of parathyroid hormone)
Describe the direct and indirect pathways of vagal stimulation for gastric H+ secretion. How can you block both pathways?
Direct pathway * the vagus nerve innervates parietal cells and stimulates H+ secretion directly. * The neurotransmitter at these synapses is ACh, the receptor on the parietal cells is muscarinic (M3), and the second messengers for M3 and CCK are IP3 and increased intracellular [Ca]. Indirect path * the vagus nerve innervates G cells and stimulates gastrin secretion, which then stimulates H+ secretion by an endocrine action. * The neurotransmitter at these synapses is GRP {notACh). How to block it? * Atropine (cholinergic muscarinic antagonist) --> blocks the direct pathway (which uses ACh). However, does not inhibit the indirect pathway (which uses GRP as a neurotransmitter) * Vagotomy eliminates both direct and indirect pathways.
The second messenger for the M3 and CCK receptors in the parietal cell is IP3, but for histamine, the second messenger is___________
Explain how prostaglandins inhibit gastric H+ secretion
Prostaglandins inhibit gastric H+ secretion by activating a Gi protein, inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and decreasing cAMP levels. They also maintain the mucosal barrier and stimulate HC03- secretion, thus protecting the gastric mucosa from the damaging effects of H+
Which one is false regarding the composition of pancreatic secretions: (1) high volume (2) virtually the same Na+ and K+ concentrations as plasma. (3) much higher HC03- concentration than plasma. (4) same Cl- concentration than plasma. (5) isotonicity. (6) pancreatic lipase, amylase, and proteases.
(4) same Cl- concentration than plasma. FALSE. Cl is much lower than plasma
What is the function of the ductal cells of the pancreas?
* Ductal cells modify the initial pancreatic secretion by secreting HC03- and absorbing Cl via a CI--HCO3- exchange mechanism in the luminal membrane. * secretin acts on the pancreatic ductal cells to increase the HCO3- secretion * Because the pancreatic ducts are permeable to water, H2o moves into the lumen to make the pancreatic secretion isosmotic
T/F - CCK is secreted by the I cells of the duodenum in response to small peptides, amino acids, and fatty acids in the duodenal lumen. CCK acts on the pancreatic acinar cells to increase enzyme secretion (amylase, lipases, pro teases).
What are the primary bile acids?
Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid
After __________resection, bile acids are not recirculated to the liver but are excreted in feces. The bile acid pool is thereby depleted, and fat absorption is impaired, resulting in steatorrhea
T/F mucin-utilizing bacteria are important for the regular turnoverand replenishment of the mucin layer in the GI
T/F MUC-2 is the major component of the mucin layer in the GI
What are metabolic processes in which the Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 is involved
- Cellular adaptations to hypoxia (pH regulation, glucose uptake, erythropoyesis, lipid metabolism) - Beneficial effects for the intestinal barrier function (increases paracellular resistance by upregulating claudin-1, JAM and occludin) which reduces bacterial translocation and associated inflammation - HIF-1 also increases production of mucins - HIF-1 supresses inflammation
Only monosaccharides are absorbed. Monosacarides cannot diffuse through pores in the cell membrane, they enter the cell by combining with protein carriers via __________ (fructose)or by a ______________(glucose, galactose)
Facilitated diffusion Na-dependent cotransport
What are the two organs that do not require insulin to uptake glucose
Liver and brain
Glucose __________ is the process how glucose is captured in the cell. This process is irreversible in most tissues except _____________ where the enzyme ____________ is available for reversing the reaction.
Phosphorilation liver, renal tubular epithelium, intestinal epithelial cells Glucose phosphatase
When the body has a high energy demand, epinephrine and glucagon stimulate the formation of cAMP in the cell, which initiates a cascade of chemical reactions that activate _____________ , which re-forms glucose from glycogen
a total of ___ moles of ATP are formed for each mole of glucose used by the cells
38 (2 from glycolysis, 2 from citric acid cycle, 34 from oxidative phosphorilation in mitocondria)
During anaerobic conditions, the end products of the glycolytic reaction ________ and __________ combine under the influence of the enzyme __________ to form ___ and ___________
Pyruvate and NADH lactic dehydrogenase lactateand NAD+
T/F The pentose phosphatase pathway is an alternative mechanism of glucose utilization (independent of glycolysis) in the event of enzymatic abnormalities in the glycolysis pathway
The process of carbohydrate formation from proteins and fats is called
All fats in the diet are absorbed into the lymph in the form of
Chylomicrons are removed from the plasma as they pass through the capillaries of _______and ________tissue. These tissues have large quantities of the enzyme___________ which hydrolyzed triglicerides of chylomicrons into _________and _________
addipose tissue and liver tissue lipoprotein lipase fatty acids and glycerol
T/F free fatty acids are fatty acids bound with proteins such as albumin
The liver produces ___________which are proteins that ransport cholesterol, phospholipids and tryglicerides throughout the body
These 2 cells/tissues depend on glucose metabolism as an energy source
Brain and RBCs
List functions of cholesterol
Structural component in cell membranes Convertion of cholesterol into cholic acid that forms part of bile salts --> promotes digestion and absorption of fats Adrenal glands use cholesterol to form adrenal cortical hormones Ovaries use it to form progesterone and estrogen Testes use it to form testosterone
Aminoacids are large molecules, because of that they are transported through the membrane only by ________ or _______________
Active transport facilitated diffusion
The first step in the process of amino acids degradation to produce energy, is removal of amino groups through the process of ______, which generates the specific alph-keto acid that can enter into the citric acid cycle.
T/F the ammonia released during deamination is removed from the blood almost entirely through conversion to urea by the liver
T/F Glucocorticoids increase breakdown of most tissue proteins and increase plasma aminoacid concentrations. This effect is important for promoting ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis
The two main sources or ammonia formation are
Amino acids deamination in the liver Production by the GI bacteria
Explain how hemolytic jaundice differs from obstructive jaundice
Hemolytic: * excretory function of the liver is not impaired * RBC hemolyisis is so rapid that hepatic cells cannot excrete bolirubin as fast as is being formed *free bilirubin in plasma is high Obstructive: * rates of bilirubin formation and conjugation are near normal * conjugated bilirubin cannot pass into the intestines * conjugated bilirubin is high
This is the enzyme that forms unconjugated bilirubin to conjugated bilirubin
Uridine diphosphate (UDP) glucuronyl transferase
T/F - When potentially toxic substances are presented to the liver via portal circulation, the liver modifies these substances in "first pass metabolism". Phase I reactions are catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 enzymes, which are followed by Phase II reactions that conjugate the substances.
Icterus usually cannot be detected until the serum bilirubin ________ Visibly icteric plasma or serum can be seen when bilirubin_____________
> 3 mg/dL (and often up to 5 mg/dL) > 0.5-1.0 mg/dL
Which hepatocellular enzyme is the most specific for liver injury ?
ALT - Primarily located in the liver with concentrations many times higher than in muscle
This enzyme ________ * Has a half life of 48-60 hours in the dog and ___ hours in the cat * increases markedly within 24-48 h to values of 10- to 100-fold greater than normal, peaking the first 5 days post- injury * In acute disease: a decrease of 50% or more over a few days is considered a good prognostic sign
ALT 6h
This enzyme________ * Has the lowest specificity for hepatobiliary disease * Is the most common abnormality on canine biochemical panels * Increases occur secondary to: ________________________
ALP novo hepatic synthesis or elution of the enzyme from the cellular membrane
ALT is found in high concentrations in _______________
Liver Muscle RBCs
T/F ALP in the dog is present in the highest quantities in the liver and intestinal mucosa
FALSE - is present in the highest quantities, in descending order, in: 1. Intestinal mucosa 2. Renal cortex 3. Placenta 4. Liver 5. Bone
List the three major ALP isoenzymes and their half life in dogs and cats
Bone-induced (B-ALP) liver-induced (L-ALP) corticosteroid-induced (C-ALP): Plasma half life • L-ALP and C- ALP: 70 hours in the dog • L- ALP: 6 hours in the cat, cats lack C-ALP Intestinal, renal, and placental isoenzymes contribute little (extremely short half-lives)
T/F - GGT is found in highest concentrations in the kidney and pancreas
Why a patient may remain visibly icteric for several weeks despite resolution of a bile duct obstruction?
Because conjugated bilirubin binds irreversibly covalently with albumin, whose half-life is about 2 weeks
Mention non-hepatobiliary causes of hyperbilirrubinemia
Cholestasis of sepsis hemolysis Artifactual hemolysis or lipemia
T/F - Pre- and postprandial bile acids elevations are 99% sensitive and 95-100% specific for PSS in dogs and cats
Why HE typically only occurs when ammonia-rich blood bypasses the liver due to PSS
Because the liver has a huge reserve capacity for detoxifying ammonia, and 70% reduction in urea cycle function is needed for hyperammonemia to develop.
Liver produces all the clotting factors except
Von Willebrand subtype of Factor VIII.
Why a patient with cholestasis would benefit from Vit K supplementation?
Cholestasis can cause malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin K
Mention radiographic findings consistent with hepatomegaly
o Round or blunted caudoventral liver margins o Extension of liver margins beyond the costal arch o Displacement of the gastric axis -> normal gastric axis: perpendicular to the spine to parallel with the last rib"
List differentials for a hyperechoic liver
o Chronic hepatitis o Lipidosis, Steroid hepatopathy, other vacuolar hepatopathies o Toxic insult o Lymphoma, mast cell disease, histiocytic sarcoma o Phenobarbital administration
_______ and _____ should be more hyperechoic than the liver
Falciform fat spleen
_____________ is 5.5 times more likely to correctly determine the presence or absence of a congenital PSS than abdominal ultrasound
CT- angiography
_________________ is the most common organism in bile cultures, but other organisms include Enterobacteriaceae (Salmonella enterica, Klebsiella, Enterobacter), Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Actinomyces, Acinetobacter, Pasteurella, Clostridium and Bacteroides species.
E. coli, alone or in combination with obligate or facultative anaerobes
Select the correct statement a. The majority of dogs reported with necrotizing cholecystitis have had bacterial infection, although it can occur in the absence of infection secondary to gallbladder mucocele b. Parasitic cholecystitis is more commonly seen in dogs when compared to cats and it’s associated with a good prognosis "
a. The majority of dogs reported with necrotizing cholecystitis have had bacterial infection, although it can occur in the absence of infection secondary to gallbladder mucocele b. Parasitic cholecystitis is more commonly seen in dogs when compared to cats and it’s associated with a good prognosis (FALSE. More common in cats and in high loads it has a grave prognosis) --> • Most common in cats: Platynosomum concinnum and Amphimerus pseudofelineus.
Mention the three classification of necrotizing cholecystitis
• Type I: areas of necrosis without gallbladder rupture • Type II: acute inflammation with rupture • Type III: chronic inflammation with adhesions and/or fistulae to adjacent organs
Emphysematous cholecystitis is most commonly associated with these microorganisms: a. Enterococcus and E. Coli b. E. Coli and Clostridium spp. c. Staphylococcus and Pasteurella spp. d. Pseudomonas and Clostridium spp.
Which of the following antibiotics would you recommend in a case of emphysematous cholecystitis: a. Penicillins, fluoroquinolones and metronidazol b. Fluoroquinolones, metronidazole, and chloramphenicol c. Metronidazol, Cephalexin and Doxycycline
b. Fluoroquinolones, metronidazole, and chloramphenicol (are commonly used as they achieve high concentrations in bile and have strong anaerobic activity)
The ratio of peritoneal Bilirubin concentration to the serum bilirubin that confirms bile peritonitis is a. 1.4/1 b. 1.9/1 c. 3/1 d. 2/1
The overall long-term survival for dogs with bacterial cholecystitis undergoing surgery is: a. 61% to 82% b. 42% to 61% c. 30% to 50% d. 75% to 92%
The overall long-term survival for patients with obstructive cholecystitis undergoing surgery is: a. 61% for dogs and 82% for cats b. 61% for cats and 82% for dogs c. 41% for cats and 78% for dogs d. 41% for dogs and 78% for cats"
List at least 10 causes of extrahepatic bile duct obstruction in dogs and cats
Which is the preferred imaging modality for identification of choleliths in dogs and cats. Why?
Abdominal ultrasounds because radiopaque choleliths are reported in only 48% of dogs and 83% of cats with symptomatic cholelithiasis
12. A mutation on this gene has been associated with gallbladder mucocele formation in Shetland Sheepdogs and other breeds a. CNGA1 gene b. MDR1 gene c. ABCB4 gene d. ABCB1 gene
The average percentage of bacterial infection in dogs with gallbladder mucocele is a. < 10% of cases b. ~ 50% of cases c. >60% of cases d. 30 to 40% of cases
Mention causes of gallbladder disease that are not necessarilly associated with inflammation
Gallbladder mucocele is a major cause of clinical disease, and the presence of inflammation is variable. Gallbladder infarction in dogs is thought to be a vascular disease that is not associated with inflammation of the gallbladder.
T/F - Emphysematous cholecystitis has been associated with diabetes mellitus in dogs
T/F the majority of dogs with necrotizing cholecystitis have had evidence of bacterial infection, although it can occur in the absence of infection secondary to gallbladder mucocele
T/F Bacterial cholecystitis is the most commonly reported infectious cause of cholecystitis in dogs and cats
TRUE - • Bacterial species isolated typically of enteric origin: o Escherichia coli o Enterococcus spp. o Bacteroides spp. o Clostridium spp
T/F Cholelithiasis is a common cause of cholecystitis in dogs and cats
False • Uncommonly is associated with cholecystitis in dogs and cats • Most choleliths are incidental findings • Choleliths also may develop secondary to cholecystitis
Choleliths in dogs are composed most commonly of calcium carbonate and bilirubin pigments (bilirubin or calcium bilirubinate)
FALSE - Calcium- based stones are rare due to the ability of the canine gallbladder to absorb free calcium in bile. Feline choleliths contain cholesterol, bilirubin derivatives, and calcium salts
T/F Steroids result in significantly higher levels of conjugated bile acids within the extrahepatic biliary tree, which are more hydrophobic and when in disproportionate levels, lead to injury of the biliary epithelium.
T/F With reduced levels of thyroxine, sphincter of Oddi relaxation is impaired, liver cholesterol metabolism is altered and bile secretion diminishes.
Why is ursodeoxycholic acid used in gallbladder mucocele? MOA and dose
Causes choleresis (flow of bile from the liver) Immunomodulatory properties May decrease mucin secretion May improve gallbladder motility ** ursodiol suppresses hepatic synthesis and secretion of cholesterol. Ursodiol also decreases intestinal absorption of cholesterol. By reducing cholesterol saturation in the bile, it is thought that ursodiol allows solubilization of cholesterol-containing gallstones. Ursodiol also increases bile flow and, in patients with chronic liver disease, apparently reduces the hepatocyte toxic effects of bile salts by decreasing their detergent action and may protect hepatic and bile duct epithelial cells from toxic bile acids (eg, lithocholate, deoxycholate, chenodeoxycholate). In patients with chronic hepatitis, ursodiol may also reduce hepatocellular inflammatory changes and fibrosis. 10 to 15 mg/kg PO SID or BID orally once to twice daily"
What is SAMe and what is it's MOA?
S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe) is an endogenous molecule synthesized by cells throughout the body. --> formed from the amino acid methionine and ATP, in conjunction with SAMe synthetase enzyme SAMe is an essential part of three major biochemical pathways: transmethylation, transsulfuration, and aminopropylation. ** SAMe serves as a methyl donor (necessary for many substances and drugs to be activated and/or eliminated). Transmethylation is essential in phospholipid synthesis important to cell membrane structure, fluidity, and function. ** In aminopropylation, SAMe donates aminopropyl groups and is a source of polyamines. Aminopropylation is important in producing substances that have anti-inflammatory effects, protein and DNA synthesis, and promoting cell replication and liver mass regeneration. ** In transsulfuration, SAMe generates sulfur-containing compounds important for conjugation reactions used in detoxification and as a precursor to glutathione (GSH)
T/F Diagnosis of gallbladder infarction is confirmed by histopathology, and no hallmark diagnostic findings allow for a presurgical diagnosis
The most commonly recognized infectious cause of acute hepatitis in dogs a. Leptospirosis b. CAV-1 (Adenovirus) c. Erlichiosis d. Clostridium spp.
The majority of cases of canine chronic hepatitis are a. Infectious b. Nutritional c. Toxic d. Idiopathic
An inflammatory mediator that appears to stimulate hepatocyte apoptosis in patients with Hepatitis or cholangiohepatitis is: a. IL-1 b. IL-15 c. TNF-α d. IFN-γ
Feline cholangitis complex is an idiopatic disease that can be divided in this two groups
• Neutrophilic cholangitis • Lymphocytic cholangitis
Even though Leptospirosis most commonly results in acute renal failure, Hepatic involvement occurs in a. 50% of cases b. 20% to 35% of cases c. 60 to 75% of cases d. < 10% of cases
Infection with these serovars more likely are going to result in hepatic involvement: a. Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae and Leptospira pomona b. Leptospira canicola and Leptospira hardjo c. Leptospira grippotyphosa and Leptospira Bratislava d. There are no serovars associated with increased chances of hepatic involvement
For the diagnosis of leptospirosis which statement is correct: a. Antibody titers may be negative during the first 3 weeks of infection b. Antibody production may persist for only 2 to 6 weeks c. Antibody production may persist for only 8 to 12 weeks d. A and c are correct
Describe/draw a hepatic lobule, portal lobule and portal acinus
T/F - TNF-α, produced secondary to the interaction of the costimulatory molecules CD154 on T cells and CD40 on hepatocytes and Kupffer cells, stimulates hepatocyte apoptosis through the Fas-Fas ligand pathway
T/ F - any cause of cholestasis would be expected to increase hepatic copper levels
Elevated hepatic copper levels have been identified in dogs with Canine Chronic Hepatitis, but because biliary excretion is the major mechanism of maintaining copper homeostasis, any cause of cholestasis would be expected to increase hepatic copper levels
Possible sequelae of a puppy that recovers from infectious canine hepatitis secondary to canine adenovirus type I
Corneal edema and anterior uveitis
T/F In cats with FIP, when hepatic involvement occurs, the disease is uniformly fatal
List aerobic and anaerobic bacteria commonly isolated in cases of septicemia-induced hepatitis
• Commonly isolated aerobic bacteria: Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Enteric gram-negative organisms • Commonly identified anaerobes: Bacteroides spp., Clostridium spp., and Fusobacterium spp.
Which is the correct statement a. In patients with hepatic failure, hypovolemia and hypotension can diminish renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate which commonly leads to Acute Kidney Injury b. In patients with HE, ammonia is associated with a decreased release of glutamate, which inactivates NMDA receptors and causes the typical signs of coma and CNS depression. c. Some dogs with normal ammonia concentrations have obvious HE signs, and many dogs with high ammonia levels appear neurologically normal, suggesting that other suspected neurotoxins are also important in pathophysiology of HE
a. In patients with hepatic failure, hypovolemia and hypotension can diminish renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate which commonly leads to Acute Kidney Injury in Veterinary Medicine patients. (FALSE, d• hepatorenal syndrome: AKI as a sequela to liver failure described rarely in veterinary patients (common in people) b. In patients with HE, ammonia is associated with a decreased release of glutamate, which inactivates NMDA receptors and causes the typical signs of coma and CNS depression. (FALSE, is excitotoxic and associated with an increased release of glutamate, overactivation of the glutamate receptors (mainly NMDA receptors), has been implicated as one of the causes of HE-induced seizures; with chronicity, inhibitory factors such as GABA and endogenous benzodiazepines surpass the excitatory stimulus, causing signs more suggestive of coma or CNS depression) c. Some dogs with normal ammonia concentrations have obvious HE signs, and many dogs with high ammonia levels appear neurologically normal, suggesting that other suspected neurotoxins are also important in pathophysiology of HE (TRUE)
List 4 possible causes of coagulopathy in patients with hepatic failure
o Decreased factor synthesis o Increased factor utilization o Decreased factor turnover o Increased fibrinolysis and tissue thromboplastin release o Synthesis of abnormal coagulants (dysfibrinogenemia) o Decreased platelet function and numbers o Vitamin K deficiency (particularly in patients with bile duct obstruction) o Increased production of anticoagulants
Which of the following is a common complication in patient with liver failure and holds a poor prognosis: a. Portal hypertension b. Acute Kidney Injury c. Spontaneous hemorrhage d. Pulmonary edema
Regarding albumin, select the correct statement: a. Albumin is produced only in the liver, representing approximately 80% of all proteins synthesized by the liver. b. Altered albumin synthesis is not detected until more than 66% to 80% of liver function is lost c. Because of its short half-life, hypoalbuminemia is a hallmark of acute liver failure
a. Albumin is produced only in the liver, representing approximately 80% of all proteins synthesized by the liver. (FALSE, ONLY 25%) b. Altered albumin synthesis is not detected until more than 66% to 80% of liver function is lost c. Because of its short half-life, hypoalbuminemia is a hallmark of acute liver failure (FALSE, Because of its long half-life (8 days in dogs and cats) hypoalbuminemia is a hallmark of chronic liver dysfunction)
Which of the following would be your first choice anticonvulsant to control seizures on a patient with HE: a. Midazolam b. Diazepam c. Propofol d. Levetiracetam
c. Propofol (The use of diazepam for the treatment of HE-associated seizures in animals is controversial. GABA and its receptors are implicated in the pathogenesis of HE, and the use of a benzodiazepine antagonist, such as flumazenil, has been proven beneficial in humans with HE-induced comas) ** Levetiracetam has been shown to prevent postanesthetic seizures in dogs with porto- systemic shunts, so prophylactic loading and maintenance therapy now is performed commonly
Mention 4 poor prognostic indicators in patients with Hepatic failure
o PT of greater than 100 seconds o very young or very old animals o viral or idiosyncratic drug reaction as the underlying cause o markedly increased bilirubin
After ingestion of proteins, __________is produced by the gastrointestinal flora and then converted to ______and glutamine via the ______ cycle in the liver
Ammonia (NH3) Urea Urea cycle
T/F enterocytes themselves contribute to systemic ammonia in a large quantity. They have a high glutaminase activity
List toxins implicated in hepatic encephalopathy
T/F Dogs and cats with liver failure secondary to congenital portosystemic shunting are usually icteric
FALSE - Dogs and cats with liver failure secondary to congenital portosystemic shunting should not be icteric
List mechanism of PU/PD in patients with hepatic failure
o failure of the liver to produce urea, resulting in defective renal medullary concentrating ability, ** decreased release and/or responsiveness of the renal collecting ducts to ADH o Primary polydipsia, resulting from the central effects of hepatotoxins o Increased renal blood flow and increased adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion with associated hypercortisolism
T/F The presence of normal or only mildly elevated liver enzyme activity rules out hepatic failure as a possible diagnosis
The presence of normal or only mildly elevated liver enzyme activity does not eliminate hepatic failure as a possible diagnosis because animals with end-stage hepatic failure or portal- systemic vascular anomalies may have normal, or near normal, enzyme activities
__________ crystals can be observed in urine sediment of animals with portal-systemic vascular anomalies
Ammonium biurate or urate crystals
What would be your diuretic of choice in a patient with hepatic encephalopathy, portal hypertension and ascites
Spironolactone is the initial diuretic of choice for its aldosterone antagonism and subsequent potassium-sparing effects.
What is the most common cause of hepatic encephalopathy in dogs and cats? What are other causes?
Most common cause --> extrahepatic or intrahepatic portal-to-systemic venous communications Other --> microvascular dysplasia, hepatic lipidosis, hepatic failure, congenital urea cycle enzyme deficiencies
Describe the pathophysiology of hepatic encephalopathy
In animals with portosystemic shunting of blood or significant liver disease, high levels of ammonia are present in the systemic circulation. The permeability of the blood-brain barrier to ammonia increases in HE and experimental studies suggest that HE coma is associated with brain ammonia concentrations in the low millimolar range. These concentrations of ammonia decrease excitatory neurotransmission, in part by down-regulating the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA, excitatory) receptors, yet at the same time, also block chloride extrusion from the postsynaptic neuron, decreasing inhibitory neurotransmission. The brain has no urea cycle; consequently, ammonia in the CNS is removed by transamination of glutamate into glutamine in astrocytes. Glutamine concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid are elevated in dogs with HE and frequently are correlated with the degree of neurologic dysfunction in humans with HE. Glutamine is exchanged across the blood-brain barrier for tryptophan, leading to increased levels of tryptophan and tryptophan metabolites in the central nervous system. The tryptophan metabolites serotonin and quinolinate are important agonists in inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission, respectively, Glutamine also is transported from astrocytes into neurons, where it is converted to glutamate. Overstimulation of the NMDA receptors by glutamate and ammonia can cause seizures and neurotoxicity, in part because of free radical formation. It is likely that if increased GABA neurotransmission exists in patients with HE, it is due to increased brain concentrations of endogenous GABA ligands, including endogenous benzodiazepines and neurosteroids.
How would you do a lactulose enema in a HE patient. What is the rationale behind it?
A lactulose enema (1 to 3 ml/10 kg BW diluted 1 : 1 to 1 : 3 with warm water) is administered to minimize ammonia production in, and absorption from, the colon. Lactulose (beta galactosidofructose) is a nonabsorbable disac- charide that exerts an osmotic cathartic action. In addition, intestinal bacteria hydrolyze lactulose-producing organic acids that lower colonic pH. Acidification traps ammonia in its NH4+ form, preventing absorption by nonionic diffusion and also resulting in the net movement of ammonia from the blood into the bowel lumen
______________ Is an essential amino acid necessary for the urea cycle in cats
List specific treatments for extrahepatic and intrahepatic shunts
Extrahepatic shunts: * complete suture ligation * placement of either an ameroid ring or cellophane band to occlude gradually the shunting vessel. Intrahepatic shunts: * surgically or with interventional radiographic techniques
____________a tripeptide synthesized from L-glutamate, L-cysteine, and glycine, is an essential antioxidant that is mainly stored in hepatocytes
This immunosuppresant is not recommended in cats, as they are highly sensitive to myelosuppression
How can hepatic failure produce hyperfibrnolysis?
Decreased clearance of plasminogen activators by the failing liver
T/F Higher concentrations of K+ suppress renal ammoniagenesis and increases urinary excretion of ammonium
TRUE - important to correct hypokalemia in these patients
T/F - Hypophosphatemia is anegative prognostic indicator in patients with hepatic injury
FALSE - hypophosphatemia can indicate liver regeneration (due to intracellular shift of P) and might be a positive prognostic indicator, while HYPERphosphatemia is a negative prognostic indicator.
List risk factors for bleeding in patients with liver disease that undergo FNAs or liver biopsy
Platelets <80.000 aPTT >1.5 times in cats prolonged PT> upper limit in dogs
Complete a. This agent typically causes severe enteritis, vomiting, hemorrhagic diarrhea, and shock, and tends to affect the crypts of the intestines: _______
Infection with these microorganisms is usually self-limiting and resolves by the host’s local immune response, however, bacterial translocation and septicemia can occur __
Evidence suggests that histiocytic ulcerative colitis in Boxer dogs may be due to invasion of this microorganism within the colonic mucosa of affected dogs _ __
E. coli
This is the fungal pathogen that most commonly affects the GI tract, causing a severe PLE _ __
The main differential for a patient with acute onset of explosive bloody diarrhea, along with an elevated packed cell volume and normal total protein levels, is
Acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome
Mention four diseases commonly associated with PLE
severe lymphocytic-plasmacytic, eosinophilic, or granulomatous inflammatory bowel diseases lymphangiectasia diffuse infectious disease * fungal disease (histoplasmosis, pythiosis) * bacterial (salmonella) * viral (CPV-2) *parasites (giardia, ancylostoma) diffuse neoplasia (alimentary lymphoma/lymphosarcoma) GI ulceration structural disease (intussusception)
Select the incorrect statement about hypoproteinemia associated with GI disease a. Is much less common in cats than in dogs b. In cats is most often is related to GI lymphoma c. Ascites is a common finding in hypoproteinemic cats
What are possible causes of AHDS
Abnormal immune responses to bacteria, bacterial endotoxin, or dietary ingredients.
What is the most common cause of acquired megaesophagus?
T/F - Myasthenia gravis accounts for the majority of cases of acquired megaesophagus
FALSE - Myasthenia gravis accounts for the majority of cases with a known cause
List causes of acquired megaesophagus
Idiopathic myastenia gravis Esophagitis Addison's disease Esophageal neoplasia Inflammatory myopathies Lead and thallium poisoning Lupus
T/F - Brachycephalic, middle-aged, small-breed dogs such as Shih Tzus seem predisposed to a syndrome of vomiting secondary to pyloric outflow obstruction caused by hypertrophy of the pyloric mucosa and/or muscularis.
More than 95% of the body’s serotonin (also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) located in ________________
The GI tract, mostly in the enterochromaffin cells (90%) and a small portion in the ENS where 5HT acts as a neurotransmitter
What is the mechanism of action of ondansetron?
5-HT3 antagonists --> this receptor activates extrinsic sensory nerves and is responsible for the sensation of nausea and induction of vomiting from visceral hypersensitivity.
What is the mechanism of action of cisapride?
5-HT4 agonists --> this receptor increases the presynaptic release of ACH and calcitonin gene-related peptide, thereby enhancing neurotransmission. --> This enhancement promotes propulsive peristaltic and secretory reflexes. * enhances gastric emptying while simultaneously increasing gastroesophageal sphincter pressure
T/F - Cisapride is related chemically to metoclopramide, but it does not cross the BBB or have antidopaminergic effects.
List conditions where cisapride can be considered
Gastric stasis idiopathic constipation gastroesophageal reflux postoperative ileus cats with megacolon
What is the mechanism of action of metoclopramide and clinical effects?
Is a central dopaminergic antagonist / peripheral 5-HT3 receptor antagonist / 5-HT4 receptor agonist with GI and CNS effects * Stimulates and coordinates esophageal, gastric, pyloric, and duodenal motor activity. * increases lower esophageal sphincter tone and stimulates gastric contractions, while relaxing the pylorus and duodenum * dopamine antagonism at the chemoreceptor trigger zone produces an antiemetic effect
How do metoclopramide-induced extrapyramidal effects occur?
Dopamine antagonism in the striatum causes adverse effects known collectively as extrapyramidal signs, which include involuntary muscle spasms, motor restlessness, and inappropriate aggression.
How can metoclopramide-induced extrapyramidal effects be reversed?
By restoring an appropriate dopamine to ACH balance with the anticholinergic action of diphenhydramine (1mg/kg IV)
List prokinetic drugs used in motility disorders
Metclopramide (dopamine and 5HT3 antagonist and 5HT4 agonist) Cisapride (5HT-4 agonist) Macrolide antibiotics --> erythromycin, clarithromycin --> (Motilin receptor agonist) Rikkunshito (Ghrelin mimetic) Ranitidine and nizatidine (H2 antagonists)
Ghrelin and motilin participate in initiating the _____________________in the stomach and stimulate gastrointestinal motility, accelerate gastric emptying, and induce “gastric hunger.
Migrating motor complex
T/F Hypoadrenocorticism has been reported as a cause of severe GI hemorrhage in the dog
List neoplasias that can cause GI ulceration
Hypersecretion of gastric acid in response to histamine release from mast cell tumors and gastrin from gastrinomas are clear causes of gastroduodenal ulceration and esophagitis in dogs and cats Mast cell tumors are thought to cause vomiting via the central effects of histamine on the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CRTZ) and the peripheral effects of histamine on gastric acid secretion, with resultant hyperacidity and ulceration. • Neoplasia is a common cause of GI ulceration in cats o systemic mastocytosis, gastrinoma, intestinal lymphosarcoma, and adenocarcinoma are the most commonly reported tumors
T/F - Scintigraphy using technetium-labeled red blood cells has been demonstrated to aid in localization of GI hemorrhage in dogs , it also may help identity GI vascular anomalies
____________ is the initial drug of choice in patients with acid hypersecretion secondary to mast cell tumors and gastrinoma
What are side effects of the use of high doses of omeprazol?
At higher dosages (1.1 mg/kg PO q 12 h) omeprazole has been associated with significant hypergastrinemia and gastric dysbiosis.
T/F Maropitant has been associated with histologic evidence of bone marrow hypoplasia in puppies and should not be used in dogs <8 weeks or cats <16 weeks of age.
Describe the process of endoscopic hemostasis
Indicated in cases of severe GI ulceration and hemorrhage refractory to medical treatment * injecting epinephrine or 98% alcohol through an endoscope sclerotomy needle into the base of an ulcer.
The most common cause of regurgitation in an adult dog is: _________________
Idiopathic megaesophagus
What are the most useful characteristics to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation? a) Active abdominal contractions b) Ptyalism c) Presence of bile in the vomitus d) A and B e) A and C
E (Ptyalism is commonly seen secondary to nausea in vomiting patients or as a result of pooling and/or inability to swallow saliva effectively in animals with regurgitation)
Explain a possible complication of giving a smooth muscle prokinetic (Metoclopramide/Cisapride) to a patient with megaesophagus
Decreased transit to the stomach due to increased lower esophageal sphincter tone Metoclopramide and Cisapride have no beneficial effect = smooth muscle prokinetics and the canine esophagus is comprised almost exclusively of striated muscle
This test should be submitted for all patients with megaesophagus: a. ACTH stimulation test b. Serology for antinuclear antibody c. Acetylcholine receptor antibody assay d. Serum creatine phosphokinase activity e. Lead levels in the blood
C - Acetylcholine receptor antibody assay (Myasthenia gravis = most common cause of secondary megaesophagus = 20% to 30% of all cases.
What is the most common electrolyte disturbance in vomiting patients
T/F - Animals with megaesophagus show signs of apparent esophageal discomfort , such as odynophagia, repeated swallowing attempts, lip smacking, and arching of the neck
FALSE - Animals with esophagitis show signs of apparent esophageal discomfort (a diferencia de los pacientes con megaesofago), such as pain on swallowing (odynophagia), repeated swallowing attempts, lip smacking, and arching of the neck
Where is located the vomiting center and what stimulates it?
Specialized region (area postrema) located on the floor of the fourth ventricle in the medulla Stimulated by: - Vagal and sympathetic afferent pathways from the GI tract --> by inflammation or overdistention - Vestibular system, cerebrum * chemoreceptor trigger zone
________ is one of the more common causes of chronic diarrhea in cats and dogs. The disease is characterized by a loss of local immune tolerance to normal dietary and bacterial components leading to up-regulation of immune and inflammatory responses and establishment of an inflammatory focus within the intestine. The most common form is ______________, but eosinophilic and granulomatous forms also are reported.
IBD Lymphocytic-plasmacytic
_________ can be a primary disease in Yorkshire Terriers, Norwegian Lundehunds, and Maltese Terriers with chronic diarrhea and weight loss; or it can be a consequence of other infiltrative processes such as IBD.
List the 4 mechanism of diarrhea
a. Osmotic diarrhea ** presence of excess luminal osmoles, drawing fluid into the intestinal lumen. ** Most causes of a diarrhea have an osmotic component. b. Secretory diarrhea o Absolute increase in intestinal secretion o Or a relative increase caused by a decrease in intestinal absorption c. Altered permeability o microscopic and macroscopic damage to either the epithelial cells or epithelial cell junctions d. Deranged motility o Increased peristaltic contractions o Or decreased segmental contractions
This type of pain results when nociceptor located in the muscles and mucosa of hollow organs, and in the mesentery and on serosal surfaces are stimulated by distension, stretching, vigorous contraction, and ischemia. It is difficult to localize because is primarily mediated by ______________
Visceral pain Unmyelinated C fibers
This type of pain is mediated by receptors located principally in the parietal peritoneum, muscle, and skin. It typically responds to stretching, tearing, or inflammation. Probably most active in cases of peritonitis and following surgical procedures. This pain is more localized and intense
Somatic (paretal) pain
T/F - Ionized hypocalcemia appears to be common in cats with acute pancreatitis and is associated with a poorer outcome
______________________, a condition that is recognized to be extremely common in older dogs and is not believed to be associated with current or previous pancreatitis, can lead to echogenicity changes that may be misinterpreted as pancreatitis
Pancreatic nodular hyperplasia
T/F - In pancreatitis cases calcium should not be supplemented unless clinical signs of tetany are observed, because of the potential for exacerbation of free radical production and cellular injury
Which supplements can you consider as part of your treatment for pancreatitis
o Supplementation with glutamine currently is recommended o Cats (particularly with concurrent GI disease) may require cobalamin supplementation
List indications for surgery in a patient with pancreatitis
• Infected pancreatic necrosis • Extrahepatic biliary obstruction (EHBO) • Deterioration despite aggressive medical therapy
What's the difference in the definition of acute vs chronic pancreatitis?
In general, acute pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation that is completely reversible after removal of the inciting cause, whereas chronic pancreatitis results in irreversible histopathologic changes.
Which of the following is more associated with development of pancreatitis in cats? * hypotension associated with anesthesia * intraoperative pancreas manipulation * infectious processes * pancreatic biopsy
Hypotension associated with anesthesia may be more important than pancreatic manipulation *Although pancreatitis has been observed in cats with various infections, including certain parasites (eg, Toxoplasma gondii, Eurytrema procyonis, Amphimerus pseudofelineus) and viruses (eg, coronavirus, parvovirus, herpesvirus, calicivirus), these infections represent rare causes of pancreatitis in cats * Although pancreatic injury is possible with manipulation, an increased risk for the development of pancreatitis has not been noted in studies involving pancreatic sampling
T/F - > 95% of cases of pancreatitis in cats are considered to be idiopathic, and a specific cause cannot be identified.
What are the suggested hypotheses for the spontaneous development of pancreatitis?
* autoactivation of cationic trypsinogen (more likely when pH ≥5.0) * activation of zymogens by thrombin during bacterial toxemia, ischemia, or hypoxia * activation of trypsinogen by cathepsin B * enterokinase entering the portal circulation after a meal in conjunction with biliary-pancreatic reflux, which may cause zymogen activation * Recent hypotheses postulate that abnormalities in calcium signaling lead to the colocalization of lysosomes and zymogen granules and trypsinogen activation, causing acinar cell death and early activation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) pathway. * cholecystokinin and oxidative stress synergistically sensitize pancreatic acinar cells to injury and necrosis, independent of trypsin activation The local and systemic inflammation that ensues in acute pancreatitis is independent of trypsin activation, but dependent on ongoing stimulation of the NFκB pathway. (proved in rodents and people only)
T/F The local and systemic inflammation that ensues in acute pancreatitis is dependent of trypsin activation
FALSE - The local and systemic inflammation that ensues in acute pancreatitis is independent of trypsin activation, but dependent on ongoing stimulation of the NFκB pathway.
T/F The largest excretory duct of the pancreas in the dog is_____________ which opens into the dueodenum on the __________
accesory pancreatic duct minor dueodenal papilla
T/F The pancreatic duct is the smaller pancreatic duct in the dog and may ocasionally be absent
Why cats have an association between acute cholangitis or bacterial cholecystitis and pancreatitis?
Because of the shared entry of the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct into the duodenum
Activation of these cells is the source of pancreatic fibrosis
Pancreatic stellate cells (PSC)
T/F Hypoglycemia azotemia and low iCa are poor prognostic indicators in cats with pancreatitis
An ideal marker for pancreatitis would be one that is synthesized only by acinar cells and not cleared immediately from the vascular space. ___________ fulfills these criteria. However, to be useful as a biomarker, the molecule must be measured using an assay specific for pancreatic lipase, which can be problematic. --> why?
Pancreatic lipase why --> Various substrates are utilized for lipase activity assays, but, despite choosing favorable conditions for measurement of pancreatic lipase, none have shown to be specific for the measurement of pancreatic lipase to date.
What is the mechanism of action of maropitant
Neurokinin1 receptor (NK1R) antagonist, which acts both centrally and peripherally by inhibiting the binding of substance P to the NK1R located in the vomiting center, chemoreceptor trigger zone, and the gastrointestinal tract. may have additional benefits, such as visceral analgesia and antiinflammatory activity
List physiologic rols of gastric acid
Initiates peptic hydrolysis of dietary proteins Liberates vitamin B12 from dietary protein Facilitates duodenal absorption of inorganic iron and calcium Stimulates pancreatic HCO3− secretion via secretin release suppresses antral gastrin release Modulates the intestinal microbiome by killing microorganisms and preventing bacterial overgrowth
Which of the following is not part of the MOA of antiacids: decrease pepsin activity binding to bile acids in the stomach stimulating local prostaglandin (PGE2) synthesis Increase gastric pH
It is unlikely that they increase gastric pH (or only temporary), because these agents do not exhibit strong enough buffering capacity.
List side effects of antiacids administration
Constipation In renal failure, magnesium and aluminum accumulation may be a problem Aluminum toxicity after administration of aluminum hydroxide has been documented in dogs with advanced renal failure interfere with the PO absorption of other drugs
Histamine type-2 receptor antagonists inhibit acid secretion by competitively blocking H-2 receptors on the _____________cell, thus decreasing basal and meal-stimulated gastric acid secretion
What is the proposed mechanism of development of pharmacological tolerance after continuous H2RA administration?
Tolerance may be caused by gastrin-induced up-regulation of enterochromaffin-like cell (ECL) synthesis of histamine, which in turn competes with the antagonist at the parietal cell. Because of this tolerance, abrupt discontinuation of H2RAs causes rebound acid hypersecretion in humans ** within 13 days, may be noticed within 3 days
_____________cells are neuroendocrine cells in the gastric mucosa that control acid secretion by releasing histamine as a paracrine stimulant.
Enterochromaffin-like (ECL)
T/F - The inhibitory activity of PPIs is dependent on the ability to bind to active H+-K+-ATPase enzymes
TRUE * That's why plasma concentration of PPIs do not necessarily predict their efficacy * that's why PPI's are most effective when taken shortly before a meal (30 - 45 min) or with a meal * That’s why effectiveness of omeprazole is amrkedly compromised in dogs if administered while acid secretion was inhibited by co-administration of H2RAs
How can you maximy the efficacy of a PPI when administered?
* When administered in an acid environment, the acid-labile drug may be degraded before it reaches the intestine where it is absorbed systemically --> After repeated administration, acid secretion gradually diminishes to maximize intestinal drug absorption * Initial treatment with IV formulations, administering an enteric-coated delayed-release formulation, or combining PO formulations with bicarbonate will decrease the lag-time for achieving maximal effect --> Breaking or crushing an enteric-coated form, or using a compounded formulation may diminish this protective effect
PPIs are _____ (weak/strong) bases that are unprotonated at the physiologic pH of the blood. Once the PPI accumulates in the acidic environment of the active_______cell, the drug becomes protonated and trapped where it forms disulfide bonds with cysteine residues on the _________________, producing enzyme inactivation.
weak parietal alpha subunit of H+-K+- ATPases
Why inhibition of acid secretion is approximately 30% of maximal on day 1 of PPI administration?
Dormant parietal cells are activated after initial PPI administration. Thus, inhibition of acid secretion is approximately 30% of maximal on day 1 of administration because of incomplete binding to all H+-K+-ATPases * Maximal inhibitory effect is achieved within approximately 2-4 days
T/F - The PPIs are metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Omeprazole can inhibit its own metabolism or inhibit the metabolism of other drugs metabolized by the same enzyme
TRUE Drug interactions with proton pump inhibitors Antifungal drugs * ketoconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole Exceptions: * Itraconazole - it is formulated in a cyclodextrin complex to maintain solubility in solution. * Fluconazole - it is more water soluble Clopidogrel * In humans, the CYP enzymes are responsible for conversion to the active metabolite, but whether or not dogs and cats metabolize clopidogrel with the same enzymes is unknown
PPIs administered _______(frequency) are superior to other gastroprotectants for treating acid-related GUE. PPIs should be tapered in dogs and cats after prolonged use of __________to avoid_____________
Twice daily >3-4 weeks rebound gastric acid hypersecretion (RAH).
List medications/supplements that should not be adminstered at the same time as PPI because they require an acid milieu for oral absorption
Iron --> Hydrochloric acid in the stomach promotes iron absorption because it reduces the ferric acid (Fe3+) form to the more soluble ferrous form (Fe2+). (This has not been studied in VM) Mycophenolate mofetil --> requires acidic pH for dissolution of the medication and for hydrolysis to mycophenolic acid.
List adverse effects of PPI administration
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth due to *decreased intestinal peristalsis *decreased gastric emptying *changes in epithelial mucus composition *increased pH, and increased bacterial translocation **This may increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia When used in conjunction with NSAIDs: * Intestinal dysbiosis arising from PPI administration increases the risk of NSAID-induced intestinal injury. * Antibiotics or probiotics may mitigate injuries caused by this drug combination Diarrhea is the most common adverse effect reported in association with PPI administration in dogs
What is the mechanism of action of Misoprostol? What are it's effects?
Synthetic PGE1 analogue * specificity for parietal cell receptors and decreases histamine, penta-gastrin, and meal-stimulated gastric acid secretion. * binds to prostaglandin receptors and inhibits histamine-stimulated cAMP formation Cytoprotective effects: increased bicarbonate secretion decreased pepsin content of gastric secretion preservation of tight junctions among epithelial cells increased mucus layer increased mucosal blood flow improvement of mucosal regenerative capacity.
This medication significantly decreased GUE or hemorrhage associated with high-dose aspirin
T/F Misoprostol can be considered as prophylaxis for Gastroduodenal Ulceration and Erosion (GUE) during corticosteroids treatment if there is clearly a need for prophylaxis and PPIs fail or cannot be used
FALSE - this is true for NSAIDS not for corticosteroids * No evidence supports the use of misoprostol for preventing corticosteroid-induced GUE in dogs.
What is the MOA and clinical effects of Sucralfate
* Forms stable complexes with protein in damaged mucosa where there is a high concentration of protein, either from fibrinogen, albumin, or globulins from the exudate of an ulcer or from damaged cells * In an acidic environment, it partially dissociates into sucrose sulfate and aluminum hydroxide *** Sucrose sulfate moiety --> binds electrostatically with the positively charged proteins in the damaged mucosa *** the protection afforded by sucralfate against esophageal acid injury is mediated by intraluminal pH buffering via aluminum hydroxide and protection against H+ entry and injury via sucrose octasulfate * Sucralfate also stimulates prostaglandin production in the gastric epithelium * anecdotal evidence indicates drug's analgesic properties in people with esophagitis.
List disease processes associated with GUE in dogs
Gastrointestinal and pancreatic neoplasia NSAIDs hepatic disease Inflammatory bowel disease
T/F GI and pancreatic neoplasia are uncommon causes of GUE in cats
Explain possible mechanisms of the pathogenesis of GUE associated with hepatic disorders
Altered mucosal blood flow because of portal hypertension (most common cause in humans) Decreased hepatic degradation of gastrin and subsequent stimulation of acid hypersecretion may occur in dogs.
When would you recommend the use of a gastroprotectant in a patient with hepatic disease?
If there is concurrent GI bleeding Consensus: there is weak evidence to support the prophylactic use of acid suppressant therapy in dogs and cats with hepatic disease that is not associated with GI bleeding.
When would you recommend the use of gastroprotectants in a patient?
1. If evidence of gastroduodenal ulceration/erosion 2. If critically ill and concurrent NSAIDs administration (if PPI + NSAID --> increased risk of intestinal disbiosis and NSAID-induced intestinal injury --> consider antibiotics or probiotics) 3. If critically ill and evidence of GI hemorrhage 4. Prophylactic PPI administration in animals competing in strenuous, competitive events might decrease 5. Stress Related Mucosal Damage (SRMD) and improve overall performance 6. For prevention of esophagitis secondary to Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER), particularly in animals when it is associated with an anesthetic procedure (PPIs does not decrease gastric reflux, but may prevent injury by increasing the pH of the refluxate) 7. +/- could be considered in thrombocytopenia-induced bleeding since platelet aggregation and clot formation are optimal at pH >6.8, however --> there is insufficient evidence to support the use of standard dosages of acid suppressant treatment for prevention or management of thrombocytopenia-induced bleeding.
T/F There is no evidence to support the prophylactic use of gastroprotectants in dogs and cats with IRIS stages 1-3 renal disease. Additional studies are warranted to determine the benefits of acid suppression in animals with IRIS stage 4 renal disease.
T/F patients with Spinal cord injury and IVDD are at high risk of GUE and prophilactic use of gastroprotectants is recommended
FALSE - Gastrointestinal complications associated with spinal cord disease and spinal surgery are more likely caused by the administration of high doses of glucocorticoids than other factors. In these cases, there is no convincing evidence that gastroprotectant drugs are beneficial.
What is the mechanism of prokinetic activity of H2RAs?
Nizatidine and ranitidine reportedly have some gastric prokinetic activity, probably via antiacetylcholinesterase activity.
This H2RA markedly inhibits hepatic P-450 enzymes and has been used therapeutically to lessen the severity of acetaminophen intoxication. It also decreases hepatic blood flow by about 20%
T/F Metoclopramide is a dopamine receptor agonist that works at the medullary vomiting center.
FALSE - it is an antagonist and acts in the CTZ
T/F Centrally acting antiemetics that work on the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) typically are more effective than those that act only at the medullary vomiting center (MVC)
FALSE - it is the opposite
T/F With the exception of the neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor antagonists, antiemetic drugs are usually ineffective in patients with gastrointestinal (GI) obstruction.
What are side effects of maropitant
Maropitant often causes pain when injected and is reported to cause bone marrow hypoplasia when administered to puppies younger than 11 weeks old.
This antiemetic has shown the following effects: * Reduction of diarrhea in patients receiving chemotherapy * antitumor activity * reduce visceral pain in cats and dogs * reduce the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane during anesthesia if given IV
Why metoclopramide seems less effective in cats?
Cats are thought to have a paucity of dopamine receptors.
What is the antiemetic mechanism of promazine derivatives?
Centrally acting antiemetics * antidopaminergic and antihistaminic effects that block the CTZ and at higher doses the MVC * These drugs also have anticholinergic, antispasmodic and alpha-adrenergic blocking effects
T/F Anticholinergics can be used as antiemetics. There are cholinergic receptors in the brain involved in the vomiting center and in the upper GI tract via the vagus nerve.
TRUE - Aminopentamide has been used as antiemetic in dogs. (not as effective as the others)
T/F Bethanecol is a Cholinomimetic
TRUE - Binds to muscarinic receptors and affects motility throughout the GI tract
Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) or deuterium oxide dilution (D2O) are:_____
Objective measures of body composition
For the 9-point scale of the BCS system, each point differing from 5 represents a __% to __% excess or deficit of body fat.
10% to 15%
Write down the RER formula
70 x Kg^0.75
A patient eating less than _____% of its RER should be considered hyporexic.
What are the general recommendations to institute nutritional support in small animals?
Patients that are anorexic for more than 3 to 5 days Hyporexic for more than 1 week Have lost 10% of their body weight involuntarily Have a low BCS or moderate to severe muscle atrophy
Inflammation yields several lipid mediators that are involved in a complex regulatory array of the inflammatory process. Lipid mediators are synthesized by three main pathways_________________________ and they each use polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) such as _________________ as substrates
The cyclooxygenase, 5-lipoxygenase, and cytochrome P450 pathways arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and γ-linolenic acid (GLA)
T/F - EPA can inhibit the activity of the proinflammatory transcription nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) at several levels, which regulates the expression of many proinflammatory mediators (e.g., cytokines, chemo- kines) and other effectors of the innate immune response system
T/F - omega-3 fatty acids (EPO and DHA) help reduce the production of inflammatory mediators and are incorporated in the synthesis of antiinflammatory and “pro-resolution” factors, which serve to atten- uate the inflammatory response and the innate immune response
Acute liver injury vs acute liver failure definitions
ALI: acute hepatocellular damage and necrosis with retained hepatic function ALF: once hepatocellular damage is so extensive that compromises hepatic synthetic, excretory and regulatory functions.
Acute liver failure criteria in humans
o Absence of preexisting liver disease o Presence of HE within 8 weeks after onset of hyperbilirrubinemia, defined as plasma bilirubin > 2.9mg/dL o Presence of coagulopathy, defined by an INR.
Main etiologies of ALF
Toxic Drug-related Infectious Idiosyncratic
Toxic causes for ALF
o Direct (destruction of liver tissue) * Cycad-palms * Blue-green algae * Amanita phalloides * Aflatoxins * Xylitol o Indirect (disruptive) * Xylitol * Carprofen * Acetaminophen * Phenazopyridine * Sulfonamides * Lomustine * Zonisamide * Stanozalol * Benzodiazepines
ALF drug related
Carprofen Acetaminophen Sulfonamides Zonisamide Lomustine Phenazopyridine
Infectious ALF
Leptospirosis Canine Adenovirus 1 Trematodes
Idiosyncratic ALF
Hepatic lipidosis in cats Hypoglycemia, increased AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, bilirubin, bile acids Possible bilirrubinuria AXRAY - enlarged liver and large amount of abdominal fat AUS - Hyperechoic liver FNA - lipid-filled hepatocytes
ALF clinical signs
Icterus Coagulopathy Hepatic encephalopathy Hypoglycemia Sepsis
ALF - icterus
ALF - primary coagulopathy
ALF - primary coagulopathy II
ALF - secondary coagulopathy
ALF - secondary coagulopathy II
ALF - secondary coagulopathy III
Hyperfibrinolysis -> decreased clearance of plasminogen activators by the failing liver
ALF - clinical sx - hypoglycemia and sepsis
ALF - ammonia
ALF - ammonia II
ALF - clinical signs of HE
ALF - HE neuroinflammatory response
ALF - toxins implicated in HE
ALF - precipitating factors for HE
ALF - diagnosis
ALF - diagnosis - transaminases
ALF - diagnosis - inducible enzymes
ALF - diagnosis - electrolyte imbalances
ALF - diagnosis - ammonia
ALF - diagnosis - imaging
ALF - diagnosis - FNA/biopsies and coats
ALF - diagnosis - TEG
ALF - main treatments
ALF - treatments - fluids
ALF - treatment - fluids II
ALF - fluids maintenance
ALF - nutrition
ALF - nutrition - vitamins
ALF - supplements
ALF - nutrition - supplements II
ALF - nutrition - NAC
ALF - specific therapies / antidotes
ALF - Other therapies -> naloxone
ALF - management of complications
ALF - management of complications II
ALF - future therapies?
ALF - future therapies II
ALF - prognosis
Comparison of key features between vomiting and regurgitation
T/F Animals with esophageal disease may regurgitate saliva frequently (e.g., hourly) yet remain bright and systemically healthy. A vomiting animal is unlikely to sustain this frequency of vomiting without developing further systemic signs of illness, such as dehydration and lethargy.
Definition of regurgitation
Regurgitation is the passive ejection of food, water, or saliva associ- ated with esophageal or, less commonly, pharyngeal disease.
Most significant complication from regurgitation
Aspiration pneumonia
T/F Regurgitation is associated with esophageal or pharyngeal disease
TRUE It can be sometimes a manifestation of systemic disease.
T/F Regurgitation is more common in cats
FALSE - in dogs
_________ ___________ is the most common cause of regurgitation in the adult dog
Idiopathic megaesophagus
DDX for regurgitation
What does it means odynophagia
Pain when swallowing
What is the most useful diagnostic test in regurgitating patients?
o Thoracic radiography is the most important and useful imaging modality for evaluating patients with regurgitation. o Plain radiographs are diagnostic in most cases of megaesophagus resulting from a foreign body obstruction. o Plain radiographs also may show evidence of secondary aspiration pneumonia, mediastinal masses, or congenital abnormalities (e.g., vascular ring anomaly). o Two lateral radiographs and an orthogonal view should be obtained to evaluate all lung fields. If plain radiographs do not show any abnormalities, contrast studies or endoscopy may be indicated.
How useful it is AUS in patients that regurgitate
Abdominal ultrasonography rarely provides useful information in animals with regurgitation.
What further testing should we consider in patients with regurgitation?
o Serum should be submitted for acetylcholine receptor antibody assay on all patients with megaesophagus. o Additional tests to consider based on clinical suspicion include an adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test, serology for antinuclear antibody, serum creatine phosphokinase activity, lead levels in the blood, electromyography and nerve conduction velocity, and muscle and nerve biopsy. o Evidence for an association with hypothyroidism is lacking, but thyroid function (thyroid stimulating hormone assay, thyroid stimulating hormone stimulation, free and total thyroid hormone levels) testing may be warranted in individual patients with other suspicious signs. o Most patients with megaesophagus secondary to hypoadrenocorticism have electrolyte changes and other systemic signs.
General guidelines for treatment of patients with regurgitation
o Most animals with regurgitation are stable and well hydrated and do not require emergent therapy before a definitive diagnosis is made. o Empiric treatment with a histamine-2 receptor antagonist or proton pump inhibitor is indicated to reduce the risk of secondary esophagitis. o The addition of sucralfate may be warranted in patients with suspected active esophageal ulceration. o The canine esophagus is comprised almost exclusively of striated muscle, so smooth muscle prokinetic agents such as metoclopramide and cisapride have no beneficial effect. o Moreover, these agents could decrease the transit of ingesta to the stomach by increasing lower esophageal sphincter tone. o Anecdotal reports show that the parasympathomimetic agent, bethanechol, is a useful prokinetic agent in dogs with megaesophagus, but data are lacking. o The caudal third of the feline esophagus comprises smooth muscle. However, although prokinetics such as cisapride theoretically may be more useful in this species, primary esophageal dysmotility is uncommon in the cat.
If we need to feed patients that are regurgitating, what should we feed them and how?
o If regurgitating animals require hospitalization, the priority should be to prevent aspiration pneumonia by feeding a high-calorie diet in small, frequent meals from an elevated or upright position, and dietary consistency should be tailored to the animal. o Although intuitively a firm diet would appear to reduce the risk of aspiration, many patients have less frequent regurgitation when fed a more liquid ration. o Animals that cannot maintain adequate nutritional balance with oral intake should be fed using a temporary or permanent gastrostomy tube. o Esophagostomy and nasoesophageal tube placement is contraindicated.
Definition of vomiting
Vomiting is the forceful ejection of upper GI tract contents and may occur as a result of gastric, intestinal, or systemic disease.
Physiology of vomiting
o The vomiting reflex is mediated by the vomiting center in the medulla. o Vagal and sympathetic afferent pathways from the GI tract transmit impulses to the vomiting center when stimulated by inflammation or overdistention. o The vomiting center also receives stimulation from within the brain: the vestibular system, cerebrum, and chemoreceptor trigger zone provide input to the vomiting center. o The latter is a specialized region (area postrema) that is located on the floor of the fourth ventricle and lacks an intact blood-brain barrier. o The chemoreceptor trigger zone is sensitive to several common drugs and toxins. o Sufficient stimulation of the vomiting center results in the initiation of vomiting. o A period of intestinal antiperistalsis is followed by a highly coordinated sequence of events, beginning with a deep inspiration and ending with a strong simultaneous contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal wall musculature and relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
A hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, primarily resulting from the loss of gastric contents rich in H and Cl ions, with or without a contraction alkalosis, is the most common finding in dogs with?
GI foreign bodies, regardless of their location.
What acid-base disturbance is more typical in patients with chronic vomiting?
More prone to developing metabolic acidosis as a result of dehydration, and mixed acid-base disorders may be seen
Most common electrolyte disturbance in vomiting patients?
Why is aspiration pneumonia less common with vomiting than with regurgitation?
o Because reflex closure of the glottis occurs during emesis. o It is a greater risk in animals with impaired laryngeal function, typically a result of primary laryngeal disease or a decreased level of consciousness.
DDX for vomiting
Systemic signs should raise the possibility of an extra-GI cause for the vomiting
T/F A normal biochemical and hematologic parameters in a vomiting patient are more strongly suggestive of primary GI disease
When a patient is vomiting, which kind of diagnostic imaging is more indicated?
o In the acutely vomiting patient, the priority is to establish whether medical or surgical management is indicated (i.e., rule out a GI obstruction). o Abdominal radiographs have reasonable specificity in identifying the presence of obstruction and the wide availability of abdominal radiography makes them an acceptable first line test. o However, in the hands of an experienced operator, abdominal ultrasonography has been shown to have greater accuracy for identifying small intestinal obstruction than radiographs and is indicated in patients with equivocal radiographs or persistent vomiting. o Abdominal ultrasound also may assist in the identification of neoplastic obstructions and allows evaluation of the other abdominal organs to help exclude extra-GI cause of the vomiting. o If ultrasonography is not available, administration of barium and sequential abdominal radiographs may be helpful.
In which patients abdominal US is preferred over XRAY for vomiting patients?
o Patients with chronic vomiting are less likely to suffer from intestinal obstruction than those that are vomiting acutely, and abdominal radiography therefore has a lower diagnostic yield. o Abdominal ultrasonography generally is preferred in these patients. It allows an evaluation of the intestinal wall thickness and layering along with a thorough evaluation of the extraintestinal structures. o It therefore proves useful in helping to decide whether medical management, endoscopy, or surgery would be the most appropriate management strategy.
Why should we take thoracic radiographs in vomiting patients?
o They may show evidence of esophageal disease if the history has led to an incorrect identification of the primary problem. o They aid in the detection of neoplastic involvement in the thorax and allow for assessment of the heart and pulmonary vasculature. o And they may show evidence of pulmonary disease such as aspiration pneumonia.
Main factors to consider when treating a vomiting patient?
o Treatment of the underlying cause o Treatment and prevention of electrolyte and acid-base disturbances o Symptomatic control of further vomiting, when appropriate.
When a patient is vomiting, should we withhold food? If yes, for how long?
o The general recommendation for stable animals with recent onset of vomiting is to withhold food for 24 to 48 hours. o The rationale behind this recommendation is to avoid stimulating further vomiting and let the GI tract rest, to prevent the development of food aversions in nauseated patients, and to reduce the risk of aspiration pneumonia. o Food always should be withheld from patients with suspected GI obstruction or any patient whose signs worsen after feeding. o However, some vomiting patients may have a significantly quicker recovery when early enteral nutrition is instigated, and dogmatic enforcement of starvation may be unnecessary for some canine and feline patients. o Animals with persistent vomiting may not be good candidates for feeding tubes, and parenteral nutrition may be necessary.