GI-Intestines Flashcards
Diarrhea & Dysentery
- Diarrhea- increase in stool mass, frequency, fluidity
- Dysentery- severe diarrhea associated w/blood (RBC/WBC) in feces
- Exudative- More severe contains mass amount of WBC/RBC
Malabsorption-Celiac Sprue
- Ag affected Gluten->Gliadin
- Localized in duodenum
Genetic association:
- <em><strong>HLA-DQ2 & 8</strong></em>
- MHC 2
- Anti-gliadin Ab (<u>Anti-endomysial antibody)</u>
- Histo:
- Atrophy of SI villi = <em><strong>reduction in SA & absorption</strong></em>
- Increased # of intra-epithelial lymphocytes (CD4 & 8) = Local tissue damage
- Hyperplasia of crypts
- IgA neuropathy (hematuria & protenuria)
Dermatitis Herpetiformis (looks like herpes)
- IgA Ab endomysium-Skin rash
- NHL (non-hodgkin)-Tcell lymphoma
- Henoch-Schelon pupura=Total symptoms
Malabsorption-Whipple Disease
- Bacterium Tropheryma whippelii = Actinomyecetes (gram +) fungus like
- Macrophage are PAS + (dark pink)
- Actinomyecetes are within
- Foamy Macrophages pile up in <em><strong>lamina propiria Of small intestine</strong></em>NO room for <em><strong>chylomicrons</strong></em>=<u><em><strong>FAT malabsorption</strong></em></u>
- Typical pt 40-50 year old<strong> (joint pain & neuro issues)</strong>
Systemic disease
- Psychiatric issues
- Arthropathy<u> (inflammation of joint)</u>
- <strong>Ab lymphandeopathy</strong>
- Treat w/penicilin
Malabsorption-Lactase Def
- Atrophy of apical villous cells=Def of lactase (normal looking villi)
- **Brush broder enterocytes **
- Infant presents with:
- Explosive, watery, frothy, stools
- Ab distention
- Ostmotic diarrhea w/milk product
Summary of Malabsorption
- Hematopoietic system: Anemia
Def in-
- Iron
- pyridoxine (B6)
- Folate (multilobed neutrophils-Megalo)
- Vit B12 (<u>Neuro issues</u>-Megalo)
- Musculoskeletal: Osteopenia/Tetany
Def in-
- Ca +2
- Mg +2
- Vit D
- Endocrine: Hyperparathryroidism
Def in-
- Calcium
- Vit D
- _Epidermis: _
- Purpura/Petechiae= <em><strong>Vit K def</strong></em>
- Edema = <em><strong>Protein def</strong></em>
- Dermatitis = <em><strong>Vit A def</strong></em> (<u>niacin, FAs, zinc</u>)
Vit A Def
- Vision and cell growth
- Retinol (storage & transport form from liver) light sensitive pigment RHODOPSIN in rods & IODOPSIN in cones (daytime vision)
- Differentiation of mucus secreting epithelium (prevents squamous metaplasia)
- Antioxidant function (beta carotene-veges)
- Deficiency can be from:
- Malabsorption, liver disease or lacking diet
- Symptoms:
- Eye changes: night blindness, squamos metaplasia of cornea (bitot’s spots) & lacrimal ducts (xerophthalmia-Dryness)
- Skin changes = follicular hyperkeratosis (red bumps)
Rickets/Osteomalacia Vit D def
- Rickets: Children
- Craniotabes (softening of skull) = frontal bossing, squared appearance of head
- Deformation of chest: Rachitic rosary (overgrowth of cartilage on ribs), Pigeon chest deformity (indentation), Harrison’s groove (Lower margin of thorax-diaphragm attaches to ribs)
- Lumbar lordosis = Bowing of legs
- Osteomalacia = Adults = weakened bones
- Ossification begins @ mesenchyme large supply of blood
- Vit D toxicity - Renal stones or Metastatic Calcification on skin
Vit K Def
- Issues with Fat malabsorption
- Broad spectrum antibiotics (kill microbacteria which help convert K)
- Neonatal period:
- Bleeding diathesis (hypocoag)
- Complicated by intracranial hemorr
- Bleeding in: Skin, umbilicus, & viscera
- Diffuse Liver disease
- Adults show hematomas, hematuria, melena (blood in stool), eechymoses (bruise)
- 2,7,9 Factors
Enterocolitis (viral/bacterial)
- Rota Virus (dsRNA): Child & self limiting
- <strong>Severe dehydration-NO tears</strong>
- Yersinia enterocolitica-Invades lymph with pseudoappenditicits GRAM (-)
- E. Coli: most dangerous
- shiga-like toxin<u> (inhibits protein synthesis)</u>
- Hemorr colitis
- HUS <u>(0157:H7)</u>-Renal failure
- Staph aureus: Fatty foods/Milk
- Acute explosive diarrhea (1-6 hrs)/<u>Exudative=Infection</u>
- Vibrio cholera: water source
- Watery diarrhea=”<u>Secretory</u>“=Rice water
- GI normal mucosa
- Loss of Bicarb/Water = acidosis hypokalemia
- Salmonella enteritidis: Eggs/Poultry
- <strong>Dysentery w/bacteremia</strong>
- <strong>Ulceration of peyer’s patches=<u>Shock</u></strong>
- Shigella: **fecal/oral **
- <u><em>S.flexneri </em></u>infection=<u>Rieter syndrome </u>(arthritis w/conjunctivits)
Clostridium Difficile
- Gram (+) spore forming/anaerobic
- Normal flora in GI eliminated=<strong>Clostridium to manifest</strong>
- Fever
- Pain
- Bloody diarrhea
- Antibiotic associated diarrhea=local invasion
Pseudo-membrane over mucosa->Mega colon
- Exudative (neutrophil rich)
Campylobacter Enterocolitis
- Curved (red), Non-spore Gram (-)/flora
- Ingestion of poorly cooked poultry
- Symptoms:
- Diarrhea->dysentery
- Complications:
- Reactive chronic arthritis=HLA-B27
Guillain-Barre=Myelin loss (PNS)
- Auto-Ab of Ganglosides (GM1/GQ1B)
- Mol. Mimicry
- Starts in feet and moves up
C. Jejuni= SI-Maltoma (MALT)
- Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymph
- Entamoeba histolytica (ameba)
- Fecal - oral transmission
- Erythro-phagocytosis=Flask shaped ulcer in submucosa
- Once it bores out of SI=Systemic
- Diagnose w/Stool sample
- Ab pain
- Bloody <u>exudative diarrhea</u>
- Weight loss
- <em><strong>Amebic liver abscess </strong></em>(RUQ pain)
Giardiasis: Giardia lamblia “beaver fever”
- <em><strong>No invasion</strong></em>
- Cause decreased expression of brush border enzymes & morph changes to GI
- <em><strong>H&E stain</strong></em> for diagnosis
- “Graft vs Host Disease”
- Direct toxic injury by DONORs CD8 to SI mucosa
- Apoptosis (sloughing off)
- Villus blunting
- CD 8 cells present
- Flattening of crypt cells-Decrease mitoses
- Atypia of nuclei in cells
- Abrupt onset of SEVERE watery diarrhea
- Treat w/cortico steroids
- Liver issues = Jaundice
Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Chorns Disease: Increase local CD-4 response &<u>"Non-caseating granuloma"</u>
- <u>T-cell damage</u> to mucosa
- Occurs @ <u>any part of GIT</u>
- <em>Skip Lesions “<u>cobble stone"</u></em>
- Transmural inflammation <u>(whole bowel)</u> w/Stenosis
- Rubbery/Thick wall=<em><strong>String sign Xray</strong></em>
- Noncaseating granulomas (<u>macrophages)</u>
- Fissuring=Fistula <u>(abnormal connection)</u>
- Recurrent diarrhea, pain,<u> FEVER</u>
- Uveitis<u> (floaters, blurrred vision)</u>
- Eryhtema nodosum <u>(inflammation of fat under skin)-</u><em>Ulcer</em>
- Ulcerative colitis: Idiopathic cond of<span></span>Colon
- Affects mucosa/Sub <u>(pseudo polyps due to healing)</u>
- Bloody mucoid diarrhea
- <u>Continuous involvement</u>
- Pseudo polyps w/<u>NO mural thickening</u>
- Dysplasia-Crypt acscess <u>(archtectural distortion)-</u>Lead pipe
- Toxic megacolon (<u>NO motility</u>) to Adenocarcinoma
- <strong>Polyarthritis <u>(5 or more joints)</u></strong>
- <strong>Primary sclerosing cholangitis<u>(obstruction Bile)</u></strong>
Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment
- Crohns:
- Surgery/Resection if obstruction @ iieocecal Jxn=Vit B12 def
- Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae Ab (ASCA)
- Affects Mannan binding lectin
- c-ANCA (proteinase 3)
- Ulcerative colitis:
- Surgery w/Steroid use
- P-ANCA + (MPO+)
- HLA-B27 (chromosome 6 Tcells)
- associated w/Spondyloarthropathy
- Liver transplant w/Scelorising cholangitis
- Causes:
- Spontaneous BUT possible <u>connection w/Stress</u>
- <em>Altered bowel habits</em>
- <u>Excess serotonin-</u>Motility disorder
Ischemic Bowel disease
- Sudden complete obstruction of blood flow
- Morphology:
- Dark red/brown sharply demarcated @ both ends
- Common in splenic flexure due to <u>NOT </u>having it own primary source of blood <u>(due to hypotension)</u>
- <u><em>Initial injury</em></u>=Hypoxic & <u><em>secondary injury</em></u>=Reperfusion
- Presentation:
- Severe ab pain w/tenderness
- Bloody diarrhea
- Peristaltic sounds diminish
- Spasms make Board-like rigidity of ab
- X-ray shows <em><u>FREE air=Perfortation</u></em>
- Transmural infarction=All layers involved w/gangrene
Mesenteric arterial thrombosis:
- MI (mural thrombis) disloadge w/thrombosis
- Paradoxical embolism (septal defect)
- Venous thrombosis w/hypercoag states
- Nonocclusive ischemia:
- Cardiac failure,Shock,Dehydration
- Vasoconstrictive drugs (digitalis)
Hirschsprung Disease
- 50% familial cases due to mutation in RET gene (loss of Fxn)
- “Cong mega colon”
- Distention of ab occurs after birth
- Found in 10% of down syndrome
- Found in rectum or sigmoid ONLY=Short segment
- Entire colon=Long segment
- Caused by: NO migration of neurocrest cells (auerbach’s/meissner’s plexus)
- <strong>Lack of innervation=Obstruction</strong>
- Proximal to obstruction=Megacolon/Hypertrophy
- Meckel: True all layers (transmural)
Rule of 2:
- 2% of pop
- 2 cm in length
- 2 ft away from iliocecal junction
- Origin=vitelline duct remnants-Small GI
- <strong>Mucosa contains gastric/parietal cells<u>(ectopic tisse)</u>=<u>Peptic ulcer</u></strong>
- Zenker’s diverticulum<strong>:</strong>
- Pharyngoesophageal (False)
- Colonic Diverticular disease: (False)
- Outpouching of colon mucosa (Fistula to bladder-Bubbly urine)
- Diarrhea
- Hemorrahge due to continued pressure on out pouching
- When infection is present=Diverticulitis acute pain LL ab with <em>leukocytosis </em><u>(increase WBC)</u>
- Common site=<u>Sigmoid colon (left pseudo-appendicits)</u>
- <u>Cause: </u>weakness in colonic wall due to increased pressure <u>(decrease in fiber)</u>
Intestinal obstruction
- High lvl:
- <em>Severe vomiting</em>
- NO passage of stool
- Palpable mass
- Low lvl:
- <strong>Distension</strong>
- <strong>Palpable mass</strong>
- <strong>No passage of stool/Flatus <em><u>(absolute constipation)</u></em></strong>
- Acute:
- <strong>Colicky pain (<u><em>increased peristalsis)</em></u></strong>
- Gradual:
- Tumor (weeks)
- Gradually worsen
- <u><em>Diameter of stool decrease</em></u>
Intestinal obstruction-Hernia
- Protrusion of an organ or structure surrounding tissues
- Inguinal: bulges @ groin area more when-
- coughing, straining, standing up
- <em><u>Indirect=</u></em>protrudes through the inguinal ring
- <u><em>Direct=</em></u>exits through weak part of ab fascia <em><u>(Hesselbach Triangle)</u></em>
- Trapping (strangulation) of bowel-_“_Incarceration”=Grangrene
- Herniation of scrotal sac=Xray air in sac
Intestinal obstruction-Volvulus
- Loop of bowel Spontaneous twisting on itself
- Elderly=Sigmoid colon
- Young=Cecum
- Presentation:
- Sudden ab pain
- Distention
- Absolute constipation
- Bloody stool
- Test: Aburpt stop when scope is introduced into rectum (Sigmoid=older pt & Small GI=Due to surgery)
- Complication:
- Ischemia>Gangrene of bowel
Intestinal obstruction-Intussusception
- Proximal segment invagination (telescoped) into immediate distal segment of bowel>direction of peristalsis
- Sudden acute pain
- Obstruction=Infarction
- <em><strong>Current jelly stool </strong></em>or NO stool
- Sausage shaped mass in ab
- Cause:
- Rotavirus in children due to inflammed Peyer’s patches (lymphoid hyperplasia cecum)
- Intraluminal mass in adults lymphoid hyperplasia IE Tumor
Intestinal obstruction-Adhesion
- Causes:
- Surgical procedures
- infections
- endometriosis (uterine tissue outside the uterus)
- **All of these lead to peritonitis **
- As peritonitis heals-Adesions may develop
- Adhesion:
- Obstruction> strangulation>ischemia>Gangrene
Small Intestine Infarction
- Superior mesenteric Artery occulsion
- Mesenteric venous thrombosis
- SI requires ALOT of ATP to function so slight disruption in Bloodflow can be devistating
- Causes:
- PAN-Transmural infarction w/Melena & Ab pain
- Polycythemia vera-Thrombosis_(mesenteric vein)_ ALSO due to Lupus Anti-coag
- Hypotension=Mucosal infarction due to low penetrating blood supply most inner layer
Misc GI conditions
- Angiodysplasia: Arteriovenous malformation (bypass capillaries)
- Involves <u>Cecum & Rt. colon</u>
- Presents w/episodic rectal bleeding
- Assicated w/<em><strong>Osler-Weber-Rendu & Crest Syndrome</strong></em>
- Osler-Weber-Rendu: Hereditary Telangectesis (abnormal BV formation)
- Autosomal dominant
Bleed easy from-
- Lips, Tongue, Finger
- Calcinosis, Raynaud’s, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, Telangiestasia (CREST)
- Stercoral Ulcer-Forms due to chronic constipation in colon w/RISK of perforation
Acute Appendicitis
- Obstruction VIA:
- Gallstones
- Tumor
- Ball of worms in children<em><u>(oxyuriasis vermularis)</u></em>
- Presentation:
- Pain starts @ periumbilical that travels to RL qaud
- Exudate w/Transmural acute inflammation
- Neutrophils in wall
- Neutrophilia (shift to left)
- Increased LAP
- Reactive to myeloid hyperplasia in BM
- Complications:
- <strong>Rupture</strong>
- <strong>Vomiting due to (-) bowel movement</strong>
- <strong>Distention</strong>
- <strong>Absent bowel sounds</strong>
- <strong>Increased Peritoneal fluid</strong>
- Variceal dilations of the anal/perianal plexuses
- Brought on by Constipation:
- **Cocaine **
- Strain on stool
- Pregers (uterus presses on IVC)
- After child birth (due to excessive strain)
- Heroin addicts (opiates=Constipation)
- Presents w/:
- Fresh blood during defecation
- Pain external type around anus
- Causes:
- Appendicitis
- Ruptures peptic ulcer
- Pancreatitis
- Bile
- Acute salpingitis (PID)-<u>Inflammation of fallopian tubes</u>
- Presentation:
- Ab pain/Guarding exacerbated w/movement
- Rebound tendeness
- Complications: intestinal obstructions
- Spontaneous bacterial:
- Most common cause=Cirrhosis/Nephrotic syndrome
- Presentation:
- Fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, ab pain, painful ascites
- Perioneal fluid=Cloudy, HIGH protein, PMN (polymorphenuclear leukocytes)
Non-malignant Polyps
- Hyperplastic polyps:
- Star shaped glands (<5mm in diameter)
- Location: Recto sigmoid colon
- NO malignant potential
- fleshy growth on colon or rectum
- Exaggerated Crypt architecture
- Untreated polyps = colorectal cancer
- Hamartomatous polyps:
- “Juvenile polyps”_- _Focal hamartomatous malformations of mucosa
- “Retention polyp”= made of cystically dilated glands
- Spontaneous regression w/child’s stool
- “Peutz-Jeghers”
Neoplastic lesions of colon
- Adenomas:
- Tubular adenoma-Tubular glands ONLY
- Pedunculated=Fibro-vascular stalk
- Cancer is Rare
- Present on Mucin-secreting colonic mucosa
- Colon, stomach, SI, Ampulla of Vater
- Villous adenoma-Villous glandular pattern
- LARGE & Sessile=NO stalk w/finger like projection
- Villous architecture larger w/HIGH chance for Dysplasia (50%)
- Rectum (palpate in exam) & Sigmoid colon
- HIGH chance for cancer w/>4cm diameter
Syndromes/Disorders assoc w/Polyps
- Cowden’s or Multiple hamartoma syndrome:
- Rare autosomal dom
- Multiple tumor-like growths=Hamatomas
- Increase risk for cancer
- Peutz-Jeghers polyps/syndrome:
- Hamartomatous polyps in mucosa <u><strong>(ex. salv gland)</strong></u>
- <u><em>Location=</em></u>SI benign hamarematous polyps w/Hyperpigmented macules on lips
- FAP: Issue w/APC gene w/100+ polyps<u></u><strong><u>(tumor supressor)</u>Adenomatous polyposis coli</strong>
- Turcot’s syndrome (assoc w/FAP):
- Colon presentation + brain tumors
- <u><em>Medulloblastoma=</em></u>Maliganant tumor in cerebellum<em><u>malignant giloma</u></em>
- Gardner syndrome (assoc w/FAP):
- Colonic presentation + osteomas of Skull
- Thyroid cancer, epidermoid cysts<u> (fibromas)</u>
Familial Polyposis Syndrome & Assoc syndromes
- Classic FAP-Pts develop 500-2500 colonic adenomas
- <u><em>Mutation of APC (5q21)</em></u>>KRAS forms polyps>P53 w/Upreg of COX2=Carcinoma
- Gardner-Polyps + osteoma, epidermal cysts, fibromatosis
- Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (Lunch Syndrome)
- Defects in mismatch DNA repair genes=<u><em>Micro satellite instability</em></u>
- Colon cancer endometiral cancer <u><em>w/FEW OR NO polyps</em></u>
- Peutz-Jeghers: Hamartomatous polyps + multiple carcinomas + Hyperpigmentation in mouth, lips, skin (freckles)
- Cowden: Hamartomatous polyps + carcinoma of breast
- Turcot: Multiple adenomatous polyps + Brain tumors
Adenoma>Carcinoma Sequence
- Mutation or 1st hit to APC gene
- Methylation abnormalities=Inactive normal alleles (2nd hit)-APC beta/catenin
- Early adenoma=K-RAS @ 12p12 & overexpression of COX-2
- Loss of additional tumor supressor genes=P53, LOW, SMAD2/4
- Carcinoma=Mutations w/chromosomal alterations
Colon Cancer (Carcinoma)
- Both left/righ colon cancer:
- Desmoplastic rxn (<strong>fibrosis)</strong>
- Tumors produce Mucin=PAS positive (DIC)
- Signet ring cells (mucin pushes nucleus off-center)
Marker=CEA (course of disease)
- Stool=Blood +
- Alternate constipation & diarrhea
Prox colon (right):
- Polypoid exophytic masses (raised lesion)
- <strong><em>Iron def anemia </em></strong><u><em>(blood loss) </em></u><em>w/pain</em>
Distal colon (left) more infiltrative:
- Annular/encircling lesions<strong> <u><em>("napkin ring")</em></u></strong>
- Osbtruction COMMON=<strong><u><em>Stool diameter loss</em></u></strong>
- NO anemia w/”<u><strong>Apple core lesion</strong></u>” on barium study
- Descending colon=Heaped up edges <u><em>w/ulcerated or necrotic center</em></u>
- Strep Bovis endocarditis involved w/Colorectal carcinoma
Carcinoma-Antorectal canal
- Squamos cell carcinoma=dominate
- Caused by HPV infection (16,18, 31, 33)
- Carcinoid tumor: Neuroendocrine cells (not epi)
- Appendiceal (common) & rectal
- Elevated lvls of 5-HT w/its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid <strong>(5-HIAA)</strong>
- Appears as bulbous swelling
- Can appear in bronchus
- Microscopy: Solid yellow-tan appearance
- Discrete isalnds w/pink granular cytoplasm
- Round to oval stippled nucleus
- Complications:
Carcinoid syndrome (serotonin)
- Malignant tumor mets>liver=<strong>Skin flushing & diarrhea</strong>
- <strong>Rt heart issue due to pulm (MAO breakdown of serotonin)</strong>
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrin)
- Gastric/Pancreatic carcinoids><strong>Multiple non-healing ulcers</strong>
- Cushing-Syndrome (ACTH)
Staging of Colon carcinoma
- _Depends on: _
- Size
- Depth of invasion
- How far it has metastasized <u>(liver being farthest)</u>
- Tis=Carcinoma in-situ (HIGH-grade dysplasia) intramucosal carcinoma
- T1=Tumor invades sub mucosa
- T2=Extending into muscularis propria (NO penetration)
- T3= Penetration through Muscularis>subserosa
- T4=Invading other organs
- N0-N2=0-4+ lymph nodes involved
- M0-M1= No or Distant metasis
- Poor prognosis:
- Tumor w/HIGH mitosis
- Lymph node involvement <em><u>(more involved worse it is)</u></em>
- Distant metasis (liver)
- Undifferentiated