Blood Vessels Flashcards
Arteries & Arteriosclerosis
From inner to outer layers -
- Intima (endo cells)
- Basement membrane (internal elastic lamina)
- Media (smooth muscle)
- Adventitia (anchor vessel)
- Sclerosis = Hardening of artery/arterioles
- Thickening & LOSS of elasticity of BV wall
- AterioloSclerosis-Hyaline assoc w/Kidney
- 3 forms:
- **Monckeberg medial calcific **
- Athero
- Arteriolo (associated w/Hypertension & Diabetes)
Arteriosclerosis-Monckeberg Medial Calcific
- Calcium deposits found in the tunica media of muscular arteries
- In pelvis, upper limbs, uterus in ages ABOVE 50
- Dytrophic calcification (no clinical significance)
- Non-occulsive = No affect on blood flow
- Diagnosed w/Xray or mammogram
- Arterial stiffness
- High pulse pressure
- Damage to Heart/Kidney
Atherosclerosis (ATH)
- Definition: migration of smooth muscle cells from media to intima of large to medium sized arteries
- Media of arterty is thinned out
- Intimal injury = Intimal thickening, fatty streak (macrophages), Ingested LDL (Foam cells),Migration = intimal thickening LEADS to degradation of collagen/elastin
Intimal atheromatous or *fibro-fatty plaque:*
- Fibrous cap (smooth muscle cells, foam cells, neovascularization-Sprouting of new BVs from exsisting ones)
- Necrotic center-cholesterol crystals & calcium
- Atheromatous turns into complex lesion AKA Rupture/Thrombus
Risk Factors & ATH
Risk factors:
Potentially controllable-
- LDL cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Smoking
- Hyperlipidemia (HIGH LDL, LOW HDL or defective LDL receptor)
- Chlamydia
- Increasing age
- Males & post menopausal (estrogen def)
- Family history
- Physical inactivity
Stages of ATH
Normal to Fatty streak-
- Endothelial dysfunction
- Monocyte adehesion
- SMC migration to intima
- SMC proliferation
- ECM elaboration
- Lipid accumulation
Fibrofatty plaque to Adv vulnerable plaque-
- Cell death/degeneration
- Inflammation
- Growth & remodeling of plaque/ECM
- Organization of thrombus w/calcification
- Mural thrombis embolization wall weakened = aneurysm/rupture
- Plaque rupture, erosion, hemmorhage = Occulsion by thrombus
- Plaque growth = Critical stenosis
Morphology of Atheroma
- Location:
- Most common abdominal aorta
- Thoracic aorta
- Circle of Willis
- Renal & mesenteric arteries
- Rupture, ulceration or erosion = Thrombus formation
- Hemorrhage (coronary arteries) = Thrombus formation
- Calcification = Dystrophic type ID with X-ray
Aneurysmal dilation = Atrophy of smooth muscle of media/LOSS of elastic tissue
- Pulsating mass in abdomen (below renal artery)
- Rupture & hemm shock = Sudden loss of BP, cool skin, Loss of consciousness
Clinical Signs of ATH
Symptoms due to LOW tissue O2:
- Coronary artery-Pain w/exercise
- Brain-TIA & stroke
- GIT-Mesenteric artery ATH=Ischemia of intestine (postprandial pain-Pain after eating & weight loss)
Lower extremities-ATH of popliteal:
- Gangrene of legs
- Impotence
- Pain on walking
- Renal artery (bilateral):
- Elevated renin/aldosterone = Secondary hypertension
- Sustained diastolic BP above 90mmHg or systolic pressure in excess of 140mmHg
Malignant hypertension = Diastolic greater than 120 / Systolic greater than 200
- ex. Pheochromocytoma
- Risk factor for:
- CAD (coronary artery disease)
- CVA or Stroke (cerebro-vascular accident)
Idopathic HT:
- 90-95% compatible w/long life
- Family history IMPORTANT
- Present for 10-20years
Secondary HT:
- 5-10%
- Related to renal issues (renal hypo-perfusion)
- Sudden presentation
Primary (essential) Hypertension
- Aka-Benign HTN = Long standing
- Family history present
- No short term problems
- Compications from MI or CVD
- Salt-sensitive hypertension w/normal renin activity
Genetic factors-Single gene disorder
- Increase aldosterone secretion
- Defect in renal Na+ homeostasis
- Increases to-Cardiac output, peripheral resistance & ECF = Hypertension
Secondary HTN
- Chronic renal disease
- Renal artery stenosis
- Renin producing tumors (renal cell carcinoma)
- Pheochromocytoma = Increase in catecholamines
- Conn’s syndrome = Adenoma in adrenal cortex (increase in aldosterone w/decrease in renin)
- Cushing syndrome (high lvls or cortisol)
- Cardiovascular: Coarction of aorta=Upper limb HTN & Poly arteritis Nodosa (vasculitis w/clinical sign “rosary beads”)
- Neurological: increased intracranial pressure
Renal artery stenosis (Fibro-muscular)
- Can be unilateral greater chance in females
Histo: Deposition of trichrome positive collagen in artery wall w/Medial hyperplasia (Beads on a string)
- Found in lamina elastic interna
Hypoxia = High renin & aldosterone in serum of affected vessels
- Net effect = Small atrophic kidney
- Malignant Hypertension =Visual Kidney changes
Malignant Hypertension
- Hyaline arteriolosclerosis:
- Arteriolar wall becomes hylinized = Narrow lumen
- Kidney = Fine granular change (benign nephrosclerosis)=Severe forms seen Diabetes
- Histo: Pink glossy in wall
- Hyperplastic = onion skinning leads to luminal obliteration (ischemia-wrinkling of glom capillary vessels)
- Kidney = multiple hemorrhages (flea-bitten) assoc w/glomerular damage
- Can be assoc w/Fibrinoid necrosis - Deposits of eosinophilic material in intima
Clinical signs of Malignant HTN
- Palpitation
- Irregularly irregular HB
- Brought on by peripheral edema=CHF
- Blurring vision
- Headache
- Emergency HTN:
- Renal failure (hematuria)
- Retinal hemorrhages
Papilledema (increased intracranial presure)
- Swelling of optic disk
- Diseases assoc w/HTN:
- Left vent hypertrophy
- Benign nephrosclerosis
- Berry’s aneurysm
- Localized abnormal dialtion of a BV (vein or artery) or dialtion of heart
Most common causes for aortic:
- Atherosclerosis
- Hypertension
Cystic medial degeneration (necrosis):
- Loss of elastic muscle fibers in media & replaced w/basophilic ground substance
- Marfan syndrome (defective fibrillin needed to make elastic fibers)
- Cong. defects = Berry aneurysms (subarachnoid space hem)
- Syphilis (spirochete bacter) affects thoracic aorta
- Mycotic = due to infection of major artery
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Most common
- Atherosclerosis
- Below renal arteries & above bifurcation of aorta
- Rupture into peritoneal cavity or retro = SHOCK
- Develop mural thrombus = Lower body embolism (impotence & gangrene)
- BP is crucial in severity of aneurysm
Syphilitic (Leutic) Aneurysms
- Location = Thoracic aorta
Tertiary syphilis:
- Inflammation of adventia
- Leads to inflammation of Vasa vasorum <strong>(Blood supply of aorta)</strong>=Obliterative endarteritis
- Loss of elastic fibers = Ischemia
- End result dilatation of thoracic aorta
- Appearance: “Tree bark” - wrinkled
- Cardiac disease: Aortic valve dialation or regurg
- Massive left vent hypertrophy & dialation = Cor bovinum
- Diagnose w/Ab for Treponema Pallidum
Aortic Dissection General
- Tear in the intima (inner layer) = Intramural hematoma
- Presence of blood between & along the laminar planes of media (outer/middle)
- Causes DILATATION & Dissecting aneurysms
- Histo: Medial degeneration marked by elastin fragmentation (Marfan)=Black lines are scattered not consistant
- Proximal dissection: ascending aorta complete or region of aortic valve <strong>(arch)</strong>
- Predisposing factors:
- Hypertension, 40-60, any part of aorta
- Marfan:
- Myxoid change & fragmentation of elastic lamina (cystic medial necrosis)
- Above or AT aortic root
Clinical Presentation of Aortic Dissection
Propagation of SUBintimal hematoma:
- Makes true/false lumen w/in aorta = Double barreled aorta
- False lumen grows = Decrease amount of blood flow in true
- Dissection w/in pericardial space = Cardiac tamponade
- Dissection @ root = tamponade, wide mediastinum (heart shadow), diminished heart sound, SUDDEN collaspe/shock
ECG: ST segment elevations (vent depolar) can be mistaken w/MI
- ST depression also happens more severe
- Tearing chest pain-Radiate to back
- Shifting pain w/time
Giant cell (temporal) Arteritis General
- Acute or chornic granulomatous inflammation w/lymphocytic infiltrate
- Histo:
- Degenerated internal elastic membrane in acute arteritis
- Intimal thickening in chronic or healed arteritis
- Nodular thickening of affected artery
- Temporal artery-Headache
- Opthalmic-blindness, diplopia
- External carotid artery-Trans Ischemic attack less than 24 hours
Clinical features of Giant cell (temporal)
- After age 50
- Polymyalgia rheumatica (joint/muscle pain) neck & shoulder stiffness/pain
- Jaw pain
- Abrupt headaches
- Weight loss/Anorexia
- Loss of vision
- Lab value: High ESR (sedimenation rate) sticky due to fibronogen inflammation=over 100mmHr
- Corticosteroid therapy sucessful
Takayasu Arteritis (Pulseless disease)
- Granulomatous vasculitis autoimmune marker ANCA (antineutrophil cytoplasmic Ab)
- Destruction of media by mononuclear inflammation
- AKA aortic arch syndrome
- Females younger than 40
Vessels involved:
- Aortic Arch
- Renal=secondary hypertension
- Pulmonary
- Imaging: Narrowing of brachiocephalic, carotid & subclavian arteries
- Morphology: Stenosis & or aneurysm
- Clinical:
- Low BP w/weak pulse in upper (carotid, radial, ulnar) than in lower
- Ocular disturbances-Unilateral blindness
ANCA vasculitis
- Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab
- Wegner granilomatosis = C-anca
Churg-Strauss = P-anca
- Asthma & eosinophila
- Fibrinoid necrosis
Microscopic polyangitis = P-anca
- NO asthma
- Neutorphil infiltration in BV
Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN)
- Systemic vasculitis (medium vessel)
- Hep B Surface Ag (HBsAg)+++
- ANCA (-)
- Perfusion impairment=infarcts-necrosis
- Kidney
- Skin
- Other organs
- Fibrinoid necrosis (bright pink fibrin Ca+2 deposit)
- Thrombosis
- Clinical PAN:
- Effects all age groups
- Malaise, fever, weight loss
- HT w/ab pain w/Melena (tar feces)
- *palpable skin purpura *
Churg-Strauss Syndrome
- Autoimmune of medium & small vessels w/History of airway allergy sensitivity
- Variant of PAN
- Allergic granuloma invloving PULMONARY vasculature
- Eosinophila = Damage to vessels & necrosis
- Asthma
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Positive for P-ANCA target for myloperoxidase
Kawasaki Disease
- Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
- Effects young children
- Associated w/Auto-immune or pathogen
- Clinical:(Triad of symptoms)
- Conjunctivitis
- Maculopapular skin rash
- Lymphadenopathy
- Redness on soles/palms
- Location:
- Right & Left Coronary artery leads to MI due to aneurysm
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
- Microscopic polyangitis-Affects Arerioles, capillaries, venules
Etiology-reaction to an Ag like:
- Drugs (penicillin)
- Microorganisms (strep)
- Malignancy
- Deposition of antigen-Ab complex in vessel wall
- P-ANCA (+) detected by Myeloperoxidase
- Palpable skin purpura (more common than PAN)
- Blood stained sputum (hemoptysis)
- Arthalgia <strong>(joint pain)</strong>
Morphology: **Neutrophilic vasculitis **
- Non-granulomatous-neutrophil/lymphocytes
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
- Type of leukocytoclastic vasculitis ID by IgA mediated skin purpura
IgA deposition in kidney = Hematuria
- Depostition in Glom
- Peri-vascular IgA deposit in skin = DERMATITIS HERPETIFORMIS
- P-ANCA (-)
Abdominal manifestations:
- Pain
- Vomiting
- Intestinal bleeding
- nonmigratory arthralgia
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Fibrinoid necrosis present
Ab in SLE:
- Anticardiolipin Ab=Deep venous thrombosis (antiphospholipid syndrome)
- ds-DNA & Anti-smith
- Pts w/o C2-C4 are more susceptable to SLE
- Hep-B pts more susceptible to Fibrosis
Wegner Granulomatosis
- Necrotizing vasculitis - affecting capillaries, venules, arterioles, & arteries
- Morphology-Giant cells in lung/kidney Blood vessels
- Nodular infiltrative lesions in lung
- Affects BOTH upper/lower
- Causes palatal destruction
- Death w/in 1 year if untreated
- c-ANCA (+) in seurm 95% and can monitor disease progression
- Nasopharynx-Mucosal ulceration, sinusitis, rupture of nasal septum=<u>Bleeding</u>
- Lung- pneumonitis
- Kidney:
- Crescentic glomerulonephritis
- acute renal failure
- Secondary Hypertension
Raynaud Phenomenon
- Primary (disease) = Vasoconstriction due to cold, stress <strong>(neurological)</strong>
Secondary (phenomen) = Pathological obstruction of artery
- Buerger
- Scleroderma (fibrosis)
- Burger = Claudication (trouble walking) of feet
- Affects tibial & raidal artery
- Color change = White-Blue-Red
- Kidney **meningioma present **
Cause = Hypercoagulable states
- Adenocarcinoma (colon, lung, urogenital)-Can start off as trousseau syndrome
- Pregers
- Immobilization
- Bone fracture
- Vessels: Iliac, femoral, Popliteal MOST common
- Saddle thrombus ->Acute cor pulmonale (RHF)->pulmonary infarction = Acute dyspnea (Quick death)
Benign Vascular Tumors (Spider Telangictasia)
- Arterial Spider
- Radial & often pulsatile
- Array of dilated subcutaneous arteries or arterioles w/central core
- Hyperestrinism seen in liver failure due to liver not breaking down estrogen
- Gyenecomastia SE (males)
- Cirrhosis w/portal HTN
Hereditary Hemorrhagic telangiectasis
- Osler-weber-rendu disease (angiodysplasia)
- Autosomal dominant
- _Morphology: _
- Vascular deformation = meshwork dilated capillaries, veins, arteries
- Arterio-venous malformation = Hamartoma <strong>(thick wall artery & thin wall veins together)</strong>
- Location:
- Present @ birth
- Distrubuted widely over skin & mucous membranes
- Clinical presentation:
- Spontaneous nosebleeds
- Bleeding into gut/rectum
- Hematuria
Capillary hema:
- Benign BV
- Found on skin rarely visceral organ (interior organ)
- Red skin nodule (strawberry)
- Regresses spontaneously
Cavernous hema:
- Large cavernous vascular spaces & dystrophic calcification
- Found on visceral organs
- Associated w/Von Hippel-Lindau disease
- Hemangioblastoma (tumors of CNS) in:
- cerebellum
- eye & bilateral renal cell
- Cysts in liver/kidney
- Pheochromytoma
Cavernous Lymphangioma
- “Cystic Lymphangioma”
- Common in children in Neck or Axilla
- Defined by size *15 CM in diameter *
- Composed of massively dilated-cystic lymphatic vessels
- Associated w/Turner’s syndrome (45X)
- Causes diff in delivery
Bacillary Angiomatosis
- Moist, erosive CUTANEOUS lesion
- _Histo: _
- Acute neutrophilic inflammation
- Vascular (capillary) prolif
- Silver (Warthin-Starry) stain=Tangled bacilli
- Appearance-Black
- Assoc w/Bartonella Henselae (cat-stratch)
Kaposi Sarcoma
- Gross: Red-purple macules & plaques on skin
Histo: nodular form-sheets of plump proliferating Spindle cells (CD31)
- extravasation of RBCs
- Markers: Vimentin (anchoring)
- Dermal angiosarcoma (malignant neoplasm of endothelial cells)
- Cause = HSV-8 (herpes) affects HIV or immuno-comprimised pts
Mech: KSHV incorporates in host genome
- Disrupt control of cellular proliferation-inactivating Rb gene
- Prevents apoptosis of endo cells w/production of tp53 inhibitors (tumor inhibitor)