GI infections SHEEHY Flashcards
agents associated with inducing C Diff

Agents AGAINST C dff
- Vancomycin
- Metronidazole
- Fidaxomicin
CDI treatment: vancomycin and metronidazole
- • Preferred treatment for severe CDI is vancomycin, equivalent to metronidazole for mild CDI
- Mechanism of action
- A glycopeptide
- Cell wall synthesis inhibitor (D‐Ala‐D‐Ala)
- • Pharmacokinetics
- Oral vancomycin is not absorbed systemically and
- achieves predictably high levels in the colon
- IV vancomycin has no effect
- • Adverse effects
- Red man syndrome
CDI treatment: metronidazole
- • Mostly used for mild CDI, sometimes used in severe cases if oral administration won’t work
- • Mechanism of action
- • A nitroimidazole with selective action against anaerobes
- • Reduced toxic intermediates are incorporated into bacterial DNA
- • Mechanism of action
- • Mechanism of drug activation
- • Non‐enzymatically reduced by reacting with reduced ferredoxi
- Pharmacokinetics
- • Oral and IV administration has wide distribution including crossing the blood‐brain‐barrier
- • Adverse effects and contraindications
- • Disulfiram‐like effect (avoid alcohol)
- • Metallic taste
- • Nausea
- • Disulfiram‐like effect (avoid alcohol)
- • Peripheral neuropathy (dose limiting)
- Trade name is Flagyl®
- Kills flagellated pathogens
• Antiprotozoal drug with potent activity against anaerobes
- Adverse effects
- Disulfiram‐like effect (avoid alcohol) • Metallic taste
CDI treatment: fidaxomicin
- CDI treatment: fidaxomicin
- • Shown to be superior to vancomycin in treating recurrences of CDI
- • Spares many anaerobic colonic flora
- • Mechanism of action
- • Bacterial protein synthesis inhibitor, binds sigma subunit of RNA polymerase
- • Pharmacokinetics
- • Given orally, limited distribution outside GI tract
- • Adverse effects and contraindications •
- Well tolerated, limited GI side effects
Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter pylori
- Most common cause of duodenal ulcers and chronic gastritis
- Bismuth subsalicylate • Pepto‐Bismol®
• Protein synthesis inhibitor
- Omeprazole
- Proton pump inhibitor
Trophozoite ‐> binucleated
precyst ‐> tetranucleated cyst
Entamoeba histolytica
Trophozoite ‐> binucleated
precyst ‐> tetranucleated cyst
- Trophozoites invade intestinal mucosa (10%)
- Portal blood circulation
- Liver abscesses
- Pulmonary abscesses and often death
- Pathogenic if red blood cells in cytoplasm (stool sample)
Therapeutic goals:
• Eliminate the invading trophozoites
- • Metronidazole
- • Tinidazole
• Eradicate intestinal carriage of the organism (luminal amebicide)
- • Paromomycin
- • Iodoquinol
• Asymptomatic carriage
- • Cysts or trophozoites without internalized red blood cells
- • Treated with luminal amebicide agents
Entamoeba histolytica treatment: Metronidazole and tinidazole
Metronidazole is the drug of choice in the treatment of extraluminal amebiasis
- • Kills trophozoites but not the cysts of E. histolytica
- • Eradicates intestinal and extraintestinal tissue infections
• Tinidazole
- • Similar activity and similar adverse effects
- • Somewhat better tolerated than metronidazole
• Both metronidazole and tinidazole must be given with a luminal amebicide to ensure eradication of the E. histolytica infection!
Entamoeba histolytica treatment: Paromomycin
- Used as a luminal amebicide, no effect against extraintestinal organisms
- The antiamebic luminal agent of choice in the USA
- Mechanism of action
- • An aminoglycoside antibiotic
- • Irreversible protein synthesis inhibitor
• Pharmacokinetics
- • No significant absorption outside of GI tract
• Adverse effects and contraindications
- • Occasional abdominal distress and diarrhea
Entamoeba histolytica treatment: Iodoquinol
Entamoeba histolytica treatment: Iodoquinol
- Used as a luminal amebicide, no effect against extraintestinal organisms
- Mechanism of action
- • A halogenated hydroxyquinoline
- • Unknown mechanism in E. histolytica
• Pharmacokinetics
- • 90% retained in the intestine and excreted in the feces
• Adverse effects and contraindications
- • Diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
- headache, rash, pruritus
- Severe neurotoxicity with high dose or prolonged use
- Contraindicated in patients with intolerance to iodine
Giardia lamblia
- Giardia lamblia
- Trophozoite ‐> cyst
- 5% of US adults infected
- • Most asymptomatic
- • Coating of small intestine interferes with fat absorption
- • Stools packed with fat (smelly)
- • Greasy, frothy diarrhea
- • Abdominal gassy distension
- • Cramps
- • No invasion of intestinal wall
- • No blood in the stool!
Giardia lamblia: treatment
- Supportive
- • Correct fluid and electrolyte abnormalities that result from diarrhea
- • Pharmacological agents
- • Tinidazole
- • First line agent
- • Metronidazole?
- • Nitazoxanide
Giardia lamblia treatment: Nitazoxanide
- giardia lamblia treatment: Nitazoxanide
- • Mechanism of action
- • Inhibition of the pyruvate‐ferredoxin oxidoreductase pathway
- • Mechanism of drug activation
- • Prodrug, active metabolite = tizoxanide
- • Pharmacokinetics
- • Rapidly absorbed, excreted in urine and feces
- • Adverse effects and contraindications
- • Nausea, anorexia, flatulence, increased appetite, enlarged salivary glands, yellow eyes, dysuria, bright yellow urine
Cryptosporidium parvum
- • Contaminated water, day care, travelers
- • Oocyst with 4 motile sporozoites
- • Life cycle within intestinal epithelial cells
- • Diarrhea and abdominal pain
- • Self limiting with immunocompetency
- • Immunocompromised
- • Severe life threatening diarrhea • 3‐17 liters per day
Cryptosporidum Parvum: tx
- parvum treatment
- • Antidiarrheal agents
- Loperamide
- Fluid management
- Antimicrobial agents
- Nitazoxanide
- Preferred agent
- Paromomycin
- Nonabsorbable aminoglycoside
- Nitazoxanide
- Dependent on the immune status of the patient
- Immunocompromised patient
- HIV = antiretroviral therapy + nitazoxanide (if needed)
- Other = reduce dose of immunosuppressant + nitazoxanide
Nitazoxanide vs paromomycin in treating C. parvum infection
Nitazoxanide vs paromomycin in treating C. parvum infection
Nitazoxanide has superior efficacy compared with paromomycin in treating C. parvum infection
- Greek for worm
- Usually macroscopic
- Diagnosis requires visualization of microscopic eggs (in feces)
- Namatodes = round worms
- Platyhelminhes = flat worms
- No immune response to worm
- Response to dead worms and eggs
- Elevation of eosinophils
- Necator americanus
- • Ancyclostoma duodenale
- • Ascaris lumbricoides
- • Strongyloides stercoralis
- • Trichuris tichiura
- • Enterobius vermicularis
Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale (hook worms): life cycle and symptoms
- Penetrates skin in‐between toes
- Larvae travel to lungs (alveoli)
- Larvae grow, are coughed up, and swallowed
- Adult worms develop in small intestine
- Worms copulate and release fertilized eggs
- Eggs excreted in feces
- Eggs hatch and larvae live in soil
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss
• Anemia (iron deficiency)
• Intense itching at site of penetration (toes)
Ascaris lumbricoides
- Life cycle
- Consumption of eggs (contaminated food)
- Larvae penetrate intestine and travel to lung
- Larvae grow, are coughed up, and swallowed
- Adult worms develop in small intestine
- Worms copulate and release fertilized eggs
- Eggs excreted in feces
- Eggs hatch and larvae live in soi
- • Abdominal cramping, malnutrition, worm invasion
Strongyloides stercoralis
- Strongyloides stercoralis
- • Life cycle
- • Larvae in soil, penetrates human skin, travels to lungs
- • Larvae grow in lungs, are coughed up, and swallowed into small intestine
- • Mature worms form in small intestine and release eggs
- • Hatched larvae can:
- • Autoinfect
- • Excrete in feces, infect (direct cycle)
- • Excrete in feces, mature, lay eggs, new larvae infect (indirect cycle)
Strongyloides stercoralis: symptoms, diagnosis
- Strongyloides stercoralis
- Vomiting, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, anemia, weight loss
- Similar to hook worm:
- Pruritic rash, lung symptoms, eosinophilia
- Immunosuppressive medications can lead to severe autoinfection
- Prednisone
- • Asthma
- Pruritic rash, lung symptoms, eosinophilia
- Diagnosis
- Larvae in feces
- Enterotest
Trichuris tichiura (whip worm): life cycle and
- Trichuris tichiura (whip worm)
- Simple life cycle
- Ingestion of food with infective eggs
- Eggs hatch in small intestine, migration to cecum and ascending large intestine
- Mature adult produces thousands of eggs per day for 1 year
- NO larvae, NO transit through intestinal wall, NO lung involvement, NO eosinophilia, NO autoinfection
- Abdominal pain and diarrhea
- Diagnosis = eggs in feces (football shaped)
Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)
- Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)
- Life cycle
- • Eggs ingested, pinworms mature in cecum and ascending large intestine
- • Female migrates to perianal area (at night) to lay eggs
- • Eggs infectious 4‐6 hours later
- • Severe perianal itching (nuisance)
- • Hand to mouth transmission
- • Scotch tape test
- • No eosinophilia
Nematode treatment
- Albendazole
- Mebendazole
- Ivermectin
- Thiabendazole
- Pyrantel pamoate
Albendazole and mebendazole
- Broad‐spectrum oral antihelminthic agents
- • Mechanism of action
- • Inhibits microtubule synthesis, paralyzes worms, passed out in stool
- • Mechanism of drug activation
- • Pro drug, active metabolite after first pass effect
- • Albendazole sulfoxide
- Pharmacokinetics
- • Wide distribution
- • Adverse effects
- • Few with acute treatment
- • Can cause abdominal distress, headaches, fever, fatigue, and alopecia with long‐term use
- • Contraindications
- • Cirrhosis, pregnancy
Nematode treatment: Thiabendazole
- treatment: Thiabendazole
- • Mechanism of action
- • Same as albendazole and mebendazole
- • Pharmacokinetics
- • Rapidly absorbed after ingestion, largely excreted in urine, can be absorbed from the skin
- • Adverse effects
- • Much more toxic than albendazole and mebendazole
- • Common (dizziness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting)
- • Irreversible liver failure and fatal Stevens‐Johnson syndrome
- • Contraindications
- • Pregnancy, hepatic or renal diseas
Anti‐helminthic benzimidazoles
Anti‐helminthic benzimidazoles: Albendazole, mebendazole, thiabendazole
Nematode treatment: Ivermectin
- Ivermectin
- Mechanism of action
- Intensifies γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)‐mediated transmission of signals in peripheral nerves of the nematode
- • Pharmacokinetics
- Rapidly absorbed, oral only, wide distribution, excretion in feces
- Adverse effects
- Uncommon (fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rashes)
- Contraindications
- Pregnancy
- Drugs that enhance GABA activity (barbituates, benzodiazepines, valproic acid)
Nematode Treatment: Pyrantel pamoate
- Pyrantel pamoate
- Mechanism of action
- Neuromuscular blocking agent, causes release of acetylcholine and inhibition of cholinesterase
- Results in paralysis and expulsion of the nematode
- Pharmacokinetics
- Poorly absorbed from GI tract, half of administered dose recovered unchanged in feces
- Mechanism of action
- Adverse effects
- Infrequent and transient
- Contraindications
- Liver dysfunction
- Trematodes:
- Schistosomas (blood flukes)
- Extremely common worldwide, found in fresh water
- Invade venous system through exposed skin
- Eggs must reach fresh water to hatch
- Adult worms are able to survive and release eggs for years!
- S. mansoni
- Not killed by immune system
- Schistosomas (blood flukes)
Trematodes: life cycle and clinical manifestations
- Eggs hatch in fresh water, larvae infect and mature within a snail
- Mature larvae (cercariae) leave snails and infect humans (exposed skin)
- Cercariae mature and mate in the intrahepatic portion of the portal venous system
- Mating mature worms migrate to veins surrounding intestine of bladder to lay their eggs
- Eggs enter the lumen of the intestine or bladder to be excreted
- Eggs hatch in fresh water, larvae infect and mature within a snail
- Clinical manifestations
- Dermatitis (immediate)
- Katayama fever (4‐8 weeks)
- chronic fibrosis (years)
Schistosomiasis life cycle and diagnosis
- Trematodes:
- Schistosomas (blood flukes)
- Many eggs from mature Schistosomas do not reach the lumen of the intestine or bladder
- Liver, lung, brain
- Granulomas
- Fibrosis and portal hypertension in liver
- Inflammation and ulcers
- Hematuria, chronic abdominal pain and diarrhea, brain or spinal cord injury, or pulmonary artery hypertension
- Diagnosis
- Eggs in stool or urine, serology for antibodies, eosinophilia
- Schistosomas (blood flukes)
Schistosomiasis tx
Schistosomas (blood flukes) treatment: the drug of choice
- Schistosomas (blood flukes) treatment:
- Praziquantel is the drug of choice
- Effective against Schistosome and most other trematode and cestode infections
- Mechanism of action
- Increases the permeability of trematode and cestode cell membranes to calcium
- resulting in paralysis, dislodgement, and death
- Pharmacokinetics
- Oral administration, rapidly absorbed, excreted mainly by kidneys
- Adverse effects
- Immediate: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, lassitude
- After several days: low‐grade fever, pruritus, skin rashes
- Contraindications
- Pregnancy
- Praziquantel is the drug of choice
Cestodes (tape worms): parts
- Cestodes (tape worms)
- Flat worms
- Lack a digestive tract
- Hermaphrodites
- Chain of segments (proglottids)
- Parts
- Scolex
- Immature proglottids
- Mature proglottids
- Gravid proglottids
- Cestodes
- Taenia solium (pork) and Taenia saginata (beef)
- Acquired by ingestion of undercooked meat containing larvae
- Attaches via hooks (T. solium) or suckers (T. saginata)
- Release eggs in feces
- Diagnosed by proglottids and/or eggs in feces
- T. solium
- Life cycle:
- Pigs/cows ingest egg from field contaminated with human feces
- Larvae disseminate through the intestine into the muscle of the animal
- Larvae develop into cysticerci
- Human ingests undercooked meat, tape worm matures in intestine
- Life cycle:
Cestodes Taenia solium (pork) and Taenia saginata (beef)
Clinical manifestations
- Cestodes
- Taenia solium (pork) and Taenia saginata (beef)
- Clinical manifestations
- Weight loss, malnutrition
- Cysticercosis (T. solium only)
- Humans play the role of the pig and ingest eggs
- Larvae penetrate human tissue, forming cysticerci • Brain and skeletal muscle
- Neurocysticercosis
- 7‐10 cysts in the brain
- Seizures (most common in endemic areas)
- After 5‐10 years cysts die and leak contents (seizures, meningitis, hydrocephalus)
Diphyllobothrium latum
- Cestodes
- Diphyllobothrium latum
- Acquired by ingesting larvae in raw freshwater fish
- Life cycle:
- Adult tape worm in human ingestion excretes gravid
- proglottids with eggs
- Eggs hatch in the water and convert to motile larvae
- Ingested by a crustacean
- Ingested by fresh water fish (trout,salmon,pike)
- Ingested by human
- Few abdominal symptoms, absorbs vitamin B12 (anemia)
- Diagnosis
- Proglottids and eggs in feces
- Echinococcus granulosus
- Hydatid Disease (Cystic echinoccosis)
- Larva forms a single, round fluid filled “hydatid” cyst
- Asexual budding to form daughter cysts • Protoscolices inside original cyst
- Grow 5‐10 centimeters in size
- Compresses surrounding organs
- Internal fluid extremely allergenic
- Surgical removal (challenging)
Cestode tx
Praziquantel • Niclosamide • Albendazole
Cestode treatment:
- Cestode treatment:
- Niclosamide
- • Alternative drug for treatment of most tape worm infections • Not effective against cysticercosis of hydatid disease
- • Mechanism of action
- • Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation or stimulation of ATPase activity
- Pharmacokinetics
- Oral administration
- Adverse effects
- Infrequent, mild (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort)
- Contraindications
- Pregnancy, children younger than 2
- Alcohol consumption