GI Infections Flashcards
What is dysentery? (as a symptom)
Diarrhoea with blood, pus and mucous
What bacteria are associated with bacterial diarrhoea? (5)
Camplyobacter Salmonella Shigella E.coli - various types Vibrio cholerae
Key toxins associated with GI infections? (toxin already formed in food) (4)
Clostirdium perfringens
Bacillus cereus
Staph aureus
Clostridium botulinum
Agent involved in antibiotic associated diarrhoea? (1)
Clostridium difficile
Viruses associated with GI infections? (2)
Parasites associated with GI infections? (2)
What bacteria causes cholera?
Vibrio cholerae
Which virus is the the winter vomiting disease?
What virus causes diarrhoea in children and kills people in the undeveloped world?
Difference between intoxication and infection?
Intoxication is consuming premade toxins in food, infection is ingesting the bacteria themselves
Intoxication has shorter incubation 2-12 hrs
Infection has incubation of days
Are salmonella gram +ve or -ve? rods or cocci?
-ve rods, enterobacteriacae
Salmonella route of transmission, incubation period, symptoms, epidemiology, site
Symptoms: N and V, cramps, NON-BLOODY DIARRHOEA
Incubation: 6h-2d
Duration: a week
Transmitted to humans via contaminated food and person to person (and animals)
Both illeum and colon
How is salmonella diagnosed?
Culture or PCR
Tx for salmonella?
-ve rod
Ciprofloxacin or cefotaxime
Morphology of Shigella
Gram -ve rods enterobacteriacea
Shigella route of transmission, incubation period, symptoms, epidemiology, site
Strictly human only, spread by faecal oral route
Very infectios
Shigellosis symptoms: dysentry
Tx of Shigella diarrhoea?
ONLY for SEVERE diarrhoea
-ve rod
Ciprofloxin or azithromycin
Morphology of E coli
-ve rods- enterobacteriacae