GI disorders Flashcards
anal fissure
ulcer or tear of the margin of the anus
recent or recurrent constipation; anal intercourse, recent childbirth, recent or severe diarrhea.
Drops of blood when wiping. NO Protracted bleeding, pain
Pain description
severe pain with BM that hurts during to hurts 1-2 hours after the BM
Where is the most common location of an anal fissure?
Posterior midline - consider other diagnisis if off midline, transferse or irregular.
1. avoid trigger
2. lifestyle
- stool bulking agents
- high fiber diet
- periodic use of oral mineral oil (avoid long term use since this reduces the assimulation of fat soluble vitamins
3. Additional treatments after failed diet interventions
- intra anal nitro ointment
- botulinimum toxicum injected in inter and outer spincter
- surgical sphincterotomy
For discomfort:
sitz bath,
Description of bleed:
Bright streaks of blood on the stool; anything else should be sent for colonoscopy.
itch, mucus leaking, staining undergarments.
thrombosed external hemorrhoids: very painful; external; will resolve in
weight control
topical corticosteroids
sitz bath
use of a stool softner
fiber - 20-30 grams of fiber
surgical interventions
rubber band ligation
surgical removal
Risk factors:
prolonged sitting
receptive anal sex
chronic diarrhea
excessive alcohol use.
Grade 1:
hemorrhoids do not prolapse
Grade 2:
hemorrhoids prolapse with defecation but reduce spontaneously
Grade 3
hemorrhoids prolapst upon defaction and must be reduced manually
Grade IV
hemorrhoids are prolasped and can not be reduced manually
risk factors:
- alchohol use
- chronic diarrhea/constipation
- obestiy
- high-fat/low fiber
- prolonged sitting
- receptive partner
- loss of pelvic floor tone
1. acute appendicitis?
is an inflammatory disease of the vermillion form appendix caused by infection or obstruction
2. What is the peak age range?
- S/sx:
epigastric pain, periumbilical, n/v is a late sign; pain aggravated by walking or talking; positive obturator sign, rebound tenderness. usu no fever, pain on lower right
4. what is the obdurator sign:
Flex knee to 90 with external roational causes discomfort 2/2 peritoneal irritation
5. What is the iloposas sign?
RLQ pain with extenion of R hip or with flexion of right hip against resistance.
6. What is blumberg’s sign or rebound tenderness?
release of deep palpation causes pain
7. Labs: what is expected.
- What is neutrophila?
- What is bandemia?
- What neutrophil form are a marker of life threatening disease.
- Other lab marker of inflammtion?
- Important differential in young women?
- What is the imaging of choice for the abd? What is a safer alternative?
14 WBC for a ruptured appendix?
- Sign of abcess?
- path of gallstones and most common substance?
- What are the major risk factors?
- What is colelithiasis?
- S/sx of gallstone episode aka biliary colic?
- What is collin’s sign?
- Acute signs of cholecystitis?
- Murphy’s sign
- S/sx of acute cholecystitis?
- What is preferred imaging?
- Benefit of a HIDA scan?
- Treatment of acute cholecystitis?
12 What are complications of cholecystitis?
Colorectal Ca
- Colorectal ca is the ? leading cause of death?
2, Type and location
- Risk factors?
- Diet contributions?
- s/sx of colorectal ca?
- Most common screening test?
- Risk factors for earlier testing?
- Path?
- most common location
- % that develop diverticulosisby 50, by 80?
- usu presentation
5 major risk factors?
- most common symptoms?
7 intervention for diverticulosis?
- Diference between diverticulosis and diverticulitic
- s/sx of acute diverticulosis
- Imaging?
- s/sx of diverticular hemorrahge?
- Managment of mild diverticulitis?
13: causative organism
14 ABX treatment of choice
- Prevention of diverticulosis and diverticulitis?
Peptic Ulcer Dz
- What causes gastric irritation and ulcer formation?
- What secretes HCl and what is the mediator?
- What is pH of stomach acid? and purpose; other protectors
- Purpose of endogenous prostaglandins
- Why older adults at risk for gastric ulcurs?
- medications implicated in gastropahty, gastritis and gastric ulcers?
- Cox-1 mechanism r/t organ health
- Cox-2 prostaglandin path?
- relationship and complications of NSAIDs and systemic corticosteroids?
- Risk of Cox-2 inhibitors?
- other risk factors for gastric ulcer?
- Where are ulcers found? how named?
- gastric ulcer symptoms
- Duodenal ulcer symptoms?
- Which is more common and most common reason?
- describe pathogen and route of transmission
- What is the role of stress?
- What is the most effective test?
- PPI and testing?
- H2RA and PUD; ending and names?
- What are the concerns with use of cimetidine?
- PPI MOA and examples?
- Indications for PPI use
- Problems with protracted PPI use.
- how to manage rebound gastric hyperacidity?
- Choosing between H2RA and PPI?
27: use of misotprostol?
- When is GERD present? What are the symptoms?
- Cause of GERD
- What medications can cause an increase in GERD? what is the next step?
- What is initial therapy and examples?
- What are the recommended behavioral changes
- How is classic GERD diagnosed?
- First line treatment and contraindications
- What is the next treatment and when started?
- When is a PPI started?
- What are indications for gastro referral?
- What are the GERD alarm symptoms?
- What is the differential dx in presence of alarm findings.
- Tips for use of PPI’s in management of GERD
- What injury is associated with GERD and what are other complications?
- Barretts esophagus and cancer
- risk factors for BE
- monitoring BE
- Esophageal CA location and epidemiology
- Adenocarcinoma location and epidemiology
- Early and late symptoms of esophageal cancer
- testing recommendations to dx esophageal ca.
- How is hep A transmitted? likely outcome?
- epidemiology in developing countries? US? Health department involvment?
- What is the clinical presentation?
- What is the lab presentation?
- Hep A post-exposure prophy? sequelae, Markers for acute, chronic, past, never?
- Hep A Onset of symptoms and incubation period
- Hep A Who is immunized?
- How is Hep A killed? (food, water, surfaces)
- Details on post exposure prophylaxis. including age groups
- Treatment of HAV infection
- How is hep B transmitted?
- Risk factors for infection?
- How to kill the virus? recommended protections?
- Sequelae of acute hepatitis?
- Prevention and contraindication
- sequelae of infant perinatal HBV infection?
- who is tested for HBsAB titer?
- How is postexposure handled for indiviuals with a completed vaccine series? not completed? never vaccinated?
treatment of chronic hep B?
- How is hep C transmitted?
2, Risk behaviors?
- Incubation, Symptoms and diagnosis?
- Sequalae?
- Current treatment of Chronic hep C? other recommendations?
- Hep D prevention and coinfection?
- s/sx of acute viral HAV and HBV?
- Laboratory findings common to all forms of viral hep.
- What causes increase in AST? whar other factors increase AST? What other locations of AST?
- AST half-life and clearing rate
- AST and ALT in drinkers?
- ALT half-life; clearing rate, associated conditions
- Bilirubin levels for clinical jaundice? source of bilirubin?
- metabolism of bilirubin
- Excess bilirubin and viral hepatitis
- Tx of acute viral hepatits
17 monitoring for chronic B and C
antiviral treatment for chronic HBV?
entecavir, tenofovir, lamivudine
- what is the definition
- Epidemiology
- Diagnosis including ROME criteria
- S/sx reported.
- 4 typical patterns
- What are some differentials that must be considered?
- recommended labs and r/o
- Recommended lifestyle and diet interventions? (common triggers)
9, Fiber for diahrrhea and constipation?
- antispasmodics? examples and reason
- antidiarrheal
- osmotic laxatives;
- TCA and related (contraindications?) REASON?
- SNRIs (contraindications?)
- etiology of IBD; dif between crohns and UC
2 Signs incommon between UC and Crohns
- Signs of Crohns
4, serologic markers of acute IBD flares
- Tosxic colitis
- Associated anemias with IBD
- extraintestinal manifestations.
- Medication? for IBD. ABX? Chronic? Inflammation? immune modulators?
- Several biologics:
infliximab, adalimumab (humira); lots of mabs
- Cancer risk with UC
- most accurate seroligic markers?
- other causes of malabsorption?
- Definition
- Risks?
- Serologic markers?
- Requirements for diagnosing acute pancreatitis?
- Intervention and treatment?
- What is Ranson Criteria?
- s/sx? vital changes
- Distinquishing from hepatic and biliary disorders
- pancreatic pseudocysts def and s/sx
- how are they found and distinquished from cancer?
- Monitoring of psuedocyts?
- Risk factors for pancreatic cancer
- Diagnostic tools and associated findings.
- LIpase and amylase evaluation
lipase elevated in?
- renal failure
- perforated duodenal ulcer
- bowel obstruction
- bowel infarction
- Definition
- Compare arthritis to bursitis
- Risk factors?
- Prepatellar first line?
- Other site first lines
- When to do cortisone shot? risks and SE?
- Bursa and common presentations.