GI Diseases and Conditions Flashcards
Types of Hepatitis
Acute: abrupt onset, can have nausea, vomiting, fever, anorexia, fatigue, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, pharyngitis, cough, diarrhea, jaundice after 1-2 weeks (defined as infection for < 6 months)
Chronic: diagnosed based on liver function blood test (high ALT and AST) or end stage by liver dysfunction (defined as infection for > 6 months)
Histologically: acute has lymphocytes and chronic has fibrosis
Hepatitis A
Oral-fecal route
Acute only
Can be asymptomatic
Common in developing countries
Hepatitis B
Sexual transmission (more common in MSM), vertical transmission, blood exposure
Can be acute or chronic
Hepatitis C
Blood exposure (not certain it is passed sexually)
Chronic only (?)
Histologically: goes STRAIGHT to chronic–fibrosis without ever having inflammation
What else can causes hepatitis?
Toxins, prescription drugs (tylenol)
Alcoholism (alcoholic hepatitis)
Steatosis (fat deposits, which can be due to alcohol or due to obesity!) can lead to steatohepatitis (not always though)
Women’s complications from alcoholism
Women progress to alcoholic liver disease on average 10 years earlier than men
Women are more likely to suffer alcoholic cardiomyopathy than men
What hurts when you have liver problems?
Note: if you have a gallbladder problem, spleen doesn’t usually hurt
Lab results for viral hepatitis versus alcoholic hepatitis
HepA, B, C: ALT, AST = 400 - 4000 (high); WBC normal-low
Alcoholic hepatitis: ALT, AST = <400 but still high; AST>ALT; WBC increased (You’re toASTed with alcoholic hepatitis)
Diabetes mellitus
Group of disorders
Characterized by high blood glucose
Either absolute or relative lack of insulin
80% of diabetics die of cardiovascular disease
(Insulin is required to get glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells, and diabetics can’t do this!)
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Absolute lack of insulin
Antibodies against (beta) islet cells in the pancreas that make insulin so >90% beta cells destroyed and have unopposed action of alpha cells that secrete glucagon
See autoreactive T cells in islets of Langerhans of the pancreas
Usually presents in childhood or adolescence
Genetic susceptibility (HLA D region genes), but unidentified environmental component
Concordance in identical twins: 30 - 70%; most pts with type 1 diabetes DON’T have first degree relative with disease
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Resistance to action of insulin in target tissues; relative lack of inuslin
May have higher than normal levels of insulin in body
Over time, pancreatic islet cells lose function, and this can lead to absolute lack of insulin (and then ketoacidosis)
Obesity is strongest risk factor; is more common in AAs, Latinos, Asian-Pacific Islanders, Native Americans
Can lose weight to treat type 2 diabetes, so might not even need drugs to lower blood sugar
Concordance in identical twins is 70 - 90%; risk for person with both parents with type 2 diabetes is 40%
Drug treatments for diabetes
Insulin: injected, causes weight gain
Sulfonylureas: stimulate beta cells to secrete insulin (glucotrol, glipizide)
Biguanides: inhibit gluconeogenesis and enhance GLUT4 translocation (metformin); mostly for type 2 diabetes
Thiazolidines: enhance insulin receptor activity and GLUT4 translocation in fat cells; not used anymore because didn’t reduce MIs or stroke
Incretin mimetics: signal beta cells to secrete more insulin; associated with weight loss; incretins naturally occuring hormones secreted from intestine in response to food intake (exenatide)
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors: increase incretin available to respond to elevated glucose levels by limiting degradation of them by DPP-4; don’t cause weight gain (sitagliptin)
Why has type 2 diabetes increased so much in children over past 20 years?
Yes, more obese children now, but more because of lack of physical exercise
(Exercise causes insulin sensitivity)
Diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Because 80% of diabetics die of cardiovascular disease, must act to prevent microvascular, macrovascular, lipid problems
Maintaining normal blood sugar levels important to prevent microvascular disease (retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy)
Maintaining normal blood sugar levels important in Type 1 to prevent macrovascular disease (heart attack, stroke)
Use statins, aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease
Maintain normal BP to prevent atherosclerotic complications
Gestational diabetes
When pregnant, everyone gets insulin resistant because want baby to grow more than mother
If you were already genetically predisposed to Type 2 Diabetes and thus were losing beta cells, when you get pregnant you can pass the threshold and develop diabetes
After delivery, diabetes goes away
However, now we know they’re predisposed to Type 2 Diabetes
Digestive enzymes the pancreas usually secretes can no longer be secreted and they start destroying the pancreas
Can be caused by gall stone blocking pancreatic duct