GI Cancers Flashcards
What is cancer?
The term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems
Primary: arising directly from cells in an organ
Secondary: spread from another organ, directly or by other means
What are the hallmarks of cancer? What are the six biological capabilities acquired by tumours?
Sustaining proliferative signalling
Evading growth surpressors
Activating invasion and metastasis
Enabling replication immortality
Inducing angiogenesis
Resisting cell death
(Deregulating of cellular energetics)
(Avoiding immune destruction)
Enabling characteristics:
Tumour promoting inflammation
Genome instability and mutation
What types of cancer arise in the GI tract?
Epithelial cells:
Squamous -> squamous cell carcinoma
Glandular epithelium-> adenocarcinoma
Neuroendocrine cells:
Enteroendocrine cells -> neuroendocrine tumours (NETs)
Intestinal cells of cajal -> gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs)
Connective tissue:
Smooth muscle -> leiomyoma/ leiomyosarcoma
Adipose tissue -> liposarcomas
What is cancer screening?
Testing of asymptomatic individuals to identify cancer at an early stage (higher survival rates)
how do you know what diseases are suitable for screening? Wilson and Jungner criteria - criteria include having available treatment, recognisable early stage, suitable test/examination…
Depends on the epidemiology of the disease and features of the test
What screening exists for GI cancers?
Colorectal: (offered to healthy people)
Faecal immunochemical test (FIT) - haemoglobin in shit, every 2 years age 60-74
One off sigmoidoscopy - everyone over 55 to remove polyps
Regular endoscopy to patients with Barrett’s oesophagus, low-high grade dysplasia
No test that exists meets the W and J criteria
Depends on incidence, Japan does screen
Regular ultrasound and AFP for high risk individuals with cirrhosis: viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis
(There are other screening processes for high risk individuals with genetic predisposition/family history)
What are the stages in a patients cancer journey?
Diagnosis: symptoms and signs, how is the diagnosis made
Staging: investigations to see how advanced the cancer is
Treatment: surgical removal? Chemo or radiotherapy?
What is the pathway of someone who has cancer?
Initial presentation - worrying symptoms to GP or doctor OR screening programme is positive
Patient is referred through the 2 week wait cancer pathway (not a waiting list, everything has to be done in two weeks)
Diagnostic tests
Multi disciplinary team
Who are the members of the cancer MDT?
Palliative care
Cancer nurse specialist
What does a pathologist do?
Confirms the diagnosis of cancer using biopsy samples
Provide histologic typing i.e. what type of cell does the cancer come from? (See second slide for cancer types)
Provides molecular typing i.e. what mutations does this Cancer have (can help determine type of treatment)
Provides the tumour grade i.e. how aggressive is the cancer (determined by how abnormal cells and their nuclei are, and how actively they divide)
What does a radiologist do?
Reviews scans - if diagnosis unclear, can scan confirm cancer. Can suggest other imaging to clarify, should a biopsy be performed?
Provides radiological tumour stage i.e. how far has the cancer spread. TNM system is used (size, lymph nodes, metastases)
Provides re staging after treatment. Did it respond completely or partially? Has it remained stable or progressed?
Interventional radiology. Percutanous biopsies, radiological stents
What do the surgeons and gastroenterologists do?
Tend to work together
Decides whether surgery is appropriate. Is the tumour resectable? Is the patient fit enough for surgery?
Performs operation and cares for patient in preoperative period
endoscopy - diagnostic and therapeutic
Upper GI - oesophageal and gastric biopsies. Oesophageal stents
Liver and pancreas - ERCP and EUS biopsies. Biliary stents
Lower GI - colonic biopsies. Colonic stents
What does the oncologist do?
Decide on whether chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other systemic therapy is appropriate - this is determined by the scans, histological and molecular type. Also is the patient fit enough for full therapy
Coordinate the overall treatment plan. Should chemotherapy come before surgery (neoadjuvant) or after (adjuvant)? - takes into consideration: type, grade and stage. Patient fitness (performance status) and wishes
MDT decides where the plan should be for radical (curative) or palliative therapy or palliative care
What is the pathogensis of oesophageal cancers? (Squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma)
Squamous cell carcinoma:
Upper 2/3
Develops from normal oesophageal squamous epithelium
Commonest in developing world
Lower 1/3 of oesophagus
Squamous epithelium that has become columnar (meta plastic)
Related to acid reflux
Commonest in developed world
Oesophagitis (due to GORD) may become Barrett’s oesophagus. This can turn into adenocarcinoma (neoplasia)
How do oesophageal cancers present?
Dysphagia - difficulty swallowing is commonest symptom
Late presentation - 65% at an advanced stage when diagnosed. This pretty much Leads palliative treatment
Why? -
Significant cancer growth needs to occur before dysphagia develops
Often have metastases
Most patients deemed unfit for surgery at diagnosis (malnourished)
This shows the importance of screening patients with reflux disease or Barretts oesophagus
How are oesophageal cancers diagnosed and staged?
Upper GI endoscopy (OGD) - if lesion is found -> biopsy taken to confirm a diagnosis
Investigations used to stage cancer:
CT of chest and abdomen
PET CT scan to exclude metastases
Staging laparoscopy - to identify liver and peritoneal metastases
Endoscopic ultrasound - via oesophagus to clarify depth of invasion and involvement of local lymph-nodes
What are the treatment options for oesophageal cancers?
Depends on if the tumour is resectable surgically with no distant metastasss
And is the patient for enough for surgery
Yes: (curative)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
No: (palliative treatment)
Palliative chemo
Steroids to reduce oedema around tumour
What is the pathogenesis of gastric cancer?
Gastric adenocarcinoma: (chronic gastritis is the major driver)
H.pylori infection - chronic acid overproduction
Pernicious anaemia - autoantibodies against parietal cells
Partial gastrectomy- leading to bile reflux
Epstein Barr virus infection
Family history (including heritable diffuse type gastric cancer due to E-cadherin mutation)
High salt diet and smoking
What is the pathogenesis of gastric cancer?
Chronic gastritis -> intestinal metaplasia -> dysplasia -> malignancy
What is the presentation of gastric cancer?
Dyspepsia is commonest symptom
Loss of weight or appetite
Abdominal mass on examination
Recent onset of progressive symptoms
Melaena or heamatemesis
Swallowing difficulty
55 or older
What is the diagnosis and staging of gastric cancer?
Endoscopy and biopsy
CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis to provide info on distant lesions
Diagnostic laparoscopy - peritoneal and liver metastases prior to full operation
Endoscopic ultrasound - local invasion and node involvement
What are the treatment options for gastric cancer?
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Surgery (take away different amounts of stomach depending on location)
Adjuvant chemo
Palliative approaches: stent, gastro-jejunal anastamosis