GI Bacteria Flashcards
H. pylori
Morphology and Characteristics
Helicobacter pylori
- Gram ⊖ helical-shaped rod
- Catalase ⊕
- Oxidase ⊕
- Highly motile with corkscrew motility
- Causes a persistent infection with long-term low-level inflammation
H. pylori
Transmission and Epidemiology
Spreads via human-human contact
- 1° fecal-oral or oral-oral contact
- Humans are the natural reservoir
Infects 50% of the world population early in life
- Highest carriage rates in developing countries
- Majority of population infected by age 10
- In developed countries, ~ 40% carriers
- Risk factors for infection: low socioeconomic class & over-crowding
- Risk factors for disease development: smoking, alcohol, NSAIDs
H. pylori
Virulence Factors
- Flagella and adhesins⇒ colonization and adherence to stomach wall
- LPS ⇒ incites and maintains inflammatory response to persistent infection
- Urease ⇒ produces ammonia and neutralizes gastric acids ⇒ supports long term survival
- Vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA) ⇒ damages cells by producing vacuoles
Cytotoxicity associated gene (CagA) ⇒ 30 genes on a pathogenicity island
- Encodes syringe like structure that injects Cag A protein into host epithelial cells
- Interferes with normal cytoskeleton structure
- Induces IL-8 ⇒ attracts PMNs ⇒ release proteases and ROS ⇒ tissue damage
- Not all strains are CagA ⊕
- Encodes syringe like structure that injects Cag A protein into host epithelial cells
H. pylori
Clinical Disease and Pathogenesis
- Chronic inflammation of the stomach
- Infiltration into gastric mucosa by PMNs and MΦ
- Sx include feeling of fullness, N/V
- Can evolve into a gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer
Gastric adenocarcinoma
- Chronic gastritis → destruction of normal mucosa by inflammatory and oxidative damage
- ↑ risk of mutation
- Replacement with fibrosis
- Proliferation of intestinal-like epithelium
- Risk ∆ by host immune system & strain of H. pylori
MALT lymphoma
- B cell lymphoma
- Arises due to infiltration of lymphoid tissue into the gastric mucosa
- Can be cured w/ treatment of H. pylori
H. pylori
Urea breath test
- Ingest radiolabeled urea
- If H. pylori present ⇒ urea → ammonia and CO2
- Radioactive CO2 detected in breath samples
- Very high sensitivity
- Serology
- EIA: sensitive but cannot monitor tx b/c titers fall very gradually
- HpSA: detection of helicobactor Ab in feces, can be used for initial dx and monitoring
Urea breath test
- Test for urease
- Culture for organisms
H. pylori
- Asymptomatic infections not treated
- Presently, H. pylori disease is tx when pt c/o abd pain or ass. signs and sx
- Pt w/ active duodenal or gastric ulcers tx if infected w/ H. pylori
Triple or quadruple therapy:
Triple therapy recommended for eradication of organisms and control of sx-
PPI + β-lactam + macrolide
- Usu. 2 abx to prevent resistance
- Clarithromycin + Amoxicillin or Metronidazole
- Successful in ~90% of cases but antimicrobial resistance ↑
H2 Blocker and/or bismuth subsalicylate
- H2 Blocker ⇒ ⊗ histamine which triggers stomach acid
- Bismuth subsalicylate ⇒ coats stomach and protects it from acid
PPI + β-lactam + macrolide
- No known immunity
H. pylori
Prevention is limited
No chemoprophylaxis or vaccine
Non-invasive, Toxigenic
Enteric Bacteria
- Escherichia coli
- Vibrio cholera
- Clostridium difficile
E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia
Enteric bacilli ⇒ reside or cause infections in the GI tract
- Gram ⊖ rods
- Facultative anaerobes
- Oxidase negative
- All ferment glucose
- Commonly found in soil and GI tract of man and lower animals
- Opportunistic or primary (strict) pathogens
Serological classification based on 3 groups of Ag:
- O polysaccharides
- Capsular K antigens
- Flagellar H proteins
- Specific Ab develop in systemic infections but unclear if significant immunity persists
- Secretory IgA ⇒ ⊗ attachment to intestinal mucosa
- Cultivated on ordinary laboratory media
- Kits available for rapid, biochemical ID
Lab Identification
Selective and differential media commonly used include:
MacConkey’s Agar
- Contains lactose, Neutral Red (pH indicator) and bile salts (⊗ gram-⊕ organisms)
- Lactose fermenters (i.e. E. coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter) ⇒ pink to red colonies
- Non-lactose fermenters (i.e. Salmonella, Shigella) ⇒ colorless colonies
Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar
- Contains lactose, eosin and methylene blue
- Aniline dyes ⇒ ⊗ some gram-⊕ and fastidious gram-⊖ bacteria; also form a precipitate at acidic pH
- Strong lactose fermenters (i.e. E. coli) ⇒ green-black w/ a metallic sheen
- Other lactose fermenters (i.e. Klebsiella, Enterobacter) ⇒ pink-purple colonies
- Non-lactose fermenters ⇒ colorless transparent colonies
Curved gram-__⊖ rods:
Helicobacter, Vibrio, Campylobacter
Anaerobic, gram-__⊕ rods:
Clostridium difficile
E. Coli
- Most common facultative, GNR in normal flora of large intestine
- Lactose & glucose fermenter
- Indole ⊕
- Commonly associated w/ endogenous, opportunistic infections
- Neonatal meningitis
- Nosocomial infections, wound infections, secondary PNA, sepsis
- Certain strains may be strict pathogens
Pathogenic E. Coli
Serological classification:
- O antigens of LPS (serogroup)
- H antigens of flagellum (serotype – O+H)
- Capsular polysaccharide
Pathogenicity (pathotype, virotype)
Based on pathogenic capabilities, epidemiology and clinical manifestations of GI disease-
Main types:
- Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
- Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
- Shigella toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)
Rarer types:
- Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) / Diffuse adherent E. coli (DAEC)
- Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)
Main types:
E. Coli
Virulence Factors
Colonization factors, adhesion factors, fimbria, pili
- Attachment to epithelial lining of GI and urinary tract
- May be antiphagocytic
- Enterotoxins
- Cytotoxins
- Antiphagocytic
- Important in neonatal meningitis due to the K1 strain of E. coli
- Type III Secretion System
- Endotoxin
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
Virulence Factors
LT-1 and LT-2 (heat labile) [A-B toxin]
- B subunit → binds GM1 gangliosides
- A subunit → ADPR transferase
- ⊕ Adenyl cyclase ⇒ cAMP ⇒ secretion of K+, Na+, HCO3- and Cl- ions ⇒ loss of large amounts of water
ST toxin (heat stabile)
- Small peptide, proteolytically processed during secretion
- Methanol-soluble (STa) and methanol-insoluble (STb)
- STa ⇒ ⊕ guanyl cyclase ⇒ ↑ cyclic GMP ⇒ ↓ net absorption of Na+ and Cl- ions ⇒ fluid loss
Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
Virulence Factors
- Initial loose attachment mediated by bundle forming pili (Bfp)
- Plasmid encoded
Type III Secretion System
- Active secretion of virulence factors into epithelial cells
- LEE ⇒ genetic locus for enterocyte effacement
- Pathogenicity island shared by A/E pathogens (E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia)
- Adhesion/attachment molecules, syringe-like injection apparatus, chaperones, effector molecules
- Specific effectors differ between organisms
E. coli:
- Attachment/Effacement lesions (A/E lesions)
- Tir (translocated intimin receptor) inserted into epithelial cell membrane
- Tir binds intimin (outer membrane bacterial adhesin on E. coli) → tight binding → signal transduction cascade
- Secreted effectors:
- Disrupt normal microvillus structure
- Mediate rearrangement of host cell actin in the vicinity of adherent bacteria → pedestal formation
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
Virulence Factors
Type III Secretion System
- A/E lesions ⇒ destruction of intestinal microvillus ⇒ ↓ absorption in large intestine
- Cytotoxic hemolysins
Shiga-like toxins (Stx-1 and Stx-2) [A-B toxin]
- B subunit → binds globotriaosylceramide (GB3) on intestinal villi and renal endothelial cells
- A subunit → cleaved by host furin & calpain upon translocation
- A1 fragment deadenylates a specific 28S rRNA nucleotide
- ⊗ Protein synthesis (chain elongation) by blocking AA-tRNA binding to acceptor site on rRNA
E. Coli
Culture and isolation on differential/selective media
- MacConkey’s Agar ⇒ pink to red colonies
- Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar ⇒ green-black w/ a metallic sheen
- Identification by biochemical reactions
- Key characteristics: gram-⊖ rod, lactose fermenter, indole ⊕
- Of the KEE organisms, only E. coli is indole ⊕
E. Coli
Treatment, Transmission, and Prevention
- Rehydration therapy (oral, IV) for gastrointestinal infections
- Abx used in the very young, pts w/ extra-intestinal infections and pts w/ chronic infections irrespective of location
- Transmission: fecal-oral route, food-borne, endogenous infections
- Prevention: proper sanitation and food handling
- Vibrio species are common in surface, coastal waters around the world
- Three medically important species: V. cholerae, V. parahemolyticus, V. vulnificus
- All are curved, gram-⊖rods
- Easily cultivated on ordinary lab media
Vibrio cholera
V. cholerae O1 and 0139 ⇒ Classic epidemic cholera
- Biotypes El Tor and classic
- El Tor ⇒ major cause of human pandemic infection
- Non-O1 V. cholerae ⇒ isolated cases of cholera and small outbreaks of diarrhea
Vibrio cholera
Epidemiology and Transmission
- V. cholerae caused major pandemics of cholera
- Epidemic disease in South East Asia (esp. India), Northern Africa, Peru, and Brazil
- In the USA, a small endemic focus of disease exists along coastal areas of Louisiana and East Texas
- Transmission is primarily by contaminated water under poor conditions of sanitation
- Infectious dose: 105 organisms
- Carriers important in maintaining and transmitting the organism in the absence of epidemic outbreaks
Vibrio cholera
Virulence Factors
Cholera toxin (“Choleragen”) [A-B toxin] ⇒ potent enterotoxin
- B subunit → bind to the GM1 ganglioside receptor on intestinal mucosal cells
- A subunit → active ADPR-transferase
- ADP ribosylation of GTP-binding protein that regulates adenyl cyclase activity
- Persistent ⊕ of adenyl cyclase ⇒ ↑ cAMP ⇒ hypersecretion of electrolytes and fluid loss
- MOA is the same as E. coli LT
- Enters cells via endosome → Golgi → ER → cytosol → plasma membrane
Adhesion factors
- Exact mechanism by which V. cholera adhere to the microvilli of the small bowel is unclear
- Specific adhesins and a mucinase likely involved
Vibrio cholera
Pathogenesis and Clinical Disease
Cholera is an acute and severe diarrheal disease
- Extensive fluid and dehydration
- Little or no tissue damage
- Initiates infection in the ileum
- Penetrates mucus
- Adheres to mucosal epithelium
- Replicates extracellularly
- May then spread and grow throughout small and large intestines
Pathology and symptomatology due exclusively to action of cholera toxin
“Rice-water stool” ⇒ hallmark
- Non-bloody watery diarrhea in large volumes
- Contains mucus, epithelial cells and large # of Vibrios
- Loss of fluid and electrolytes ⇒ ± cardiac and renal failure
- If untreated, mortality 40-60%
- Due to profound dehydration and electrolyte imbalanc
“Rice-water stool” ⇒ hallmark
Vibrio cholera
Fecal specimens
- Culture and isolation on differential/selective media
- TCBS agar
- ID by biochemical reactions and agglutination assays w/ specific antisera
- Key characteristics: gram-⊖, comma-shaped rods, oxidase ⊕, motile
- All Enterobacteriaceae are oxidase ⊖ ⇒ distinguishing feature of Vibrio
Vibrio cholera
- Natural infection → high degree of resistance to reinfection by homologous strains but not to a heterologous strain
- Bactericidal, antitoxin and agglutinating Ab produced but exact role unclear
- Local immunity due to IgA antibodies associated w/ immune state
- Current vaccines provide some short-term protection
Vibrio cholera
Treatment and Prevention
- Fluid and electrolyte replacement
- Serious cases ⇒ tetracycline, azithromycin, and ciprofloxacin
Current vaccines in development but not commercially available in the US
- Oral: heat-killed and genetically attenuated vaccines
- Current vaccines provide some short-term protection
- Ongoing work on subunit vaccines, combinations
- Water purification, sanitation, and elimination of carriers
Vibrio parahemolyticus
Halophilic marine organism
- Major cause of diarrheal disease in Japan
- Outbreaks of diarrhea in the coastal areas of the USA and on cruise ships
- Ass. w/ ingestion of raw or undercooked seafood
Clinical disease:
- Varies from mild to severe watery diarrhea, N/V, abdominal cramps and fever
- Diarrhea is occasionally bloody
- Self-limiting, lasts ~3 days
Vibrio vulnificus
Halophilic marine organism
- Common in shellfish along Gulf of Mexico coast
- Less common along Atlantic and Pacific
- Severe skin and soft tissue infections in shellfish handlers
Rapidly fatal septicemia in immunocompromised hosts
- Chronic liver disease predisposes to severe infection
- 50% fatality rate
Clostridium difficile
- Large, gram-⊕, spore-forming rod, obligate anaerobe
- Found in soil
- Present in the colon of 2-4% of normal healthy individuals
- Carriage rate for hospital personnel up to 30%