Alcohols Flashcards
- Rapidly absorbed by passive diffusion from the stomach, small intestine and colon
- Rate of absorption from the stomach is influenced by food content
- Distribution is rapid, with tissue levels approaching those of the blood
- [Ethanol] that any organ receives is proportional to the blood flow to that organ
- Because the brain receives a high blood flow, high levels are achieved rapidly
- The placenta is permeable to ethanol

90% oxidized by the liver via “first pass” metabolism
- Limited and exhibits zero order kinetics d/t depletion of NAD
Small but consistent portion eliminated through the lungs
- Ratio between exhaled air and blood alcohol is 1/2100
- Basis for the breathalyzer test
A portion is metabolized by GI tract
Significant male/female differences
Females have less ADH in the digestive tract
- ↑ Vulnerability of females to the acute and chronic effects of ethanol
Body water content of females < males
- Given dose ⇒ higher BAC in females
- Contributes to the higher ethanol concentration in females
Females have less ADH in the digestive tract
Significant male/female differences

Biochemical Breakdown
- Major path: alcohol dehydrogenase in liver cytosol
- ADH converts ethanol → acetaldehyde
- Acetaldehyde → acetate by aldehyde dehydrogenase
- Acetate → water and CO2 by peripheral tissues
- Both enzymes utilize NAD+
- 1M of ethanol → acetate ⇒ 2 M NADH produced
- Altered NADH/NAD+ ratio has important clinical consequences
NADH → NAD+ by ETC and by lactate dehydrogenase
- Action of LDH converts pyruvate → lactate
- ↑ Lactic acid in the blood competes with urate for elimination ⇒ ↑ blood uric acid levels
- ↑ NADH/ NAD+ ⇒ ⊗ gluconeogenesis by removing pyruvate
- Important in the drinker who is not eating or vomiting and has used up glycogen stores
- Two conditions together ⇒ hypoglycemia
- Rarely, ~ 48 hrs after EtOH cessation ⇒ alcoholic ketoacidosis
- D/t body’s starvation response ⇒ ↓ insulin and ↑ glucagon
- Causes the body to use fatty acids as a source of energy ⇒ ketoacidosis
- Minor path: microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS) [cyp450]
- Km for cytosolic ADH 0.05-30 mM (0.0002 to 0.14%)
- Km of MEOS ~ 30 mM
- MEOS not active below blood ethanol levels of ~ 100 mg/dL or 0.1%
- ↑ BAC ⇒ NAD+ depletion ⇒ further ↑ BAC ⇒ MEOS metabolism
MEOS induced by chronic ingestion of ethanol
- Partially responsible for tolerance
- System also responsible for metabolism of several other drugs ⇒ drug interactions

Ethanol Metabolism
Genetic Variability
Alcohol dehydrogenase
- Homodimers or heterodimers exist ⇒ six possible subunits ⇒ many isozymes
- Considerable racial differences
- If variant ⇒ ↑ ADH activity ⇒ ± ↑ alcoholism
- If variant ⇒ ↑ ADH speed ⇒ protective for alcoholism d/t rapid acetaldehyde accumulation
- Acetaldehyde causes a flushing reaction
- Also significant genetic variation in aldehyde dehydrogenase
- ~50% of Asians have inactive aldehyde dehydrogenase
- When they consume alcohol, high [acetaldehyde] occur

Drug Interactions
- Ethanol enhances CNS depression caused by sedative hypnotics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, sedating antihistamines, or narcotics
- Acutely, high [EtOH] compete with drugs also metabolized by cytochrome P450 system, such as phenytoin
- Chronic use of ethanol causes induction of hepatic metabolizing enzymes ⇒ ↑ the clearance of many drugs
- Cyp450 induction ⇒ ↑ oxidative metabolism of APAP ⇒ ↓ threshold for acetaminophen-induced liver damage
- Depleted stores of glutathione and damaged liver further enhances toxicity
- Analgesics should be used with caution in alcoholics
EtOH + other drugs that inhibit acetaldehyde dehydrogenase ⇒ unusual AEs
- Drugs include metronidazole, cephalosporins, and oral hypoglycemic agents
- Accumulation of acetaldehyde causes flushing

CNS Mechanism
Acute EtOH effects:
- ↑ transmission @ inhibitory GABA A receptors
↓ transmission @ excitatory NMDA glutamate receptors
- Glutamate (via inhibitory interneuron) exerts a tonic inhibitory control over DA release in the nucleus accumbens
- Ethanol ⇒ disinhibition ⇒ ↑ dopamine release
- Acutely ethanol causes a depression of behavioral inhibitory centers in CNS ⇒ initial euphoria and exaggerated feeling of well-being
Chronic EtOH effects:
- After chronic EtOH consumption systems adapt
- GABA A receptors become less responsive
- ↑ Glutamate-sensitive Ca2+ channels
- Removal of ethanol ⇒ rebound stimulatory effect ⇒ withdrawal sx

CNS Effects
Acute effects
- Ethanol is a CNS depressant
@ Lower concentrations ⇒ ⊗ polysynaptic influences ⇒ behavioral stimulation
- Manifested as talkativeness and mild euphoria
@ Higher concentrations ⇒ ↓ neuronal activity ⇒ cerebellar dysfunction, etc.
- Death can occur d/t respiratory depression
Chronic effects
- Key features are tolerance and physical dependence
Acute tolerance can occur after several hrs of drinking
- Chronic alcoholics w/ long-term tolerance need much higher concentrations of ethanol for CNS effects
- Tolerance d/t pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors
Physical dependence manifested as withdrawal sx when EtOH reduced or stopped
- B/c CNS has adapted to presence of ethanol
- [Ethanol] and duration of exposure determines extent of w/d sx
- Many effects of long-term ethanol usage d/t
- *poor nutrition**
Thiamine ⇒ ∆ glucose metabolism
- Cofactor for transketolase
- Deficiency ⇒ ↓ ribose-5-℗ and NADPH
- Cofactor for pyruvate dehydrogenase and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
- Deficiency ⇒ ↓ ATP
- Cofactor for transketolase
Chronic ETOH induced thiamine deficiecy
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Brain damage, memory loss, sleep disturbances
- ↑ Risk of seizures
- Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome:
- Short-lived Wernicke encephalopathy (truncal ataxia, ophthalmoplegia)
- ~80-90% also develop Korsakoff’s psychosis (persistent learning and memory problems)
- Thiamine part of “cocktail” used to tx alcohol w/d
Thiamine ⇒ ∆ glucose metabolism

Legal BAC Levels

Cardiovascular Effects
Acute effects
- Ethanol causes a generalized vasodilation
- Due effect on CNS
- Direct effect on smooth muscle by acetaldehyde
- Ethanol consumption ⇒ hypothermia
- Moderate amounts of ethanol ⇒ ↑ vasoconstrictive effect of catecholamines in the heart and the brain
- In pts with stable angina, ethanol ⇒ ↓ duration of exercise required to cause angina
- Acutely ethanol ⇒ ↓ myocardial contractility
- Ethanol causes a generalized vasodilation
Chronic effects
- Heavy ethanol consumption caused cardiomyopathy
- D/t thiamine deficiency + direct toxic effects
- Heavy alcohol consumption ⇒ HTN (causes 5% of all HTN)
- D/t thiamine deficiency
- Both of these effects are reversible
- Modest ethanol consumption ⇒ slight ↑ in survival
- D/t ↑ HDL/LDL ratio
- Heavy ethanol consumption caused cardiomyopathy

GI Effects
- Oral mucosa, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine exposed to higher concentrations of ethanol than the rest of the body
Ethanol ↑ gastric secretions by several mechanisms both direct and indirect:
- Direct effect includes release of gastrin
- Indirect effects include psychological mechanisms and stimulation of sensory nerve endings in the gut
- Secretion is rich in acid
- Pts with peptic ulcer disease should not drink ethanol
- High concentrations of ethanol (80 proof/40%) cause direct gastric mucosal irritation
- These concentrations also cause erosive gastritis
- Damage caused by aspirin is enhanced by ethanol
- Chronic use of excessive ethanol can cause either diarrhea or constipation
- Chronic ethanol predisposes pt to pancreatitis, d/t ↑ secretions and blockade of the pancreatic duct

Liver Effects
- Acute ingestion of ethanol has little long-term effect on the liver
Chronic ingestion of ethanol can have profound effects
Accumulation of fat is an early event
- D/t excess NADH accumulation ⇒ ⊗ oxidation of fatty acids and fatty acid utilization
Fatty liver → alcoholic hepatitis → cirrhosis → hepatic encephalopathy & other sequelae
- Malnutrition can intensify these effects
Acetaldehyde formed is very reactive
- Contributes to liver damage, enhanced lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial damage, depletion of glutathione
- Acetaminophen toxicity is enhanced to d/t enzyme induction and depletion of glutathione
Accumulation of fat is an early event

Renal Effects
EtOH ⇒ ↓ secretion of ADH ⇒ ↓ tubular reabsorption ⇒ ↑ Diuresis
Hematologic Effects
- Ethanol has direct toxic effects on the bone marrow ⇒ anemia
- ↓ WBCs and platelets
- GI bleeding ⇒ iron deficiency
- Chronic alcoholism may be ass. w/ poor nutrition ⇒ folate deficiency ⇒ megaloblastic anemia
- Even w/o liver disease, chronic ethanol ingestion ⇒ ↑ blood cell volume (macrocytosis)

Teratogenic Effects
- Fetal alcohol syndrome consists of many dysfunctions including low IQ, microcephaly, and facial abnormalities
- Most frequent cause of teratogenically induced mental deficiency in the western world
- Even moderate drinking of ethanol is contraindicated in pregnancy

Endocrine Effects
- Colloquial aphrodisiac effect, likely d/t ↓ inhibition
- Actually causes ↓ in sexual responsiveness
- Acute ingestion ⇒ rapid ↓ in testosterone d/t acute toxic effect on the testes
Chronic ingestion in both men and women ⇒ disturbed hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal function
In females ⇒ defeminization
- Ovarian atrophy, loss of breast and pelvic fat accumulation and infertility
In post-menopausal women, moderate drinking ↑ estrogen levels
- ↑ Aromatase in peripheral tissues ⇒ ↑ conversion of androgenic precursors
- ↑ Estrogen correlates with ↑ breast CA in these individuals
In men, ↓ testosterone synthesis + induction of aromatase ⇒ feminization in some pts
- Loss in body hair, red palms (palmar erythema), red blood vessels radiating like a spider (spider angiomata) and gynecomastia
- Liver damage⇒ ↓ androgenic precursor metabolism ⇒ ↑ conversion to estrogens by peripheral aromatase ⇒ accentuating the feminization
In females ⇒ defeminization

Long-term EtOH Effects

Alcohol Withdrawal
Withdrawal sx
- Autonomic hyperactivity: tremors, sweating, and nausea
- Neuropsychiatric alterations:
- *agitation, anxiety, auditory disturbances, clouding of sensation, and disturbances in visual and tactile senses**
- Occur within 24 hrs after the last drink, peak within 24-36 hrs and end by 48 hrs
Delirium tremens: hallucinations, confusion, disorientation, impaired attention
- Occurs within 48-72 hrs after the last drink
- Peak at 4 days
Acute withdrawal management
- Pharmacotherapy replaces alcohol with a sedative drug that can be tapered in a controlled manner
Benzodiazepines are the drugs of choice because of the wide therapeutic index
In pts with severe cirrhosis, who metabolize long-acting benzodiazepines slowly, use short acting drugs to treat w/d
- Short-acting drugs are lorazepam and oxazepam
- Drugs are metabolized by conjugation
In pts with severe cirrhosis, who metabolize long-acting benzodiazepines slowly, use short acting drugs to treat w/d
- Supportive care including reduce environmental stimuli, rest, adequate nutrition including thiamine, monitor fluids
- Hallucination can be tx with haloperidol
- Benzodiazepines protect against convulsions and seizures
- Beta-blockers and clonidine reduce many of the adrenergic manifestations

Disulfiram (Antabuse)
⊗ Aldehyde dehydrogenase by chelating metal ions essential for its activity
- Resulting “acetaldehyde syndrome” consists of facial flush, headache, hypotension, marked uneasiness, confusion, vomiting
- Pts must be cautioned about other sources of ethanol
- Resulting “acetaldehyde syndrome” consists of facial flush, headache, hypotension, marked uneasiness, confusion, vomiting
⊗ Activity of dopamine beta hydroxylase
- Results in impaired cardiovascular reflexes ⇒ hypotension

Approved for treating alcoholism
Anti-craving activity d/t blockade of positive reinforcing effects of ethanol

- Modulates/normalize alcohol-disrupted brain activity
- Particularly in the GABA and glutamate neurotransmitter systems
- May elicit anti-craving action via prevention of conditioned responses to alcohol withdrawal

Methanol Toxicity
- Methanol is an industrial solvent found in “canned heat” and windshield washing products
- Metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase
- Methanol → formaldehyde → formic acid
Methanol and formate are much more potent toxins than ethanol
- Essential to treat ASAP
- Metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase
- Most characteristic sx of methanol poisoning is a visual disturbance
- ⊗ Alcohol dehydrogenase
Ethanol has a higher affinity for ADH
- Saturation of ADH w/ ethanol ⇒ ↓ formate production
- Other treatments are dialysis and alkalinization to counteract metabolic acidosis

Ethylene Glycol Toxicity
- Used in antifreeze
- Has a sweet taste which attracts young children
- Also sometimes ingested as an ethanol substitute
- Metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase to toxic aldehydes and oxalate
- Metabolic acidosis and renal insufficiency occur d/t deposition of oxalate crystals
- ⊗ Alcohol dehydrogenase
- May use ethanol infusion and/or dialysis as required