GI anomolies (2) Flashcards
2 yo female with large amt of blood in diaper, otherwise healthy, baby pale, but comfortable, afebrile, tachy, hypotensive with hemoglobin at 4.8 and hematocrit of 14.6%—> What would you perform next?
did Meckels scan
How is a Meckels Diverticula a True diverticula
true diverticulum of small bowel with all 4 layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscle propr., serosa
Pathogenesis of Meckels:
failure of involution of ______; cnx btw lumen and developing intestine in the yolk sac
vitelline duct
Explain the rule of 2’s in Meckels Diverticulum
in 2% population
2 types of abnormal lining (stomach + pancreas)
w/in 2 feet of ileocecal valve
2 in long and symptomatic
by 2 years of age
Syptoms of Meckels diverticulum
bleeding into intestine, blockage of intestine, inflammation = diverticulitis
Describe histology of Meckels Diverticulum
See gastric mucosa present amidts small bowel: this can cause ulcers bc produces acid
Treatment for Meckels
surgical resection and bowel resection with anastomosis
baby boy at 4 days old to ED with distened abdomen, bilious emesis and only small smear of meconium at birth, only BM with suppositories
Xray see stool throughout; baby was stabilized given IV fluids via IO line
You see aganglionated to ganglionated transition in the rectosigomoid of baby you suspect has Hirschspurngs but you Need to do ______ to see if theres ganglion
suction rectal biopsy
Congenital defect in intestinal innervtion more common in males, linked with Downs and trisomy 21
What genetic mutations are seen in Hirschsprungs
RET mutaiton common (50% familial and 15% sporadic)
= tyr kinase to transduce growth and diff signals in developing tissues including neural crest cells
Pathogenesis of Hirschsprungs disease
enteric nueral plexus devos from neural crest cellsand migrating to bowel wall during embryogenesis; normal migration of neural crest cells from to rectum is disrupted
What happens to part of colon distal to innervation in Hirschsprungs?
Get segment of distal colon results w/out nerve cells; BOTH Meissner submucosal AND Auerbach Myetneric
lacking = Agangliosos
Transition point btwn aganglionated and ganglionate intestine: peristalsis is absent =
Functional obstruction