GI and Respiratory Physl Flashcards
Functions of the GI tract?
Host defense
Physical breaking down of food consumed into absorbable nutrients for the body to use, through the use of GIT motility, pH changes, enzymes and detergents.
Taking in nutrients consumed from the intestines to the blood of lymphatic system, for body to use.
Removal of waste products that could not be absorbed by the body.
Host defense
GIT forms a barrier with outside environment and contains a highly developed immune system; GIT can inactivate harmful bacteria
Components of the GI tract
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejenum, illeum), large intestine
Accessory organs
Pancrease, liver, gallbladder
GI tube structure
Top third of esophagus: skeletal muscle
Rest of GI tract: smooth muscle
Found in the intestinal tube
Project into the lumen
Below surface there is a crypt or invagination
Layers of the GIT
Muscaleris externa
Serosal layer
3 layers of the mucosa
Lamina propria
Muscalaris mucosa
Epithelium & its function
Layer of cells that lines all body cavities and surfaces
-selective uptake of nutrients, electrolytes, water
-prevent harmful substances from coming through
Apical surface
Faces the inside of the tube/lumen
Basolateral surface
Closest to the blood surface, away from the lumen
How is SA increased?
Presence of villi, microvilli, and crypts
Where do epithelial cells come from?
From stem cells within the crypt that differentiate into a variety of cells
2 pathways that chemicals use to cross the epitherlial layer?
Paracellular pathway
Transcellular pathway
Paracellular pathway
Chemicals move between cells across the tight junctions; only water and small ions can diffuse across
Transcellular pathway
Cross the cell by using transport proteins
Lamina propria
Consists of connective tissue, blood vessels, nerve fibers, lymphatic vessels, inflammatory cells
Muscularis mucosa
Thin layer of smooth muscle
May be involved in moving villi
Under mucosa layer
Contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, submucosal nerve plexus, connective tissue
Submucosal nerve plexus
Relays info to and from the mucosa
Influences secretion
Muscularis externa
Contains circular muscle, myenteric nerve plexus, longitudinal muscle
Circular muscle
Fibers are in a circular pattern to contract and relax in order to open/close the tube
Myenteric nerve plexus
Regulates the smooth muscle function of the GIT
Longitudinal muscle
Lengthens/shortens to control length of tube
Connective tissue layer and forms connections between the intestine wall and abdominal wall
Portal circulation and its purpose?
Carries blood from intestinal tract to the liver
Important in removal of harmful substances, via the liver
Hepatic artery
Carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the GI organs and liver
Hepatic portal vein
Carries less oxygenated blood to the liver that has already been perfused by the GI tract organs
In series circulation vs in parallel
For in parallel, blood goes directly to the target organ, while in series, blood perfuses the organ/tissue after already perfusing a separate one prior to.
Liver predominantly has in series circulation, leading to blood high in nutrients but lower in oxygen.
What 2 factors regulate secretion and motility in the GI tract?
Volume and composition of what’s inside
Reflexes regulating secretion and motility in the GI tract are initiated by? (3)
- Distension of GI wall by volume of luminal contents
- Osmolarity of contents pH
- Concentration of specific contents like monosaccharides, fatty acids, peptides, amino acids
Reflexes are propogated by which receptors?
Mechanoreceptors- activated by pressure, stretch
Osmoreceptors- activated by change in osmolarity
Chemoreceptors- activated by chemicals
Enteric/intrinsic regulation
Occurs completely within the GI
Involves the myenteric and submucosal plexi.
Critical for involuntary functions like digestion
Can function independently of the CNS
Extrinsic regulation
Occurs outside the GI walls, in the ANS
Sympathetic GI responses
- small volume of thick saliva
- peristalsis and secretion inhibited
Parasympathetic GI responses
- large volume of watery saliva
- increases peristalsis and secretion
- stimulates bile release
Long reflex
Extrinsic pathway. CNS is stimulated by smell of food for example and eventually GI tract is stimulated to break down food.
Short reflex
Intrinsic pathway. Same response is geenrated in Gi tract without any input from CNS. Simply due to food consumption and receptors detecting it, causing a response.
4 types of chemical messenger regulation?
Endocrine regulation
Hormone-secreting gland secretes a hormone into the blood, and then travels via blood to its target cells
Neurocrine regulation
Nerve cell produces an electrical signal which causes release of a NT that travels across a synapse to a post synaptic target cell (usually an effector, or nerve cell)
Paracrine regulation
Cell releases a paracrine substance which diffuses through ISF and acts on target cells nearby the release site.
Autocrine regulation
Cell releases autocrine substance which acts in the cell that released it
CCK is stimulated by?
Presence of fatty acids and amino acids
What doe CCK do?
Stimulated pancreas to increase digestive enzyme secretion, and stimulates gallbladder to contract in order to release bile acids for fat breakdown
Intestinal motility? How is it stimulated?
Causes contents to move along GI tract. Stimulated by contraction and relaxation of the 2 muscle layers
Peristalsis and how it works?
Main driving force for food moving down the GI tract.
Circular muscle contracts on oral side of bolus while longitudinal muscle relaxes, and vice versa.
Segmentation and its functions?
Contraction and relaxation of intestinal segments (little movement towards large intestine)
Allows mixing of contents
Causes delayed transit time, allowing more time to absorb nutrients
Pacemaker cells
Located in the smooth muscle of GIT and are constantly under spontaneous depolarization-repolarization cycles
Slow waves
Give the GIT the basic electrical rhythm
With an excitatory input, slow waves are depolarized over threshold and an action potential occurs leading to muscle contraction.
Frequency of contraction is dictated by?
Basic electrical rhythm
Force of contraction is dictated by?
Hormonal and neuronal input
3 phases of GI control?
Cephalic phase and how its initiated? Reflexes?
Initiated by stimulation of receptors in the head through sight, smell, taste, chewing of food, emotional state.
Reflexes regulated by parasympathetic fibers that activate neurons in the neuronal plexuses.
Gastric phase and how its initiated? Reflexes?
Receptors in stomach are stimulated by stretching, distension, acidity, peptide, amino acids.
Short (gastrin) and long (ACH) neural reflexes.
Intestinal phase and how its initiated? Reflexes?
Receptors in intestine are stimulated by osmolarity, stretch, distention, digestive products.
Short and long neural reflexes and by CCK, secretin, GIP hormones.
Hypothalamus role
Maintains homeostasis
Command centre for neural and endocrine control coordination
Control of behaviour
Feeding centre? Lesion causes what?
Located in the lateral region of hypothalamus
Activation of this centre increases hunger
Lesion causes weight loss
Satiety centre? Lesion causes what?
Located in the ventromedial region of hypothalamus
Activation makes you feel full
Lesion causes weight gain by overeating
Orexigenic factors and examples
Increase appetite Neuropeptide Y (secreted by hypothalamus) Ghrelin (by stomach endocrine cells)
Anorexigenic factors and examples
Decrease appetite Leptin (by adipose tissue) Insulin (by pancreas) Peptide YY (by intestine) Melanocortin (by hypothalamus)
How does ghrelin work?
Secreted by endocrine cells of stomach when body is in fasting state. Ghrelin is released in blood and travels to hypothalamus to stimulate release of neuropeptide Y to try to increase food intake.
Lack of leptin results in?
No appetite regulation, obesity
What 3 factors stimulate the thirst centre?
- Increased plasma osmolarity
- Decreased plasma volume
- Dry mouth or throat
- Prevention of over hydration
Increased plasma osmolarity
Stimulates osmoreceptors and the release of vasopressin or ADH to conserve water at kidney
Decreased plasma volume
Decrease in blood volume and pressure stimulates baroreceptors and will alter sympathetic and parasympathetic outflow to increase arterial pressure to normal levels
Intrarenal baroreceptors
When blood pressure in kidneys decreases, baroreceptors are stimulated and acitvation of the renin-angiotensin system occurs. This system produces angiotensin II affects hypothalamus and has been shown to to increase thirst in animals.
3 main pairs of salivary glands?
Composition of saliva
Hypotonic and slightly alkaline.
Made of water, electrolytes (potassium and bicarbonate), digestive enzymes (lipase, amylase), glycoproteins (mucin), antimicrobial factors (lysozyme, lactoferrin)
Breaks down bacterial cell walls
Prevents multiplication of bacteria by chelating iron
Functions of saliva (6)
Moistens/lubricates food to make it easier to swallow
Initiates digestion with digestive enzymes
Allows small bit of food to dissolve through taste buds
Prevents microbial colonization due to antibacterial factors
Aids in speech
Buffer- neutralizes acidic food or acid reflux
3 cell types that make up salivary glands?
Acinar cells
Ductal cells
Myopithelial cells
Acinar cells
Secrete initial saliva
Ductal cells
Create the alkaline hypotonic nature of saliva
Myoepithelial cells
Contain characteristics of both epithelial cells and smooth muscle cells
Saliva movement
Moves from the acinus to striated duct via myoepithelial cells contracting the acinus end, moving contents towards striated duct.
Tight junctions of acinar cells vs ductal cells
Acinar cells have leaky tight junctions, allowing for passage of water and small ions while ductal cells do not allow water to pass
Why is the primary secretion of saliva isotonic?
Because there is no limit on how much water and sodium pass through the leaky acinar tight junctions.
Parasympathetic pathway for regulation of salivary gland is it stimulated? How can it be inhibited?
Dominant regulatory pathway
Stimulated by smell/taste of food, or pressure receptors in mouth, or during nausea
Can be inhibited by tiredness, fear, fatigue
Sympathetic pathway for regulation of salivary gland is it stimulated?
Minor pathway
Increases saliva flow
Increases protein secretion from acinar cells and stimulates myoepithelial cells to contract to increase flow
Enzyme found in saliva that breaks down starch
Can only break alpha-1,4 linkages
Plant starch is made up of?
Glucose polymers amylose and amylopectin
Straight chain of glucose polymers with alpha-1,4 linkages
Chain of glucose polymers with both alpha-1.4 and 1,6 linkages
Breakdown of amylose creates?
Maltose and maltotriose
Breakdown of amylopectin creates?
Maltose, maltotriose, and alpha limit dextrin due to the alpha 1,6-linkages not being broken
Lingual lipase
Breaks down fats , can remain active in stomach
When are amylase and lingual lipase especially important?
When there are conditions of reduced pancreatic activity (digestive enzyme secretion)
Dry mouth
Conditions where saliva secretion is impaired?
Schogrens disease- Autoimmune dieases where immune system attacks salivary glands
Drug side effects
Radiation therapy
Consequences of salivary gland impairment?
Decreased oral pH Tooth decay Dry mouth Esophageal erosions due to no saliva being able to neutralize stomach acid coming up esophagus Difficulty chewing/swallowing food
Treatment for impaired salivary production?
Frequent sips of water
Fluoride treatment for bacteria
How is swallowing initiated?
Pressure receptors in the pharynx stimulated by presence of food or liquid entering pharynx
Tube at the back of esophagus common to food and air
Between pharynx and trachea containing vocal chords; voicebox
Area in larynx around vocal chords where air can pass
Cartilage flap that closes to prevent food from entering lungs
Process of swallowing
Chew food
Food moves to back of throat
Soft palette elevates to prevent food from going up nose
Respiration inhibited by impulses from swallowing centre
Larynx raised, epiglottis closes and covers trachea
Food enters esophagus
Esophagus anatomy
Mucus is secreted
Stratified squamous epithelium
Stratified vs squamous
Stratified= in layers Squamous= flattened
Upper esophageal sphinctor
Ring of sketal muscle located below the pharynx
Lower esophageal sphinctor
Ring of smooth muscle located where the esophagus joins the stomach.
When are esophageal spinctors closed?
Always closed, except for when swallowing, vomiting, or burping,
Heart burn causes
Lower esophageal sphincter not closing properly
Big meal
Stomach functions
Storage of food
Chemical and mechanical breakdown of food
Secreted by the stomach, and cleaved to form enzyme pepsin
Enzyme that initiates protein digestion in stomach
Secreted in stomach, and helps break down macromolecules in food.
Partial sterilization of food
Intrinsic factor
Secreted by stomach
Essential for absorption of vitamin B12 in iliem
Fundus and body & what do they secrete?
Both have a thin layer of smooth muscle
Antrum and what does it secrete?
Has a thicker layer of smooth muscle
Pyloric sphincter
Controls emptying of the stomach
Endocrine vs exocrine
Exorcrine chemical messenger requires passage through blood , while exocrine involves secretion into ducts and then directly onto epithelial surface
Protects the stomach epithelium from digestive enzymes and acid
Important in stimulating HCl production and stomach motility
Stimulates HCl production
Inhibits HCl production
Mucous cell
Located at luminal end of gastric gland
Secretes mucous
Parietal cell
Located in fundus
Secretes intrinsic factor and HCl
Chief cell
Found in gastric glands
Secretes pepsinogen
Enteroendocrine cell/G cell
Found in gastric glands in antrum
Secrete gastrin
Enterochromaffin-like cell
Found in gastric glands
Secretes histamine
D cell
Found in gastric glands
Secretes somatostatin
Increase SA of cells to maximize secretion
Na/K ATPase
Primary transport
3 Na out, 2 K into cell for every molecule of ATP
H/K ATPase
Primary transport
Pumps out a proton (H) into lumen
Cell becomes more basic
Carbonic anhydrase
Parietal cell gets rid of base by removing bicarbonate
Catalyzes formation of carbonic acid from h20 and co2
Carbonic acid dissociates into H and bicarbonate
Cl/HCO3 exchanger
HCO3 is pumped out in exchange for Cl ion
Secondary active transport
4 chemical messengers that regulate insertion of H/K ATPase into membrane?
Advantage of having inactive precursor?
Prevents autodigestion
3 phases of gastric secretion?
Cephalic phase
Gastric phase
Instestinal phase
Cephalic phase & how is acid secreted?
Brain is stimulated by sight, smell, or taste of food which provides excitatory stimulation via vagus nerve to the stomach
Vagal nuclei in brain cause parasympathetic nerve to release ACH at parietal cells and acid is secreted
Gastric phase & how is acid secreted?
Occurs when food reaches the stomach
Stimulated mainly by presence of food causing G cells to release gastrin into blood.
Gastrin interacts with parietal cell to increase acid production
Intestinal phase & how is acid secreted?
Occurs when partially broken down food from stomach enters SI
INHIBITORY phase due to presence of fat, acid, digestion products (slow digestion is wanted so phase is inhibitory)
Mediated by secretin and CCK, which have a negative influence on gastrin production
3 ways ACH can stimulate acid secretion at parietal cell?
- Stimulates ECL cells to release histamine
- Inhibits somatostatin production in D cells
- Stimulates G cells to produce gastrin
In what way does gastrin stimulate acid secretion at parietal cell?
- Stimulates ECL cells to release histamine
What happens once acid secretion is happening at a high rate?
ACH released from parasympathetic nerves and the stimulation is reduced as acid is produced and as you are eating.
Acid produced has an inhibitory effect on gastrin release from G cells
Somatostatin inhibits what?
Gastrin release from G cells
Histamine release from ECL cells
Peristaltic waves
Weak contractions in the stomach
Pyloric sphinctor & what happens when it closes?
Located between antrum of stomach and duodenum.
When it closes, some food is able to enter the duodenum, but most is retained in stomach for further digestion.
What determines strength of contraction?
Amount of stimulus
What determines the frequency of contraction?
Basic electrical rhythm
Causes of vomiting?
Psychogenic (you think of something like a food and its triggered)
Ear infection (motion sickness)
GI disturbances
Pressure in CNS
Chemoreceptors in GI tract and brain detect toxins
Where is the vomiting centre?
Medulla oblongata
What mechanisms happen when vomiting centre is stimulated?
Increased saliva production Breath held in mid-inspiration Nausea Glottis closes off trachea Lower esophageal sphinctor and esophagus relax Diaphragm and abdominal muscles contract Reverse peristalsis
Consequences of vomiting
Electrolyte imbalance
Metabolic alkalosis-elevated pH of a tissue due to acid lost
Tooth enamel erosion from acid
Peptic ulcer
Erosion of GI tract mucousa
Can occur in stomach, esophagus or duodenum
Causes of ulcers?
Imbalance of aggressive factors (pepsin and acid) and protective factors (mucus and bicarbonate)
Infection from bacterium Helicobacter Pylori
Non-bacterial factors like smoking, excessive alcohol, drugs that reduce prostaglandin production
Ulcer treatment
H/K pump inhibitors
Histamine receptor antagonists
Prostaglandin type drugs
Gastric bypass surgery
Stomach is divided into a smaller pouch which connects to SI, limiting how much food is absorbed. Used to weight loss
Is the stomach essential for life?
No, but complications can arise
Consequences of having stomach tied off or removed?
Intrinsic factor cannot be secreted without a stomach, so people must get vitamin B12 injections to prevent anemia.
Stomach is useful in reducing amount of bacteria that enters system
Sterilizes food
Exocrine pancreas and function
Secretes substances into ducts that drain onto spithelial surface
Important for digestion
Source of majority of enzymes needed for digestion of carbs, fats, proteins etc
Secretes bicarbonate into duodenum
Endocrine pancreas
Ductless gland
Secretion occurs over epithelial basolateral surface for diffusion into blood
Not important in digestion but important in producing hormones regulating the body
Sphincter of Oddi/hepatopancreatic sphincter
Common to the bile duct and main pancreatic duct
Regulates the release of pancreatic and liver contents into SI
Pancreatic islets
Produce insulin
Acinar vs ductal cells within pancreatic ducts
Acinar- produce and secrete digestive enzymes
Ductal- secrete bicarbonate
Pancreatic juices
Isotonic and alkaline due to bicarbonate
Contains digestive enzymes and proteolytic enzymes which are stores and secreted in inactive forms
Cl channel
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
Allows Cl to diffuse out of duct cell into lumen
Ductular cell secretion of HCO3 steps
- CFTR channels open and Cl diffuses into lumen
- Cl in lumen exchanged for HCO3 in cell (HCO3 movies out)
- Neutral pH maintained by exchange of H moving out for Na moving in (secondary active transport)
What happens after a meal?
Acid enters lumen of stomach
Base bicarbonate leaves via blood
“The tide”
Anything moving into blood
In the stomach what happens to acid and base?
Acid moves into stomach lumen. Base moves into the blood.
In the pancreas what happens to acid and base?
Base moves into lumen, acid moves into blood.
Why is the pancrease essential to digestion?
Source of major enzymes requried for digesting carbs, fats, proteins, etc
Enzymes that digest proteins into peptides and amino acids
Amylolytic enzymes
Digest starches into sugars
Digest triglycerides into monoglycerides and free fatty acids
Digest nucleic acids into free nucleotides
How are enzymes packaged and where are they stored?
Packaged by the pancreatic acinar cells as proenzymes in zymogen granules
Stored at the apical pole of the acinar cell
Inactive precursor molecules
Cleaves a pro-protease called tripsinogen into the protease trypsin
4 major proteases secreted by pancreas?
Pro-carboxypeptidase A & B
Amylolytic enzymes? (1)
Pancreatic amylase
Lipolytic enzymes? (3)
Phospholipase A2
Trypsinogen: activated by? Active enzyme? Action? End products?
Hydrolyzes peptide bonds
Peptides and amino acids
Chymotrypsinogen: activated by? Active enzyme? Action? End products?
Hydrolyzes peptide bonds
Peptides and amino acids
Pro-elastase: activated by? Active enzyme? Action? End products?
Hydrolyzes peptide bonds
Peptides and amino acids
Pro-carboxypeptidase A&B: activated by? Active enzyme? Action? End products?
Carboxypeptidase A&B
Hydrolyzes bonds at C-terminal
Peptides and amino acids
Pancretic amylase ? Action and end products?
Cleaves starches to sugars
Maltose, malitriose, alpha limit dextrins
Lipase? Action and end products?
Hydrolyzes triglycerides
Free fatty acids and 2-monoglycerides
Phospholipase A2: Inactive enzyme? Activated by? Action and end products?
Prephospholipase A2
Hydrolyzes phospholipids
Free fatty acids and lysophospholipids
Cholesterolesterase? Action and end products?
Hydrolyzes cholesterol esters
Free fatty acids and cholesterol
S-cells role
Produce secretin when acid enters duodenum from stomach
Hormone that stimulates release of bicarbonate
I-cells role
Release CCK when fats and protein enter upper SI from stomach
Hormone that stimulates release of digestive hormones
Circulating secretin stimulates?
Pancreas and liver duct cells to increase bicarbonate secretion
Secretin and CCK bot inhibit what? What does this result in?
Both inhibit gastric secretion, which results in slowed stomach motility and reduced acid secretion
Which channel is mutated in cystic fibrosis?
The Cl channel involved in HCO3 secretion
Cystic fibrosis
Defective Cl channel
Enzymes do not get flushed from the ducts and never reach the intestine
Retained proteolytic enzymes can result in autodigestion
Patients must recieve supplements of digestive enzymes and antacids
People with cystic fibrosis can still produce what?
Digestive enzymes
Sac located under liver
Bile ducts
Run from the liver and join to form the common hepatic duct which then joins with the common bile duct
Hepatic lobule and structure
Functional unit of the liver
Has a hexagonal structure and central vein running through centre and a portal triad in each corner
Portal triad structure
Consists of a hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, and a bile duct
Epithelial cells of the liver that form canalicular networks
Produce and secrete bile acids
Canalicular networks
Tube like structures that join together until they form bile ducts
Bile components produced by hepatocytes are put into what?
Canalicular networks, and then flow towards bile ducts
Blood flow occurs where?
Other side of the hepatocyte
Major functions of the liver?
Detoxifying blood
Formation and secretion of bile
Metabolizing and storing nutrients
Producing circulating proteins
Breaks down fat
6 components of bile
Bile acids Cholesterol Salts Phospholipids Bile pigments Trace metals
Bile acids
Made from cholesterol
Emulsification of fats
What enzyme does bile work with to digest fat?
Pancreatic lipase
Large fat droplets being made smaller
What does emulsification require?
Mechanical disruption
Emulsifying agent to keep droplets from re-agreggating
2 things in bile that help with emulsification?
Amphipathic bile acids and phospholipids
Micelle and function?
Polar heads facing outside while non polar tails facing inside in a circular formation
Allows easier absorbtion, increased SA for more absorption
Bile duct cells
Add bicarbonate, water and other salts to the bile
Basic steps of bile acid recycling
- Bile acids released by liver/gallbladder into duodenum (from hepatocyte to bile)
- Reabsorbed in SI into portal circulation
- Transported back into hepatocytes from blood
Bile acids are synthesized where?
In hepatocytes
How are bile acids transported across apical surface?
Primary active transport in canalicular networks
How are bile acids absorbed across epithelial cells in SI?
Na dependant secondary active transport pathway
How is bile moved to blood?
How is bile acids in blood moved into hepatocytes
Secondary active transporter
How can foods high in fiber reduce cholesterol?
These foods bind to bile acids and are excreted in feces, preventing reabsorption of bile acids
How do bile salts regulate hepatobiliary secretion?
As more bile salts are absorbed by iliem and returned to liver, more will be secreted into bile
How does secretin regulate hepatobiliary secretion?
Increases bicarbonate secretion in bile ducts and in pancreas, stimulated by acid in duodenum
How does CCK regulate hepatobiliary secretion?
Production stimulated by digested fats and proteins in upper SI. Increases contraction of gallbladder and relaxes spincter of Oddi causing bile release into duodenum.
Cause of gallstones?
Excess cholesterol.
If concentration of bile becomes too high relative to bile acids, cholesterol will precipitate out
Pigment stones?
Amount of bile pigments are increased due to excess RBC breakdown. Bile forms precipitates with Ca.
Gallstones consequences?
Obstruction or infection of gallbladder, pancreas, or liver
Pain, nausea, jaundice, insufficient absorption of fats, and fat soluble vitamins
Gallstones treatment options?
Cholecystectomy (removal of gallbladder)
Removal of stones
Drugs to dissolve stones
Duodenum functions
Mixing of pancreatic digestive enzymes and bile with food
Absorption of nutrients
Release of CCK and secretin
Jejenum functions?
Digestion and absorption continued
Ileum functions?
Absorption of bile acids and vitamin B12
Folds of Kerckring?
Circular folds…essentially the whole intestine is folded on itself
4 epithelial cell types derived from stem cells?
Paneth cells
Secrete antibacterial peptides
Endocrine cells
Hormone producing cells (S and I cells)
Goblet cells
Secretion of mucus
Contain microvilli at apical surface of cell
Brush border
Microvilli covering villi of SI; major absorptive surface
Brush border enzyme
Anchored to the brush border with catalytic activity in the lumen
Only form of carbohydrates that can be absorbed is?
Broken down by sucrase
Broken down by lactase
Monosaccharides that can be absorbed by GIT?
How do glucose and galactose move from lumen of SI to enterocytes?
Use Na dependent glucose transporter (secondary active transport)
Uses the Na gradient to drive uptake of sugar into enterocyte
Na gradient generated by Na/K ATPase
How are glucose and galactose transported across the basolateral surface of enterocyte?
Use a Facilitated glucose transporter GLUT
How does fructose move into the enterocyte?
Using a facilitated carrier GLUT5
How is fructose transported across the basolateral surface of enterocyte?
Using facilitated glucose transporter GLUT2
Pancreatic protease
Brush border enzyme
Small peptides can be taken up by?
Secondary active transport coupled to H
Large fat droplets are mostly composed of?
Pancreatic lipase can only act on? Why?
The surface of fat droplets because it is water soluble.
What must happen in order for pancreatic lipase to act?
Fat droplets must be broken down into smaller ones
What prevents re-aggregation?
Bile acids and phospholipids that bind to the outside of the smaller droplets
As micelles break down they release what?
Fatty acids and monoglycerides
Once epithelial cells absorb fatty acids and monoglycerides, what happens?
They are processed by the ER and converted back into triglycerides.
This is to maintain the diffusion gradient of the lumen of the SI to the epithelial cell, so that fatty acids and monoglycerides can be absorbed into the enterocyte via diffusion.
Extracellular fat droplets absorbed by lacteals
Lymphatic vessel in the intestinal villi
Protein iron complex that acts as a storage form of iron
When body stores of iron are high what happens?
Increased production of ferritin, so increased binding of ferritin in epithelial cells, and reduction of amount of iron released into blood
What happens when there is a need for iron but the stores are depleted?
Decreased production of ferritin, so decreased retention in enterocyte, and more will be absorbed in blood rather than stored.
Iron toxicities
Genetic defects in absorption control pathways
Excessive intake of supplements
Iron deficiency anemia & causes?
Reduced number or size of RBC
Caused by not enough iron in diet, blood loss, poor iron absorption, intestinal diseases
Why is fluid crucial in intestine?
Allows for contacts of food and digestive enzymes
Prevents damage of epithelium
Allows diffusion of digested nutrients to absorption site
Where is the most fluid absorbed?
Small intestine
Gradient direction for absorption vs secretion?
Inward direction for absorption, outward for secretion
3 important electrolytes for water absorption?
Chloride, bicarbonate, sodium
Absorption predominantly depends on ?
Na gradient
Absorption of water in SI?
Na gradient of Na/K ATPase end up moving glucose into cell
Glucose and Na are brought in via SGLT and pumped out by Na/K ATPase
Cl follows Na and water follows them
Secretion predominantly depends on?
Cl gradients
Secretion of water in SI?
NKCC1 allows accumulation of Cl in enterocyte based on inwardly directed Na gradient
CFTR opens allowing Cl to enter intestinal lumen
Na follows Cl, and water will follow, being secreted into the lumen
MMC and purpose?
Migrating myoelectric complex; referring to peristaltic activity.
Purpose is to move undigested material from SI to LI and prevents bacteria from staying in the SI
Regulation of MMC?
Hormone motilin initiates MMC. Motilin release is inhibited when you eat to allow for segmentation
Lactose intolerance
Cannot completely digest lactose. Results in decreased water absorption, gas, diarrhea
Lactose intolerance solutions?
Take a lactase pill with meal, or drink lactose free milk pre treated w lactase
Caused by consuming bacteria Vibria Cholera in contaminated food or water. Causes vomiting and diarrhea
What does the bacteria in cholera produce?
Toxin that increases production of cAMP
This causes Cl channel to open allowing large amounts of Cl into intestinal lumen, and water follows and is lost as diarrhea
Cholera treatment?
Consume clean water with salts and glucose to replace fluids
Ileocecal valve. When is it open/closed?
Between cecum (appendix) and illeum Open after a meal when ileum contracts, closed when LI is distended. Retains LI contents
Colon functions?
Reabsorption of water
Reservoir for waste and undigested products prior to defecation
Absorb products of bacterial metabolism
Internal vs external anal spinctors?
Internal- smooth muscle, involuntary
External- skeletal muscle, voluntary
Important difference between SI and LI? Results in?
LI has no villi while SI does. Results in lower SA in LI.
Absorptive cells in LI compared to SI?
Do not contain brush border enzymes in LI
Process of defecation?
Rectum distends and activates mechanoreceptors
Rectum contracts, internal anal sphinctor relaxes while external contracts initially
Then vice versa occurs and feces voided
7 functions of the respiratory system?
Provides oxygen to tissues Eliminates CO2 Filters and protects from microbial infections Helps regulate blood pH Phonation (speech formation) Olfaction Blood reservoir
Fundamental units of the respiratory system and contain lots of capillaries
Pharynx is split into what 2 components?
Nasopharynx and laryngopharynx
What happens to allow phonation?
Air travels through vocal cords in larynx
Air passage pathway
Larynx, trachea, 2 primary bronchi, lungs
Trachea and primary bronchi can characterized by what?
Semi-cartileginous C shaped ring and smooth muscle in back.
Protects and promotes elasticity
Same cartilage sturctures as primary bronchi but not C shaped, rather plate shaped
2 divisions of the tracheobronchial tree
Conducting zone and respiration zone
Conducting zone, and what does it consist of?
Anatomically dead space where there are no alveoli so no gas exchange occurs.
Consists of the trachea, primary bronchi, bronchioles and terminal bronchioles
Respiratory zone, and what does it consist of?
Further down and contains the alveoli where gas is exchanged.
Contains respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs
Terminal bronchioles
Smallest airways WITHOUT alveoli
Respiratory bronchioles
Occasional alveoli
Alveoli sacs
Contain large number of alveoli
Type I alveoli
Flat cell, lined with fluid containing surfactant.
These cells do NOT divide
Type II alveoli and its functions
Not frequently found.
Produce surfactant
Can act as progenitor cells, so they can replicate into type I alveoli cells which cannot be replaced on their own
Surfactant importance
Important for respiratory function
How do O and CO2 diffuse through the respiratory membrane?
O diffuses from alveoli to blood stream
CO2 diffuses from blood to alveoli
Referring to either type I or II alveolar cells
Movement of gas from atmosphere to alveoli by bulk flow
Movement of gas is due to what?
Changes in pressure and volume; promotes movement of gas from area of high to low pressure
5 steps of respiration
Exchange of O and CO2 between alveoli and blood by diffusion
Transport of O and CO2 through pulmonary and systemic circulation by bulk flow
Exchange of O and CO2 between blood in tissue capillaries and cells in tissues by diffusion
CO2 produced and O used by cells
How is airflow produced?
Motor neurons innervate respiratory muscles by CNS stimulation.
Respiratory muscles contract
Thoracic volume, thoracic pressure, and intrapulmanory pressures change with contaction and relaxation, allowing for gas movement in/out
3 categories of muscles involved in respiration?
Pump muscles, airway muscles, accessory muscles
Pump muscles
Make changes in pressure and volume at lung level
Inspiratory vs expiratory pump muscles
Inspiratory- active during inspiration.
Expiratory- active during expiration
Airway muscles
Keep airways open
Accessory muscles
Facilitate respiration when there is an increased metabolic drive; ex used only when exercising pretty much
Main inspiratory muscles?
External intercostals
Parasternal intercostals
Main expiratory muscles?
Internal intercostals
Diaphragm, and what happens when it contracts?
Dome shaped structure, separates the lungs from the abdominal content.
When it contracts, it moves down, allowing rib cage to move up and out (widening) so overall INCREASE in thoracic volume
External intercostals and their motion?
Help contract and lift rib cage
Bucket handle motion
Parasternal intercostals and their motion?
Contract and pull sternum forward
Pump handle motion
When are inspiratory muscles active?
All the time during inspiration
When are expiratory muscles active?
Only during the expiratory phase of when you are MAKING AN EFFORT to breath out, so during stress, coughing, exercise. They do not contract during expiration at rest
Internal intercostals
Used during forced expiration
Push rib cage down to reduce thoracic volume
Inspiration at rest vs during deep breathing/exercising
At rest: diaphragm contracts expanding thoracic cavity
Deep breathing: stronger contraction of diaphragm, as well as recruitment of accessory muscles to allow further expansion of thoracic cavity
Expiration at rest vs forced
At rest: abdominal and intercostal muscles are not active
Forced: abdominal muscles contract strongly causing diaphragm to move up and expel even more air
Internal intercostal muscles contract to move rib cage down
What factors occur in someone with obstructive sleep apnea?
Depressed muscle tone of muscles in upper respiratory muscles
Reduction of openness in airway, resulting in snoring and large drops of O saturation in blood
Why does sleep apnea occur?
Problem with neural control of breathing
Lack of excitatory drive which is needed to maintain tone
Consequences of sleep apnea
Daytime fatigue
Changes in O saturation (resulting in cognitive impairment)
Cardiovascular risks
How to treat sleep apnea?
No drug treatments but can administer a mask that delivers constant positive airway pressure and keeps upper aiways open.
2 regions involved in filtering action?
Conducting zone (muco-ciliary escalator) and at the level of alveoli
2 types of cells lining the surface of trachea. Function?
Goblet cells
Ciliated cells
Role is to entrap inert or biological particulates that were inhaled and remove them from airways.
Ciliated cells
Have cilia on apical surface. Produce periciliary fluid
Goblet cells
No cilia, produce mucus
Periciliary fluid
Low density fluid produced by periciloary cells which allows cilia to move freely.
SOL layer
Layer of perciliary fluid sitting on top of the ciliated cells
Gel layer
Thick layer of mucus produced by goblet cells, distrubuted in patches
What changes can affect the muco-ciliary layer?
Changes in thickness of the SOL or gel layers
Smoking effect on goblet and ciliary cells?
Decreases ciliary cells activity, increase goblet cells
What happens when silica or asbestos are inhaled? What condition can occur and why?
Macrophages recognize them as foreign objects and phagocytose them, but cannot digest them.
Silica and asbestos kill the macrophages and chemotactic factors are released.
Promotes fibroblasts into alveoli
Increases collagen which promotes lung stiffness, so pulmonary fibrosis can occur
Test that determines the amount and rate of inspired and expired air
Tidal volume
Volume of air breathed (in OR out) during one cycle
Expiratory reserve volume
Amount of additional air that can be expired by forcibly exhaling to the max
Inspiratory reserve volume
Amount of additional air that can be inspired by forcibly inhaling to the max
Residual volume
Amount of air left in lungs after maximum expiration; cannot be expired even forcibly
Vital capacity
Maximal volume of air that can be exhaled after maximal inspiration
Inspiratory capacity and formula
Maximal volume of air that can be inhaled`
Functional residual capacity and formula
Amount of air remaining in lungs after normal expiration
Total lung capacity
Amount of air in lungs after maximal inspiration
What cannot be measured by spirometry?
Residual volume
Also cannot measure any capacity with RV in the formula, therefore FRC and TLC cannot be measured using spirometry
Total or minute ventilation
Amount of air exchanged within a minute or within a rate time
How to calculate total or minute ventilation?
Respiratory frequency x tidal volume
Alveolar ventilation
Amount of air moved into the alveoli per minute
How to calculate alveolar ventilation?
Subtract the anatomical dead space volume from the tidal volume and multiply by the respiration frequency
What kind of breathing is more effective in increasing alveolar ventilation? Why?
Deep breathing, as majority of the minute ventilation is dedicated for gas exchange
Forced expiratory volume in one minute; how much of the vital capacity volume can be expelled in 1 min
Forced vital capacity; same as vital capacity test
3 factors looked at in spirometry tests
- FEV-1
- Ratio of FEV-1/FVC
Obstructive lung disease. Due to what? Obstructive pattern is common in patients with..?
Difficulty exhaling all the all from their lungs
Due to lung damage or narrowing of airways
Common in people with cyctic fibrosis, asthma
Obstructive lung disease effect on FEV-1, FVC, and ratio?
FEV-1 reduced
FVC reduced or normal
Ratio reduced
Restrictive lung disease. Due to what? Restrictive pattern is common in patients with..?
Difficulty filling lungs fully with air.
Lungs restricted from expanding due to condition causing lung stiffness.
Common in people with lung fibrosis, neuromuscular disease, scarring in lung tissue
Restrictive lung disease effect on FEV-1, FVC, and ratio?
FEV-1 reduced (since amount of air inhaled is less than usual, amount exhaled will be less, even though one has the full ability to expel air )
FCV reduced
Ratio normal, but volume is less
Helium dilution method?
Used to measure FRC
Helium dilution method only measures what?
Communicating gas or ventilated lung volume
2 classes of properties of mechanisms of ventilation?
Static and dynamic
Properties that are present when no air is flowing
Properties that are present when the lungs are changing volume and air is flowing in/out
Boyle’s law
At a contant temp, pressure and volume and inversely proportional
(increase in V=decrease in P)
How does gas flow?
Bulk flow, from an area of high pressure to area of low pressure
Pressure during inspiration
Thoracic cavity volume increases and pressure decreases, so air moves from an area of higher pressure (environment) to low pressure (alveoli)
Pressure during expiration
Thoracic cavity volume decreases, so pressure increases so air moves from alveoli to environment (lower pressire)
Visceral pleura
Covers surface of the lungs
Parietal pleura
Attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity
Interpleural fluid
Separates the visceral and parietal pleura, allowing them to slide around during inspiration
Why do lungs have the tendency to collapse?
Elastic recoil
What happens at equilibrium of lungs and chest wall?
Inward elastic recoil of lungs balances out the outward elastic recoil of the chest wall
How do lungs and chest wall interact?
Through the interpleural space between visceral and parietal pleurae.
Intrapleural pressure
Pressure inside the pleura
Alveolar pressure
Pressure inside the alveoli
Transpulmonary pressure
Difference of the alveolar pressure minus the intrapleural pressure
Intrapleural pressure is always what?
Negative (or subatomic) because of the opposing forces of elastic recoil
What occurs when someon has a collapsed lung in terms of pressures?
The alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure are equal
Which pressure is static and determines lung volume?
Transpulmonary pressure
Which pressure is dynamic and determines air flow?
Alveolar pressure
Steps in inspiration
CNS sends excitatory signal to inspiratory muscles
Muscles contract and generate increase in thoracic volume
Increase in transpulmonary pressure
Increase in lung volume
Decrease in alveolar pressure
Air moves in
Steps in expiration
Relaxation of inspiratory muscles Chest recoils (decrease volume) Instrapleural pressure is back to normal so transpulmonary pressure is reduced Increase in alveolar pressure Air moves out
Forces that affect resistance to air flow?
Inertia of respiratory system
Friction forces
Different friction forces
Friction between different alveolar sacs
Friction between lung and chest wall
Resistance that airflow incurs when entering airway
Laminar flow and where does it occur?
Subject invests little energy in airflow resistance
Occurs at small airways that are distal to terminal bronchioles
Transitional airflow and where does it occur?
Takes extra energy to produce vortices, resistance increases.
Occurs at most of the bronchial tree
Turbulant flow
No longer smooth and laminar
Found in larger airways such as trachea, larynx, pharynx
How does Poiseuille’s Law relate to airflow resistance?
The smaller the radius of an airway, the more resistance
Where is resistance lowest? Why is this?
In the small airways. In this case, this is due to them being arranged in parallel. So, when calculating resistance it is INVERSE of each resistance, resulting in minimal resistance.
How to calculate resistance for airways arranged in parallel vs in series?
In parallel: sum of all the individual resistances
In series: inverse of each resistance
How can small airways be occluded?
Contraction of smooth muscle
Edema (presence of fluids reduces space)
Mucus accumulation
Lung compliance
Measure of the elastic property of lungs and how easily lungs expand
Why is lung compliance considered to be a static and dynamic property?
Can be measured in the presence or absence of airflow
How is lung compliance determined on graph?
Transpulmonary pressure on x axis and lung volume on y axis. Lung compliance is the slope!
Pulmonary fibrosis: high or low lung compliance? Why?
Low. Patient has to make a big effort to breath in and increase transpulmonary pressure
Emphysema: high or low lung compliance?
Difference in inflation and deflation compliance path
Why does hysteresis exist?
Because there is more pressure needed to open an airways rather than keep an airway open
Lung compliance is determined by?
Elastic components of lungs: elastin and collagen
Surface tension at the air-water interface within alveoli
Where are elastin and collagen found?
In the walls of the alveoli, around blood vessels and bronchi
Emphysema, what occurs?
Many large alveolar spaces, compared to a healthy dense network of alveoli.
Elastin is decreased so floppy lungs occur.
Increased compliance in which little pressure is needed to cause large changes in volume.
Surface tension
Property that occurs at the interface between the surface and air in which attracting forces pull a liquid’s surface molecules together. Decreases lung compliance
Role of surface tension in the lungs?
Type I alveolar cells come in contact with fluid that contains surfactant, and alveoli are lined with thin layer of fluid. Surface tension occurs at all fluid-air boundaries
Effect of surface tension?
To cause the surface to maintain as small of an area as possible
How does alveolar radius size affect amount of pressure needed to keep bubble inflated?
The smaller the radius, the more pressure needed to keep it open
Composition of surfactant
Mixture of phospholipids
Hydrophilic head dips into the water
Hydrophobic tail sits in the alveolar air
How does surfactant reduce surface tension? What does this result in?
Breaks strong attractive forces between water molecules at surface. Reduction in surface tension and increase in lung compliance making it easier to breath
In smaller vs larger alveoli, surfactant is found…?
Closer together in smaller, farther apart in larger alveoli
Functions of surfactant
Stabilizes alveoli
Reduces surface tension
Why do premature babies have respiratory issues?
They don;t have enough surfactant in their lungs
Ventilation is lower/higher in what parts of the lung?
Higher in the lower part , lower in the higher part
How does gravity and posture affect ventilation?
Laying on your back, the highest ventilation is at the back of your lungs towards your back while the chest wall has less activity
Where is pressure more negative/less negative at? Why?
Gravity affects the pressure and since lungs have weight, the weight increases pressures meaning pressure in the lower part of the lung increases (becoming less negative since it is already negative) while the top part of the lung has decreasing pressure, meaning it becomes more negative
Dalton’s Law
Each gas has its own specific pressure and the total pressure of a mixed gas is calculated by the sum of the individual pressures
Fick’s Law
The rate of transfer of a gas is proportional to the membrane SA, and depends on the diff in partial pressures of the 2 environments. Inversely proprotional to thickness of membrane.
Diffusion constant
Amount of gas transferred between alveoli and blood per unit time.
Proportional to solubility of gas and inversely proportional to the square root of molecular weight.
Henry’s Law
Amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of gas in which the liquid is in equilibrium
Concentration of gas molecules in a liquid is determined by?
Partial pressure and solubility
Why is the PO2 in the air in alveoli lower than in atmosphere?
When air enters alveoli, lots is humidified resulting in increased PH20 and decreased PO2.
Determinants of alveolar PO2? describe.
PO2 in atmosphere- depending on altitude, high altitudes have lower pressures so the PO2 is reduce PROPORTIONALLY (still same percentages)
Alveolar ventilation- increase in alveolar ventilation means increase in gas exchange
Metabolic rate- exercising results in lower PO2 since it needs O2
Lung perfusion- changes in cardiac output change the amount of blood passing through resp system, which alters alveolar PO2
Determinants of alveolar PCO2?
PCO2 in atmosphere- when blood is in contact with respiratory membrane, large amount of CO2 diffuses to the alveoli, and alveolar PCO2 > atmospheric PCO2
Alveolar ventilation- decrease in alveolar ventilation means less exhalation of CO2 into atmosphere so PCO2 in alveoli > atmosphere
Metabolic rate- increase exercise increases CO2 production, so higher level of CO2 moving into alveoli to be exhaled
Lung perfusion
Why do we need pulmonary circulation to be a low pressure system?
Because the respiratory membrane is fragile, and high BP could damage it.
How is the respiratory system a high compliance system?
Thin walls allowing for small changes in pressure to result in large vessel expansion
Ventilation/perfusion ratio
Balance between ventilation (bringing O into/removing CO2 from alveoli) and perfusion (removing O from alveoli and adding CO2)
The greater the ventilation…?
The more similar PO2 and PCO2 will be similar to atmospheric pressures
The greater the perfusion…?
The composition of alvelor air at the region of higher perfusion will be more similar to the mixed venous blood with a reduction in PO2 and increase in PO2
High V/Q ratio is seen in what condition?
Collapsed lung or pleurisy
What happens in a high V/Q ratio physiologically?
Blood flow is occluded
Very little gas exchange because theres no blood available
What happens to PO2 and PCO2 in alveoli in a high V/Q ratio?
PO2 increases because there is no oxygen that passes to the lungs through vasculature
PCO2 decreases because there is no CO2 delivered and diffuses from capillary system to alveoli
Alveolar dead volume
Region of lungs where there is a high V/Q ratio due to pathological condition. Region is over-ventilated and underperfused, therefore not contributing to gas exchange
Anatomical dead volume
Differs from alveolar dead volume; it is the conducting zone
Low V/Q ratio is seen in what condition?
Collapsed bronchi or bronchioles
What happens in a low V/Q ratio physiologically?
Airflow is obstructed/occluded
No exchange of gas between alveolar air and atmosphere
What happens to PO2 and PCO2 in alveoli in a low V/Q ratio?
Increased PCO2 and decrease in PO2
Portion of the venous blood that does not get oxygenated and is not available for gas exchange because of alveolar occlusion.
V/Q ratio is lower where?
Bottom of the lungs
PO2 and PO2 levels at top and bottom of lung if we have an ideal V/Q ratio?
At the bottom: slightly reduced PO2 and slightly increased PCO2
Top: reduced PCO2 and increased PO2
Bronchiocontriction in an alveoli. What happens to the pressures?
Makes diameter of airway smaller leading to a reduction in ventilation
PCO2 is increased, PO2 decreased
2 forms that O2 is carried in blood?
Dissolved in plasma
Bound to hemoglobin (98%)
Hemoglobin structure
Protein made of 4 amino acid subunits called globins (2 alpha 2 beta) and 4 heme groups
Heme group
Porphyrin ring structure in which an iron atom binds to oxygen
What is an O2 dissociation curve?
Shows the interaction between hemoglobin and the arterial partial pressure of O2
2 properties highlighted in an O2 dissociation curve?
Oxygen capacity- max amount of O2 that can be combined with hemoglobin
Hemoglobin saturation- percentage of the available hemoglobin sites that have O2 attached
Factors that influence interaction between hemoglobin and O2?
Arterial PO2 (most important because as it changes, the saturation of hemoglobin changes)
Cooperative binding
Occurs because we have deoxyhemoglobin (hemoglobin with no O bound to it)
Leads to sigmoidal shape of O2 dissociation curve
Conformational changes in hemoglobin
After one O2 molecule binds, hemoglobin goes from a tense to relaxed state allow each consectuive O2 to bind more easily
Anemia vs polycythemia Hb amounts?
Anemia- low Hb levels
Polycythemia- high Hb levels
How does O2 in alveoli move to RBC?
Pressure gradient established since PO2 is higher in alveolar space than in plasma, so O2 moves into plasma
Another pressure gradient is established where O2 molecules move from plasma to RBC where they bind to Hb.
How does O2 move from RBC to mitochondria in peripheral tissue?
Oxygen moves from RBC to plasma to interstitial fluid to space between cells to intracellular space to MIT
There is more O2 unloading if…?
There is a lower PO2 in peripheral tissue
What does a shift to the right of O2 dissociation curve mean?
For the same level of PO2, there will be a lower level of Hb saturation. It means that there is increased unloading of O2 since O2 affinity for Hb is reduced.
Factors causing a shift right
Increased temp
Increased PCO2
Anything that increases metabolism causes increased unloading of O2
Shift to left means?
Increased O2 affinity for Hb, less unloading
Present in RBCs and is an end product of RBC metabolism
Shifts curve to the right
Is CO2 or O2 more soluble ?
3 ways CO2 is carried in blood?
Carbamino compounds
Carbonic acid rxn
CO2+H2O—>carbonic acid
Carbonic acid dissociates into?
H ions and bicarbonate
Chloride shift ad function?
Bicarbonate exits RBCs and Cl anions enter
This functions to maintain the electrical neutrality in RBCs
How is caraminohemoglobin formed?
CO2 interacts with the globin chain of hemoglobin
CO2 has a higher affinity for…?
Deoxyhemoglobin (compared to oxyhemoglobin)
What happens to the curve if PCO2 increases?
Shift to the right and a lower percentage of Hb is bound to O2
H ions have a higher affinity for…?
2 major effects of hemoglobin and H interacting?
Unloading of O2- at lower pH there is reduced Hb saturation of O2 and ore unloading; shift right
Hemoglobin buffers the change in pH at level of venous blood
Respiratory acidosis
Hypoventilation (CO2 production > CO2 elimination)
Increased PCO2 and H ion concentration
Respiratory alkalosis
Hyperventilation (CO2 production< elimination)
Decreased PCO2 and H ion concentration
Metabolic acidosis
Increase in H ion concentration, independant of PCO2
Metabolic alkalosis
Decrease in H ion conc, independent of PCO2
3 regions in brain that control breathing?
Pontine, dorsal, and ventral respiratory groups
Where is breathing initiated?
Where is breathing modified?
By higher centers in CNS and inputs from central and peripheral chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the lung and chest wall
Why is ventral respiratory group the most important?
Contains the inspiratory and expiratory rhythm generator
Pre Botzinger complex
Inspiratory rhythym generator
Parafacial respiratory group
Groups of neurons within the ventral respiratory group
Important in active contraction of abdonimal muscles
Where is rhythm of breathing initiated?
Ventral respiratory group in medulla
Factors influencing rate of breathing?
Neuromodulary factors (neurotransmitters)
Suprapontine influences that are emotional
Sensory inputs
Neuro respiratory pathway for inspiration
Pre Botzinger complex, inspiratory premotor neurons in VRG excited, excite phrenic and thoracic motor neurons, activate diaphragm and external intercostals
Neuro respiratory pathway for active expiration
pFRG geenrates rhythm, expiratory pre motor neurons excited, activate thoracic and lumbar motor neurons, activate internal intercostals and abdominals
2 peripheral chemoreceptors. What do they sense?
Carotid and aortic bodies. Sense changes in PO2, esecially hypoxia (decrease in PO2)
2 cell populations in carotid bodies
Type I glomus cells
Type II sustentacular cells
Type I glomus cells
Simialr to neurons and can genrate AP
Primary stimulus for peripheral chemoreceptors?
Decrease in arterial PO2
What happens in glomus cells when PO2 decreases?
Increased firing rate
When do we see a strong increase in minute ventilation?
Only when theres a drastic drop in PO2 levels, like in lung diseases or high altitude
Small increase in arterial PCO2 results in?
Very large changes in minute ventilation
Central chemoreceptors
Close to ventral surface of medulla
Sense changes in PCO2
Too much CO2 in blood