GI Flashcards
Movable intraluminal masses of congealed ingested materials that are seen on upper gastrointestinal radiographs are known as gastric ______________.
The gastric ___________ is an out growth of tissue from the wall.
The most common tumor of the stomach is the
____________ is the result of luminal obstruction and inflammation, leading to ischemia of the vermiform appendix.
Acute appendicitis
The normal appendix can occasionally be visualized with gradual ___________ on sonography.
The ultrasound pattern of acute appendicitis is characterized by a(n) ____________ appearance of the appendix in transvese view.
A(n) _________ designates gross enlargment of the appendix from accumulation of mucoid substance within the lumen.
_______________ is regional enteritis, a recurrent granulomatous inflammatory disease that affects the terminal ileum, colon, or both at any level.
Crohn’s disease
The appendix is located on the abdominal wall under __________________
McBurney’s point
The sonographer usually cannot see the small bowel with ultrasound; the valvulae conniventes may be seen as linear echo densities spaced 3 to 5 mm apart. This is called the “_________________” and can be seen in the duodenum and jejunum.
keyboard sign
The gastric ____________ can be seen as a target shape in the midline.
The _____________ junction is seen on the sagittal scan to the left of the midline as a bull’s-eye or target-shaped structure anterior to the aorta, posterior to the left lobe of the liver, and inferior to the hemidiaphragm.
List the sequential parts of the digestive system.
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum), larg intestine (cecum, ascending, transverse, and descending colon, rectum)
The lower end of the esophagus is a circular muscle that acts as a sphincter, constricting the tube so that the entrance to the stomach, at the ______, is generally closed. This helps to prevent gastric acid from moving up into the esophagus.
cardiac orifice
The pylorus is further subdivided into the _____________, the ____________ canal, and the ______________ sphincter.
antrum, pyloric, pyloric
The duodenum is subdivided into four segments: 1_______________, 2______________, 3____________, 4_______________.
superior, descending, transverse, ascending
The duodenal bulb is peritoneal, supported by the hepatoduodenal ligament, and passes _____________ to the CBD, gastroduodenal artery, common hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, and head of the pancreas.
The CBD joins the pancreatic duct to enter the ____________.
ampulla of Vater
The arteries that supply the esophagus include the inferior ____________ branch of the _____________ artery that supplies the uppper esophagus; the descending _____________ aorta that supplies the midesophagus; and the __________ branch of the celiac axis and the left inferior __________ artery of the abdominal aorta that supplies the lower end of the esophagus.
thyroid, subclavian, thoracic, gastric, phrenic
The __________ outlines the small intestine and contains th superior mesenteric vessels, nerves, lymphatic glands, and fat between its two layers.
The nutrients are transpored to the liver after they are absorbed by the ___________; the liver processes and stores the nutrients.
The three layers of smooth muscle in the wall enable the stomach to mash and churn food and move it along with
Gastric glands secrete gastric juice containing ______ acid and ___________.
hydrochloric, enzymes
The hormone __________, which is released by the stomach mucosa, stimulates gastric acid secretion.
Gastrointestinal hormones include _____________ and ________________.
cholecystokinin, secretin
______________ within the large intestine devour the chyme and in turn produce vitamines that can be absorbed and used by the body.
The most common laboratory data the sonographer may come across in a patient with gastrointestinal disease relate to the presence of _____________ in the stool.
As a result of chronic blood loss, _____________ may be present.
Hormone secreted into the blood by the mucosa of the upper small intestine; stimulates contraction of the gallbladder and pancreatic secretion of enzymes.
Rhythmic dilation and contraction of the gastrointestinal tract as food is propelled through it.
Located by drawing a line from the right anterosuperior iliac spine to the umbilicus; at approximatel the midpoint to this line lies the root of the appendix.
McBurney’s point
Process of nutrient molecules passing through the wall of the intestine into the blood or lymph system
Endocrine hormone released from the stomach; stimulates secretion of gastric acid
Localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
Released from small bowel as antacid; stimulates secretion of bicarbonate
Calcified deposit within the appendix; appendicitis can develop when the appendix becomes blocked by hard fecal matter
Pouchlike herniation through the muscular wall of a tubular organ that occurs in the stomach, the small intestine or, most commonly, the colon
Malignancy of the lymph nodes, spleen, or liver
Dilated fluid-filled bowel loops without peristalsis
paralytic ileus
Characteristic of gastrointestinal wall thickening consisting of an echogenic center and a hypoechoic rim
target sign
Collection of blood
Site of maximal tenderness in the right lower quadrant; usually with appendicitis
McBurney’s sign
Accumulation of serous fluid in the abdomen
Congenital sac or blind pouch found in the lower portion of the ileum
Meckel’s diverticulum
Fecalith or calcification located in the appendix
Small tumor-like growth that projects from a mucous membrane surface
Inflammation of the bowel, accompanied by abscess and bowel wall thickening
Crohn’s disease
Ascending colon arises from the right lower quadrant to bend at this point to form the transverse colon
hepatic flexure
First part of the duodenum
duodenal bulb
Double fold of the peritoneum attached to the duodenum, stomach, and large intestine; helps support the greater curvature of the stomach; known as the “fatty apron”
greater omentum
Help support the greater curvature of the stomach
gastrophrenic, gastrosplenic, and lienorenal ligaments
Fold from the parietal pertoneum that attaches to the small intestine, anchoring it to the posterior abdominal wall
Also known as the digestive tract; includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and small and large intestine
alimentary canal
Inner folds of the small intestine
Entrance of the esophagus into the stomach
cardiac orifice
First layer of bowel
Helps support the lesser curvature of the stomach
gastrohepatic ligament
The transverse colon travels horizontally across the abdomen and bends at this point to form the descending colon
splenic flexure
One of the layers of the bowel, under the mucosal layer; contains blood vessels and lymph channels
Normal segmentation of the wall of the colon
Suspends the stomach and duodenum from the liver; help to support the lesser,curvature of the stomach
lesser omentum
Muscle that connects the stomach to the proximal duodenum
pyloric canal
Fourth layer of bowel; thin, loose layer of connective tissue, surrounded by mesothelium covering the intraperitoneal bowel loops
Third layer of bowel
Normal segmentation of the small bowel
valvulae conniventes
Inner folds of the stomach wall
Fifth layer of bowel