GI Flashcards
Diagnostic step for a Meckel’s diverticulum?
Technetium-99 scan
Anemia in a gastric bypass pt, what’s the dx?
B12 deficiency
Oral lesions, vesicles on an erythematous base and odynophagia in an AIDS patients, what’s the dx? How do you tx?
HSV esophagitis; (val)acyclovir
How do you diagnose PUD?
Endoscopy w/bx (EGD)
What are the risk factors for gallstones (cholesterol)? pigmented?
fat, female, forty, fertile, and Native American; hemolysis, African American
Foul smelling, difficult to flush diarrhea that slows down at night, dx?
osmotic diarrhea
First step in a GI bleed? The next four things?
2 large bore IV’s! 1) IVF bolus; 2) type and cross and transfuse as needed; 3) IV PPI; 4) call GI for EGD
What is the best tx for achalasia?
myotomy (can also do dilation though risk of perf, and botulinum toxin, though needs to be redone)
Alternative bowel habits with pencil thin stools, dx and what’s next?
colon cancer; start with colonoscopy
25 yo man with watery diarrhea, weight loss, and fistulas - dx?
Crohn’s disease
40 yo woman with jaundice and no alcohol or viruses, dx? How do you diagnose? Tx?
primary biliary cirrhosis; biopsy (imaging is normal); transplant
How do you localize a gastrinoma?
somatostatin receptor scintillography
You do a large volume paracentesis, what should you do immediately after?
IV albumin
RUQ pain, jaundice, fever, altered mental status and hypotension; dx? next step?
ascending cholangitis (reynold’s pentad); ERCP (first) and abx (at same time)
What do you get if you’re worried about a GI bleed in a healthy term neonate right after delivery?
Apt test (a medical test used to differentiate fetal or neonatal blood from maternal blood found in a newborn’s stool or vomitus - positive means fetal blood)
When do you give antibiotics to pancreatitis? Which one?
Meropenem if an FNA/bx grows an organism
There is a GI bleed not seen on endoscopy, and they require transfusions every 3 hours, next step?
brisk bleed - do an arteriogram
Colon cancer screening starts when?
50 in everyone, or 10 years before diagnosis in any first degree relative
Gallstones and dilated common bile duct on ultrasound, dx?
Name 8 etiologies of cirrhosis
1) viral hepatitis; 2) wilson’s disease; 3) hemochromatosis; 4) alpha-1 anti-trypsin; 5) Primary sclerosing cholangitis; 6) primary biliary cholangitis (b = bitches); 7) EtOH; 8) NASH/NAFL
Painless rectal bleeding in a patient greater than 50 yo, dx? Tx?
Diverticular hemorrhage
can embolize if severe
White blood cells and blood in diarrhea lasting 8 weeks, dx? Next step?
inflammatory diarrhea, get a colonoscopy
Early satiety, weight loss, in a Japanese man, dx?
gastric cancer
What do you add to the usual 5 things in GI bleed if they are cirrhotic?
Octreotide (for varices) and ceftriaxone (for SBP prophylaxis)
When do you do a colonoscopy for diverticulitis?
2-6 wks after resolution
Diabetes, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain chronically, dx?
Continuous lesions, crypt abscesses, diagnosis?
ulcerative colitis
Diarrhea from a chinese food buffet line, dx?
Bacillus cereus
What is the bx of Barrett’s esophagus going to look like?
intestinal metaplasia
Prophylaxis for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
What test do you do to investigate intussusception?
Air enema
Burning retrosternal chest pain better with sitting up and antacids, dx?
What is the tx of gallstone pancreatitis?
What is the diagnostic step for primary biliary cirrhosis?
biopsy only (imaging is normal)
What is the tx of peptic ulcer disease causing bleeding?
Two most common causes of pancreatitis?
1) EtOH; 2) gallstones
Bloody diarrhea, renal failure in a child, dx?
TTP/HUS and shiga like toxin
Name 5 causes of esophagitis. How does pt present?
PIECE: 1) Pill induced; 2) Infectious; 3) Eosinophilic; 4) Caustic (strong base or strong acid ingestion); 5) gErd
odynophagia or dysphagia
Poultry, eggs, and diarrhea, dx?
Screening for hepatocellular carcinoma? (in pts with cirrhosis or hep B)
ultrasound and AFP q6 months
Tx for Barrett’s metaplasia?
high dose PPI
How do you tx diffuse esophageal spasm?
nitro spray or calcium channel blockers (smooth muscle relaxation)
Watery diarrhea that has no change in frequency with sleeping or NPO, dx?
secretory diarrhea (osmotic has no sleeping sxs because it is affected by diet)
You get an ultrasound and aren’t sure if it is cholecystitis - what do you do?
HIDA scan
Colicky RUQ abdominal pain - what’s the dx? and next step?
gallstones (cholelithiasis) - get a RUQ U/S
Watery diarrhea, weight loss, fistula formation, dx?
You’re worried about a GI bleed in a premature neonate - what do you get?
Caribbean farmer, negative antibodies, and blunting of intestinal villi, dx?
Tropical sprue (tx with antibiotics)
Familial adenomatous polyposis progression? Tx? Mutation?
polyps at 18, cancer at 28, dead at 38; prophylactic colectomy; APC gene
What medical tx can you offer pts with wilson’s disease? What is affected in Wilsons (3)?
penicillamine; 1) basal ganglia - chorea; 2) liver = cirrhosis; 3) eyes: Kayser-Fleischer rings
What’s special about rectal ulcerative colitis?
no risk of colon cancer, so doesn’t need the screening colonoscopy or colectomy
How do you dx gastroparesis?
gastric emptying study (gt 60% at 2 hrs or gt 10% left at 4 hrs, then test is positive)
How do you tx diabetic gastroparesis?
small meals, control sugars, add pro kinetic agents (metoclopramide chronically, erythromycin for flares; domperidone outside of US)
Cirrhosis and COPD, dx?
alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency
What three cancers are seen with HNPCC/Lynch? What’s the underlying problem?
Colorectal, endometrial, ovarian; DNA mismatch repair
When do you get a CT scan in pancreatitis?
When you think it’s pancreatitis but the lipase is normal (equivocal)
Transmural tear, mediastinitis, dx?
Guy tries to kill himself by drinking battery acid, what do you do?
protect airway, EGD (to determine severity), maintain NPO (NEVER neutralize or induce emesis)
What is the tx for regular c. diff? severe c. diff?
oral metronidazole; oral vanc + IV metronidazole (attack it from both sides of GI tract - luminal and basolateral)
When do you go to EGD for GERD without alarm symptoms?
after 6 wks of PPI without relief
How do you tx severe refractory ulcerative colitis?
Fatty liver on ultrasound but no alcohol or viral hepatitis, dx?
NASH/NAFL (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis/ fatty liver disease)
Paracentesis is done and there are 1000 white cells, 75% polys, what is it?
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
You suspect Boerhaave’s, what’s the first step?
Gastrograffin (in other cases its usually barium, but gastrograffin is less irritating to the mediastinum if there is a perforation)
How do you diagnose a carcinoid tumor?
5-HIAA in the urine
The question is about jaundice, there is a lot of T bili but very little D bili - what’s the dx?
hemolysis or hematoma
Paroxysmal dysphagia to large caliber food, dx? Tx?
Schatzki’s ring (ring at GE junction); lysis during EGD (“steakhouse dysphagia”)
How do you localize a gastrinoma?
Somatostatin receptor scintillography (SRS)
How do you diagnose acute pancreatitis?
Lipase (greater than 3x ULN)
What is the tx for refractory c. diff?
fidaxomicin (can also try fecal transplant)
See a picture of someone’s eye and the vignette is about cirrhosis, dx and next step?
Wilson’s disease; get a urinary copper
Sausage shaped mass and currant jelly diarrhea - dx?
Corkscrew esophagus on barium swallow, dx? How does that pt present?
diffuse esophageal spasm; heart attack symptoms that get better with nitro (must r/o ACS first)
AIDS and Diarrhea, dx?
cryptosporidium (or emoeba hystolica)
How do you treat a crohn’s flare?
steroids + Abx
What is the hep C tx?
Direct acting agonists
How do you tx spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
ceftriaxone (cover strep and GNR)
What vaccinations should a pt with cirrhosis receive?
hep A and hep B!
Post-prandial LLQ abdominal pain relieved with bowel mvmt in old person? Young person?
think diverticular spasm (contractions of diverticula); think IBS
What do you do about an anal fissure in a child?
Treat constipation if present, check for IBD if older child
“Apple-core” lesion on a barium enema - dx?
Colon cancer (barium enema is not a screening test for colon cancer - when you find colon cancer it’s already late stage)
Multiple shallow gastric ulcers - you’re thinking?
NSAIDs (pt with chronic arthritis)
LLQ abdominal pain, fever, leukocytosis, greater than 50 yo, dx?
Nocturnal asthma w/o daytime asthma, dx?
Diverticulitis and CT scan shows an abscess, what do you do next?
IV abx and drain
What is the first step in the management of GERD?
Diabetes, diastolic CHF, hyperpigmentation, and cirrhosis, dx and next step?
Hemochromatosis, get a ferritin level
Picture of pigmented dots on their lip and vignette is about colon cancer, what’s the dx?
After a diagnosis of achalasia from barium and manometry, what is the next best step?
EGD with biopsy to rule out cancer (pseudoachalasia) - looking for absence of myenteric plexus
Bloody diarrhea and weight loss in a young man, dx?
Ulcerative colitis
What are the ultrasound findings for a cholecystitis (3)?
1) pericholecystic fluid; 2) thickening of the gallbladder wall; 3) gallstones
What gets absorbed in the duodenum? terminal ileum?
FIC = folate, iron, calcium; bile salts and B12
What would make you work up acute diarrhea and not assume it’s viral (Name 4 of 7)?
1) high fever (gt/= 104); 2) blood/pus; 3) electrolyte abnormalities; 4) abx use; 5) duration gt 3 days; 6) immunosuppressed; 7) severe abdominal pain
What is the most common cause of diarrhea if no risk factors?
viral gastroenteritis
Bx of achalasia will show what?
Absence of myenteric (Auerbach) plexus
Beads on a string on MRCP, dx?
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Gnawing epigastric pain that radiates to the back, changes with food, what’s the dx?
Peptic ulcer disease
Prophylaxis for a stress ulcer for a pt in the ICU on the ventilator?
Diarrhea after antibiotic use, dx?
C. diff
Umbilical ecchymosis and pancreatitis, what’s the sign?
Bloody diarrhea after uncooked hamburgers, dx?
e coli O157:H7
RUQ pain, jaundice, and fever is what diagnosis? How do you tx?
Charcot’s triad = cholangitis; ERCP emergently and IV Abx (cipro + metronidazole)
Best test for celiac sprue?
EGD with bx showing blunting of intestinal villi
What is the case of cyclic vomiting syndrome?
Pt needs NSAIDs, but has ulcers, what are your options?
add misoprostol (if cardiac risk) or switch to celecoxib (if no cardiac risk)
What antibiotics for ascending cholangitis (2 options)?
1) cipro + metronidazole
2) amp + gent + metronidazole
Document eradication of H pylori with?
Stool antigen
How do you manage a pancreatic pseudocyst?
if less than 6 cm and 6 wks, wait; if greater than 6 cm and 6 weeks, drain
Painful RUQ, tenderness, jaundice, dx?
Gallstones (specifically choledocolithiasis - stones in the common bile duct)
How do you tx candida esophagitis?
oral fluconazole (systemic disease! nystatin swish and spit not enough)
Diarrhea after a picnic?
Staph aureus
Multiple, refractory ulcers, H. pylori negative, what’s the dx?
Zollinger-Ellison (gastrinoma)
Inspiratory arrest on palpation of the gallbladder shows what?
Murphy’s sign - positive for cholecystitis
There was a GI bleed two weeks ago, both the EGD and colonoscopy were negative, next step?
Pill-cam endoscopy
If there is no hemolysis, isolated hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated) may indicate __, which is usually asymptomatic
Gilbert syndrome
Bx of esophagus reveals 30 eosinophils per high power field, what is the next step?
PPI!!! (tx eosinophilic esophagitis as GERD first; if that fails can use oral aerosolized steroids)
Painful bloody bowel mvmt in a child, relieved by knee-chest position, dx?
Malabsorption, palpable rash on buttocks and legs, dx?
dermatitis herpetiformis - celiacs
Clay colored stools, painless jaundice, dx?
Cancer or stricture (can get an MRCP = MR cholangiopancreatography)
What is seen on bx in pt with alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency?
PAS+ macrophages
There was a GI bleed last week and it stopped, EGD was negative, next step?
Pt with PUD, and gastrin level 700, what do you do next?
Secretin stim test (give secretin and an increase in serum gastrin over 200 is diagnostic of ZE gastrinoma); if gastrin were gt 1600 to begin with, you would know it’s a gastrinoma
Tx for esophageal dysplasia?
ablative therapy
Tx for hemochromatosis (before cirrhosis)
Phlebotomy or deferoxamine/deferasirox
What are colon cancer screening options?
Colonoscopy q10y OR Flex sigmoidoscopy q5y + FOBT q3y OR FOBT q1y (FOBT = fecal occult blood testing)
What’s the route of transmission for Hep A? Hep B? Hep C?
Fecal Oral; vertical (asia), sex (US), drug/needles; blood (IV drugs or blood transfusion)
Superficial mucosal tear, self limiting GI bleed, dx?
You suspect celiac sprue, what’s the first test?
Look for antibodies (anti-TTG or endomysial)
Halitosis, old man, regurgitates undigested food, dx? Confirmatory dx test?
Zenker’s diverticulum - do a barium swallow
What three things should you look for in pt with necrotizing enterocolitis?
intraventricular hemorrhage (ultrasound with doppler), retinopathy of prematurity (optho exam); bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Flushing, wheezing, diarrhea, and right sided cardiac fibrosis, dx?
Carcinoid tumor
While waiting for a transplant in pts with primary sclerosing cholangitis, what medical tx can you offer?
ursodeoxycholic acid (not for PBC though)
40 yo woman with pruritus, dark urine, and an elevated direct bilirubin, without pain, diagnosis?
primary biliary cirrhosis
Dark urine and pale stools signal a diagnosis of ___.
conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
How do you tx severe refractory Crohn’s?
Flapping tremor, altered mental status, cirrhosis, dx and next step?
Hepatic encephalopathy (asterixis) - give lactulose
When do you go straight to EGD for GERD without treating?
alarm symptoms: n/v, WL, anemia
Supraclavicular lymph node, dx?
Virchow’s node, gastric cancer
How do you diagnose hepatocellular carcinoma?
triple phase CT scan (not a bx!)
Diarrhea, travel to mexico or caribbean, dx?
Never been tx before, dyspepsia, serology H pylori positive, how do you tx?
Treat with triple therapy (clarithromycin + amoxicillin + PPI) (MTZ if penicillin allergy)
Patient presents with jaundice - what are the three categories of differentials?
1) hemolysis; 2) hepatocellular; 3) obstructive jaundice
Dysphagia, webs, and iron deficiency anemia, dx?
Plummer Vinson syndrome (progresses to esophageal cancer)
Bird’s beak on barium swallow, diagnosis?
How do you tx pancreatitis?
NPO, IVF, pain control
What is the best test for diagnosing cirrhosis?
Transjugular biopsy
Serology associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis?
What are the imaging keywords you’re looking for to diagnose necrotizing enterocolitis?
pneumatosis intestinalis (air in the wall of the bowel)
Colon cancer and jaw bone cancers, dx?
How do you confirm the diagnosis of H. pylori (best test)?
EGD w/biopsy
Old lady on oral antibiotics in a nursing home complains of odonophagia (painful swallowing), what’s the dx?
pill-induced esophagitis
You see a picture of an electron microscopy on a malabsorption question. What’s the most likely dx?
Whipple’s disease (PAS positive organisms)
When do you start colon cancer screening for ulcerative colitis?
8 years after diagnosis (q1y)
HepBsAb means what? HepBcAb means what? HepBsAg means what? HepBeAg means what?
Immune; immune through exposure; infected; infectious
Salmon colored lesion on endoscopy of the esophagus, dx?
Colon cancer and brain tumors, dx?
Tx for esophageal adenocarcinoma?
How do you tx MALToma?
treat H pylori = triple therapy
Increased direct bilirubin, black liver, dx?
Rotors (Dubin Johnson is similar but no black liver)
3 cancers, 2 generations, 1 premature, what’s the dx?
HNPCC (Lynch)
What is the tx for intussusception?
Air enema
If you wanted to confirm lactase deficiency what would you do?
Breath test
Skipped lesions and transmural inflammation, noncaseating granulomas, dx?
Flank ecchymosis and pancreatitis, sign?
Turner sign (Grey-Turner sign - turn on your side/flank)
What’s the first step in diagnosing hemochromatosis? What’s the definitive?
ferritin gt 1000; liver biopsy shows increased Fe
Iron deficiency in a man, diagnosis and next step?
colon cancer; start with colonoscopy
Name 4 of 7 complications of acute pancreatitis
Early (1-3 days): 1) ARDS; 2) hypocalcemia; 3) pleural effusion; 4) ascites
Mid (1-3wks): 5) infxn
Late (3-7wks): 6) abscess; 7) pseudocyst
If you suspect lactase deficiency what should you do?
eliminate dairy (not breath test)
Refractory diverticulitis (more than one episode), what do you do?
resection (hemicolectomy)
40 yo man with ulcerative colitis and jaundice, what is the most likely dx and how do you diagnose?
primary sclerosing cholangitis, get an MRCP (beads on a string appearance) - ERCP with bx would show onion skin fibrosis
What antibiotics do you use for diverticulitis?
GNR and anaerobe coverage:
cipro + MTZ
amp/gent + MTZ
Epigastric pain radiating to the back, better with leaning forward, dx?
Diarrhea and camping, dx?
Iron deficiency in a post menopausal woman, dx and next step?
colon cancer, start with colonoscopy
Scleroderma causing esophageal dysmotility (collagen replaces muscle so LES cannot contract) - what is tx?
PPIs to tx symptoms since no cure (pt will present with relentless GERD)
Also do serology - CREST (anti-centromere) vs SS (anti-Scl-70)
Hep B post-exposure prophylaxis? Hep C post-exposure prophylaxis?
Hep B IVIg; Interferon