GI Flashcards
can you get pleural effusion in Boerrhave?
yes you can get pleural effusion in boeerhave
dx of Boeerhave?
Gastrografin water soluble gram or CT
Dx of esophagitis in HIV for CMV versus HIV versus candida?
Candida will have thrush and no odynophagia and just treat with PO fluconazole, versus CMV and HSV will have NO thrusth and will have odynophagia and NEED EGD to diagnose
Tx of CMV vs HSV esophagitis
Acyclovir (HSV) and gangciclovir (CMV)
Initial study for motility disorders?
Suggested when solid/liquids at same time are troublesome, not progressive, do a barium swallow and follow with manometry as definitive diagnosis. In achalasia, it mimics CA and EGD is needed after swallow to r/o cancer.
Other causes of Boeerhave other than vomiting?
Iatrogenic from instrumentation and procedures. Suspect with with acute chest pain, crepitus and emphysema and left pelrual effusion. Dx with contrast water-sol esophagram
What does a pill-induced esophagitis look like?
Circumferental ulceration that is sudden onset with pain and odynophagia + dysphagia. Commonly due to bisphosphonates, NSAID, KCl and tetracyclines
When do you see a cork-screw esophagus?
Diffuse esophageal spasm
What else is a concern in diffuse esophageal spasm?
Need to do a cario work-up.
Definitive test for diffuse esophageal spasm?
EKG/Cardio workup – barium swallow – manometry (Definitive) with simultaneous contractions
tx of diffuse esophageal spasm?
CCb, nitrates
What does barium swallow show for achalasia
LES tone is increased, birds-beak, Need EGD after then need to do manometry to make definitive diagnosis and remember the LES will not relax
tx of achalasia short term
NO2 and CCB or botulinum toxin
long term tx of achalasia
pneumatic balloon dilation, myotomy (Heller)
How is Zenker dx?
Dx Zenker with barium swallow showing outpouchings (false) diverticuli in the posterior UES of the cricopharyngeal muscle. Remember it can present as a mass
Tx of Zenker?
Surgery and removal of the false diverticuli is the treatment for Zenker
Dx of esophageal cancer
With alarm syx you go right to EGD (weight loss, pain, dysphagia, smoker) then stage it with CT
What causes stricture of esophagus?
GERD, radiation, sclerosis; it is circumferential narrowing. Dysphagia for solids not liquids more common
If someone has dysphagia progressive from solids to liquids, but has a history of radiation or esophageal surgery, how do you diagnose?
Suspect stricture, do barium swallow; if not, do EGD and suspect cancer. Alg 2212. These patients have increased risk of perforation from lesser diameter and can have barium swallow first to rule out stricture.
Dysphagia of solids AND liquids? Dx?
Means motility. Barium swallow. Progressive = mechanical obstruction = EGD and suspect CA
What is an odd, but common sign of perforation of esophagus?
Pleural effusion and look for wide mediastinum if quick XR done or Hamman sign with crunching on auscultation of the chest
Pill-induced esophagitis
CIRCUMFERENTIAL (viral would not cause this, does not contact whole mucsoa) ulcerations with normal surrounding mucosa on EGD
First line in diffuse esophageal spasms?
Calcium channel blockers
how does Diffuse eso spasm look on mano?
Multiple, simultaneous contraction
what is definitive dx for diffuse eso spasm?
like other motility disorders, manometry is definitive
achalasia tx short term
CCB and nitrates or botulinum
long term tx of achalasia
dilation and heller myotomy
how is zenker diagnosed?
Zenker is diagnosed with barium swallow
is manometry needed in zenker?
zenker is not motility disorder, it is an outpouching so no confirmation with motility study is needed as it will likely be normal
how is zenker treated
zenker is treated with surgical excision of the diverticulum and myotomy
Is CT needed after EGD in eso or gastric cancer?
Yes, CT is always needed to stage after histologic diagnosis and determines prognosis and treatment
Duodenal ulcers are treated how?
Treat duodenal ulcers as if they are due to H/ pylori, as 90% are. Syx are better with food and wrose without food; need PPI + clarithro + amox (or gent if amox allergy)
ZE syndrome check for?
MEN1 parathyroid / PTH and pituitary dysfunction
Dxylose is absorbed when
When GI mucosa is normal, it does NOT need brush border to be absorbed (normal in lactose def), but it will be abnormal in Celiac, IBD, etc
Preferred diagnosis for Giardiasis?
Stool Ag (versus histolytica which is SERUM ag as it is systemic and no longer gut once RUQ syx start)
Tx for giardia
Dx with stool Ag then tx with metro
s/s of vit D deficiency?
May happen with chronic, malabsorptive diarrhea (DAKE) with low vit D, low Ca, HIGH PTH, and LOW PO4,3-
Tropical sprue s/s
endemic area for 1 month, most have malabsoprtion of the small gut
dx of tropical sprue
small gut biopsy, which is the reason they have malabsorption and megaloblastic anemia along with blunt villi and chronic inflammatory cells present
Dx for c. diff
stool studies + empiric metro
how is c. diff treated empirically?
metro and stool studies
unexplained leukocytosis in hospitalized patient on antibiotics (or not), think?
c. diff
Do you do I and D / aspiration of abscess from histolytica?
NO, DO NOT do I and D of histolytica in the RUQ as it is due to an abscess and not a cyst
how do you treat histolytic abscess?
Just use metro
How is histolytica dx?
Dx histolytica with BLOOD SERUM AG NOT STOOL AG (unlike giardia) because by the time there is RUQ pain it is an ascess and out of the gut
RUQ pain preceded by dysentary from a Mexican and mass seen on U/S, treat?
Get a serum Ag for histolytica (not stool) then do metro WITHOUT drainage of the ABSCESS and add praomycin or maromycin to get rid of larvae
Dx of EHEC?
Shiga-toxin stool assay
Cx of EHEC
Watch for microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and low PLT and rising Cr/BUN due to HUS
Do you treat EHEC?
NO! DO NOT TREAT EHEC it raises the risk for HUS
Abd pain and diarrhea without fever?
Abd pain and diarrhea without fever you suspect EHEC, versus C. diff which is healthcare associated and abd pain/diarrhea WITH fever
Salmonella associations (food and demographic?
Eggs and poultry + SCA osteomyelitis
Treat salmonella?
Yes with fluoroquinolones or TMPSMX
Tx shigella?
YES! treat shigella vs EHEC in which you do NOT treat
Whipple disease causes?
LAD, diarrhea (malab), fever, joint pain, heart block, weight loss, cough, dementia
Dx of Whipple
PAS + adn PCR, gram + bacillus
Small I overgrowth can cause?
malabsorption due to gut bacteria
what is diagnostic of bact small I overgrowth
Biopsy with 10^5 organisms or more; causes B12, calcium, iron def
Why is it a condition (small I overgrowth)
Usually not as many in small bowel due to higher acidity from gut
How do you treat small I overgrowth
Treat it with 7-10d of amox-clv and rifamixin and stimulate motility (metoclopramide and avoid narcotics as no movement allows bact to overgrow)
What nutrient def does Celiac commonly cause
Celiac commonly causes Iron Def as it is in the duodenum and early jejenum
Dx of Celiac?
Anti-Endomysial IgA transglut (can be negative if IgA def ) to biopsy as definitive lesion
MCC of malabsorptoin?
Chronic pancreatitis due to alcohol
How is steatorrhea confirmed?
Fecal fat tests confrim steatorrhea with sudan stain on spot stool specimen
Person has foul smelling stools, loose and high volume, BMI19 with pain radiating to his back, what is the cause?
Alcohol most likely
Some fat-sol deficiencies in steatorrhea?
D, A, K, E
Why does Celiac affect Iron abs?
Earliest part of the gut is where it blunts villi in duod and jejenum where iron is absorbed
Lactose deficiency diagnosis?
Reducing substances in the stool with + Hydrogen breath test, low stool pH and osmotic diarrhea without steatorrhea (acidic due to fermentation products)
How is carcinoid diagnosed?
Carcinoid syndrome is due to serotonin which has breakdown product 5HIAA, diagnose it with 24 hour urine test of 5HIAA
s/s carcinoid
Wheeze, right valve issues, flushing, diarrhea and +5HIAA in urine
Carcinoid syndrome may cause what else?
Due to appendiceal and small bowerl 5HT3 secreting tumors, it uses up tryptophan to make it causing a niacin deficiency = pellagra
When is pellagra seen commonly
Malnutrition of niacin and serotonin syndrome
S/s of pellagra i/e in carcinoid syndrome?
The D’s: Dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea (hyperpigmentation comon)
Consider what in carcinoid sydrome?
Consider echocardiogram
Full dx of carcinoid
5HIAA – CT or MRI to locate – Octreoscan to detect mets
Carcinoid Tx before surgery for syx?
Octerotide treats carcinoid
Common met of carcinoid tumor
To liver, then you get syx
Big tip off for laxative (factitious) diarrhea?
Nocturnal diarrhea
How to diagnose factitious diarrha?
Diagnose factitious diarrhea wiht melanosis coli by dark brown discoloration of colon withlymph follicles shining through as pale patches. Their diarrhea will also be an extreme number of times a day with multiple hospitalization and no definitive diagnosis (3593)
(laxatives pigment GI tract)
What does IBS mucosa look like?
NORMAL mucosa
What are things suggesting something isn;t IBS
IBS has normal mucosa and alternating constipation and diarrhea, pain relieved with defecation, labs will be normal; won’t se rectal bleeding, noctunral diarrhea– functional disorder of the GI tract and NO ALARM SYX
What is a succession splash indicative of?
Bowel obstruction as food sloshes around between gas that is obstructed as a hollow viscus with gas
Tx of gastric outlet obstruction
NG tube, IVF, endoscopy is definitive
Diff between ileus and bowel obstruction on XR?
Ileus is both small and large bowel dilation and obstruction is dilation proximal to an obstructed lesion
Diverticulitis versus osis syx
itis is pain with fever and ifnectious syx and without bleeding and osis has bleeding that is painless
When do you see colovesicular fistula?
You see it with diverticular disease and consider in Crohn’s transmural inflammation; consider CRC as this may erode through bowel and follow-up with scope if high suspicion
dx colonovesicular fistula?
CT with oral/rectal contrast in bladder and thickened walls and get colonoscopy to excldue malignancy as these can erode too
Diagnosis of diverticulitis
AVOID SCOPE = perf; do CT
dx of diverticulosis
scope is definitive, do not scope in itits
Bright red blood per rectum in a young patient with pain and no alarm syx or family history?
Anoscopy in - office, if negative do a scope follow up
Do hyperplastic polyps need workup?
risks for polyp to cancer?
> 2.5cm, villous/sessile adenoma
Most malignant polyp?
Villous >2.5cm
Person has FP, can you follow closely?
NO. IN FAP you DO NOT FOLLOW CLOSE – your recommended a proctocolectomy
What cancer is most common in HPNCC (lynch) other than bowel?
Endometrial, all women need endometrial collow up
C. diff high risk patient with negative PCR for stool toxins do what?
Do a scope to document pseudomembranous colitis
thumb printing on XR following procedure where BP drops in a patient with ASCVD and now abdominal pain and bloody stool?
Thumb printing on XR with the aforementioned think ischemic colitis