Ghana Flashcards
Name the three main climates in Ghana
Savanna, Costal Savanna, Tropical Rainforest
Describe the Savanna in Ghana and dry, droughts are common.
One rainy season a year, tall grass acacia and baobab trees. Desertification a growing concern
Describe the Costal Savanna in Ghana
Quite hot and dry all year round, 2 rainy seasons
Vegetation: tall grass,thick leaves shrubs and baobab
Describe the Tropical Rainforest in Ghana
Hot and wet all year round, 2m of rain a year
Only1/4 of rainforest left
Why is only a 1/4 of Ghana’s tropical rainforest left?
Loggers, cocoa farmers, native’s collecting firewood
What is the rough population of Ghana?
26.25 million people
What percentage of people in Ghana are the age of 0-14?
What percentage of people in the UK are the ages 0-14?
What percentage of people in Ghana are the ages 15-64?
What percentage of people in he UK are the ages 15-64?
What percentage of people in Ghana are the ages 65+?
What percentage of people in the UK are the ages 65+?
What does the amount of people in different age groups show about Ghana and the UK?
Much more children in Ghana
But shows how the UK is a ageing population
What is he most popular type of work in the UK?
The service sector
What is the most popular type of work in Ghana and what could this show?
Farming, could show the sign of a LEDC
What does the River Volta provide Ghana?
Hydroelectricity ( 2/3 of electricity)
What does wild life do for Ghana?
Attracts tourists
What do they mine Ghana?
Gold, Diamonds, Bauxite, Manganese
What is the natural resource of trees used for?
Timber (disappearing)
What is Ghana the 2nd biggest producer of?
How much natural gas and oil does Ghana have?
A lot of natural gas
Not enough offshore oil, imports a lot
What does a TNC stand for?
Trans National Corporation
Name why Ghana may be a LEDC
Very little money stays in Ghana ,goes to TNCs
import high cost machines and export low value farming products.
Doesn’t have money to build factories
Rapidly growing population and don’t go to school so lack of skilled workmen
When did the 1st Europeans arrive in Ghana?
When did slave traders beg exporting slaves from Ghana,how long and how many?
1650, lasted for 150 years, over 100,000 slaves
When did Ghana become a British colony?
How did the British abuse Ghana from 1901-1957?
Used as a source of raw materials
Did little to develop country
What is the formula for the rate of actual population increase?
(Birth rate+immigration)-(Death rate+emigration)
What is the formula for gar rate of natural increase?
Birth rate-Death rate
Where is Ghana situated?
Southern area of the African ‘bulge’.
Latitude is 5.5 and longitude 0
Surrounded by Togo, Côté d’Ivoire,and Burkina Faso
Since the population is growing rapidly in Ghana what is the government spending its money on?
The rapidly growing population not the development of the country
What types of resources does Ghana have?
Natural resources
Human resources
What is the greatest potential to earn for Ghana?
Bauxite, but to convert from ore to metal uses a lot of power. So they made the Akosombo dam to produce HEP
What does HEP stand for?
Hydro Electric Power
On what river was the Akosombo dam created?
River Volta
What is the two things needed to make aluminium?
Bauxite and alumina
How did Ghana afford to build the Akosombo dam?
Loaned money from world bank UK, USA
Since Ghana loaned money to build the Akosombo dam what did the company Valco get?
The right to use it to make aluminium
Why does Ghana want to sell aluminium rather than Bauxite?
As Bauxite sells for much less, even if you do have to buy Alumina
Why is the Akosombo dam good for the people of Ghana?
More electricity for people, people can fish, constant water source
Jobs for making Bauxite, money for Ghana, also tourism and new roads
What are the advantages for the company Valco?
Nearby power source to create Bauxite, earn more money, also majority of resources from Ghana
What are the disadvantages to Ghana from dam?
Most money made to them+ paying off debt to other countries. Had to move villages and average person not affected by it.
What are the problems that still remain in Ghana from the Akosombo dam?
Valco were using none of Ghana’s Bauxite, paying half the amount than local businesses, although still uses more than half power made
Didn’t even pay tax on importing alumina and export aluminium
Droughts=less electricity, Valco used less. Ghana had to use Bauxite even if worth much less. Not used for farming but fishing
What are the pros of the company Valco for Ghana?
Jobs,some money to pay debt,new roads and routes for Ghana
What are the cons of the company Valco for Ghana?
Less electricity for others, Valco takes most of profit, they pay low rates for the electricity
What are the pros of Ghana removing the company Valco?
more electricity for others,Ghana makes money themselves, more money from the dam
What are the cons of Ghana removing the company Valco?
less profit,Ghana’s villages do not make money
What are the pros of Ghana removing the company Valco and to carry on producing aluminium?
more profit would be made, Ghana would be self-sufficent
What are the cons of Ghana removing the company Valco and to carry on producing aluminium?
Machines are expensive,have to buy alumina, no short-term profit
In which part of Ghana is there a big water problem?
Northern Ghana in the savanna
Give a few examples of water-borne diseases which are in Ghana
Cholera,typhoid,dysentery, diarrhoea
They can lead to dehydration and bilharzia (worms in the intestine)
What is water like in the south of Ghana?
Polluted and mainly comes from shallow wells often too close to effluent (human waste) pits, which contaminates the water
What charity is the biggest provider for new wells in Ghana?
What do Wateraid do in Ghana?
They teach village people how to build a well, then they supply the required materials. Then they teach the village to repair and maintain the well
What does a Wateraid well use to filter the water?
Soil and rock filters
Where does a Wateraid well get its water from?
The water table which is produced from rainwater
How can a well help people in Ghana?
It can help them economically (more income), socially as they make their lives better generally
Name the economic effects a well can have on a village in Ghana
More people cook food to sell,
more people selling iced water,
clothing and homes kept cleaner
How does a well help a village socially in Ghana?
Teachers want to stay in village locals have more pride in village no fights about water with other villages, less time to fetch water cooked food looks much better less far walking for water (less tired)
How does a well affect people socially and economically in Ghana?
less illness so less spent on medicine,
potters can produce more pots,
more young people have time to go to school,
visitors can have fresh clean drinking water
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the birth rate typically?
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the death rate typically like?
LEDC and MEDC: low
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the rate of natural increase typically like?
LEDC: High
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the infant mortality typically like?
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the adult literacy typically like?
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the life expectancy typically like?
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the daily calorie intake typically like?
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the GDP per capita typically like?
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is energy consumption typically like?
In a LEDC and a MEDC what is the employment structure typically like?
LEDC:High primary
MEDC:High tertiary
What is adult literacy?
No. people +18 per 1000 who can read and write to a given standard
What is the energy consumption and what is the formula for it?
The use of power production from a country
divided by the countries population
What is a country’s employment structure?
Type of jobs people have usually in a %