Getting Defensive to Prove Your Superiority or to Expose Your Insecurity? Flashcards
Getting Defensive to Prove Your Superiority or to Expose Your Insecurity?
In interpersonal interactions, it is common for individuals to become defensive when faced with criticism, conflict, or challenges. However, the motivation behind getting defensive can vary significantly. Some individuals resort to defensiveness as a way to prove their superiority or protect their ego, while others may display defensiveness due to underlying insecurity or fear of failure
Proving Superiority
Imagine a team leader who receives feedback from a team member suggesting a more efficient approach to a project. Instead of considering the suggestion, the leader becomes defensive, dismissing the input and insisting that their current approach is superior.
Exposing Insecurity
Consider an employee who consistently makes self-deprecating jokes and deflects praise, fearing that accepting recognition will expose their insecurities about their abilities.
Personality Types and Leadership Traits
Personality types play a significant role in interpersonal interactions and leadership effectiveness. Different personality traits can influence how individuals perceive and respond to situations, make decisions, and interact with others. Understanding personality types and their impact on leadership can enhance self-awareness and enable leaders to adapt their approach to different individuals and situations.
Extroversion vs. Introversion
An extroverted leader may excel at networking, public speaking, and energizing a team, while an introverted leader may exhibit strengths in active listening, deep analysis, and providing thoughtful guidance.
Big Five Personality Traits: OCEAN
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness/tact
- Low Neuroticism
Single- Loop Learning
A manager notices a decline in team productivity and addresses the issue by implementing a new task management tool, seeking to improve efficiency within the existing processes.
Double-Loop Learning
The same manager, upon observing the decline in productivity, engages in reflection and analysis to question the underlying assumptions and structures that may have contributed to the issue. They initiate discussions with team members to co-create new approaches that address the root causes of the decline.
Double-Loop Learning
The same manager, upon observing the decline in productivity, engages in reflection and analysis to question the underlying assumptions and structures that may have contributed to the issue. They initiate discussions with team members to co-create new approaches that address the root causes of the decline.
(O) Openness
Those who score high have overt levels of creative energy, curiosity, and insight into new ideas. They value critical feedback and are more prone to explore and act on entrepreneurial opportunities. Effective leaders tend to be somewhat moderate to high on openness traits
(C) Conscientiousness
. A high score on this trait implies a high level of thoughtfulness, meeting timelines and commitments, high impulse control, and good organization and orientation to detail. Those who score high on conscientiousness are predicted to have increased rates of effective leadership experiences. This is the second highest trait (next to extraversion) related to effective leadership
(E) Extraversion
This trait includes the amount of excitability, sociability, talkativeness, and ability to assert one’s self. Extraversion also allows leaders to naturally navigate business and social situations with ease and comfort, especially with new people in new situations. High scores on extraversion are linked strongly to successful leadership abilities, more so than the other traits listed
(A) Agreeableness/tact
This dimension includes kindness, excellent timing when asked to critique ideas and activities, good emotional intelligence, a giving nature, and high levels of affection and ability to trust others. Agreeableness/tact is seen in leaders who can quickly assess a situation and ascertain what behavior or style is indicated and then act accordingly. They will avoid interrupting or being dismissive.
(N) Low neuroticism / stability under stress
uccessful leaders have the ability to keep cool under pressure and not emotionally escalate situations that involve receiving critical feedback and/or unexpected information. This coolness and grace is especially evident while receiving opinions and advice that imply leader mistakes, oversights, or poor judgment. Successful leaders will also know when a situation demands their complete attention, when doing nothing is not an option, and when the needs of others outweigh their own needs or comfort.
Emotional intelligence
is the ability to not only assess and control your emotions but also understand the emotions of those around you.