Gestational Conditions Flashcards
When can you do a SVE on a woman who comes in complaining of bleeding?
After an ultrasound
How do you measure blood loss?
Grams - Ounces
3000 grams - 1 oz
Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage)
Elective abortion
Imminent abortion
1st trimester
Unstoppable- an abortion will occur
Bleeding, cervical changes, cramping
Threatened abortion-
Abortion could occur- 1st trimester
Bleeding, cramping, no cervical changes
Use tocolytics, bed rest, mother becomes high risk pregnancy for the remaining pregnancy
Complete vs. Incomplete Abortion
Complete- all parts of conception are ejected from body
Incomplete- may need DNE
Reoccur-ant abortion
3 pregnancies in a row
Missed abortion
baby dies inutero
Late abortion
abortion that occurs 24 wks into pregnancy
Highest concerns after an abortion
Ectopic pregnancy
Usually not a good outcome
Indications of rupture- pain, hard blue stomach
Methotrexate- folic acid antagonist- disrupts cell division rapidly if rupture has not already occurred
Hydratiform Mole
Cells take over
Indications- too high fundal height, no FHT, hyperemisis***
DO NOT get pregnant for a year afterwards- strict birth control for a year
Could result in hysterectomy
At risk for seizure
Incompetent cervix
2nd trimester
bleeding, dilation, pain-increased pelvic pressure, ROM
McDonald Sutures
High Risk pregnancy precautions
Placenta previa
3rd trimester
occurs in first trimester S&S occur in third- baby is too low laying in uterus
risks >35yo, smoker, previous c-section, multiple gestation
delivery- vaginal if possible, c-sections with classical incision, monitor infant for fluid needs, mom may need a transfusion-lower than normal wound
Abruptio placenta
3rd trimester
placenta detaches
late decels, pain, bleeding is not always present
Risks: multip, PIH, Cocaine use,
Increase systolic of >30 increase diastolic >15 high weight gain r/t edema kidney problems- protein in urine hyperflexia visual changes
PIH risk factors
19-40 multi gestation obesity family hx chronic renal hypertension
Vasospasm PIH
decrease blood flow to organs- mainly affecting uterus and kidneys in pregnancy
PIH intervention
flat lying LL side
strict I&O urine 30ml/hr
magnesium sulfate
Magnesium Sulfate
cathartic- pulls water, decreases edema, causes diarrhea
CNS depressant- monitor RR(no less than 12)
Antidote Ca
Apresoline- anti-hypertensive
Elevated Liver
Lower platelets
Epigastric pain
Avoid cuts
Monitor IV
> 25yo
DIC your mom is in trouble
DIC what happens
blood goes to every orafice
caused by trauma
DIC tx
Assess clotting factors Cure injury Replace volume Get baby out ASAP Monitor I&O
Toxoplasmosis- flu like- do not change litter box
Hep B— preterm labor give baby Hep Big
HIV — C/S, no breast feeding, go immediately to hospital upon ROM
Rubella makes mom itchy
CMV- do not get pregnant during outbreaks
Beta Hemalytic Strep- culture during pap tx antibiotic both mom and partner