Gestational Abnormalities Flashcards
exam 2
placenta abruptio
premature seperation of the placenta from the uterine wall
types of placenta abruptio
*central (no bleeding)
*complete (fetal mortality 100%)
manifestations of placenta abruptio
uterine tenderness
board-like abdomen
increased uterine rest tone
fetal distress
vaginal bleeding (not always)
placenta abruptio management
assess for fetal distress
manage hypovolemia (IV fluids/blood)
placenta previa
implants over the cervix
types of placenta previa
*low lying (possible vaginal delivery)
*partial (need c section)
*complete (need c section)
manifestations of placenta previa
bright red bleeding
painless bleeding
soft uterine body
management of placenta previa
fetal monitoring
NO vaginal exams
c section (term)
type/cross (blood typing)
IV access
conservative management (bedrest, pelvic rest)
start labor, ripen cervix
enchances labor
artificial ROM
pitocin hyperstimulation
increased amplitude (over 90mm/Hg)
increased frequency
FHR irregularity
increased pain
increased duration (longer than 90 secs)
increased tone between contractions
hypotonic labor pattern manifestations
irregular contractions
low amplitude
slow dilation or arrest of dilation
hypotonic labor pattern interventions
give meds (oxytocin)
augumentation (stimulate contractions)
monitor fetal HR
hypertonic labor pattern manifestations
ineffective contractions
arrest / slow dilation
hypertonic labor pattern manifestations
pain management
artificial ROM
monitor fetal HR closely