Gestation Flashcards
Definition of Gestation
Period of pregnancy
Fertilization –> Parturition
Definition of Syngamy
Merging of sperm and oocyte nuclei
Name the stages of an embryo
Zygote (1 cell)
Morula (8-16 cells)
Blastocyst ( >32 cells)
…… is a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by trophoblasts
How is the blastocoele formed
Outer cells connected by tight junctions pump Na into the intracellular space causing osmosis causing an accumulation of water in between the outer and inner cells forming the ICM and blastocoele
Define Differentiation
True embryo period, during which cells form specific organs in the body of the embryo (Rapid change in size)
Define inner cell mass (ICM)
group of cells congregated at the polar end of the blastocyst (body of the embryo)
When does a blastocyst “hatch”
Zona pellucida thins because of the growing blastocyst inside, when the Zona pellucida cracks the blastocyst escapes and is then known as a hatched blastocyst
What originates from the endoderm
Digestive system
most internal organs
What originates from the Mesoderm
Skeletal system
circulatory system
reproductive system
What originates from the Ectoderm
nervous system sense organs hair skin mammary glands hooves
endodermal+ mesodermal layers=?
yolksac and allantois
mesodermal + ectodermal layers =?
amnion and chorion
Functions of the amnion
Contains fluid to suspend the embryo
Provides turgidity to protect the embryo
At how many days can heartbeat be detected in cows vs sows
cows= Day 22 Sows= Day 16
what are the prerequisites for placentation of an embryo
complete organ development
functional circulatory system
name the three stages an embryo goes through after fertilization
define cleavage
Cell division without growth
What replaces the zona pellucida in mares after hatching
The embryonic capsule
Function of the yolk sac
Provides early nutrients to the embryo before regressing and becoming part of the primitive gut.
What determines the differentiation into female
Absence of the Y chromosome (SYR)
Function of the SYR
Stimulation of medulla of embryonic gonad to differentiate to testes (Sertoli and Leydig cells)
Inhibition of ovarian development
How do Sertoli and Leydig cells help with Wolffian duct development
Sertoli cells secrete Mullerian inhibiting factor
Leydig cells secrete testosterone to initiate Wolffian duct development
Function of 5 alpha-reductase in the urogenital sinus
Converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
Dihydrotestosterone differentiates urogenital sinus and genital tubercule to external male genitalia