Germany unit 3 - The rise of Hitler and the Nazis to January 1933 Flashcards
Origin of Nazi Party
- Started as ‘German Worker’s Party ‘ in January 1919 - led by Anton Drexler
- Hitler spied on meetings but over time agreed with the party
- Nazis believed that democracy was weak and needed and Germany needed a strong leader - Jews were to blame for German weakness - Communists & Socialists brought fall of Kaiser - Weimar politicians betrayed Germany with Treaty of Versailles
- Hitler joined in September 1919
Changes to the Nazi Party 1920-1922
- Hitler put in charge of propaganda in February 1920
- Hitler & Drexler rewrote aims of party into 25 Point Program
- Party was renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party
- 1921 - Hitler became party leader
- Gave vague messages to attract many groups such as nationalists who disliked treaty of Versailles, people who wanted a scapegoat, middle class and big businesses that disliked communism
Hitler’s role in the Nazi Party - 1920-1922
- Talented speaker
- Appealed to critics of Weimar republic
- Controlled NSDAP like a military leader
- Suggested name change that was made in Aug. 1920
- Introduced emblem of the swastika & the arm salute
- Ousted Drexler & became leader in mid 1921
- Used Party newspaper to spread the party’s views
- Surrounded himself with loyal individuals - Röhm, Goering & Hess
- Developed friendships with powerful Germans e.g. General Lundedorff
Origins of SA (Sturmanteilung) / Stormtroopers / Brownshirts
- Many were ex-soldiers such as Freikorps that were nationalists and attracted to Hitler’s ideas
- Set up in 1921 and Ernest Röhm became the leader
- Wore Brown shirts as a uniform
- Members were provided with uniforms, meals & hostel accommodation
- Created as paramilitary force to disrupt meeting of opposing political parties & control crowds at Nazi meetings
- Paraded in streets to show force and demonstrate Hitler’s strength
- Hitler demanded obedience from SA & used used the most-trusted members as his bodyguards, know as Stosstrupp
Causes of Munich Putsch
- 1918-23 - Many Germans were angry with the Weimar Republic and supported parties like the Nazis in Bavaria
- Leaders of Bavarian state government agreed with Nazi views and ignored SA violence
- 1923- German economy worsened with Ruhr invasion - Hitler used hyperinflation as an opportunity
- 1921-22 - Hitler influenced by Italian Fascists led by Mussolini - copied the salute and used flags for clear identity - influenced by 1922 ‘March on Rome’
- Hitler believed Nazi Party was ready to seize power with SA and 20,000 supporters & support from General Ludendorff
Events of the Munich Putsch
- 8th November:
- Hitler & SA storm beer hall
- Hitler forces Kahr & Lossow to support the march to Berlin & install Ludendorff as leader
- Members of SA use violence to intimidate members of Bavarian state government
- Lossow & Kahr swore loyalty to Putsch & left beer hall
- 9th November
- Ebert declares state of emergency & Lossow told to crush uprising
- Lossow & Kahr announced their opposition to the Putsch
- Ludendorff believed soldiers would give him support & persuade Hitler to not give up
- 2,000 Nazis & supporters marched into Munich to take over vital buildings
- Armed police & soldiers confronted the Nazis
- Fire was exchanged and 14 Nazis killed
- 11th November:
- Hitler arrested & awaited trial
Results of Munich Putsch
- February 1924 - Hitler, Ludendorff, Röhm & other Nazi leaders put on trial
- Used trial as a stage - made speeches attacking the government & newspaper across Germany reported the events
- Nazi popularity grew
- Hitler & 3 others found guilty of treason and sentenced to 5 years in jail
- Hitler released after 9 months & Ludendorff found not guilty due to judge sympathy
- Nazi party banned
- Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in prison - outlined his beliefs with Hess
Reorganization of Nazi party
- Ban on Nazi party lifted in February 1925 & Hitler relaunched the party
- Allied with 4,000 supporters at beer hall
- Hitler created a national headquarters for Nazi Party in Munich
- Divided Germany in 34 districts - appointed leading Nazi to gain support in each district
- 1926 - Party conference in Bamberg - persuaded members to re-adopt 25 Point Plan
- 1926 - first rally in Weimar
- Hitler encouraged youth to support - set up the Hitler Youth
- Established new party bodyguard - Schutzstaffel
- Goebbels emphasized anti-semitism
- Nazis held public meeting & trained members to be effective public speakers
- Nazi Women’s league set up
- Party concentrated on winning support of farmers
Contents of Mein Kampf
- German race will rule the world due to superiority
- Jews are leading a conspiracy to undermine Aryans
- Jews want to weaken Aryan race by intermarriage
- Jews taking over German businesses & moderate political groups
- Treaty of Versailles must be undone
- Lebensraum needed for Aryans to expand
- Germany must invade Russian land to the east of Germany to dive out communist threat
- Germany’s wealth must benefit working people - not rich
- Democracy is weak - needs a strong leader
Limited support for Nazis 1923-1929
- 1929 - Over 100,000 members
- May 1924 - 32 seats –> 1928 - 12 seats
- Stresemann’s efforts lowered Nazi support
- Nazis had support from farmers - up to 18%
Wall Street Crash - 1929
- October 1929 - Collapse of stock market - investors lost confidence and began to sell
- American businesses destroyed - downturn in US economy
- USA recalled loans it made to Germany
- Financial crisis in Germany - government couldn’t pay back loans
- German businesses had to close & unemployment increased rapidly
- Taxes raised & unemployment benefits cut
Effects of Great Depression on German People
- Youth: 50% of 16-30 unemployed even with good level of education
- Factory workers: 40% couldn’t get jobs & unemployment benefits cut
- Farmers: Began to support Nazis
- Businessmen: Businesses struggled
Effects of Great Depression on Weimar Republic
- SDP & Centre Party fell out over making cuts to welfare benefits - Brüning becomes chancellor because Müller resigned
- Brüning asked Hindenburg to use article 48 - Germany was no longer a democracy
- Brüning introduced unpopular measures - tax rises, cuts to unemployment benefits
- Germans began to turn to extremist parties
- Nazis gave scapegoats
- 1930 - Nazis won 107 seats & Communists won 77 seats
Appeal of Hitler
- Nazis presented Hitler as a strong leader for Germany
- Hitler’s appearance changed in posters to have superhuman strength
- hitler used vague statements to attract many groups
- Powerful businesses were interested and willing to support Hitler and provide financial support
Roles of SA
- 1930 - 400,000 SA members
- Rallies - SA used lights & symbols of power e.g. sword & flags
- Disrupted meetings of political opponents
- 1930 & 1932 elections - intimidated voters at polling stations
Nazi election propaganda
- Trained members of local groups in propaganda skills
- Keen to use technology
- Parades & marches organized by mobile Nazi units - included political speeches & entertainment
- Nazis owned 8 newspapers - each for a different audience
- Huge rallies held to demonstrate order & discipline
- Posters designed to target different groups in Germany
1932 election
- July 1932 - Nazis were the biggest party in the Reichstag - 230 votes
- Hitler also used election for president to gain popularity - polled 13 million votes but lost to hindenburg
- Brüning tried to use a presidential decree to ban SA & SS - removed by general Kurt von Schleicher
Franz Von Papen
- Von Schleicher gave Hitler a place in a coalition with Von Papen
- Coalition led by Von Papen was weak
- Hitler argued he should be chancellor by Hindenburg hated him
- Von Papen called another election but Nazi support dropped to 190 seats - Von Papen resigned
Von Schleicher & Hindenburg
- Powerful businessmen in Germany wrote to Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor
- Hindenburg refused and put von Schleicher as chancellor
- Schleicher asked Hindenburg to suspend constitutions nd make him the head of a military dictatorship - claimed Hitler & Von Papen were leading a conspiracy against him
- Von Schleicher’s request was leaked and he lost support of Reichstag
- Von Papen persuaded Hindenburg to make him vice chancellor with Hitler as chancellor to control Hitkrr
- Hindenburg became chancellor - January 30th 1933