Germany stats Flashcards
How did the CDU/CSU perform in 2017?
33% of the vote
34.7% of seats
How did the SPD perform in 2017?
21% of the vote
21.6% of the seats
What does the 2017 results tell us about German Prop?
Very prop
Discuss how AFD did in 2017?
11.5 of con vote
12.6 of party list vote
3 con MPs
91 party MP’s
this shows con seat not worth much compared to party seat and nutters can get into the par-t seats, in terms of the UK, UKIP got 12.6 but only received 1 MP so imagine this with party seats hmmm not good #byebyenige
What was the turnout in 1972?
91.1% this was due to a vote of no confidence
the first time that eighteen year-olds had had the right to vote; and the first time that the SPD had
entered an election campaign with the advantages and disadvantages of being the major governing party.
What was the turnout in 2009?
70.8%, this is the lowest after the war
//compared to the UK who’s lowest turnout was 59.4%, there is a clear difference in turnout. Those who argue that FPTP increases turnout due to simplicity of the ballot can be disproved by this, some argue MMP is difficult to understand with 2 diff types of votes but this clearly does not put them at a disadvantage.