Germany 3: Rise to Power Flashcards
Who were the SS and how did they gain control over the German people?
The SS were Hitler’s personal army. They were responsible for destroying anyone who was against Hitler and the Nazis. They were later in charge of the concentration camps and the final solution.
What is censorship?
Censorship is when someone blocks up and covers things they don’t want you to know. Censorship is teaching only one side of a story, usually the better side to control and persuade people.
What was the Hitler Youth and how did it help to gain control?
Boys were educated on how to be fit and healthy ready to be the soldiers of the future for Germany.
Girls belonged to the League of German Maidens and learnt how to cook, sew and be good mothers and wives.
How did Propaganda control the German people?
The Nazis used propaganda to show Nazi beliefs to the German people. Posters, speeches, movies all co-ordinated by Josef Goebbels showed the German public how great the Nazis were and the gained the trust and support of the people.
To increase the Nazi majority after Hitler became Chancellor an election was called for March 1933, but what event happened just before?
Reichstag Fire
Who was blamed for the Reichstag Fire?
What were the consequences of the Reichstag Fire?
Communists were blamed, 4000 were arrested and the party was banned from the Reichstag.
What was the election result for the Nazis in March 1933?
288 seats
This was not the 50% the Nazis needed for full power, but banning the Communist Party and working in coalition with the Centre Party gave Hitler the majority of the Reichstag.
What was the Enabling Act?
If Hitler could get a 2/3 majority support of the Reichstag, he could pass the Enabling Act which would enable Hitler to pass laws without going through the Reichstag. Thus turning Germany into a dictatorship.
How did Hitler get support for the Enabling Act?
With a majority share of the Reichstag and Stormtroopers outside other members were persuaded to support the Enabling Act
What rival did Hitler have in the Nazi Party by 1934?
Ernst Rohm leader of the SA.
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
What was the Night of the Long Knives and how did it help Hitler?
Hitler accused the SA of plotting against him, 400 SA members were killed as was Ernst Rohm. Hitler used the Germany army to help with the removal of the SA. This event helped Hitler to remove an internal threat to his power.
Why did the army help in the Night of the Long Knives?
Hitler promised to remove Rohm and re arm Germany.
Why did the army help in the Night of the Long Knives?
Hitler promised to remove Rohm and re arm Germany.