Cold War Asia- Vietnam Flashcards
Which European country had ruled Vietnam?
What crucial decision was made about Vietnam in 1954?
It was divided into the north and the south
Who ruled in North Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh who was a Communist
How would you describe Ngo Dinh Diem? Think of 3 words
Anti-Communist, leader in the south, Catholic, anti-Buddhist
What was the religion of the majority of people in south Vietnam?
Buddhism, although these people were treated badly by the Catholic leaders
What was the name of the communist guerrillas in South Vietnam?
The Vietcong
Who were the Vietcong receiving supplies from?
The Communists in the north who in turn were being supplied by China and Russia
What was the domino theory?
That Communism would spread across countries especially in South East Asia
What role did the USA have in Vietnam between 1954-1960?
They provided military equipment and sent military advisers.
Did President Johnson increase or reduce US involvement in Vietnam when he became president?
Increased involvement.
What was the Gulf of Tonkin inccident in 1964?
American destroyers (ships) were supposedly attacked by North Vietnamese boats.
What was the key aim of ‘Operation Rolling Thunder’?
To break the Communists supply line from the North.
In which year were US combat troops first on the ground in Vietnam?
True or false - more bombs were dropped by the US in North Vietnam than in the whole of WW2.
What was napalm?
A petrol based chemical used to destroy crops and land. It also burnt people terribly.
What was the Tet Offensive?
A co-ordinated attack by Vietcong on key South Vietnamese and US cities, which took them by surprise.
What was Nixon’s policy of Vietnamisation?
To withdraw US troops from Vietnam and to hand over to the south Vietnamese forces.
Were the US right to worry about the ‘domino theory’?
They were right in a way as south Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia all became Communist.
True or false - the USA had better weapons than the Vietcong.
True - but the Vietcong has better tactics.
Why was it difficult for the US troops to identify Vietcong?
They did not wear a uniform and were impossible to identify from average peasants/ villagers.
What was the average age of US troops in Vietnam?
19 years old
Were any US troops prosecuted for the massacre at My Lai?
No - Calley served 3 years of a life sentence and was then released to house arrest
What impact did Agent Orange have?
As a poison, leaves were removed from the trees by this chemical. Some areas in Vietnam are still uninhabitable, due to poison in the ground.
Which side suffered the highest death rates?
The Noth Vietnamese and Vietcong. It is thought that 900,000 people lost their lives compated to 58,000 US troops.
How much money did the war cost the USA?
$30,000 million a year
In what way did US tactics help to fuel the growth of Communism?
The tactics led to many deaths and injuries which turned people against the Americans.
What methods did the Vietcong use to hide from the US troops?
Blend in with the villagers and networks of under-ground tunnels.
True or false- the Vietcong had underground hospitals?
True - the tunnels were complex including hospitals, workshops to make weapons, kitchens and sleeping areas.
True or false - 75,000 US troops were permanently disabled in the war.
What approaches to protest were used in the US against the war?
Burning of draft cards, mass street protests, protest songs like Bob Dylan’s Masters of War.
Was the My Lai massacre reported in the press?
Yes, about a year after the event the story was exposed by the journalist Seymour Hersh.
In which year did all US combat troops leave Vietnam?
When did South Vietnam fall to Communist fighters?
What is meant by the ‘hawks’ and the ‘doves’?
Hawks were people who supported the war and doves were people who wanted the war to end.
Why did the US fail in Vietnam?
Failure of military, strengths of Vietcong tactics versus USA, public opinion at home, role of media in keeping US citizens informed
Is Vietnam still Communist?
Vietnam is politically Communist but has freedom of economy.