Germany 1890-1945 Post War Problems Flashcards
What was the name of the socialist uprising in Berlin in 1919?
The Spartacist Uprising
Who were the two leaders of the Spartacist uprising?
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
What was the name given to the regiments of ex-soliders deployed by President Ebert to suppress the social uprisings?
Which polotician was the figurehead of this nationalist revolt?
Wolfgang Kapp
Which German region was invaded and occupied by French and Belgian troops when Germany failed to keep up with their reparation payments in January 1923?
The Ruhr
What response to the invasion was ordered by President Ebert?
Passive resistance - a general strike
What economic crisis did this policy of the strike cause?
Which German politician became chancellor in August 1923?
Gustav Stresemann
What was the name of the temporary currency he introduced to replace the worthless, devalued Marks?
The Rentenmark
What proportion of seats did the SPD have in the Reichstag in 1912?
What myth rapidly took hold in Germany to explain why Germany had unexpectedly lost the war?
The stab in the back
By what phrase was article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles more popularly known?
The War Guilt Clause
How many women were widowed and how many children left fatherless after WW1?
60,000 women and 2 million children
What was the sum of reparations imposed on Germany in pounds?
6.6 billion
How many Germans died from Spanish flu in 1918?