Germany Flashcards
How many seats did the nazis have in 1928
How many people where unemplyed in 1932 as a result of the GD
6 million
What did the nazis offer
bread and jobs
how manty seats did the nazis have in 1930
What was the SA a symbol of
how mant seats did the nazis have in 1932
What year was Hitler appointed chancellor
who was chancellor in 1930
who was chancellor in june 1932
von papen
who was chancellor in decemeber 1932
von schleicher
why did von papen vouch for hitler to be chancellor in 1933
For a position in the cabinet
when was the reichstag fire
27 feb 1933
who was caught and prosecuted for the reichstag fire
von der lubbe
who found the evidence that von der lubbe was supported by the communists
The nazis
When did Hitler ask for a fresh election to take place
5 march 1933
what had the police have power to do if they suspected a political voting station or meeting to be unsafe
They could stop it
who controlled the police in 1933
Hermann guering
what did guering tell police to do
favour the nazis and treat the communists with severity
when did hindenburg pass an emergency dcree
28 feb 1933
what did the decree passed in feb 1933 suspend
the guarante of liberty from the weimar government
in 1933 why was the nazis the only party in the election to be allowed to have a campaign
As teh police had the power to search and seize properties without trial and could close down newspapers and radio channels
when was the enabling act passed
23 march 1933
what did the enabling act allow Hitler to do
enact law without the approval of the reichstag
how long was the enabling act for
4 years
who guraded the opra house during the enabling act voting
ss and sa
what did the ss do at the enabling act voting
didnt let communists in and invoked fear in the reichstag members as they screamed “we want the bill or fire and murder”
who was hitlers speach for the enabling act aimed at
the centre party
who vouched for hitlers speach in the enabling act
ludwig kass
how many votes did the nazis need to pass the enabling act
how many votes did the nazis get in the enabling act voting
who voted against the enablign act
The spd - 94 votes
what was the era after hitlers appointment as chancellor called
what year did all parties have to disolve or voluntarily get disbanded