Germanicus And Piso Difficult Phrases Flashcards
Reperiebantur solo ac parietibus erutae humanorum corporum reliquae (line 12)
There were Found in the floor and walls the disinterred remains of human bodies
Cineres semusti ac tabo obliti (line 15)
Cremated remains Charred and smeared with rotten flesh
Animas infernis sacrari (line 16)
That souls are consecrated to the gods of the underworld
Decet amicos non prosequi defunctum ignavo questu , line 23
It is proper for friends not to escort a dead man with futile lamentation
Neque multo post mortuus est , line 29
And not long afterwards he died
Propter vultum eloquentiamque venerationem omnium adeptus erat , line 32
Because of his expression and eloquence he had gained the respect of all
Ob formam aetatem genus locumque mortis adaequarent, line 34
Because of his appearance, short life, and the type and place of death
Nam affirmaverunt utrumque corpore decoro praeditum, genere insigni ortum, vix triginta annos natum periisse , line 35
For they asserted that both were endowed with a handsome person, descended from a distinguished family, and died when scarcely 30 years of age
Defessa luctu et corpore aegro, impatiens tamen erat omnium quae ultionem morarentur. Line 38
But Agrippina, although prostrate with grief and with an ill body, was yet unable to endure everything which delayed her revenge
Miserantibus omnibus, line 41
With everyone pitying
Quae venerationem omnium mereret, line 42
Who deserved the respect of all
Tunc ferales reliquias sinu ferret, incerta ultionis, line 43
Was then carrying the remains of the dead man in her arms, uncertain of revenge
Quo gavisus caedit victimas, adit templa, line 45
Rejoicing at this he kills victims, and visits temples
Non modo piso ipse gaudio immoderato se gerit , line 46
Not only does Piso himself act with excessive joy
Sed etiam magis insolescit plancina, line 47
But also plancina becomes more arrogant
Quae luctum mortua sorore tum primum in laetum cultum mutavit, line 47
Who then for the first time changed mourning clothes for her dead sister into cheerful clothing
Aucta in deterius adferebantur, dolor, ira, questus erumpebant: line 50
Was being reported with pessimistic exaggeration, grief, anger, complaints kept breaking out:
Ideo nimirum germanicum in extremas terras relegatum esse, line 51
Evidently that was the reason why Germanicus had been exiled to far away lands
Adeo incendit ut, line 54
So inflamed this kind of talk among people that
Sumpto iustitio ,deserentur fora, clauderentur doma, line 55
A break from legal business was taken, lawcourts were deserted, houses closed
Insignibus lugentium non abstinebant, altius animis maerebant. Line 57
They did not refrain from the outward signs of mourners, they grieved more deeply in their hearts
Navigatione hiberni maris nequiquam intermissa, line 59
Having not at all interrupted her voyage over the wintry sea
Interim adventu eius audito, line 60
Meanwhile having heard of their arrival
Ruerunt ad portum, line 62
Rushed to the harbour
Turba maerentium et rogantium inter se, line 64
A crowd of people mourning and asking each other
Silentione an voce aliqua egredientem exciperent , line 64
Whether to receive her in silence or with words of some kind as she disembarked
Cunctis ad tristititiam compositis, line 66
With all signs of mourning
Postquam duobus cum liberis, line 67
After (she had left the ship) with her two children
Egressa e nave defixit oculos, idem fuit omnium gemitus, line 68
After she had left the ship…and had lowered her eyes, there was a single groan from all.