Geriatrics Flashcards
Mini Mental Scoring Tips
Above 24 is great
Below 18 is bad
18-23 is Mild Impairment
6 Pts: House/Car/Dog
3 for remembering them at the start
3 for remembering them after 5 min
5 Pts Each for:
5 TIME: Date/Month/Hour of which day
5 PLACE: where are we?
5 COUNTING BkWards by 7s
or spelling WORLD backwards
3 Pts: Folding
2 Pts: 2 Object Naming
24-30 = No Cognitive Impairment
18-23 = Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
Below 18 = Severe Impairment
Domains to assess in Elders
Quick Mobility Assessment in Elders
TUG Test
Up and
3 meters between a chair and a cone. Elder is to rise, navigate around the cone and back to seated in less than 12 (she says 10, 12 is too high) seconds.
May use assistive device
Do 1 practice then 2 tests and average
Drug Classes that Cause MOST of the problems for Elders
• Antidepressants • Antipsychotic drugs Anticholinergics • Cardiac medications • Hypoglycemic agents * Benzodiazepines * Statins
quick Elder test for Leg Strength
Arms Crossed over chest
Raise from seated + Return at least 8X in 30 Seconds
Frailty Criteria
Wt Loss - UN-intentional, over 10 lbs in yr
Exhaustion - Self Described
- Low Energy (low interest/ability) - Tired - Weak
Sedentary (expends less than 270KCal female/
or 383 Kcal for males) self report
by activity scale.
Slow - 4 meters in more than 6.2 seconds
Strength - Fewer than 8 chair stands in 30 Sec
The SIXTH vital sign?
Gait Speed
Stay above 4 meters in 6.2 seconds!
Assume Frailty if…
Pt leaves home fewer than 3X / week
Prescribe walking program at the mall or local high school and help Pt ensure transportation.
Prescribe an odometer and make them bring it in at every visit or figure out how to have them send their fit bit results to you via email
You can also get BG record programs that can send to you daily or weekly BG reports via the internet - LEARN HOW TO IMPLEMENT these programs!!
How many steps should a person take a week
How to open a conversation with an Elder about improving fitness:
“Can you tell me how long you think you’ll live?”
“Ok, so you have ____ good years left, How are you going to use them?”
“To be able to use your remaining years as you’d like, we’ll need to increase your strength and fitness to ensure you have at least some reserve strength to call upon in a crisis such as if you get sick or if you’re injured”
1) Assess Gait with 4m/6.2 second test
2) Assess Mobility with the TUG test
3) Assess Strength with the Chair Test
4) Assess for Depression/Dementia and
consider treating for depression
with a geriatric friendly SSRI
5) Catalog Pts complaints: energy, strength
loneliness, comorbidities
6) Review Meds and see what you can
7) Get them UP and Walking or at least
MOVING in some organized program
Assure Transportation
Consider cardiac rehab - ins may
pay for this and they’d get 6 weeks
with a PT and nurse supervising
their program
8) Make END OF LIFE care plan:
IN WRITING, a DNR if that’s what they
want, a LIVING WILL to spell out
the boundaries of care they wish to
receive. Specifically address:
-Resuscitation Drugs like
-NGT/ IV feeding IV fluids
- Oxygen Therapy
-Respirator Support
- Surgeries
- Imaging that would only be helpful
if surgery were a treatment option. If
you’re not going to have a surgery to
correct a situation, don’t do the imaging.
These directives would of course be moot if the patient was alert enough to make each one of these health care decisions. They are to guide the healthcare proxy if the pt is not competent or alert enough to make these decisions. By all means, if alert and the pt falls and an Xray needs to be done, Pt can consent to the X-Ray. If Pt is unconscious and states no imaging that would lead to surgery, well then, no, no X-Ray.
Elders of all ages SHOULD be able to:
Walk (how far?)
Carry (how much?)
Navigate (what obstacles)
Walk 3 blocks, 1/4 mi, 1000 feet
Carry 6.7 lbs
Manage stairs, curbs, getting in + out of the tub
What to do if you discover Pt has Balance problems or Fall Risks?
Write a Prescription for PT with the most Strident therapist you know.
Get them stronger, moving and trained on how to get up after a fall.
What % loss of strength heralds Frailty?
65% is the line so anything above it is in the realm of frailty.
ADLs are very basic: Feeding oneself, toileting + bathing.
IADLs allow a person to live independently. Think of the ‘I’ as meaning independence, though it actually stands for instrumental.
Alzheimer’s Disease vs Alzheimer’s Dementia
Alzheimers Disease vs Alzheimers Dementia
The Disease state is brought about by the deposit of beta-amyloid plaques and protein tangles in the brain tissue
This eventually results in cognitive, psychological and social deficits.
Uses/Problems with anticholinergics in elderly
Used to reduce secretions (scopolamine ) and anti spasmodic to slow bowel (Dicyclomine/Bentyl)
scopolamine uses
To counter Clozapine drooling
nausea/motion sickness
Why not use Dipyridamole in Elders?
Causes Orthostatic Hypotension
Short Acting AntiThrombotic (long acting is ok) t
Why not Nitrofurantoin for elders?
If Cr Cl is less than 60, the med doesn’t get concentrated enough in the urine to kill the UTI bug.
It’s renally cleared and if kidneys aren’t functioning, it can build up in the blood to a level that may cause a PULMONARY HYPERSENSISTIVITY rxn that looks a lot like PNEUMONIA or non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema but goes away when the drug is stopped.
To be clear, Nitrofurantoin is great for straight up E.Coli and there’s almost NO RESISTANCE but the kidneys have to work well enough to concentrate the drug in the Urine. Its really an amazing drug that way, does not stay long in the blood at all, goes straight to the bladder.
Its OK in pregnancy UP TO WEEK 38, thereafter it isn’t broken down by the placenta and the fetus has to do it and the fetus doesn’t have the right enzyme to metabolize the drug and could end up getting hemolytic anemia from it. Thats why babies under 1 month should not be given Nitrofurantoin either. They develop the needed enzyme (Glutathione) at about a month.
What CAN we do to Alpha Receptors in the Elderly?
Both Blockers (the rosins) and Agonists (HTN Meds: Clonadine, MethylDopa, Reserpine) cause problems for Elders:
While Alpha Blockers lower BP by BLOCKING A1 Receptors in peripheral vasculature and preventing constriction, they cause ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION for most people. Elders are even more prone to Orthostatic BP falls due to loss of elasticity in their veins and thus get a double whammy
Alpha Agonists lower BP by stimulating ALPHA 2 receptors in the CNS, this then results in RELAXATION of peripheral vasculature. Again, messing around with the diameter of peripheral vasculature in Elders is dicey - their veins just aren’t stretchy or responsive enough anymore and Orthostatic Hypotention will likely result.
Which class of Anti Arrythmics CAN you use in the elderly?
1b: Lidocaine + Phentoin (Dilantin)
ALL class 1 antiarrythmics are Na+ Channel Modifiers. Class 1a (QUINIDINE, DISOPYRAMIDE) lowers the threshold before the Na+ gates open . Class 1c: Flecanide + Propophenone, prolongs DePolarization, making it take longer to move a signal along.
Presby= Elder (think church) Cusis = think aCOUStic
SARI for Elderly Insomnia
(Serotonin ANtagonist AND Reuptake Inhibitor)
Very nice for Delerium and Insomnia
CAM criteria
Confusion Assessment Method for assessing Delirium
Acute Onset? Fluctuating mental status? Must have both for Delirium plus either/or Disorganized Thinking and/or Altered Level of Consciousness Alert Drowsy Stupor Coma
If they have 1+2 and either 3 or 4, you have Delirium
WHAT is Depakote
Also a Mood Stabilizer, try instead of an antipsychotic in elderly BiPolars/Schitzos
Also helps with headaches and it’s primary use is Anti-Seizure
BPH drugs that cause orthostatic hypotension
Alpha 1 Blockers
Prazosis (Minipress)
Tamulosin (Flowmax)
Cataract risk drug class
SSRIs safer for Elders?
Certaline (Zoloft)
Escitalopram (Lexapro)
Dementia wherein Social Graces and Judgment go first
Fronto-Temporal Lobe Dementia or PICKS Dz
shrinks the frontal and temporal lobes visibly on MRI
Caused by protein malfunction, mainly genetic predisposition
Common Infections in the Elderly
Pneumonia UTI Shingles C Dif Influenza VRE: Vanco Resistant Enterococcus Intestines, UTI + Wounds (does live on skin) Use Dapto & Linezolid MRSA
How to kill VRE
Dapto causes Rhabo so watch BUN/Cr
1st Line for MRSA
1st line for c Dif
Flagyl or
Vancomycin PO - only PO use of vanco
Influenza Rx
Tamiflu if under 72 hrs (3 days)
Tinnitis, vertigo & fullness in the ear on one side
Meniere’s Dz
Low Salt + Diuretics
Rust Colored Sputum Pneumo:
Strep Pneumo: Macrolide or Doxy
Benign Paroxismal Positional Vertigo
Dix-Halpike TEST is the Dx - Nystagmus on fall back from sitting with legs out
Eply Maneuver is the treatment
Chlamydia Pneumo
Azithromycin or Doxy
Hospital Acquired Pneumo
Vanco + Levofloxacin + Imipenem
Hospital acquired is high risk for multi drug resistance. Risk increases with length of stat, over 5 days fear the worst and hit your pt with all three.
Low Risk: Levofloxacin alone or
Macrolide + 3rd Gen (Azithro + Rocephin)
UTI drugs for elderly
Bactrim DS
Nitrofurantoin (GFR over 60)
Cephalexin (Keflex 1st generation Cephalo)