Geriatric Medicine and Pharm Flashcards
What are 3 causes of affected pharmacokinetics in elderly pt’s?
- Decrease 1st pass clearance in liver
- Decrease in body fat
- Serum protein levels (malnutrition or dietary issues)
What are the 3 categories of the Beers Criteria?
- Meds to always avoid for older pt’s
- Meds that are potentially inappropriate for older pt’s with certain medical conditons
- Meds used with caution
What are the STOPP and START criteria for medication in the geriatric population?
- STOPP = similar to Beers criteria but also includes drug-drug interaction and duplication of drugs within class
- START = consists of 22 evidence-based prescribing indicators in older pt’s

Which 2 instances would warrant an opthalmologist referral for geriatric pt?
- Diabetic pt for monitoring of diabetic retinopathy
- Pt w/ ↑ risk glaucoma i.e., family hx, etc…
What are the 2 assessment tools that can be used for functional ability of geriatric pt?
- Katz Index of Independence in Activities of daily living
- Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale

What are 2 fall risk assessment tools available?
- Tinetti Balance and Gait Evaluation
- ‘Get Up and Go’ test

What are 2 specific questions that can be asked to every pt in every office visit to screen for depression; when is use of a more detailed PHQ-9 questionnaire indicated?
- “During the past month, have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?”
- “During the past month, have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?”
- If “yes” to these quesitons prompts use of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)

What is the USPSTF recommendation for using a DEXA scan to screen for osteoporosis?
- DEXA scan on woman 65 years or older
- Screening women <65 y/o whose 10-year fracture risk is high –> Use FRAX (Fracture Risk Assessment Tool)

At what age are colonoscopy, pap smear, and mammograms stopped?
- Colonoscopy stopped after 75 y/o
- Pap smear and mammogram stopped after 65 y/o
Pt’s 65 years and older should be up to date on which 4 vaccines?
- Tetanus or tetanus w/ pertussis vaccine
- Influenza vaccine
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- Herpes Zoster vaccine
What contributes to loss of function in the elderly, aging or disorders?
Does the USPSTF recommend automatically performing an in-depth fall-risk assessment?
the focus is on the balance of benefits and harms
What combination of disorders can contribute to a fall risk?
what is the MOCA?
What is the MMSE?
What is the MiniCog?
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Minimental status exam
Clock drawing and 3 world recall (both part of the MMSE)
Which mood disorders can have a late onset?
Depression, Bipolar Disorders
Depression can have more sleep/fatigue, motor involvement and hopelessness