Gerbil Husbandry and Diseases Flashcards
What order and suborder are gerbils?
order: rodentia
suborder: myomorpha
(same as rats, mice and hamsters)
what gerbil species is most common?
mongolian gerbil
what is the lifespan of a gerbil?
3-4 years (longer than hamsters)
what is the urine volume of gerbils?
3-4 mL/day (much less than hamsters, so maybe a better alternative because less cage mess and drink less)
T/F: gerbil incisors grow continuously
Do gerbils have cheek pouches?
yes they are small and NOT extrudable.
T/F: mid-ventral abdominal sebaceous glands are active in both female and male gerbils
T/F: gerbils can adapt to a wide variety of temperatures and do not hibernate or estivate
What does foot stomping in gerbils indicate?
aggression or excitement
but gerbils are generally more docile than hamsters, mice, and rats.
T/F: gerbils are nocturnal
false – active both day and night.
how do you sex gerbils?
anogenital distance
greater in males
how long is the estrous cycle of gerbils?
4-6 days
and she will go back into estrus within 18 hours of having pups, so they are HIGHLY reproductive.
how long is gerbil gestation?
24-48 days (depending on if lactating or not)
how fast do gerbils wean?
20-26 days
what is the diet of gerbils?
granivorous and omnivorous
(avoid diets that are seed-based because they are low in calcium)
what is the preferred bedding for gerbils?
wood chips or corn cob
must be able to satisfy their burrowing instinct just like hamsters.
T/F: gerbils drink very little
true provide them with a sipper tube instead of a water dish because they knock the dishes over.
what is the best physical restraint method for gerbils and what specific caution should you take with gerbils?
grip scruff of neck and hold the base of their tail
NEVER put them upside down (with back towards floor) or hold tail alone (degloving)
which blood collection method should you NOT do in gerbils due to trauma?
cardiac puncture
Which gerbil disease is described below:
stress-induced or caused by irritation from porphyrin secretion causing moist dermatitis on the face +/- forepaws.
nasal dermatitis (sore nose)
how do you treat nasal dermatitis (sore nose) in gerbils?
remove stressors
clean face daily with water and dry thoroughly
topical therapy (TAB ophthalmic ointment)
Tyzzer’s disease in gerbils is caused by Clostridium piliforme, a bacteria carried subclinically in their intestinal tract. It can lead to weight loss, anorexia, diarrrhea, and sudden death. Stressed animals are at highest risk. What is the treatment and prevention for this disease?
tx: suportive care (nutrition, temp, humidity) +/- tetracyclines
prevention: avoid stress, frequent cage cleaning, reduce density, optimal temp and humidity.
what age of gerbils is salmonellosis most common in?
juveniles (3-6 weeks)
will cause weight loss, rough haircoat, listlessness, dehydration, and death
T/F: salmonellosis can cause hepatitis and peritonitis in gerbils
true and this can lead to death.
antibiotics are unrewarding in treatment of this disease.
what tumors are MOST common among gerbils?
female reproductive tract tumors (ovarian and mammary) but they are easy to remove.
incidence if higher in gerbils > 2 yr old
Spontaneous seizures are common (occuring in 20% gerbils). What is typically the cause?
stress-related or startle-induced.
they start around 2 months of age and increase in frequency up to 6 months of age.
What is the treatment and prevention for spontaneous seizures in gerbils?
treatment not needed. gerbil will resume normal activities within a few minutes of a seizure and will not have another one for 5 days post-seizure.
to prevent these seizures, recommend frequent handling of the gerbils and novel environments.
What is the treatment for tail degloving?
surgical debridement and amputation
What is a aural cholesteatoma?
a keratin accumulation within the ear.
Occurs in 50% of gerbils > 2 yrs old.
What is the treatment for aural cholesteatomas in gerbils?
they can push into the eardrum and cause permanent damage to the inner ear/cause vestibular problems, so its important to treat them.
for temporary relief, you can place medicated ear drops, but for permanent relief, you need to remove the keratin plug.
T/F: gerbil tapeworms are zoonotic
T/F: salmonellosis has a longer progression of clinical disease than Tyzzers disease
true (3-4 days as opposed to overnight with Tyzzers)