Geotechnical Exam Question Set A Flashcards
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Give two (2) reasons why there is a need to carry out a soil profile investigation
1) Establish the general nature of the soil strata below a site
2) Establish the vertical or lateral variability of soil conditions
List the purpose of the following instruments:
eg. inclinometer
there is a total of 5 instruments
a. Inclinometer
- measure lateral or horizontal movements across different soil strata
b. Magnetic Extensometers
- measure settlement of individual soil strata
c. Water standpipe
- determine Ground Water Table (GWT)
d. Settlement marker
- measure total ground settlement at a particular point
e. Tiltmeter
- measure tilt in structures
Illustrate how you will use the particle size distribution curve to determine the
gradation of the soil.
1) Using the uniformity coefficient, the uniformity could be defined. If UC <
4, the soil is uniformly graded. If UC > 4, the soil is either well graded or
gap graded.
2) If the shape of the curve is not too steep and is more or less constant over
the full range of the soil’s particle sizes, the soil is determined as well
3) If the curve is not too steep at the beginning and ending but is flat in
between, it is determined as gap graded.
4) If the curve is too steep over a small range, it is determined as uniformly
Using British Soils Classification Systems,
a. give a symbol to represent the following soils;
- Well graded silty GRAVEL
-Sandy SILT of low plasticity
name the soil represented by the following symbols:
- Gap graded sandy CLAY
- Organic CLAY of very high plasticity
Explain why capillary fringe is almost saturated despite it is above the ground water
- It is due to capillary tension. Due to capillarity, water is drawn up above the water table into the interstices of the soil or rock.
- The smaller the size of the pores the higher the water can rise above the water table.
- Water in this fringe can be regarded as being in a state of negative pressure that is pressure above atmospheric.
Define the following terms;
eg. flow net
a. Flow net
A form of curvilinear net made up of a set of flow lines intersected by a set
of equipotential lines
b. Flow lines
The paths which water particles follow in the course of seepage
c. Equipotential lines
As the water moves along the flow line, it experiences a continuous loss of
head. Equipotential lines are the lines joining the points of equal potential. It
intersects the flow lines at a right angle
Determine the difference between total stress and effective stress
- When a load is applied to an undrained soil, it will be carried by the water in the soil voids or by the soil skeleton or it will be shared between the water and the soil skeleton.
- The total stress is the sum of effective stress and the pore water pressure in the soil.
- The effective stress is the average stress carried by the soil skeleton. It measures the changes in the volume and strength of the soil.
- It could be determined by deducting the pore water pressure from the total stress.
Describe the differences between direct shear test and triaxial test.
1) plane of failure:
For Direct shear- fail at a predetermined plane.
For Triaxial - failure plane is not predetermined but will occur at soil’s failure plane.
2) Drainage:
For direct shear- cannot be controlled, hence test can only measure total stress.
For Trixial test- can be controlled and pore water pressure can also be measured.
3) Stress Direction:
For direct Shear- 2 directions only
For triaxial Test - 3 directions, right angle to each other
List the three types of triaxial test results that are useful to determine the soil shear
strength. Determine how the three types of triaxial test are obtained in the laboratory
a. Consolidated Drained (CD) test
b. Consolidated Undrained (CU) test
c. Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) test Z
- To conduct consolidated test, the soil sample is drained during the initial application
of cell pressure. - To conduct drained test, the soil sample is drained during shearing (or loading
List three (3) types of earth retaining structures and define how the structures gain
stability to retain the soil?
1) Gravity wall – rely on the stability of its self weight
2) Cantilevered wall – rely on weight of soil retained above its base
3) Sheet piles wall – rely on embedment depth and horizontal restraining forces
(such as tie rods)
State the two (2) main types of dewatering methods. Give an example for each
method stated.
- Removal methods – pumping from sumps / well pointing
- Exclusion methods – cofferdam
Determine five (5) factors affecting the choice of materials for filling and
-The material is readily available.
-The material is as hard as possible.
-The material is not too wet, full of voids and liable to excessive shrinkage.
- The material contains appropriate texture or consistency such that it can be
properly compacted
- The material is free from chemicals that will attack concrete or any surface of
the structure it is in contact with.
. List three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of using sheet piles in trench
- Advantages
i. Continuous
ii. High strength
iii. Readily available - Disadvantages
i. Flexible and can cause excessive ground movement
ii. Can only be driven to limited depths in stiff subsoil conditions
iii. Installation can be severely hampered by obstructions in the ground
Describe two (2) main differences between a contiguous bored pile and a normal
bored pile.
-CBP requires more steel reinforcements than bored pile
- CBP is subjected to lateral load and bored pile is subjected to vertical load.
List three (3) main advantages of contiguous bored pile
- Can be adapted to form part of the permanent structure
- Improved water tightness compared to timber lagging
- Less noise compared to driven pile
Name two (2) types of shallow foundation and describe each type
- Pad foundation - usually constructed to support structural R.C. columns,
stanchions or isolated brick piers.
-Strip foundation - normally provided for load-bearing walls and for rows of
columns that are closely spaced.
Determine the circumstance when strip foundation / combined footing should be
used instead of pad footing.
When the distance between the adjacent pad footings is less than the width of
the pad footing.
Piles could be classified in two (2) ways. Briefly describe how the piles are
By the way their bearing capacities are derived:
- Friction piles – piles transfer load to the surrounding soil by means of
friction between the surfaces of the piles and the soil. - End bearing piles – piles transfer most of these loads to a firm stratum on which their ends rest
By the methods of installation:
-Displacement: pile displaces its own volume while it is being installed in the ground.
-Non displacement: pile is formed by placement of reinforcement and concrete in a hole formed by removal of existing soil from the ground
List ten (10) possible problems occurring during the installation of a pile.
Overdriving the pile
- Driving the pile using the wrong hammer weight
- Deflected off location by obstructions
- Ground heaving
- Tensile cracking during driving
- Consolidation in sand due to piling
- Confusion between chiselling and socketing
- Concrete placement and mix design
- Necking of pile due to incorrect casing withdraw method
- Boring in unstable soils may cause breakthrough of soil wall
State three (3) advantages of using dynamic load test over static load test of a pile
-Easy to set up as no concrete cubes are required.
-Easily mobilized as and when required.
-Gives almost instantaneous results, unlike the static load test, which usually
takes a couple of days.
-Can check integrity of piles.
State the causes of differential settlement.
- The soil profile may not be uniform across the site
- The ratio between the actual load and the design load may be different for each column
- The ratio of dead to live load may be different for each column
- The as-built foundation dimensions may differ from plan dimensions
Determine the purposes of ground improvement
- To reduce the settlement of existing ground
- To increase the bearing capacity of the existing ground
- To increase/decrease the permeability of the existing ground, depending on the project objective
Describe how dynamic replacement is carried out
- It is carried out in three passes over the entire area.
- The passes are separated by time intervals depending on the rate of dissipation of excess pore water pressure in the soil.
- In the first pass, pounding is carried out at wider spacing followed by second and third passes in which granular columns are installed in between those formed in the first pass.
List four (4) functions of stone columns
- To enhance the bearing capacity
- To reduce the settlement of soft soils such as peats
- To accelerate the stage of primary consolidation
- To reduce the liquefaction potential of sands
- To improve the stability of slopes