Georgia O'keeffe Flashcards
- composition isn’t busy as there are only two objects
* thing that catches your eye is the flowers because they are the biggest object in the painting
Media handling
- media used is paint
* the brushstrokes looks smooth and there are no rough edges.
- not much variety of colour as it is mostly cold colours such as white and bluey tones
- the red used contrasts to the rest of the painting as it is bold
- there are curved lines in the flowers.
* there are mostly no straight lines in the painting
- the painter has used tone on the flowers to give depth and detail in them
- the painting looks 3D because of the tone used throughout in the objects and background
- the texture is smooth because of the way the paint has been applied
- the flowers especially look silky and wouldn’t be rough to the touch
Shape and form
- the only shapes the artist has used is mostly ovals for the petals and curves
- the curves create lovely organic shapes
- there is no pattern in the painting
* it is all just plain colour used
- the painter has painted the objects up close
* it is detailed and gives an impression of a bee’s eye view
• the style used is realistic because the flowers look 3D
Subject matter
- the theme of the painting is flowers and nature
* I like the subject matter because the painting is pleasing to look at as the cold colours make you feel relaxed
• the image makes me think of flowers in an enclosed space because of the dark times used in the background
Mood and atmosphere
- the painting gives a relaxed atmosphere because the objects are smooth and the whites are enjoyable to look at
- everything flows nicely as it is silky
Visual impact
- the thing that grabs my attention most is red anemone because it uses a rich red
- the contrasts compared to the rest of the other colours, white, blue etc.