A single seismic trace.
1-D seismic data
A check-shot survey of a well, which can be used to correct the sonic log and generate a synthetic seismogram that displays changes in amplitude versus traveltime.
1-D seismic data
A vertical section of seismic data consisting of numerous adjacent traces acquired sequentially.
2D seismic data
A group of 2D seismic lines acquired individually, as opposed to the multiple closely spaced lines acquired together that constitute 3D seismic data.
2D seismic data
Seismic data or a group of seismic lines acquired individually such that there typically are significant gaps (commonly 1 km or more) between adjacent lines. A 2D survey typically contains numerous lines acquired orthogonally to the strike of geological structures (such as faults and folds) with a minimum of lines acquired parallel to geological structures to allow line-to-line tying of the seismic data and interpretation and mapping of structures.
2D survey
A type of multicomponent seismic data acquired in a land, marine, or borehole environment by using three orthogonally oriented geophones or accelerometers. 3C is particularly appropriate when the addition of a hydrophone (the basis for 4C seismic data) adds no value to the measurement, as for example, on land. This technique allows determination of both the type of wave and its direction of propagation.
3C seismic data
A set of numerous closely-spaced seismic lines that provide a high spatially sampled measure of subsurface reflectivity. Typical receiver line spacing can range from 300 m [1000 ft] to over 600 m [2000 ft], and typical distances between shotpoints and receiver groups is 25 m [82 ft] (offshore and internationally) and 110 ft or 220 ft [34 to 67 m] (onshore USA, using values that are even factors of the 5280 feet in a mile). Bin sizes are commonly 25 m, 110 ft or 220 ft. The resultant data set can be “cut” in any direction but still display a well sampled seismic section. The original seismic lines are called in-lines. Lines displayed perpendicular to in-lines are called crosslines. In a properly migrated 3D seismic data set, events are placed in their proper vertical and horizontal positions, providing more accurate subsurface maps than can be constructed on the basis of more widely spaced 2D seismic lines, between which significant interpolation might be necessary. In particular, 3D seismic data provide detailed information about fault distribution and subsurface structures. Computer-based interpretation and display of 3D seismic data allow for more thorough analysis than 2D seismic data.
3D seismic data
The acquisition of seismic data as closely spaced receiver and shot lines such that there typically are no significant gaps in the subsurface coverage. A 2D survey commonly contains numerous widely spaced lines acquired orthogonally to the strike of geological structures and a minimum of lines acquired parallel to geological structures to allow line-to-line correlation of the seismic data and interpretation and mapping of structures.
3D survey
Four-component (4C) borehole or marine seismic data are typically acquired using three orthogonally-oriented geophones and a hydrophone within an ocean-bottom sensor (deployed in node-type systems as well as cables). Provided the system is in contact with the seabed or the borehole wall, the addition of geophones allows measurement of shear (S) waves, whereas the hydrophone measures compressional (P) waves.
4C seismic data
Three-dimensional (3D) seismic data acquired at different times over the same area to assess changes in a producing hydrocarbon reservoir with time. Changes may be observed in fluid location and saturation, pressure and temperature. 4D seismic data is one of several forms of time-lapse seismic data. Such data can be acquired on the surface or in a borehole.
4D seismic data
A term to indicate features in seismic data other than reflections, including events such as diffractions, multiples, refractions and surface waves. Although the term suggests that such events are not common, they often occur in seismic data.
abnormal events
The range of wavelengths of energy that can be absorbed by a given substance.
absoprtion band
An algorithm used in numerical simulation along the boundary of a computational domain to absorb all energy incident upon that boundary and to suppress reflection artifacts.
absorbing boundary conditions
The ratio of absorbed incident energy to the total energy to which a body is exposed.
The property of some liquids or solids to soak up water or other fluids. The natural gas dehydration process uses glycols (liquids) that absorb the water vapor to finally obtain dehydrated gas. In the same way, light oil, also called absorption oil, is used to remove the heavier liquid hydrocarbons from a wet gas stream to obtain dry gas.
The conversion of one form of energy into another as the energy passes through a medium. For example, seismic waves are partially converted to heat as they pass through rock.
A device used during surveying to measure the acceleration of a ship or aircraft, or to detect ground acceleration in boreholes or on the Earth’s surface produced by acoustic vibrations.
Pertaining to sound. Generally, acoustic describes sound or vibrational events, regardless of frequency. The term sonic is limited to frequencies and tools operated in the frequency range of 1 to 25 kilohertz.
In geophysics, acoustic refers specifically to P-waves in the absence of S-waves (i.e., in fluids, which do not support S-waves, or in cases in which S-waves in solids are ignored).
An obsolete piece of equipment that converts acoustic signals from analog to electrical form and back. A common use of an acoustic coupler was to provide an interface between a telephone and an early type of computer modem.
acoustic coupler
A type of elastic wave produced by deformation or brittle failure of material and characterized by relatively high frequency.
acoustic emission
The product of density and seismic velocity, which varies among different rock layers, commonly symbolized by Z. The difference in acoustic impedance between rock layers affects the reflection coefficient.
acoustic impedance
A seismic reflectivity section, or a 2D or 3D seismic section, that has been inverted for acoustic impedance. Sonic and density logs can be used to calibrate acoustic impedance sections.
acoustic impedance section
A display of traveltime of acoustic waves versus depth in a well. The term is commonly used as a synonym for a sonic log. Some acoustic logs display velocity.
acoustic log
A record of some acoustic property of the formation or borehole. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to the sonic log, in the sense of the formation compressional slowness. However, it may also refer to any other sonic measurement, for example shear, flexural and Stoneley slownesses or amplitudes, or to ultrasonic measurements such as the borehole televiewer and other pulse-echo devices, and even to noise logs.
acoustic log / acoustic velocity log
A method of calculating the position of marine seismic equipment. Range measurements are made whereby distance is equal to acoustic signal traveltime from transmitter to hydrophone multiplied by the speed of sound in water. When sufficient acoustic ranges with a proper geometric distribution are collected, location coordinates x, y and z of the marine seismic equipment can be computed by the method of trilateration (measuring the lengths of the sides of overlapping triangles). Acoustic positioning is commonly used in towed streamer and ocean-bottom cable seismic acquisition modes.
acoustic positioning
The quality of a medium whose acoustic impedance is constant throughout, such that it contains no seismic reflections. An example of an acoustically transparent medium is water.
acoustic transparency
The duration of the passage of a signal from the source through the Earth and back to the receiver. A time seismic section typically shows the two-way traveltime of the wave.
acoustic traveltime
The rate at which a sound wave travels through a medium. Unlike the physicist’s definition of velocity as a vector, its usage in geophysics is as a property of a medium: distance divided by traveltime. Velocity can be determined from laboratory measurements, acoustic logs, vertical seismic profiles or from velocity analysis of seismic data. It can vary vertically, laterally and azimuthally in anisotropic media such as rocks, and tends to increase with depth in the Earth because compaction reduces porosity. Velocity also varies as a function of how it is derived from the data. For example, the stacking velocity derived from normal moveout measurements of common depth point gathers differs from the average velocity measured vertically from a check-shot or vertical seismic profile (VSP). Velocity would be the same only in a constant-velocity (homogeneous) medium.
acoustic velocity
A display of traveltime of acoustic waves versus depth in a well. The term is commonly used as a synonym for a sonic log. Some acoustic logs display velocity.
acoustic velocity log
An elastic body wave or sound wave in which particles oscillate in the direction the wave propagates. P-waves are the waves studied in conventional seismic data. P-waves incident on an interface at other than normal incidence can produce reflected and transmitted S-waves, in that case known as converted waves.
acoustic wave / dilatational wave
The generation and recording of seismic data. Acquisition involves many different receiver configurations, including laying geophones or seismometers on the surface of the Earth or seafloor, towing hydrophones behind a marine seismic vessel, suspending hydrophones vertically in the sea or placing geophones in a wellbore (as in a vertical seismic profile) to record the seismic signal. A source, such as a vibrator unit, dynamite shot, or an air gun, generates acoustic or elastic vibrations that travel into the Earth, pass through strata with different seismic responses and filtering effects, and return to the surface to be recorded as seismic data. Optimal acquisition varies according to local conditions and involves employing the appropriate source (both type and intensity), optimal configuration of receivers, and orientation of receiver lines with respect to geological features. This ensures that the highest signal-to-noise ratio can be recorded, resolution is appropriate, and extraneous effects such as air waves, ground roll, multiples and diffractions can be minimized or distinguished, and removed through processing.
The surface or near-surface, unconsolidated sedimentary layer that has been subject to weathering and whose pores are air-filled instead of liquid-filled. An aerated layer typically has a low seismic velocity.
aerated layer
Measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field gathered from aircraft. Magnetometers towed by an airplane or helicopter can measure the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field. The differences between actual measurements and theoretical values indicate anomalies in the magnetic field, which in turn represent changes in rock type or in thickness of rock units.
aeromagnetic survey
Abbreviation for automatic gain control. A system to automatically control the gain, or the increase in the amplitude of an electrical signal from the original input to the amplified output. AGC is commonly used in seismic processing to improve visibility of late-arriving events in which attenuation or wavefront divergence has caused amplitude decay.
The exponential rate constant (τ) that determines how quickly the output amplitude of an electrical signal that is under automatic gain control (AGC) responds to a sudden increase or decrease in input signal amplitude. Mathematically, Af(t) = Ai(t) + ΔAi (1 − e−t/τ) , where Af is the output signal amplitude, Ai is the input signal amplitude (Ai), ΔAi is the change in input signal amplitude and t is time. When t equals τ, the function (1 − e−t/τ) equals (1 − 1/e) equals 0.63. Therefore, the AGC time constant (τ) is the amount of time that elapses for the output signal of AGC to reflect 63% of the change in the input signal amplitude.
AGC time constant
A source of seismic energy used in acquisition of marine seismic data. This gun releases highly compressed air into water. Air guns are also used in water-filled pits on land as an energy source during acquisition of vertical seismic profiles.
air gun
A method of seismic acquisition using charges detonated in the air or on poles above the ground as the source. Air shooting is also called the Poulter method after American geophysicist Thomas Poulter.
air shooting
A sound wave that travels through the air at approximately 330 m/s and can be generated and recorded during seismic surveying. Air waves are a type of coherent noise.
air wave
A filter, or a set of limits used to eliminate unwanted portions of the spectra of the seismic data, to remove frequencies that might cause aliasing during the process of sampling an analog signal during acquisition or when the sample rate of digital data is being decreased during seismic processing.
alias filter