GEOPHYSICS 7 Flashcards
The elapsed time for a seismic wave to travel from its source to a given reflector and return to a receiver at the Earth’s surface. Minimum two-way traveltime is that of a normal-incidence wave with zero offset.
TWT/ Two-way traveltime
Abbreviation for unconfined compressive strength, or uniaxial compressive strength.
A measure of a material’s strength. The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) is the maximum axial compressive stress that a right-cylindrical sample of material can withstand under unconfined conditions—the confining stress is zero. It is also known as the uniaxial compressive strength of a material because the application of compressive stress is only along one axis—the longitudinal axis—of the sample.
unconfined compressive strength / UCS/ Uniaxial
A technique for acquisition of seismic data beneath areas that are difficult to access at the surface of the Earth, such as near rivers, drilling rigs, production platforms, environmentally sensitive areas or around seismically problematic features such as salt domes, which introduce uncertainty because of their high velocity. The sources and receivers are located on opposite sides of the feature.
An undrained test is one in which the fluid in the sample is not able to flow and equilibrate to imposed pore pressure conditions; the fluid mass remains the same while the fluid volume and pressure will vary.
undrained test
A measure of a material’s strength. The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is the maximum axial compressive stress that a right-cylindrical sample of material can withstand before failing. It is also known as the unconfined compressive strength of a material because confining stress is set to zero.
uniaxial compressive strength
The use of measurements of a field at one elevation, level or surface to determine the values of the field at a higher level. The technique is most often used on potential fields, such as gravity or magnetic fields, to reduce scattered measurements to a common level for a simpler interpretation.
upward continuation
A two-point statistical function that describes the increasing difference or decreasing correlation, or continuity, between sample values as separation between them increases.
A two-point statistical function that describes the increasing differences or decreasing correlation, or continuity, between sample values as separation between them increases. The term variogram is sometimes used incorrectly in place of semivariogram. The two differ only in that the semivariogram uses each pair of data elements only once, whereas the variogram uses all possible data pairs. Semivariograms are usually used instead of variograms, but opposite vector directions (for example, north and south) are recognized as representing the same thing and having identical ranges, sills, nugget points and the like.
The process of calculating seismic velocity, typically by using common midpoint data, in order to better process seismic data. Successful stacking, time migration and depth migration all require proper velocity inputs. Velocity or stacking velocity can be calculated from normal moveout, or the change in arrival time produced by source-receiver offset.
velocity analysis
A feature in seismic data that results from changes in velocity, both laterally and vertically. Pull-up and push-down are examples of velocity anomalies.
Velocity anomaly
A change made in seismic data to present reflectors realistically. Velocity corrections typically require that assumptions be made about the seismic velocities of the rocks or sediments through which seismic waves pass.
Velocity correction
Those thicknesses of rock or sediment that have a common velocity, as opposed to the sedimentary layering or bedding of the rock or sediments.
Velocity layering
Measurements used to determine average velocity versus depth, such as from an acoustic log or check-shot survey. Acquiring a velocity survey is also known as “shooting a well.”
Velocity survey
The rate at which a wave travels through a medium (a scalar) or the rate at which a body is displaced in a given direction (a vector), commonly symbolized by v. Unlike the physicist’s definition of velocity as a vector, its usage in geophysics is as a property of a medium-distance divided by traveltime. Velocity can be determined from laboratory measurements, acoustic logs, vertical seismic profiles or from velocity analysis of seismic data. Velocity can vary vertically, laterally and azimuthally in anisotropic media such as rocks, and tends to increase with depth in the Earth because compaction reduces porosity. Velocity also varies as a function of how it is derived from the data. For example, the stacking velocity derived from normal moveout measurements of common depth point gathers differs from the average velocity measured vertically from a check-shot or vertical seismic profile (VSP). Velocity would be the same only in a constant velocity (homogeneous) medium.
Velocity/ acoustic velocity/ seismic velocity
An adjustable mechanical source that delivers vibratory seismic energy to the Earth for acquisition of seismic data. Mounted on large trucks, vibrators are commonly used for acquisition of onshore seismic data.
Seismic data whose energy source is a truck-mounted device called a vibrator that uses a vibrating plate to generate waves of seismic energy; also known as Vibroseis data (Vibroseis is a mark of Conoco). The frequency and duration of the energy can be controlled and varied according to the terrain and type of seismic data desired. The vibrator typically emits a linear “sweep” of at least seven seconds, beginning with high frequencies and decreasing with time (“downsweeping”) or going from low to high frequency (“upsweeping”). The frequency can also be changed in a nonlinear manner, such that certain frequencies are emitted longer than others. The resulting source wavelet is not impulsive. Vibrators are employed in land acquisition in areas where explosive sources cannot be used, and more than one vibrator can be used simultaneously to improve data quality.
Vibratory seismic data
A class of borehole seismic measurements used for correlation with surface seismic data, for obtaining images of higher resolution than surface seismic images and for looking ahead of the drill bit; also called a VSP. Purely defined, VSP refers to measurements made in a vertical wellbore using geophones inside the wellbore and a source at the surface near the well. In the more general context, VSPs vary in the well configuration, the number and location of sources and geophones, and how they are deployed. Most VSPs use a surface seismic source, which is commonly a vibrator on land and an air gun in offshore or marine environments. VSPs include the zero-offset VSP, offset VSP, walkaway VSP, walk-above VSP, salt-proximity VSP, shear-wave VSP, and drill-noise or seismic-while-drilling VSP. A VSP is a much more detailed survey than a check-shot survey because the geophones are more closely spaced, typically on the order of 25 m [82 ft], whereas a check-shot survey might include measurements of intervals hundreds of meters apart. Also, a VSP uses the reflected energy contained in the recorded trace at each receiver position as well as the first direct path from source to receiver. The check-shot survey uses only the direct path traveltime. In addition to tying well data to seismic data, the vertical seismic profile also enables converting seismic data to zero-phase data and distinguishing primary reflections from multiples.
VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile)
Abbreviation for vertical transverse isotropy. Transverse isotropy that has a vertical axis of rotational symmetry. In layered rocks, properties are uniform horizontally within a layer, but vary vertically and from layer to layer.
VTI / Vertical Transverse Isotropy
A type of verticalseismicprofile to accommodate the geometry of a deviated well; sometimes called a vertical incidenceVSP. Eachreceiveris in a different lateral position with thesourcedirectly above the receiver for all cases. Such data provide a high-resolutionseismicimageof the subsurface below the trajectory of the well
walk-above VSP
A type of vertical seismic profile in which the source is moved to progressively farther offset at the surface and receivers are held in a fixed location, effectively providing a mini 2D seismic line that can be of higher resolution than surface seismic data and provides more continuous coverage than an offset VSP. 3D walkaways, using a surface grid of source positions, provide 3D images in areas where the surface seismic data do not provide an adequate image due to near-surface effects or surface obstructions. Walkaway VSPs in which the receivers are placed just above the reservoir are gaining acceptance as a tool to quantify seismic attributes and calibrate surface seismic data.
walkaway vertical seismic profile
A type of verticalseismicprofile in which the source is moved to progressively farther offset at the surface and receivers are held in a fixed location, effectively providing a mini 2Dseismic linethat can be of higherresolutionthan surface seismic data and provides more continuous coverage than anoffset VSP. 3D walkaways, using a surfacegridof source positions, provide 3D images in areas where the surface seismic data do not provide an adequateimagedue to near-surface effects or surface obstructions. Walkaway VSPs in which the receivers are placed just above thereservoirare gaining acceptance as a tool to quantify seismic attributes and calibrate surface seismic data.
walkaway VSP
In digital signal processing, a nonsinusoidal transform by addition and subtraction. The Walsh-Hadamard transform is similar to Fourier series analysis, but uses square waves instead of sinusoidal waves. It is used predominantly in communication theory and, to a lesser extent, in filtering logs with a blocky character.
Walsh-Hadamard transform
Themarineequivalent ofground roll. Water-bottom roll consists of a pseudo-Rayleigh wavetraveling along the interface of the water and the seafloor. As the use of seabedreceiversystems increases,noisefrom water-bottom roll has become more of a concern.
water bottom roll
A source of energy for acquisition of marine seismic data that shoots water from a chamber in the tool into a larger body of water, creating cavitation. The cavity is a vacuum and implodes without creating secondary bubbles. This provides a short time signature and higher resolution than an air-gun source.
water gun
The marine equivalent of ground roll. Water-bottom roll consists of a pseudo-Rayleigh wave traveling along the interface of the water and the seafloor. As the use of seabed receiver systems increases, noise from water-bottom roll has become more of a concern.
water-bottom roll
A periodic vibrational disturbance in which energy is propagated through or on the surface of a medium without translation of the material. Waves can be differentiated by their frequency, amplitude, wavelength and speed of propagation. Wavelength is defined as: λ = v / f, where λ = wavelength v = speed of propagation f = frequency.
The shape of a wave, typically shown as a graph of amplitude (or other quantity of interest) versus time. ∇2ψ = ∂2ψ/∂x2 + ∂2ψ/∂y2 + ∂2ψ/∂z2 = (1/V2) ∂2ψ/∂t2. Where ψ = wave displacement, V = wave velocity, x, y and z = space coordinates, t = time.
The edge of an advancing wave, which includes adjacent points that have the same phase.
The distance between analogous points in a wave train, measured perpendicular to the wavefront. In seismic data, the wavelength is the seismic velocity divided by frequency. Wavelength is defined as: λ = v / f, whereλ = wavelengthv = velocity of propagationf = frequency.
A one-dimensional pulse, usually the basic response from a single reflector. Its key attributes are its amplitude, frequency and phase. The wavelet originates as a packet of energy from the source point, having a specific origin in time, and is returned to the receivers as a series of events distributed in time and energy. The distribution is a function of velocity and density changes in the subsurface and the relative position of the source and receiver. The energy that returns cannot exceed what was input, so the energy in any received wavelet decays with time as more partitioning takes place at interfaces. Wavelets also decay due to the loss of energy as heat during propagation. This is more extensive at high frequency, so wavelets tend to contain less high-frequency energy relative to low frequencies at longer traveltimes. Some wavelets are known by their shape and spectral content, such as the Ricker wavelet.
The reciprocal of wavelength, so the number of wave cycles per unit of distance, abbreviated as k.
A near-surface, possibly unconsolidated layer of low seismic velocity. The base of the weathered layer commonly coincides with the water table and a sharp increase in seismic velocity. The weathered layer typically has air-filled pores.
Weathered layer
A method of compensating for delays in seismic reflection or refraction times induced by low-velocity layers such as the weathered layer near the Earth’s surface. It is a type of static correction.
Weathering Correction
A type ofborehole seismic datadesigned to measure the seismictraveltimefrom the surface to a known depth. P-wavevelocityof the formations encountered in a wellbore can be measured directly by lowering ageophoneto eachformationof interest, sending out a source of energy from the surface of the Earth, and recording the resultantsignal. The data can then be correlated to surface seismic data by correcting thesonic logand generating asyntheticseismogramto confirm or modify seismic interpretations. It differs from avertical seismic profilein the number and density ofreceiver depths recorded; geophone positions may be widely and irregularly located in the wellbore, whereas a vertical seismic profile usually has numerous geophones positioned at closely and regularly spaced intervals in the wellbore.
Well shoot / check-shot surve
A marine seismic data acquisition method that uses one or more vessels to tow source arrays and streamers to record seismic signals, along with one or more source-only vessels sailing parallel to, but at some specified distance from, the recording vessel(s). The source-only vessels provide offset sources that generate reflections from a wide range of azimuths; these reflections are received by streamers towed by the recording vessel(s).
Wide-azimuth towed-streamer acquisition
A common seismic display that shows trace amplitude versus time as an oscillating line about a null point.
wiggle trace
Another term for aperture, a mechanism to limit the effects of measurements on a device or system. Inseismicdata acquisition, the length of the spread has the effect of an aperture.
window / Aperture
Another term for aperture, a portion of a data set, such asseismicdata, to which functions orfiltersare applied. Aperture time, for example, can be specified, such as a window from 1.2 to 2.8 seconds.
window / Aperture
An interactive computer suitable for seismic data processing, interpretation and modeling that is particularly useful for studies of large quantities of seismic data, particularly 3D seismic data.
work station
An elastic constant named after British physicist Thomas Young (1773 to 1829) that is the ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain and is symbolized by E.
Young’s modulus
The null point of a seismic trace. At zero deflection, the phase of a periodic signal is zero or pi.
zero crossing
A conventionalvertical seismic profilein which the energysourceis positioned directly above the receivers, typically very close to the wellbore.
zero offset vertical seismic profile
Pertaining to seismic data whose wavelet is symmetrical about zero time. Deconvolutionduringseismic processingcan convert data of mixed phase to zero-phase data, but is not always successful. Zero-phase data tend to provide sharper definition and less distortion between stratigraphic features in the subsurface, such assandandshalelayers.
zero phase
Seismic data acquired with no horizontal distance between the source and receiver. Stacking seismic data acquired with separated sources and receivers gives the data the appearance of zero-offset data.
zero-offset data
Pertaining to seismic data whose wavelet is symmetrical about zero time. Deconvolution during seismic processing can convert data of mixed phase to zero-phase data, but is not always successful. Zero-phase data tend to provide sharper definition and less distortion between stratigraphic features in the subsurface, such as sand and shale layers.
A set of equations that describes the partitioning of energy in a wavefield relative to its angle of incidence at a boundary across which the properties of the rock and fluid content changes.
zoeppritz equations