Geography Y08 Spr1 Flashcards
1.1 Development
The process of improving a country and making citizens wealthier
1.2 Quality of life
People’s access to education and healthcare is high so they have a good well-being
1.3 LICs
Low income countries (Kenya)
1.4 HICs
High Income Countries (UK)
1.5 NEEs
Newly Emerging Economy (Nigeria)
1.6 Development Indicator
A measurement of development
1.7 GDP per capita
Gross Domestic Product, per person. (Money made per person)
1.8 HDI
Human Development Index- development indicator
1.9 Life expectancy
The age a person can expect to live to
1.1 Literacy rate
The percentage of adults aged over 15 who can read and write in a country.
1.11 Birth rate
The number of live births per 1,000, per year
1.12 Death rate
The number of deaths per 1,000 per year
1.13 Infant mortality rate
The number of babies that can expect to die before their 1st birthday, per 1,000, per year.
1.14 Calorie intake
The average number of calories per person, per day
1.15 Development gap
The difference between rich and poor areas/countries
1.16 Trade
Exchanging good and services between countries, for money
1.17 debt
Owing a country money
1.18 Interest
The amount paid back on top of the cost of the loan
1.19 aid
Free money or help given to close the development gap
1.2 Debt cycle
Being in debt, unable to pay the money back, take out a loan, owe more money
1.21 Sustainable development
Meeting the needs of the present generation without affecting the needs of the future.
1.22 Sustainable Development Goals
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals created by the UN to close the development gap around the world.
1.23 Bilateral aid
One country giving aid to another, e.g. UK to Ghana
1.24 Multilateral aid
An organisation like the UN giving aid to a country
1.25 NGO
Non-governmental Organisation- charity like Water Aid/Oxfam
1.26 Brandt Line
The invisible line dividing up the rich north and poor south of the world
2.1 Development gap
Different countries develop at different rates which is called the development gap.
2.2 Categories
They are categorised into High, Middle and Low development levels
2.3 HICs
High Income Countries (HICs) like the UK and Canada
2.4 NEEs
Newly Emerging Economies (NEEs) like Nigeria and China
2.5 LICs
Low income Countries (LICs) like Chad and Kenya.
2.6 Measuring
Measuring development is done using development indicators which can measure social development or economic development, or both.
2.7 Social
Social indicators measure healthcare and education, e.g. literacy rate and life expectancy.
2.8 Economic
Economic indicators measure wealth, like GDP or GNI.
2.9 Composite indicators
Some indicators measure both; these are called composite indicators like the HDI.
1.1 Mapping
The development gap can be mapped on the world using an indicator like GDP per capita.
1.2 Brandt Line
This maps an average of the rich north, poor south, which is known as the Brandt Line.
1.3 NEEs
However because some countries are in between (NEEs), this means the Brandt Line isn’t perfect.
1.4 China
China for example is in the poor south, but it has the second largest economy in the world. Should China be in the north?
5.1 Solutions
To move countries out of poverty, different solutions are needed from within the country, from other countries and from organisations like the UN.
5.2 Cancellation
Debt cancellation is one method to close the gap.
5.3 Causes
Debt is caused by: LICs borrow money from governments/ the World Bank to develop.
5.4 Money
The country can now afford to build a factory and earn money.
5.5 Undeveloped
However, it is still undeveloped.
5.6 Interest
It has to pay back the loan, with interest.
5.7 Cost
This costs a lot of money and leaves nothing for development (hospitals/ schools).
5.8 Loans
The country takes out further loans to do this, and the cycle continues.
5.9 social
Cancelling the debt means that countries can afford to spend money on education and hospitals instead.
5.1 HIPC
The HIPC scheme enables countries to do this, and cancels all debt, including interest on the loans, so they move away from being LICs.
6.1 Aid
Another solution is by giving countries aid, either through bilateral aid, multilateral, Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) or for disaster relief (emergency aid).
6.2 Close gap
This gives countries the money, skills or tools to close the development gap and move away from being LICs.
6.3 Invest
Therefore they can invest in schools and hospitals.
6.4 Time of aid
Some types of aid are longer-term, whilst others are shorter-term.
6.5 No reliance
This means countries don’t always rely on aid for a long time.
7.4 WaterAid
An NGO like Water Aid gives communities in Sierra Leone water pumps to give them clean water.
7.5 school
This increases life expectancy and girls can go to school.
7.1 Long-lasting
Sustainable development is long-lasting and aims to helps future generations as well as current ones.
7.2 SDGs
The SDGs aim to cover 17 areas of development for a better world, like reducing poverty and child mortality.
7.3 UN
They were developed by the UN and every country has adopted them, to work together to close the development gap.