Geography:Russian History Flashcards
Who was father gapon?
Secret agent who urged people to “petition” the czar instead of striking or using violence
What happened on Bloody Sunday?
People wanted freedom of press and lower taxes, but they weren’t question autocracy. Misunderstandings occurred and the soldiers fired into the crowd and killed everyone
What do the October manifesto lead to?
The creation of the national Duma which was made by witte.(czar lost powers such as making law and control of creating laws)
Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?
Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin
What is a Pyrrhic victory?
Too high cost for the chance of being victorious
What were the Bolsheviks actions on they controlled government?
Withdrew Russia from WWI and gave land to Germany;took over industry;directed food distribution;established eight hour workday
What is the USSR? Which countries were part of it? What did they supply Russia with?
Union of Soviet socialist republic;Ukraine, Belarus, Caucasus areas, and parts of Central Asia;satellite nations supplied manufactured goods, stronger military, coal, and iron
What did the government own under USSR? What did Gosplan do?
Owned banks, farms, transportation systems, and all mines;Gosplan:state planning committee that decided what to produce, how to produce, and much production is done, and who benefits from production
What was Russia’s education during the soviet era? After?
Free, mandatory, government regulated(focused on military, science, and engineering); now students have variety of subjects to choose from and the government does not find all schools the same so many teachers quit due to lack of funding and students want to work instead
What impact did the Soviet government have on art in Russia?
Limited individual artistic expression; all art must glorify achievements of USSR(social realism)
Who was Mikhail Gorbachev and what were his policies?
Communist president during 1980s who wanted to change Russia’s economy(perestroika and glasnost)
What was religion like during the soviet era? After?
Before the soviets, the Orthodox Church was THE religion;during the soviet era starting in 1917 they promoted atheism;after USSR, religion is allowed but only Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists have the full legal liberties in Russia
What issues did the Jews have in Russia?
During the czars they lived in certain areas and couldn’t own land;they were persecuted and often massacred(pograms)USSR not much better and many moved to US or Israel
What issues did the Russians face as far as health?
Disease(tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria) Lifestyle choices(tobacco and alcohol abuse) Inefficient healthcare(USSR owned clinics and hospitals and many doctors and nurses quit due to lack of pay)
Lists the notable Russians
Art:Ilya repin(Ivan terrible)
Music:Peter Tchaikovsky
Writers:Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor postoevsky
What do Russians enjoy to do?
Hobbies:reading, chess, concerts, ballet, theater
Sports:tennis, track and field, ice hockey, and gymnastics
Holidays:CHRISTMAS!(outlawed in 1918, became legal in 1991)
Give examples of the different wants of people during the revolution of 1905
Peasants:democracy and representation
Factory workers:right to strike and protection
Military:stop losing and better equipment