Geography Key Words Flashcards
What are upgraded squatter settlements?
Self built housing that’s become permanent & has been improved by occupants, sometimes over several decades.
What are shanty towns?
Shanty towns are areas of poor quality housing (slum) , people who go from rural to urban build houses where they can find space. They are found at the edge of the city in / around marshes.
What does ASH stand for? Give an example.
ASH- Assisted self help, where local athorities help the squatter settlement residents to improve their homes by offering finance in the forms of loans or grants and often installing water, sanitation etc.
What are greenfield sites?
What are the positive and negatives?
“Some houses are built on green fields, these are called greenfield sites”
+ Locals don’t need to move far, cheep, less crime, no rubble to clean
- Removing grass > replace with concrete, in courage traffic, noise
What are brownfield sites?
What are the positives and negatives?
“Some houses are built on old derelict sites in the town/ city. These are sites that were used before.
+ Newer and improved areas, raise house prices in area, more income for shops
- clean site before construction, expensive, more traffic & pollution
What is gentrification?
“Process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents”
Basically makes poorer places rich…
What is the green belt?
An area of open land around a city on which building is restricted.
What does urban sprawled mean?
It’s the unplanned spread of a city (eg; LA)
What does sustainability mean?
Sustainability- development that preserves future resources, standards of living & needs for future generations.
What does sustainable mean?
Ensuring that the provision of water is long term and that the supplies can be maintained without harming the environment.
What is a sustainable city?
Sustainable city- urban area where residents have a way of life that lasts a long time. Environmental, economic and social aspects not damaged.
What is exponential growth?
A pattern where the growth rate constantly increases (shown as a ‘j’ curve)
What is zero growth?
As population in balance. Birth rate is equal to death rate, no growth or decrease.
What is the birth rate?
What is the death rate?
Birth rate- number of babies born per 1,000 people- per year
Death rate- number of deaths per 1,000 people- per year
What is natural change?
Birth rate - Death rate = natural change divided by 1,000
What is natural decrease?
Natural decrease- when the death rate is higher than the birth rate
What is natural increase?
Birth rate > death rate
What is the replacement rate?
Birth rate high enough for a generation to be the same size as the one before it
What is infant mortality rate?
The number of babies that die under a year of age per 1,000
What is the fertility rate?
Average number of babies born to a woman over her life time.
What is little emperor syndrome?
Spoilt children (boys in particular) are bad for society and grow up badly. (China)
What is female infanticide?
The killing of baby girls and forced abortions if child is female, some girls are left to die or adoption.
What is a bat half society?
33/ 100 men are single and probably will be forever, nearly 3 men for every two women!
What does seeking asylum mean?
Escaping a war zone
What is the peripliery?
The edge of a country
What is sustainable development?
Development that will not have a negative impact for future generations.
What does GDP stand for?
Gross Domestic Product
What is the economically active on a population pyramid?
The people who work aged between 15 to 65
What is migration?
Movement of people from 1 place to another with the intention of staying for at least 1 year.
What is urbanisation?
Urbanisation- increasing proportion of people living in one area.