Geography in Everyday life Flashcards
How are people dependent on nature?
- Provides air & water that allows us to survive
- Bees (living organism) pollinate crops, continuous supply of food
- Provide space for recreational & leisure activities (help us bond and maintain our physical & metal wellbeing)
How are nature dependent on people?
- People (from neighbourhood) help tend to nature areas, ensuring the plants & animal living there to thrive
- People encourage one another to enjoy nature areas in a sustainable manner without causing irreversible damage
How does nature bring benefits to people?
- Lowering Temperature through Vegetation
- Removal of Pollutants
- Provision of Recreational Space
How does people bring benefits to people?
- Community activities that promote the importance of environmental protection
How do people bring disadvantages to nature?
- Causing soil erosion & damaging vegetation
- Worsening pollution
- Disturbing wildlife
How does nature bring disadvantages to people?
- Wildlife from nearby nature areas may harm people
- Environmental protection may limit development
What is a sense of place?
Importance, meaning, & memories people associate with specific locations in their neighbourhoods.
How do people acquire a sense of place in their neighbourhood?
- Repeated encounters with objects & people
- Significant/ memorable events at local landmarks & gathering places.
How is sense of place represented?
Represented by individuals & organisations using different forms & types of media to express people’s sense of place
What are regions?
- Areas with similar physical and/or human characteristics or are known for something
- Speres of influence of services, events & objects in the area
How are regions classified?
- Environmental Characteristics
- Human Characteristics
- Geographical Location
What are spatial patterns?
- A non-random arrangement of services, events, and objects in an area
- Services, events & objects arranged in recognisable shapes, geometry, clusters & at regular intervals
What are spatial associations?
- Tendency of a pair of services, events & objects to locate near each other
- A connection between a services, events or objects and another services, events or objects
What is sustainable development?
- Meet the needs of the present population by achieving high standard of living for all
- Ensure the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
How can economic & social sustainability in urban neighbourhoods?
- High enough population density to support local businesses, and keep transport & infrastructure costs low
- Small population size to enable regular interaction among neighbourhoods