geo T3 Flashcards
what is the economic activity
is an exchange between two parties: the one that satisfies the need and the other thtat makes the purchase ( pers q ho compra)
objective of economy
The main pirpose of the economy is to satisfy peoples material needs in the form of goods and services
producers and costumers
Producers: people involves in crating foods and services. In exchange they earn a profit.
Costumers: People who adquire goods and services through the payment of money
what is suministres
the amount of goods and services that is avaible
what is demand?
the quantity of a good or service that consumers wish to adquire
3 Economy elements
the production of goods: human labour, natural respirces and tevnology
distribution: provide the profuct do it is available fot the costimers
consumptions: the exchange pf the good for money
Are we reponsable consumers?
Primary needs: neccessity to survive
Secondary newds: not necessary for human surviving improve peoples wellbeing
Hom many sectors are there?
there are 3 main sectors
primary: extract raw materials
secondary: transform raw mater into goods
tertiary: provide the product and satisfy peoples needs
due to the new spesialised services there appearwd a quarternary sector: include activ involving scientific and tecno knowledge
Which are the production factors?
- natural resoirces: natural elementa extracted from nature
1) raw mat: producing goods
2) energy sources: produce power for the distrib of goods - capital: both phisical capital (in the form of durable goods that the economic activities requires) and financial capital
Labour: contrib of people to the production process
- Tecn and knowledge: scientific and tecnological development make production effective
What are econom agents
play a key role in prod and sistrib and make imp desitions for the prod system
types of economic agents
people: work in exchange for wages
companies: produce and distribute goods and in echabge thei earn a profit
state: public sector funded qith citizens and companies taxes
economic system
is the set of rules and costumes, today the presominant form oragisation is capitalism - a free market and mixed economy
The capital system
appeared during the Industrial Revolution
caract of the capital system
prices are regulated through supply and demand: qhen the demand exeeds the supply prises tend to increase and when the supply exeed the demand the prises tend to drop
free iniciative to create camapings: to ensore that the production process, the trade and the consumption funcion well
enconomic agents are free to cooperate: campaings put their effort for maximise profits and the ppl effort fot satisfy their needs
- free competition: pushes companies to produsse more for less and sell more for getting profits
- overproduction crises: when the supply grownsbfaster than the demabd
the globalisation is a process characterised by interconnection of country economy fast trade and desition-making
since 20 th has transformed economy society and terr