geo T 2 Flashcards
what is a state
A state is a form of political and administrativw organization that governs qn independent terrotory.
A state have three elements which are?
1- territory
2- state’s population
3- sovereignty
What is a territory?
A territory is an area over which the state has power. It is separated by bourders that established the terr limits of its sovereignty
What is the states population?
Has the right to nationality and citizens
What is a sovereignty?
Is the right to make desitions for the population
What are the state functions?
1) Look after population basic needs
2) Regulate labour relations through laws and employment policies
3) direct economic polocy and promote economic growth
4) Maintaine public order, enforce laws and defend the terr from foreign agressions
5) participate internationally in dif bodies establishing relations with other cointries
Can states fail?
When a state cannot perform its own functions, it is called a failed state.
What is a failed state?
that are unable to control their territory, defend the citizens and provide basic products
How are states governed?
depend on ho is the header it can be democratic, hybrid, or non democratic regimes
Explain the democratic regimes
Satates are democratic when citizens jave the right to vote freely.
There is a constitution.
The main institutions are not controlled by one perdon or group of people, there is separation of powers. the powers of the state are:
- legislative power
- executive power
- judicial power
what is the constitution?
the basic law in the in most of the democratic countries and it is the basis for all the other laws.
Most constitutions also contains the rights and the duries of the citizenship
What is the legislative power?
passes laws and oversees the goveenment
What is the executive poqer?
governs the country through ministries and it aplies the laws and directa state gorenmwnt
what is the judicial power?
is composed by judjes and courts which enforce laws
depending on who is the head of the state it can be:
a monarchy - hereditary monarch
a republic - an elected president
what are non democratic regimes?
- there are no institutions
- the power is held by one person or group of people
- separated powerd does not exist
- power does not change through elections
- citizens rights are no recognized
- there is no constitution this means that the laws and rules are crated to suit the interests of the ruling heads elite