Geo Quiz (11/16/19) Flashcards
plate tectonics
the theory that earths outer shell is made up of individual plates that move, causing earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and the formation and destruction of areas of the crust
the breaking down of rocks
the moving of broken up pieces of rock
the building up of eroded materials in a new location
the process of ice advancing and covering large areas of land
a set of large ocean waves caused by an earthquake or other powerful disturbance under the sea
mid ocean ridge
a feature created by the spreading of the sea floor when two plates are diverging
the process in which one plate slides underneath another. the subducted plate moves unto earths interior and is recycled (it melts)
how to survive an earthquake: 9 steps
- if you are indoors, stay there
- if you are outside, get into the open, away from buildings, power lines, etc
- if you are driving, stop, but carefully
- if you are in a mountainous area, watch out for falling rocks, landslides, trees, debris, etc
- after the quake stops, check for injuries or seek aid or help
- if you can, put on a pair of sturdy, thick soles shoes
- check for hazards
- check food and water supplies
- be prepared for aftershocks
are the result of the motion of thin layers of the earths surface (moving plates) and material below
approximately ___ quakes occur annually around the globe
the pint under the earths surface where an earthquake occurs
the point on the earths surface lying directly above the focus
a device used to measure the movement of the earths surface resulting from the quake
the paper that records the movement of the earth on the seismograph