Genres of literature Flashcards
What are Literary Genres?
categories used to group
different types of literary work, such as
drama, prose and poetry.
What Is Prose?
Prose is ordinary language. It’s written in sentences
and paragraphs, and dialogue is placed in
quotation marks.
What is Drama??
Drama is a play. It may be organized in scenes and
acts. Dialogue is not placed in quotation marks;
instead, the character’s name is placed before the
words an actor should say. Stage directions provide
information about how the stage should look and
how actors should act.
what is Poetry ??
Poetry is expressive writing. It is written in verses and
stanzas. Poems are characterized by rhythm (beat)
and rhyme (syllables that sound alike).
Structural Elements of Poetry ??
• Verse – one line of poetry
• Stanza – group of verses
• Rhythm – beats or accented syllables
• Meter – pattern of beats or accented syllables
• Rhyme – syllables that sound similar
one line of poetry
• Stanza – group of verses
Rhythm ??
beats or accented syllable
Meter ??
pattern of beats or accented syllables
Rhyme ??
syllables that sound similar
Structural Elements of Prose ??
. Sentence
• Paragraph
• Dialogue
Sentence ?
group of words that express a complete
Paragraph ??
• Paragraph - sentences that are grouped together
• Dialogue ??
words or sentences that quote what a
person has said
Structural Elements of Drama??
. Cast of Characters
• Dialogue
• Stage Directions
• Setting
• Scenes
• Acts