Genomics Flashcards
What is a genome?
The set of hereditary information encoded in the DNA of an organism, including both the protein-coding and non-protein-coding sequences.
What is genomics?
The study of genomes
What was the coverage of the human genome when it was first sequenced?
96% coverage, 0.01% error rate.
How many base pairs make up the human genome?
3.1 billion
What percentage of the human genome codes for proteins?
What percentage of the human genome is in some form of repetitive sequence?
> 50%
What percentage of the human genome is the same in all people?
Where does individual genome variation occur?
SNPs and copy number variations.
Are genes evenly distributed throughout the genome (e.g. between chromosomes)?
What is the biggest gene in the human genome?
Dystrophin (1.6% of chromosome X), 2.4 million bps long.
Which gene has the greatest number of introns?
What are the first generation sequencing techniques?
Sanger sequencing, capillary electrophoresis sequencing.
How much did the Sanger sequencing method cost initially?
$1 per base.
How much does the capillary electrophoresis method cost?
< $0.01 per base
What is the clone-by-clone strategy?
Cutting out some of the chromosome, inserting it into a plasmid and allowing it to replicated. Cutting some again and replicating it again.
What are the disadvantages of the clone-by-clone method?
Slow, expensive, difficult to use for repetitive regions.
What are some next generation sequencing methods?
Pyrosequencing, Illumina.
What are some characteristics of the third generation sequencing methods?
Read long strands, need small amount of DNA, high error rate.