Genitourinary Test Flashcards
Hardening of the kidney associated with hypertension and disease of the renal arterioles is called:
Which statement regarding bladder tumors is NOT true?
a. malignant tumors occur only in young adults
b. malignant tumors usually occur in persons over the age of 50 years
c. common symptom of malignant tumors is hematuria
d. malignant tumors have a tendency to recur
a. malignant tumors occur only in young adults
b. malignant tumors usually occur in persons over the age of 50 years
c. common symptom of malignant tumors is hematuria
d. malignant tumors have a tendency to recur
Answer is a. malignant tumors occur only in young adults
Which of the following instruments would be used to dilate a male urethra?
Van Buren dilators
A tuft of capillaries at the point of origin of the nephron is called:
What is the name of the blood test that can indicate the presence of cancer in the prostate?
Common tips found on ureteral catheters include all of the following EXCEPT:
The abbreviation BPH stands for:
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Cryptorchidism is:
undescended testicles
Satinsky, Herrick and Mayo clamps can be used on the:
kidney pedicle
You are assisting on a vasovasostomy. Which of the following would be used to clamp/hold the vas deferens while it is being anastamosed?
Mr. Tovar aged 64, is scheduled for a kidney transplant to treat his chronic renal failure due to diabetes. During the kidney transplantation, the renal artery and vein are anastomosed to the:
iliac artery and iliac vein
Which portion of the male reproductive system can be found passing through the spermatic cord and eventually conducting semen into the prostatic urethra?
vas deferens
All of the following statements are TRUE for the female urethra EXCEPT:
a. urethra travels in front of the posterior portion of the vagina
b. urethra is surrounded by muscle fibers that form the urethrovaginal sphincter
c. urethra is separated from the vagina by areolar tissue
d. urethra is approximately 10 cm in length
Answer is d. urethra is approximately 10cm in length
The anesthesia of choice for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is:
A surgical procedure performed to correct the abnormality in which the urethral meatus is situated on the under side of the penis is called?
Possible complications of a nephrectomy include all of the following EXCEPT:
Which outer portion of the kidney contains the glomeruli?
What is the congenital disease in which multiple cysts gradually destroy the tissue of both kidneys?
polycystic kidneys
The proximal portion of the male urethra is the _____________.
Prostatic urethra
The portion of the skin covering the distal base of the penis that forms a free fold is the __________.
Chemical testing of a urine specimen for sugar, protein, and/or blood is called:
Circumcision involves the removal of what structure?
The high ligation of the gonadal veins of the testes done to reduce venous plexus congestion is a/an:
The term meaning the surgical suturing of the bladder is:
Continuous irrigation and hemostasis of the bladder following a TURP is accomplished using a/an:
24 Fr 30cc Foley balloon catheter
Which of the following procedures renders the man sterile?
An ileal conduit involves:
implanting the ureters into an isolated segment of ileum
Which of the following indicators are not shown on a routine urinalysis strip?
A urethral meatotomy is performed for:
a urethral stenosis
Which rare condition is indicated by an overproduction of cortisol by the cortex of the adrenal gland?
Cushing’s disease
What surgical procedure is the removal of large impacted calculi in the renal pelvis?
The right kidney is located slightly lower than the left due to the _________.
Which congenital condition is marked by the absence of the anterior wall of the urethra?
Which artery provides the blood supply to the kidney?
What procedure requires that a Tenchkoff catheter be surgically placed in the abdomen?
peritoneal dialysis
What is the destruction of tissue by means of long, high frequency electric sparks?
Which of the following instruments is a prostate retractor?
All of the following statements are FALSE for a urethral meatotomy EXCEPT:
performed only on male patients
sometimes requires the use of a 0 degree cystoscopic lens
performed to strengthen the bladder neck
excise the overgrowth of the prostate gland
Answer is b.
sometimes requires the use of a 0 degree cystoscopic lens
The presence of pus in the urine indicates _________.
Of the four basic chemical types of urinary calculi, which of the following accounts for the majority of cases?
During a TURP which of the following is a late sign of systemic absorption of the irrigating fluid that affects the neurological system?
During kidney implantation, the blood vessels are irrigated with ________ solution to prevent blood from clotting in the lumen.
heparin sodium
A tumor located in the adrenal glands that is responsible for 1-2% of all cases of hypertension is called:
Female urethral dilation may be accomplished with:
McCarthey dilators
The surgical reanastomosis of the vas deferens is called a:
A nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate is called:
The tissue of choice used to replace the urinary bladder following a Cystectomy is the:
the ileum
Which muscle is responsible for emptying the bladder and closing the bladder orifice?
Excision of the tunical vaginalis is called:
The medial border of the kidneys which receives the renal blood vessels is called the ______.
A ureterolithotomy is performed with all of the following instruments EXCEPT:
Potts scissors
b. #11 blade on a #7 handle
Randall stone forceps
d. #10 blade on a #3 handle
Answer is d. #10 blade on a #3 handle
Lack of control over urination is called:
The abnormal concentrations of mineral salts found in hollow organs or ducts is called:
The term meaning scanty urination is:
The surgical placement and fixation of a testicle in the scrotum is a/an:
Vesicourethral suspension, such as the Stamey procedure and the Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure are performed to correct:
female urinary incontinence
Urine is made up of 95% water, and 5% solids. All of the following solids make up urine EXCEPT:
uric acid
uric acid
Answer is a. magnesium
A diagnostic procedure performed for patients with possible prostatic cancer is known as a:
needle biopsy
Which of the following sutures would be appropriate for closure of a ureterotomy?
6-0 absorbable
All of the following are True for instrumentation for transurethral procedures EXCEPT:
Obturator is a hollow tube that may have a port outfitted with inflow and outflow ports
a bridge used to accommodate the extra length of the scope
flexible transurethral scopes can be used to visualize the kidneys, ureters, and bladder
working element of a resectoscope can be used with a variety of cautery tips
Answer is a. Obturator is a hollow tube that may have a port outfitted with inflow and outflow ports
Which incisional approach is preferred for a radical orchiectomy?
Clinical indications for performing a cystoscopy include all of the following EXCEPT:
urinary tract infection, indicated by WBC’s in the urine upon urinalysis
glomerulonephritis, indicated by a urine specific gravity of 1,020
hematuria, indicated by the presence of RBC’s in the urine upon urinalysis
acute urinary retention, indicated by voiding 100 cc’s of urine in 24 hours
Answer is b. glomerulonephritis, indicated by a urine specific gravity of 1,020
Denis-Browne ring retractors may be used for:
retropubic prostatectomy
The surgeon requests a meatus clamp. You would hand him a:
What are the three processes of urine formation?
filtration, reabsorption and secretion
Which incision is used to perform a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)?
No incision is necessary
Twisting of the testes is called:
testicular torsion
A cancerous tumor of the kidney that occurs in children becoming quite large and encapsulated is called:
The downward placement of a kidney is called:
Filiforms are used to:
bypass urethral obstructions
During an open pelvic procedure the surgeon asks for a bladder stitch. Of the following sutures on your field, which one would you give the surgeon?
2-0 chromic
All of the following statements are FALSE for a circumcision EXCEPT:
a. patient is placed in the lithotomy position
b. procedure can be done on infants with no anesthetic
c. wound healing occurs in less than 4 days
d. nonabsorbable suture on a cutting needle is used for closure
Answer b. procedure can be done on infants with no anesthetic
The three common positions for genitourinary procedures include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. supine
b. modified dorsal recumbant with knees bent (frog-legged)
c. jackknife
d. lithotomy
Answer is c. jackknife
What is the medical term for kidney stones?
The procedure involving the removal of only the testis and the epididymus is a/an _________.
simple orchiectomy
Which organ or structure cannot be seen on a KUB?
Which incisional option requires the patient to be placed in the lateral position?
A Gomco clamp or a Plastibell are used for a _________.
The following are all complications of a suprapubic prostatectomy EXCEPT:
a. hemorrhage
b. phlebitis
c. embolism
d. acute epididymitis
Answer is b. phlebitis
The ventral curvature of the penis caused by fibrous bands extending from the hypospadiac urethral meatus is called:
The abbreviation ESWL stands for:
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Which of the following fluids is acceptable when doing a TURP?
During a nephrectomy, instrumentation commonly used would include:
pedicle clamp (Satinsky)
Which diagnostic tool involves the use of intravenous dye and radiological films to view the urological system?
A suture guide used in prostate surgery is a:
The term working element refers to the:
All of the following statements are TRUE for an orchiectomy EXCEPT:
a. patient is placed in the supine position
b. an inguinal approach may be necessary for a malignancy
c. testicular implant may be placed
d. scrotum can be closed with staples
Answer is d. scrotum can be closed with staples
All of the following statements are True for a nephrectomy EXCEPT:
a. subtotal nephrectomy involves the excision of either pole of the kidney
b. subtotal nephrectomy can be performed to excise small cancers of the kidney
c. radical nephrectomy involves excision of the kidney only
d. simple nephrectomy can be performed for excision of a kidney to be used for transplant
Answer is c. radical nephrectomy involves excision of the kidney only
What is the maximum capacity of the urinary bladder?
700 ml
Which artery provides the blood supply to the bladder?
What surgical instrument is used to remove tissue fragments from within the bladder during a transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP)?
Ellik evacuator
A special sterilization permit would be needed for which of the following procedures?
The permanent diversion of the flow of urine from the kidney, via the ureter, away from the bladder and onto the skin, usually on the abdomen is called:
Cutaneous ureterostomy
Which prostatectomy procedure involves an incision into the bladder to remove the prostate en bloc?
The most common incision for a unilateral nephrectomy is:
What surgical instrument is used to visualize the prostate and remove prostate tissue during a TURP?
An ileal conduit is performed after completing which of the following procedures?
Total Cystectomy
Why is it important for a patient who will be undergoing a cystoscopy, to void prior to the beginning of the procedure?
rule out residual urine in the bladder
Which important clinical landmark is marked by ureteral and urethral orifices?
Positioning aides used during a Nephrectomy would include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. axillary roll
b. kidney rests
c. pillow between the legs
d. stirrups
Answer is d. stirrups