Genitourinary System Flashcards
What are the 5 main functions of the kidneys?
- EXCRETION of metabolic products e.g. urea, creatine
- EXCRETION of foreign tings e.g. drugs
- REGULATION of body fluids, electrolytes and acid-base balance
- CONTROL of blood pressure
- SECRETES hormones
What is the anatomical structure of the kidney?
CORTEX-outer layer
MEDULLA-inner bit
URETER-urine out
-MINOR + MAJOR CALYX- chambers that urine passes through
Describe the pathway of blood supply in the kidney?
What happens when urine enters the bladder?
- Urine enters Bladder via Urethra
- once the bladder fills to 200ml the DETRUSER MUSCLES start to contract =pressure
- pressure is sensed in the TRIGONE region
- leads to relaxing of the INTERNAL SPHINCTER (involuntary control to usually prevent leakage)
- voluntary control of the external sphincter
What is the difference between the male and female Urethra?
Male one is much longer as it spans the length of the penis (so depends how big the D is)
What are the functions of 5 different parts of the bladder and urethra?
DETRUSER MUSCLE-contracts to build pressure inn t he bladder to support peeing
TRIGONE-strethcing of this triangular region to its limit send signals tot he brain that you need to pee
INTERNAL SPHINCTER-involuntary control to prevent peeing
EXTERNAL SPHINCTER-voluntary control to stop peeing
BULBOURETHRAL GLAND-produces thick lubricant which is added to watery semen to promote sperm survival
What is the structure of the nephron?
Describe water and sodium absorption from the Nephron?
PROXIMAL DISTAL TUBULE: sodium, most solutes like GLUCOSE, and water reabsorbed into the capillaries (via active transport) from the PROXIMAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE
LOOP OF HENLE is a COUNTER CURRENT: salt is AT out of the top of the ascending loop (epithelial cells are rich in mitochondria here). This means the interstitual fluid now has a low water content. So water leaves the bottom of the decending limb via osmosis(as the ascending limb is impermeable to water)
DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE: Start is impermeable to water, some salt is reabsorbed into the capillaries
COLLECTING DUCT: Na+ reabsorbed and water follows
What cell types in the nepohron are rich/not rich in mitochondria?
EPITHELIAL CELLS(of distal convoluted tube)- rich in mitochondria
INTERCALATED CELLS(collecting duct)-rich in mitochondria
PRINCIPAL CELLS(collecting duct)-not so rich in mitochondria
What are the 2 types of nephron?
JUXTAMEDULLARY NEPHRON-loop dips deep into the inner medulla
10:1 ratio of superficilal: juxtamedullary nephron
What are the 3 main Consituents and 2 main function of the Juxtaglomerular apparatus?
- JUXTAGLOMERULAR CELLS (afferent arteriole)
- GFR regulation through tubulo-glomerular feedback mechanism
- Renin secretion for regualting bloood pressure
Which renal blood vessel branches out to form the peritubular capillaries?
efferent arteriole
Describe Glomerular filtration?
-Fluid driven through SEMI-PERMEABLE glomerular capillaries into the bowmans capsule by hydrostatic pressure of the heart
only small tings and fluids can get through not large tings and proteins
What is the structure of the Glomerulus filtration system?
-Capillary endothelium with fenestrations between them (small proteins and ions can pass through)
-Basement membrane below
-Epithelial Podocytes below which have Slits between them
(allow small solutrs and water to pass through)
What are the pressures involved in Glomerular filtration?
Blood Hydrostatic pressure-fluid exerts this pressure, solute and fluid pushed out of the blood due to this
Blood Oncotic pressure-proteins and solutes exert this pressure, draws fluid in across a semi permeable membrane into the blood capillaries
Interstitual Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure-exerts high pressure on the blood cappilaries causing fluid and soulutes to move in
Interstitual fluid oncotic pressure-low pressure in IF as there are less solutes in IF than in the blood so water moves out of the blood capillaries
Hydrostatic pressure-pushing caused by fluid
Oncotic pressure-pulling caused by solutes
What is the net ultrafiltration pressure of glomerular filtration?
Hydrostatic pressure in Glomerular capillaries- Hydrostatic pressure in Bowmans Capsule-Oncotic pressure of solutes in Glomerular Capillaries
What is Glomerular filtrartion rate?
How do we calculate it?
Amount of Fluid filtered from the glomeruli into the Bowmans Capsule per unit of time mL/min
Thsi is the sum of filtration rate of all functioning nephrons
GFR=K(f) x P(uf)
Kf=ultrafiltration constant calculated by the membrane permeability and surface area
Puf=overall pressure of the system