Genitourinary 2 Flashcards
What leads to nonfunctional testes?
lack of descent of testes into scrotum
When does the descent begin? When does the testes really start to move?
7 mos. of gestation
Where does the testes migrate down through and what is it guided by during its descent?
migrates through inguinal ring into scrotum, guided by gubernaculum
no descent into scrotum; maldescent of testes
percent of testes migration fails; arrested somewhere along the route
where is the most common location where the testes arrests during maldescent?
inguinal ring/canal
What percent is the maldescent of testes unilateral (just one testes fails to descend)?
What causes maldescent of testes?
genetic + environmental factors
Atrophy and sterility are common if testes don’t descend, unless it is corrected by what age?
age 2
even after surgical correction, greatly increased incidence of germ cell tumors (seminoma + embryonal carcinoma)
infection of the testes
- if bilateral, may result in sterility
- often associated with infection from epididymis (epididymitis)
3 testes infections + a rare one
- acute bacterial epididymoorchitis
- viral orchitis
- TB epididymorchitis
- tertiary syphilis- rare, gumma formation
viral orchitis
forms mumps, occurs after puberty
-if bilateral after puberty, infertility and sterility possible
testicular tumors
high proportion seen in early adult life (20-45 years)
2 groups of testicular tumors
1 germ cell
2 sex cord stromal tumors
germ cell testicular tumors
malignant, 97 % more common, derived from multipotential germ cells of testes
sex cord stromal testicular tumors
3% of tumors, benign, from specialized support cells of testis