Genitourinary 1 Flashcards
vitamin D
absorption of Calcium
renal activation of vit D
secondary to hyperparathyroidism and bone disease (renal osteodystrophy) w/out kidney
renal osteodystrophy
bone mineralization deficiency
nephrotic syndrome
- glomerular filtration increases
- abnormality in GBM/mesangium
- glomerulus loses capacity for selective retention of proteins in blood
nephrotic syndrome leads to
1 proteinemia (mostly albumin)
2 hypoalbuminemia causing generalized edema by decreasing plasma colloid pressure or oncotic pressure
3 hyperlipidemia bc of reduced serum apolipoproteins (proteins that bind lipids)
nephritic syndrome
- disturbance of glomerular structure that involves reactive cellular proliferation
- reduced glomerular flow
- oliguria, hematuria, proteinuria, uremia (retention of waste prdts)
- activation of renin-angeiotensin system w/ fluid retension and mild hypertension
- mild edema, not as prevalent as nephrotic syndrome
glomerular perfusion failure
nephritic syndrome
3 signs of nephrotic syndrome
1 massive proteinuria
2 hypoalbuminemia
3 generalized edema
Interruption of the capillary walls of the glomeruli which leads to increase permeability of plasma proteins leads to
nephrotic syndrome
structural or physiochemical alteration of the GBM allows protein to escape from blood…this occurs in
nephrotic syndrome
extension of salt and water in kidneys
Good pasture syndrome
a rare autoimmune disease in which antibodies attack the basement membrane in lungs and kidneys, leading to bleeding from lungs and to kidney failure
primary causes of nephrotic syndrome
1 minimal change nephropathy - everything looks normal under a microscope but in an electron microscope, there’s a problem with the nephrons
2. membranous neuropathy- slowly progressive disease of the kidney affecting adults 30-50 yrs
membranous nephropathy
- slowly progressive
- 30-60 yrs
- subepithelial Ig deposits along GBM, -thickening capillary wall
- 85% idiopathic
- antibodies reacting to endogenous or implanted glomerular antigens
minimal change nephropathy (lipid nephropathy)
1 pathology is detected only w/ electron microscope
2 T cells produce a cytokine that attacks foot processes and nephrins so proteins can seep through
Nephritic syndrome**
1 hematuria= elevation of blood urea
2 azotemia= high creatine or N-compds in blood
3 oliguria= little urine
4 crescent shaped
what has an acute onset, hypertension, and proteinuria, but not like nephrotic
nephritic syndrome!
chronic glomerulonephritis**
develops insidiously, discovered late in its course after onset of renal insufficiency, compensatory metabolic regulation hides the disease until late
nephritic vs. nephrotic
nephritic= acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis, crescent glomerulonephritis nephrotic= membranous glomerulopathy and minimal change glomerulopathy
Glomerular diseases
- structural changes in GBM
- damage to both basement membrane and cell proliferation (mixed nephritic and nephrotic syndrome)
benign nephrosclerosis
- hyaline thickening of small arteries and arterioles
- leads to decreased blood flow
- ischemia + diffuse tubular atrophy
malignant nephrosclerosis
- leads to malignant hypertension
- rapid increase in BP
- the glomerular capillary netowrk–> segmental tufts necrosis
fibrinoid necrosis
looks like onion skin, malignant hypertension or malignant nephrosclerosis
most common cause of renal infarction
1 emboli going down renal arterial branches like emboli from a mural thrombus (recent MI)
2 thrombotic vegetations on mitral/aortic valves /prosthesis
3 thrombus from left atrium of patients with atrial fibrillation
wedge shaped subscapular areas of necrosis with broad base at capsular surface
renal infarction
wedges of renal infarction
- first, wedge intially red and slightly raised
- 4-5 days later, wedge is yellow white center with rim of hyperemia
- old infarcts are narrow, wedge shaped, depressed sacs
**what is the most common cause of end stage renal disease?