Genetics Flashcards
What is a genotype?
describes the genetic make-up of an individual
What is a phenotype?
describes the physical expression of these genes e.g. height, weight, strength, endurance etc.
Phenotype is consequent to the interaction of the genotype with the physical environment
When does an athletic phenotype show?
An athletic phenotype occurs where an ‘athletic genotype’ interacts with appropriate environmental stimuli to produce high-level performance in the chosen physical activity i.e. nature and nurture
how much can VO2max vary between individuals?
Over 100%
What might genetics change in individuals with an athletic genotype?
that muscle oxidative enzyme activity adapted in response to exercise training: “…the differences between the respiratory enzyme levels of active and inactive muscles might be due not only to genetic differences but also to an adaptive process.”
What is the difference in rats bread for endurance training?
Endurance performance is >300% greater in HCR vs LCR (measured at generation 11)
Skeletal muscle fibre number is ~35% greater in HCR vs LCR with average muscle fibre area being ~35% smaller, and with a greater capillary density (generation 15)
Citrate synthase and b-HAD activity were ~40% greater and PFK ~30% lower in HCR vs LCR (generation 15)
VO2max was ~50% greater in HCR vs LCR (generation 15)
What do the data suggest about heratibility of performance?
There is a genetic predisposition for running performance
What was run concurrently with inherited running capacity?
Reduced CVD and mortality factors
What negative effects were seen in the low capacity running group?
Increased mean arterial blood pressure Decreased arterial responsiveness Increased free fatty acids (94%) Circulating triglycerides (168%) Circulating insulin (131%) Fasting blood glucose (20%)
Transcription factors for mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative enzymes were also reduced
The increased cardiovascular risk suggests a strong association between physical fitness and chronic disease via impairment of mitochondrial function
What is the advantage of an ability too adapt?
Since, natural environments are not constant, those individuals with greater capacity to adapt may have selective advantages in survival and reproduction. This shows that the ability too adapt to a stimuli e.g. exercise is an important factor for survival
As phenotypes that were more fit for existence are more likely to be selected, it is expected that the ability to adapt to environmental stimuli would be a preserved trait
What environmental stimuli was present during human evolution?
What is renin?
Renin is released from the kidney under conditions of salt, blood volume loss, and sympathetic nervous activity, and cleaves angiotensinogen to produce angiotensin I (Ang I)
What is the importance of Ang I and II?
Ang I is the substrate for the angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) to produce angiotensin II (Ang II). Ang II is a potent vasoconstrictor and is therefore important in regulating blood flow (nutrient delivery) and blood pressure
Ang II increases the breakdown of bradykinin (bradykinin stimulates muscle blood flow, glucose extraction, muscle protein synthesis and aids efficiency). High bradykinin are beneficial to adaption but high Ang II is maladaptive to training
What is the ACE polymorphism?
A common polymorphism in the ACE gene is a 287 base sequence insertion (I) or deletion (D): The D allele is associated with greater ACE activity i.e. a higher vasoconstrictive potential. Individuals with the D polymorphism would have reduced response to exercise training but those with allel I should respond better too training
Reduced incidence of the DD genotype was found in 25 elite mountaineers vs controls; and I allele frequency was greater in 91 Olympic endurance vs sprint athletes
One gene it unlikely to be wholly responsible for an individual’s capacity and responsiveness
What was shown in individuals with the II ace genotype?
A study of 123 male army recruits undergoing a standardised exercise training programme showed that those with the II ACE genotype had greater anabolic and efficiency response to training than those with the ID or DD ACE genotypes [II = better ‘trainability’]